Пример #1
def main():
    futures = []
    for i in legion.IndexLaunch(10):
    for i, future in enumerate(futures):
        print("got %s" % future.get())
        assert int(future.get()) == i

    # Same in 2 dimensions.
    futures = []
    for point in legion.IndexLaunch([3, 3]):
    for i, point in enumerate(legion.Domain.create([3, 3])):
        assert futures[i].get() == point

    R = legion.Region.create([4, 4], {'x': legion.float64})
    P = legion.Partition.create_equal(R, [2, 2])
    legion.fill(R, 'x', 0)

    for i in legion.IndexLaunch([2, 2]):
        hello(R, i)

    for i in legion.IndexLaunch([2, 2]):
        hello(P[i], i)

    # Again, with a more explicit syntax.
    # ID is the name of the (implicit) loop variable.
    futures = legion.index_launch([3, 3], hi, ID)
    for point in legion.Domain.create([3, 3]):
        assert futures[point].get() == point

    legion.index_launch([2, 2], hello, R, ID)
    legion.index_launch([2, 2], hello, P[ID], ID)
Пример #2
def main():
    futures = []
    for i in legion.IndexLaunch(10):
    for i, future in enumerate(futures):
        print("got %s" % future.get())
        assert int(future.get()) == i

    # Same in 2 dimensions.
    futures = []
    for point in legion.IndexLaunch([3, 3]):
    for i, point in enumerate(legion.Domain.create([3, 3])):
        assert futures[i].get() == point
Пример #3
def main():
    # No explicit type specified, value is pickled
    f = Future([1, 2, 3])
    print("value of f.get() is %s" % f.get())
    assert f.get() == [1, 2, 3]

    # Explicit type specified, value not pickled
    g = Future(123, legion.int64)
    print("value of g.get() is %s" % g.get())
    assert g.get() == 123

    # Using a buffer object to pass raw bytes
    h = Future.from_buffer('asdf'.encode('utf-8'))
    h_value = codecs.decode(h.get_buffer(), 'utf-8')
    print("value of h.get_raw() is %s" % h_value)
    assert h_value == 'asdf'

    i = Future(return_void(), value_type=legion.void)
    print("value of i.get() is %s" % i.get())



    for i in legion.IndexLaunch([3]):
        show_index(i, f)
Пример #4
def main_task():
    # Create a 2D index space of size 4x4.
    I = legion.Ispace.create([4, 4])

    # Create a field space with a single field x of type float64. For
    # interop with C++, we have to choose an explicit field ID here
    # (in this case, 1). We could leave this out if the code were pure
    # Python.
    F = legion.Fspace.create({'x': (legion.float64, 1)})

    # Create a region from I and F and launch two tasks.
    R = legion.Region.create(I, F)
    init_result = init(R)
    child_result = inc(R, 1)

    # Check task results:
    print("init task returned", init_result.get())
    assert init_result.get() == 123
    print("child task returned", child_result.get())
    assert child_result.get() == 42

    values = 'abc'
    for i in legion.IndexLaunch([3]):
        print('queue %s' % i)
        hello(i, values[i])

    print("main_task done")
Пример #5
def main():
    futures = []
    for i in legion.IndexLaunch([10]):
    for i, future in enumerate(futures):
        print("got %s" % future.get())
        assert future.get() == i
Пример #6
def main():
    R = legion.Region.create([4, 4], {'x': legion.float64})
    P = legion.Partition.create_equal(R, [2, 2])
    legion.fill(R, 'x', 0)

    trace1 = legion.Trace()
    for t in range(5):
        with trace1:
            for i in legion.IndexLaunch([2, 2]):
                look(R, i)

            for i in legion.IndexLaunch([2, 2]):
                incr(P[i], i)

    trace2 = legion.Trace()
    for t in range(5):
        with trace2:
            legion.index_launch([2, 2], look, R, ID)
            legion.index_launch([2, 2], incr, P[ID], ID)
Пример #7
def main():
    R = legion.Region([4], {'x': legion.float64})
    P = legion.Partition.equal(R, [4])
    legion.fill(R, 'x', 0)

    hello2(P[0], 0)

    for i in legion.IndexLaunch([4]):
        hello2(P[i], i)

    legion.index_launch([4], hello2, P[ID], ID)

    # FIXME: This is needed in nopaint to avoid a race with region deletion
Пример #8
def main_task():
    assert _ds is not None

    events = _ds.smd().events()
    repeat = 'REPEAT' in os.environ and os.environ['REPEAT'] == '1'
    if repeat:
        assert _ds.config.limit
        events = itertools.cycle(events)
    if _ds.config.limit is not None:
        events = itertools.islice(events, _ds.config.limit)
    if _ds.config.predicate is not None:
        events = itertools.ifilter(_ds.config.predicate, events)

    eager = 'EAGER' in os.environ and os.environ['EAGER'] == '1'
    if eager:
        start = legion.c.legion_get_current_time_in_micros()
        events = list(events)
        stop = legion.c.legion_get_current_time_in_micros()

        print('Enumerating: Elapsed time: %e seconds' % ((stop - start) / 1e6))
        print('Enumerating: Number of events: %s' % len(events))
        print('Enumerating: Events per second: %e' % (len(events) /
                                                      ((stop - start) / 1e6)))

    randomize = 'RANDOMIZE' in os.environ and os.environ['RANDOMIZE'] == '1'
    print('Randomize?', randomize)
    if randomize:
        assert eager
        random.seed(123456789)  # Don't actually want this to be random

    # Number of events per task
    chunksize = int(
        os.environ['CHUNKSIZE']) if 'CHUNKSIZE' in os.environ else 8

    # Number of tasks per processor per launch
    overcommit = int(
        os.environ['OVERCOMMIT']) if 'OVERCOMMIT' in os.environ else 1

    # Number of Python processors
    global_procs = legion.Tunable.select(legion.Tunable.GLOBAL_PYS).get()
    local_procs = legion.Tunable.select(legion.Tunable.LOCAL_PYS).get()

    # Number of tasks per launch
    launchsize = (max(global_procs - local_procs, local_procs)) * overcommit

    print('Chunk size %s' % chunksize)
    print('Launch size %s' % launchsize)

    start = legion.c.legion_get_current_time_in_micros()

    # Group events by calib cycle so that different cycles don't mix
    events = itertools.groupby(
        events, lambda e: e.get(psana.EventOffset).lastBeginCalibCycleDgram())

    if _ds.small_data is not None:
        # create HDF5 output file
        hdf5 = legion_HDF5.LegionHDF5(_ds.small_data.filepath)

    nevents = 0
    nlaunch = 0
    ncalib = 0
    file_buffer = []
    file_buffer_length = 0

    for calib, calib_events in events:
        calib = legion.Future(calib)
        for launch_events in chunk(chunk(calib_events, chunksize), launchsize):
            if nlaunch % 20 == 0:
                print('Processing event %s' % nevents)
            dictsBuffer = []

            for idx in legion.IndexLaunch([len(launch_events)]):
                dicts = analyze_chunk(map(Location, launch_events[idx]), calib)
                nevents += len(launch_events[idx])
            nlaunch += 1

            if _ds.small_data is not None:
                for dicts in dictsBuffer:
                    d = dicts.get()
                    file_buffer = file_buffer + d
                    file_buffer_length = file_buffer_length + len(d)
                    if file_buffer_length >= _ds.small_data.gather_interval:
                        file_buffer = []
                        file_buffer_length = 0

        ncalib += 1

    stop = legion.c.legion_get_current_time_in_micros()

    if _ds.config.teardown is not None:
        # FIXME: Should be a must-epoch launch
        for idx in legion.IndexLaunch([global_procs]):

    print('Elapsed time: %e seconds' % ((stop - start) / 1e6))
    print('Number of calib cycles: %s' % ncalib)
    print('Number of launches: %s' % nlaunch)
    print('Number of events: %s' % nevents)
    print('Events per second: %e' % (nevents / ((stop - start) / 1e6)))

    # Hack: Estimate bandwidth used

    # total_events = 75522 * repeat
    # total_size = 875 * repeat # GB

    # fraction_events = float(nevents)/total_events
    # bw = fraction_events * total_size / ((stop - start)/1e6)
    # print('Estimated bandwidth used: %e GB/s' % bw)

    print('End of run')
Пример #9
def main():
    futures = []
    for i in legion.IndexLaunch([10]):
    for future in futures:
        print("got %s" % future.get())