Пример #1
    def __produceEncodingFiles(self, bEncs, bVecs, bVals, dwi):

        self.info("Produce .b .bvals and .bvecs gradient file if not existing")
        if not bEncs:
            bEncs = self.buildName(dwi, None, "b")
            self.info(mriutil.fslToMrtrixEncoding(dwi, bVecs, bVals, bEncs))
            self.info("Linking {} to {}".format(
                bEncs, util.symlink(bEncs, self.workingDir)))

        if not bVecs or not bVals:

                mriutil.mrtrixToFslEncoding(dwi, bEncs,
                                            self.buildName(dwi, None, "bvecs"),
                                            self.buildName(dwi, None,
            self.info("Linking {} to {}".format(
                bVecs, util.symlink(bVecs, self.workingDir)))
            self.info("Linking {} to {}".format(
                bVals, util.symlink(bVals, self.workingDir)))

        return (self.getImage('grad', None,
                              'b'), self.getImage('grad', None, 'bvecs'),
                self.getImage('grad', None, 'bvals'))
Пример #2
    def __produceEncodingFiles(self, bEncs, bVecs, bVals, dwi):

        self.info("Produce .b .bvals and .bvecs gradient file if not existing")
        if not bEncs:
            bEncs = self.buildName(dwi, None, "b")
            self.info(mriutil.fslToMrtrixEncoding(dwi, bVecs, bVals, bEncs))
            self.info("Linking {} to {}".format(bEncs, util.symlink(bEncs, self.workingDir)))

        if not bVecs or not bVals:
                                                    self.buildName(dwi, None, "bvecs"),
                                                    self.buildName(dwi, None, "bvals")))
            self.info("Linking {} to {}".format(bVecs, util.symlink(bVecs, self.workingDir)))
            self.info("Linking {} to {}".format(bVals, util.symlink(bVals, self.workingDir)))

        return (self.getImage('grad', None, 'b'),
                self.getImage('grad', None, 'bvecs'),
                self.getImage('grad', None, 'bvals'))
Пример #3
    def implement(self):

        dwi = self.getDenoisingImage('dwi', 'denoise')
        if not dwi:
            dwi = self.getPreparationImage('dwi')

        b0AP = self.getPreparationImage('b0_ap')
        b0PA = self.getPreparationImage('b0_pa')
        bEnc = self.getPreparationImage('grad', None, 'b')
        bVals = self.getPreparationImage('grad', None, 'bvals')
        bVecs = self.getPreparationImage('grad', None, 'bvecs')
        norm = self.getParcellationImage('norm')
        parcellationMask = self.getParcellationImage('mask')

        # Fieldmap only
        mag = self.getPreparationImage("mag")
        phase = self.getPreparationImage("phase")
        freesurferAnat = self.getParcellationImage('anat', 'freesurfer')

        self.info("extract b0 image from the dwi")
        b0 = os.path.join(
            os.path.basename(dwi).replace(self.get("prefix", 'dwi'),
                                          self.get("prefix", 'b0')))
        self.info(mriutil.extractFirstB0FromDwi(dwi, b0, bVals))

            "look if all images have the same voxel size and dimension scale")
        self.__validateSizeAndDimension(dwi, b0, b0AP, b0PA)

        # Generate a missing b0 image if we could. --> 0 = P>>A, 1 = A>>P
        if self.get("phase_enc_dir") == "0" and b0AP and b0PA is False:
            b0PA = b0

        if self.get("phase_enc_dir") == "1" and b0PA and b0AP is False:
            b0AP = b0

        [dwi, b0, b0AP,
         b0PA] = self.__oddEvenNumberOfSlices(dwi, b0, b0AP, b0PA)

        self.set('method', None)

        if b0AP is False or b0PA is False:
            topupBaseName = None
            b0Image = b0
            self.set('method', 'fieldmap')
            # Concatenate B0 image together
            if self.get("phase_enc_dir") == "0":
                concatenateB0Image = self.__concatenateB0(
                    b0PA, b0AP, self.buildName("b0pa_b0ap", None, "nii.gz"))

            elif self.get("phase_enc_dir") == "1":
                concatenateB0Image = self.__concatenateB0(
                    b0AP, b0PA, self.buildName("b0ap_b0pa", None, "nii.gz"))
            # Create the acquisition parameter file
            acqpTopup = self.__createAcquisitionParameterFile('topup')

            # Run topup on concatenate B0 image
             topupImage] = self.__topup(concatenateB0Image, acqpTopup,
            b0Image = self.__fslmathsTmean(
                os.path.join(self.workingDir, topupImage))
            self.set('method', 'topup')

        self.info("create a suitable mask for the dwi")
        extraArgs = " -dof 6 "  # same subject

        if self.get("methodology", "intrasession"):
            extraArgs += " -usesqform "

        mask = mriutil.computeDwiMaskFromFreesurfer(
            b0Image, norm, parcellationMask,
            self.buildName(parcellationMask, 'temporary'), extraArgs)

        # Create the acquisition parameter file for eddy
        acqpEddy = self.__createAcquisitionParameterFile('eddy')

        # Create an index file
        indexFile = self.__createIndexFile(mriutil.getNbDirectionsFromDWI(dwi))

        outputImage = self.__correctionEddy(dwi, mask, topupBaseName,
                                            indexFile, acqpEddy, bVecs, bVals)

        eddyParameterFiles = self.getImage('dwi', None, 'eddy_parameters')

        if eddyParameterFiles:
                "Apply eddy movement correction to gradient encodings directions"
            bEnc = mriutil.applyGradientCorrection(
                bEnc, eddyParameterFiles,
                self.buildName(outputImage, None, 'b'))
                    outputImage, bEnc,
                    self.buildName(outputImage, None, 'bvecs'),
                    self.buildName(outputImage, None, 'bvals')))
        # Proceed with fieldmap if provided
        if mag and phase and not self.__topupCorrection:
            # OutputImage is now used for fieldmap correction
            outputImage = self.__computeFieldmap(outputImage, bVals, mag,
                                                 phase, norm, parcellationMask,
            self.set('method', 'fieldmap')

        # Produce a valid b0 and mask for QA
        b0Corrected = self.buildName(b0, 'corrected')
            mriutil.extractFirstB0FromDwi(outputImage, b0Corrected, bVals))
        maskCorrected = mriutil.computeDwiMaskFromFreesurfer(
            b0Corrected, norm, parcellationMask,
            self.buildName(parcellationMask, 'corrected'), extraArgs)

        self.rename(outputImage, self.buildName(outputImage, 'corrected'))
Пример #4
    def implement(self):

        dwi = self.getDenoisingImage('dwi', 'denoise')
        if not dwi:
            dwi = self.getPreparationImage('dwi')

        b0AP = self.getPreparationImage('b0_ap')
        b0PA = self.getPreparationImage('b0_pa')
        bEnc = self.getPreparationImage('grad', None, 'b')
        bVals = self.getPreparationImage('grad', None, 'bvals')
        bVecs = self.getPreparationImage('grad', None, 'bvecs')
        norm = self.getParcellationImage('norm')
        parcellationMask = self.getParcellationImage('mask')

        # Fieldmap only
        mag = self.getPreparationImage("mag")
        phase = self.getPreparationImage("phase")
        freesurferAnat = self.getParcellationImage('anat', 'freesurfer')

        self.info("extract b0 image from the dwi")
        b0 = os.path.join(self.workingDir,
                          os.path.basename(dwi).replace(self.get("prefix", 'dwi'), self.get("prefix", 'b0')))
        self.info(mriutil.extractFirstB0FromDwi(dwi, b0, bVals))

        self.info("look if all images have the same voxel size and dimension scale")
        self.__validateSizeAndDimension(dwi, b0, b0AP, b0PA)

        # Generate a missing b0 image if we could. --> 0 = P>>A, 1 = A>>P
        if self.get("phase_enc_dir") == "0" and b0AP and b0PA is False:
            b0PA = b0

        if self.get("phase_enc_dir") == "1" and b0PA and b0AP is False:
            b0AP = b0

        [dwi, b0, b0AP, b0PA] = self.__oddEvenNumberOfSlices(dwi, b0, b0AP, b0PA)

        self.set('method', None)

        if b0AP is False or b0PA is False:
            topupBaseName = None
            b0Image = b0
            self.set('method', 'fieldmap')
            # Concatenate B0 image together
            if self.get("phase_enc_dir") == "0":
                concatenateB0Image = self.__concatenateB0(b0PA, b0AP, self.buildName("b0pa_b0ap", None, "nii.gz"))

            elif self.get("phase_enc_dir") == "1":
                concatenateB0Image = self.__concatenateB0(b0AP, b0PA, self.buildName("b0ap_b0pa", None, "nii.gz"))
            # Create the acquisition parameter file
            acqpTopup = self.__createAcquisitionParameterFile('topup')

            # Run topup on concatenate B0 image
            [topupBaseName, topupImage] = self.__topup(concatenateB0Image, acqpTopup, self.get('b02b0_filename'))
            b0Image = self.__fslmathsTmean(os.path.join(self.workingDir, topupImage))
            self.set('method', 'topup')

        self.info("create a suitable mask for the dwi")
        extraArgs = " -dof 6 "  # same subject

        if self.get("methodology", "intrasession"):
            extraArgs += " -usesqform "

        mask = mriutil.computeDwiMaskFromFreesurfer(b0Image,
                                                    self.buildName(parcellationMask, 'temporary'),

        # Create the acquisition parameter file for eddy
        acqpEddy = self.__createAcquisitionParameterFile('eddy')

        # Create an index file
        indexFile = self.__createIndexFile(mriutil.getNbDirectionsFromDWI(dwi))

        outputImage = self.__correctionEddy(dwi, mask, topupBaseName, indexFile, acqpEddy, bVecs, bVals)

        eddyParameterFiles = self.getImage('dwi', None, 'eddy_parameters')

        if eddyParameterFiles:
            self.info("Apply eddy movement correction to gradient encodings directions")
            bEnc = mriutil.applyGradientCorrection(bEnc, eddyParameterFiles, self.buildName(outputImage, None, 'b'))
                                                  self.buildName(outputImage, None, 'bvecs'),
                                                  self.buildName(outputImage, None, 'bvals')))
        # Proceed with fieldmap if provided
        if mag and phase and not self.__topupCorrection:
            # OutputImage is now used for fieldmap correction
            outputImage = self.__computeFieldmap(outputImage, bVals, mag, phase, norm, parcellationMask, freesurferAnat)
            self.set('method', 'fieldmap')

        # Produce a valid b0 and mask for QA
        b0Corrected = self.buildName(b0, 'corrected')
        self.info(mriutil.extractFirstB0FromDwi(outputImage, b0Corrected, bVals))
        maskCorrected = mriutil.computeDwiMaskFromFreesurfer(b0Corrected,
                                                             self.buildName(parcellationMask, 'corrected'),

        self.rename(outputImage, self.buildName(outputImage, 'corrected'))