Пример #1
def process_surface_adjoint(config_filename,

        '|                 SU2 Suite (Process Surface Adjoint)                   |'

    # some other defaults
    c_clip = 0.01  # percent chord to truncate
    fft_copy = 5  # number of times to copy the fft signal
    smth_len = 0.05  # percent chord smoothing window length
    lapl_len = 1e-4  # laplace smoothing parameter

    # read config file
    config_data = libSU2.Get_ConfigParams(config_filename)
    surface_filename = config_data['SURFACE_ADJ_FILENAME'] + '.csv'
    print surface_filename
    mesh_filename = config_data['MESH_FILENAME']
    gradient = config_data['ADJ_OBJFUNC']

    print('Config filename = %s' % config_filename)
    print('Surface filename = %s' % surface_filename)
    print('Filter Type = %s' % filter_type)

    # read adjoint data
    adj_data = np.genfromtxt(surface_filename,

    # read mesh data
    mesh_data = libSU2_mesh.Read_Mesh(mesh_filename)

    # proces adjoint data
    P = map(int, adj_data[:, 0])
    X = adj_data[:, 6].copy()
    Y = adj_data[:, 7].copy()
    Sens = adj_data[:, 1].copy()
    PsiRho = adj_data[:, 2].copy()
    I = range(0, len(P))  # important - for unsorting durring write

    # store in dict by point index
    adj_data_dict = dict(zip(P, zip(X, Y, Sens, PsiRho, I)))

    # sort airfoil points
    iP_sorted, _ = libSU2_mesh.sort_Airfoil(mesh_data, marker_name)
    assert (len(iP_sorted) == len(P))

    # rebuild airfoil loop
    i = 0
    for this_P in iP_sorted:
        # the adjoint data entry
        this_adj_data = adj_data_dict[this_P]
        # re-sort
        P[i] = this_P
        X[i] = this_adj_data[0]
        Y[i] = this_adj_data[1]
        Sens[i] = this_adj_data[2]
        PsiRho[i] = this_adj_data[3]
        I[i] = this_adj_data[4]
        # next
        i = i + 1
    #: for each point

    # calculate arc length
    S = np.sqrt(np.diff(X)**2 + np.diff(Y)**2) / chord_length
    S = np.cumsum(np.hstack([0, S]))

    # tail trucating, by arc length
    I_clip_lo = S < S[0] + c_clip
    I_clip_hi = S > S[-1] - c_clip
    S_clip = S.copy()
    Sens_clip = Sens.copy()
    Sens_clip[I_clip_hi] = Sens_clip[I_clip_hi][0]
    Sens_clip[I_clip_lo] = Sens_clip[I_clip_lo][-1]

    # some edge length statistics
    dS_clip = np.diff(S_clip)
    min_dS = np.min(dS_clip)
    mean_dS = np.mean(dS_clip)
    max_dS = np.max(dS_clip)
    #print 'min_dS = %.4e ; mean_dS = %.4e ; max_dS = %.4e' % ( min_dS , mean_dS , max_dS )

    # --------------------------------------------

    if filter_type == 'FOURIER':
        Freq_notch = [1 / max_dS, np.inf]  # the notch frequencies
        Sens_filter, Frequency, Power = fft_filter(S_clip, Sens_clip,
                                                   Freq_notch, fft_copy)
        #Sens_filter = smooth(S_clip,Sens_filter, 0.03,'blackman') # post smoothing

    elif filter_type == 'WINDOW':
        Sens_filter = window(S_clip, Sens_clip, smth_len, 'blackman')

    elif filter_type == 'LAPLACE':
        Sens_filter = laplace(S_clip, Sens_clip, lapl_len)

    elif filter_type == 'SHARPEN':
        Sens_smooth = smooth(S_clip, Sens_clip, smth_len / 5,
                             'blackman')  # pre smoothing
        Sens_smoother = smooth(S_clip, Sens_smooth, smth_len, 'blackman')
        Sens_filter = Sens_smooth + (Sens_smooth - Sens_smoother)  # sharpener
        raise Exception, 'unknown filter type'

    # --------------------------------------------

    if pylab_imported:

        # start plot
        fig = plt.figure(gradient)
        #if not fig.axes:          # for comparing two filter calls
        #ax = fig.axes[0]
        #if len(ax.lines) == 4:

        plt.plot(S, Sens, color='b')  # original
        plt.plot(S_clip, Sens_filter, color='r')  # filtered

        plt.xlim(-0.1, 2.1)
        plt.ylim(-5, 5)
        plt.xlabel('Arc Length')
        plt.ylabel('Surface Sensitivity')

        #if len(ax.lines) == 4:
        #seq = [2, 2, 7, 2]

        plot_filename = os.path.splitext(surface_filename)[0] + '.png'
        plt.savefig('Sens_' + plot_filename, dpi=300)

        # zoom in
        plt.ylim(-0.4, 0.4)
        plt.savefig('Sens_zoom_' + plot_filename, dpi=300)

        # SPECTRAL
        if filter_type == 'FOURIER':


            plt.plot(Frequency, Power)

            plt.xlim(0, 200)
            plt.ylim(0, 0.15)

            plt.xlabel('Frequency (1/C)')
            plt.ylabel('Surface Sensitivity Spectal Power')

            plt.savefig('Spectral_' + plot_filename, dpi=300)

        #: if spectral plot

    #: if plot

    # --------------------------------------------

    # reorder back to input surface points
    Sens_out = np.zeros(len(S))
    Sens_out[I] = Sens_filter  # left over from sort
    adj_data[:, 1] = Sens_out

    # get surface header
    surface_orig = open(surface_filename, 'r')
    header = surface_orig.readline()

    # get list of prefix names
    prefix_names = libSU2.get_AdjointPrefix(None)
    prefix_names = prefix_names.values()

    # add filter prefix, before adjoint prefix
    surface_filename_split = surface_filename.rstrip('.csv').split('_')
    if surface_filename_split[-1] in prefix_names:
        surface_filename_split = surface_filename_split[0:-1] + [
        ] + [surface_filename_split[-1]]
        surface_filename_split = surface_filename_split + ['filtered']
    surface_filename_new = '_'.join(surface_filename_split) + '.csv'

    # write filtered surface file (only updates Sensitivity)
    surface_new = open(surface_filename_new, 'w')
    for row in adj_data:
        for i, value in enumerate(row):
            if i > 0:
                surface_new.write(', ')
            if i == 0:
                surface_new.write('%i' % value)
                surface_new.write('%.16e' % value)

        '----------------- Exit Success (Process Surface Adjoint) ----------------'

Пример #2
def mesh_adaptation(filename,

    # General and default parameters
    Config_INP_filename = filename
    Config_CFD_filename = "config_CFD_" + Config_INP_filename
    Config_MAC_filename = "config_MAC_" + Config_INP_filename
    #Mesh_MAC_filename    = "mesh_MAC_" + filename.replace(".cfg",".su2")
    finest_mesh_filename = "mesh_finest.su2"
    finest_flow_filename = "restart_flow_finest.dat"
    finest_lin_filename = "restart_lin_finest.dat"
    finest_adj_filename = "restart_adj_finest.dat"

    # assumes serial with partitions = 1
    if partitions == 1: partitions = 0

    # Get parameters
    params_get = libSU2.Get_ConfigParams(Config_INP_filename)
    kind_adapt = params_get['KIND_ADAPT']
    objfunc = params_get['ADJ_OBJFUNC']
    restart_flow_file = params_get['RESTART_FLOW_FILENAME']
    restart_adj_file = params_get['RESTART_ADJ_FILENAME']
    original_mesh_file = params_get['MESH_FILENAME']
    #output_mesh_file   = params_get['MESH_OUT_FILENAME']
    Mesh_MAC_filename = params_get['MESH_OUT_FILENAME']
    cadj_prefix = libSU2.get_AdjointPrefix(objfunc)

    # Get solution file names
    volume_flow_file = params_get['VOLUME_FLOW_FILENAME']
    volume_adj_file = params_get['VOLUME_ADJ_FILENAME']
    surface_flow_file = params_get['SURFACE_FLOW_FILENAME']
    surface_adj_file = params_get['SURFACE_ADJ_FILENAME']
    history_file = params_get['CONV_FILENAME']

    # Get mesh filenames and filetypes
    mesh_filetype = params_get['MESH_FORMAT']
    if mesh_filetype == "CGNS":
        error_str = "Currently cannot support mesh adaptation with CGNS grid files.  Please convert your CGNS mesh to SU2 format using the CGNS_TO_SU2 flag in the configuration file, re-specify the mesh file to the native .su2 file and set the MESH_FORMAT flag to SU2."
        print "\n*****\n" + error_str + "\n*****\n"
        return 1
    elif mesh_filetype == "NETCDF_ASCII":
        error_str = "Currently cannot support mesh adaptation with NETCDF_ASCII grid files.  Please convert your mesh to SU2 format, re-specify the mesh file to the native .su2 file and set the MESH_FORMAT flag to SU2."
        print "\n*****\n" + error_str + "\n*****\n"
        return 1

    # Get output solution filetypes
    output_filetype = params_get['OUTPUT_FORMAT']
    if output_filetype == "TECPLOT":
        vol_file_ext = ".plt"
    elif output_filetype == "PARAVIEW":
        vol_file_ext = ".vtk"

    if ((kind_adapt == "ROBUST") or (kind_adapt == "COMPUTABLE_ROBUST")):
        restart_lin_file = params_get['RESTART_LIN_FILENAME']

    # Loop over number of adaptation cycles
    for iAdaptCycle in range(cycles):

        # Copy original input file to working files
        shutil.copy(Config_INP_filename, Config_MAC_filename)
        shutil.copy(Config_INP_filename, Config_CFD_filename)

        # Run direct flow simulation
        # For iAdaptCycle == 0, store restart file, objective function and original mesh file
        params_set = {'MATH_PROBLEM': 'DIRECT'}

        if iAdaptCycle > 0:
                'RESTART_SOL': 'YES',
                'ADJ_OBJFUNC': objfunc,
                'RESTART_FLOW_FILENAME': restart_flow_file,
                'RESTART_ADJ_FILENAME': restart_adj_file,
                'SOLUTION_FLOW_FILENAME': restart_flow_file,
                'MESH_FILENAME': Mesh_MAC_filename
            if ((kind_adapt == "ROBUST")
                    or kind_adapt == ("COMPUTABLE_ROBUST")):
                params_set.update({'RESTART_LIN_FILENAME': restart_lin_file})

        # Load the new config file options and run the direct problem
        libSU2.Set_ConfigParams(Config_CFD_filename, params_set)
        if partitions > 1:
            parallel_computation(Config_CFD_filename, partitions)
            libSU2_run.SU2_CFD(Config_CFD_filename, partitions)

        # Copy flow solution & history file
        if save_all:
            print "Saving cycle " + str(
                iAdaptCycle) + " flow solution and history files..."
            print "Saving " + volume_flow_file + "_cycle" + str(
                iAdaptCycle) + vol_file_ext
            print "Saving " + surface_flow_file + "_cycle" + str(
                iAdaptCycle) + vol_file_ext
            print "Saving " + history_file + "_flow_cycle" + str(
                iAdaptCycle) + vol_file_ext
                volume_flow_file + vol_file_ext,
                volume_flow_file + "_cycle" + str(iAdaptCycle) + vol_file_ext)
                surface_flow_file + vol_file_ext,
                surface_flow_file + "_cycle" + str(iAdaptCycle) + vol_file_ext)
                surface_flow_file + ".csv",
                surface_flow_file + "_cycle" + str(iAdaptCycle) + ".csv")
                history_file + vol_file_ext,
                history_file + "_flow_cycle" + str(iAdaptCycle) + vol_file_ext)

        # If needed, run the adjoint simulation
        # For the first adaption cycle, use the filenames of the orignal .cfg file
        if (kind_adapt == "GRAD_ADJOINT" or kind_adapt == "GRAD_FLOW_ADJ"
                or kind_adapt == "ROBUST" or kind_adapt == "COMPUTABLE_ROBUST"
                or kind_adapt == "COMPUTABLE" or kind_adapt == "REMAINING"):
            params_set = {
                'MATH_PROBLEM': 'ADJOINT',
                'SOLUTION_FLOW_FILENAME': restart_flow_file

            if iAdaptCycle > 0:
                    'RESTART_SOL': 'YES',
                    'SOLUTION_ADJ_FILENAME': restart_adj_file,
                    'MESH_FILENAME': Mesh_MAC_filename

            # Load the new config file options and run the adjoint problem
            libSU2.Set_ConfigParams(Config_CFD_filename, params_set)
            if partitions > 1:
                parallel_computation(Config_CFD_filename, partitions)
                libSU2_run.SU2_CFD(Config_CFD_filename, partitions)

            # Copy adjoint solution & history file
            if save_all:
                print "Saving cycle " + str(
                    iAdaptCycle) + " adjoint solution and history files..."
                print "Saving " + volume_adj_file + "_cycle" + str(
                    iAdaptCycle) + vol_file_ext
                print "Saving " + surface_adj_file + "_adj_cycle" + str(
                    iAdaptCycle) + vol_file_ext
                print "Saving " + history_file + "_flow_cycle" + str(
                    iAdaptCycle) + vol_file_ext
                    volume_adj_file + vol_file_ext, volume_adj_file +
                    "_cycle" + str(iAdaptCycle) + vol_file_ext)
                    surface_adj_file + vol_file_ext, surface_adj_file +
                    "_cycle" + str(iAdaptCycle) + vol_file_ext)
                    surface_adj_file + ".csv",
                    surface_adj_file + "_cycle" + str(iAdaptCycle) + ".csv")
                    history_file + vol_file_ext, history_file + "_adj_cycle" +
                    str(iAdaptCycle) + vol_file_ext)

        # If needed, change the parameters to run the first linear simulation
        # For the first adaptation cycle, use the filenames from the original .cfg file
        if kind_adapt == "COMPUTABLE_ROBUST":
            params_set = {
                'MATH_PROBLEM': 'LINEARIZED',
                'SOLUTION_FLOW_FILENAME': restart_flow_file

            if iAdaptCycle > 0:
                    'RESTART_SOL': 'YES',
                    'RESTART_LIN_FILENAME': restart_lin_file,
                    'MESH_FILENAME': Mesh_MAC_filename

            # Load the new config file options and run the linearized problem
            libSU2.Set_ConfigParams(Config_CFD_filename, params_set)
            if partitions > 1:
                parallel_computation(Config_CFD_filename, partitions)
                libSU2_run.SU2_CFD(Config_CFD_filename, partitions)

        # Change the parameters to do a direct and adjoint iteration over a fine grid
        if ((kind_adapt == "ROBUST" or kind_adapt == "COMPUTABLE"
             or kind_adapt == "COMPUTABLE_ROBUST" or kind_adapt == "REMAINING")
                and (iAdaptCycle < cycles - 1 or cycles == 1)):

            # Create the fine grid and interpolate the flow solution from coarse to refined grid
            params_set = {
                'KIND_ADAPT': "FULL_FLOW",
                'SOLUTION_FLOW_FILENAME': restart_flow_file,
                'RESTART_FLOW_FILENAME': finest_flow_filename,
                'MESH_FILENAME': original_mesh_file,
                'MESH_OUT_FILENAME': finest_mesh_filename

            if iAdaptCycle > 0:
                params_set.update({'MESH_FILENAME': Mesh_MAC_filename})

            # Run the mesh adaptation module
            libSU2.Set_ConfigParams(Config_MAC_filename, params_set)
            libSU2_run.SU2_MAC(Config_MAC_filename, partitions)

            # Create the fine grid and interpolate the adjoint solution from coarse to refined grid
            params_set = {
                'KIND_ADAPT': "FULL_ADJOINT",
                'SOLUTION_FLOW_FILENAME': restart_flow_file,
                'SOLUTION_ADJ_FILENAME': restart_adj_file,
                'RESTART_FLOW_FILENAME': finest_flow_filename,
                'RESTART_ADJ_FILENAME': finest_adj_filename,
                'MESH_FILENAME': original_mesh_file,
                'MESH_OUT_FILENAME': finest_mesh_filename

            if iAdaptCycle > 0:
                params_set.update({'MESH_FILENAME': Mesh_MAC_filename})

            # Run the mesh adaptation module
            libSU2.Set_ConfigParams(Config_MAC_filename, params_set)
            libSU2_run.SU2_MAC(Config_MAC_filename, partitions)

            # Create the fine grid and interpolate the linear solution from coarse to refined grid
            if kind_adapt == "COMPUTABLE_ROBUST":
                params_set = {
                    'KIND_ADAPT': "FULL_LINEAR",
                    'SOLUTION_FLOW_FILENAME': restart_flow_file,
                    'SOLUTION_LIN_FILENAME': restart_lin_file,
                    'RESTART_FLOW_FILENAME': finest_flow_filename,
                    'RESTART_ADJ_FILENAME': finest_lin_filename,
                    'MESH_FILENAME': original_mesh_file,
                    'MESH_OUT_FILENAME': finest_mesh_filename

                if iAdaptCycle > 0:
                    params_set.update({'MESH_FILENAME': Mesh_MAC_filename})

                # Run the mesh adaptation module
                libSU2.Set_ConfigParams(Config_MAC_filename, params_set)
                libSU2_run.SU2_MAC(Config_MAC_filename, partitions)

            # Change the parameters to do one iteration of the flow solver on the finest grid
            # Always start from the interpolated solution and store the residual in the solution file for finest grid
            # No multigrid or convergence acceleration
            params_set = {
                'MATH_PROBLEM': 'DIRECT',
                'EXT_ITER': 2,
                'RESTART_SOL': 'YES',
                'SOLUTION_FLOW_FILENAME': finest_flow_filename,
                'STORE_RESIDUAL': 'YES',
                'RESTART_FLOW_FILENAME': finest_flow_filename,
                'MESH_FILENAME': finest_mesh_filename,
                'FULLMG': 'NO',
                'MGLEVEL': 0,
                'MGCYCLE': 0,
                'MG_PRE_SMOOTH': '( 0 )',
                'MG_POST_SMOOTH': '( 0 )',
                'MG_CORRECTION_SMOOTH': '( 0 )'
            libSU2.Set_ConfigParams(Config_CFD_filename, params_set)
            if partitions > 1:
                parallel_computation(Config_CFD_filename, partitions)
                libSU2_run.SU2_CFD(Config_CFD_filename, partitions)

            # Change the parameters to do one iteration of the adjoint solver on the finest grid
            # Always start from the interpolated solution and store the residual in the solution file for finest grid
            # No multigrid or convergence acceleration
            params_set = {
                'MATH_PROBLEM': 'ADJOINT',
                'EXT_ITER': 2,
                'RESTART_SOL': 'YES',
                'SOLUTION_FLOW_FILENAME': finest_flow_filename,
                'SOLUTION_ADJ_FILENAME': finest_adj_filename,
                'MESH_FILENAME': finest_mesh_filename,
                'FULLMG': 'NO',
                'MGLEVEL': 0,
                'MGCYCLE': 0,
                'MG_PRE_SMOOTH': '( 0 )',
                'MG_POST_SMOOTH': '( 0 )',
                'MG_CORRECTION_SMOOTH': '( 0 )'
            libSU2.Set_ConfigParams(Config_CFD_filename, params_set)
            if partitions > 1:
                parallel_computation(Config_CFD_filename, partitions)
                libSU2_run.SU2_CFD(Config_CFD_filename, partitions)

            # Change the parameters to do one iteration of the linear solver on the finest grid
            # Always start from the interpolated solution and store the residual in the solution file for finest grid
            # No multigrid or convergence acceleration
            if kind_adapt == "COMPUTABLE_ROBUST":
                params_set = {
                    'MATH_PROBLEM': 'LINEARIZED',
                    'EXT_ITER': 2,
                    'RESTART_SOL': 'YES',
                    'SOLUTION_FLOW_FILENAME': finest_flow_filename,
                    'SOLUTION_LIN_FILENAME': finest_lin_filename,
                    'RESTART_LIN_FILENAME': finest_lin_filename,
                    'MESH_FILENAME': finest_mesh_filename,
                    'FULLMG': 'NO',
                    'MGLEVEL': 0,
                    'MGCYCLE': 0,
                    'MG_PRE_SMOOTH': '( 0 )',
                    'MG_POST_SMOOTH': '( 0 )',
                    'MG_CORRECTION_SMOOTH': '( 0 )'
                libSU2.Set_ConfigParams(Config_CFD_filename, params_set)
                if partitions > 1:
                    parallel_computation(Config_CFD_filename, partitions)
                    libSU2_run.SU2_CFD(Config_CFD_filename, partitions)

        # Perform adaptation using above solution files
        if ((kind_adapt == "GRAD_FLOW") or (kind_adapt == "GRAD_ADJOINT")
                or (kind_adapt == "GRAD_FLOW_ADJ")):
            params_set = {
                'SOLUTION_FLOW_FILENAME': restart_flow_file,
                'SOLUTION_ADJ_FILENAME': restart_adj_file
        elif ((kind_adapt == "COMPUTABLE") or (kind_adapt == "REMAINING")):
            params_set = {
                'SOLUTION_FLOW_FILENAME': finest_flow_filename,
                'SOLUTION_ADJ_FILENAME': finest_adj_filename,
                'RESTART_FLOW_FILENAME': restart_flow_file,
                'RESTART_ADJ_FILENAME': restart_adj_file
        elif ((kind_adapt == "ROBUST") or (kind_adapt == "COMPUTABLE_ROBUST")):
            params_set = {
                'SOLUTION_FLOW_FILENAME': finest_flow_filename,
                'SOLUTION_ADJ_FILENAME': finest_adj_filename,
                'SOLUTION_LIN_FILENAME': finest_lin_filename,
                'RESTART_FLOW_FILENAME': restart_flow_file,
                'RESTART_ADJ_FILENAME': restart_adj_file,
                'RESTART_LIN_FILENAME': restart_lin_file

            'KIND_ADAPT': kind_adapt,
            'MESH_OUT_FILENAME': Mesh_MAC_filename

        if iAdaptCycle > 0:
            params_set.update({'MESH_FILENAME': Mesh_MAC_filename})

        # Run the mesh adaptation module
        libSU2.Set_ConfigParams(Config_MAC_filename, params_set)
        libSU2_run.SU2_MAC(Config_MAC_filename, partitions)

        # Copy cycle mesh file
        if save_all:
            print "Saving cycle " + str(iAdaptCycle) + " mesh file..."
                Mesh_MAC_filename.replace(".su2", "_cycle" + str(iAdaptCycle) +

    # Clean up
    if overwrite: os.rename(Mesh_MAC_filename, original_mesh_file)
    if ((kind_adapt == "ROBUST") or (kind_adapt == "COMPUTABLE")
            or (kind_adapt == "COMPUTABLE_ROBUST")
            or (kind_adapt == "REMAINING")):

    if kind_adapt == "COMPUTABLE_ROBUST":

    if save_all:

Пример #3
def process_surface_adjoint( config_filename       ,
                             filter_type='LAPLACE' ,
                             marker_name='airfoil' ,
                             chord_length=1.0       ):
    print('|                 SU2 Suite (Process Surface Adjoint)                   |')
    # some other defaults
    c_clip   = 0.01 # percent chord to truncate 
    fft_copy = 5    # number of times to copy the fft signal
    smth_len = 0.05 # percent chord smoothing window length
    lapl_len = 1e-4 # laplace smoothing parameter
    # read config file
    config_data = libSU2.Get_ConfigParams(config_filename)
    surface_filename = config_data['SURFACE_ADJ_FILENAME'] + '.csv'
    print surface_filename
    mesh_filename    = config_data['MESH_FILENAME']
    gradient         = config_data['OBJECTIVE_FUNCTION']
    print('Config filename = %s' % config_filename)
    print('Surface filename = %s' % surface_filename)
    print('Filter Type = %s' % filter_type)
    # read adjoint data
    adj_data = np.genfromtxt( surface_filename    ,
                              dtype       = float ,
                              delimiter   = ','   ,
                              skip_header = 1      )
    # read mesh data
    mesh_data = libSU2_mesh.Read_Mesh(mesh_filename)
    # proces adjoint data
    P      = map(int, adj_data[:,0] )
    X      = adj_data[:,6].copy()
    Y      = adj_data[:,7].copy()
    Sens   = adj_data[:,1].copy()
    PsiRho = adj_data[:,2].copy()
    I      = range(0,len(P)) # important - for unsorting durring write

    # store in dict by point index
    adj_data_dict = dict( zip( P , zip(X,Y,Sens,PsiRho,I) ) )
    # sort airfoil points
    iP_sorted,_ = libSU2_mesh.sort_Airfoil(mesh_data,marker_name)
    assert(len(iP_sorted) == len(P))
    # rebuild airfoil loop
    i = 0
    for this_P in iP_sorted:
        # the adjoint data entry
        this_adj_data = adj_data_dict[this_P]
        # re-sort
        P[i]      = this_P
        X[i]      = this_adj_data[0]
        Y[i]      = this_adj_data[1]
        Sens[i]   = this_adj_data[2]
        PsiRho[i] = this_adj_data[3]
        I[i]      = this_adj_data[4]
        # next
        i = i+1
    #: for each point
    # calculate arc length
    S = np.sqrt( np.diff(X)**2 + np.diff(Y)**2 ) / chord_length
    S = np.cumsum( np.hstack([ 0 , S ]) )
    # tail trucating, by arc length
    I_clip_lo = S < S[0]  + c_clip 
    I_clip_hi = S > S[-1] - c_clip
    S_clip    = S.copy()
    Sens_clip = Sens.copy()
    Sens_clip[I_clip_hi] = Sens_clip[I_clip_hi][0]
    Sens_clip[I_clip_lo] = Sens_clip[I_clip_lo][-1]
    # some edge length statistics
    dS_clip = np.diff(S_clip)
    min_dS  = np.min ( dS_clip )
    mean_dS = np.mean( dS_clip )
    max_dS  = np.max ( dS_clip )
    #print 'min_dS = %.4e ; mean_dS = %.4e ; max_dS = %.4e' % ( min_dS , mean_dS , max_dS )    
    # --------------------------------------------
    if filter_type == 'FOURIER':
        Freq_notch = [ 1/max_dS, np.inf ] # the notch frequencies
        Sens_filter,Frequency,Power = fft_filter( S_clip,Sens_clip, Freq_notch, fft_copy )
        #Sens_filter = smooth(S_clip,Sens_filter, 0.03,'blackman') # post smoothing
    elif filter_type == 'WINDOW':
        Sens_filter   = window( S_clip, Sens_clip, smth_len, 'blackman' )  
    elif filter_type == 'LAPLACE':
        Sens_filter   = laplace( S_clip, Sens_clip, lapl_len )
    elif filter_type == 'SHARPEN':
        Sens_smooth   = smooth( S_clip, Sens_clip  , smth_len/5, 'blackman' ) # pre smoothing
        Sens_smoother = smooth( S_clip, Sens_smooth, smth_len  , 'blackman' ) 
        Sens_filter = Sens_smooth + (Sens_smooth - Sens_smoother)             # sharpener
        raise Exception, 'unknown filter type'
    # --------------------------------------------
    if pylab_imported:
        # start plot
        fig = plt.figure(gradient)
        #if not fig.axes:          # for comparing two filter calls
        #ax = fig.axes[0]
        #if len(ax.lines) == 4: 
        plt.plot(S     ,Sens       ,color='b') # original
        plt.plot(S_clip,Sens_filter,color='r') # filtered
        plt.xlabel('Arc Length')
        plt.ylabel('Surface Sensitivity')
        #if len(ax.lines) == 4: 
            #seq = [2, 2, 7, 2]
        plot_filename = os.path.splitext(surface_filename)[0] + '.png'
        # zoom in
        # SPECTRAL
        if filter_type == 'FOURIER':
            plt.xlabel('Frequency (1/C)')
            plt.ylabel('Surface Sensitivity Spectal Power')
        #: if spectral plot
    #: if plot
    # --------------------------------------------
    # reorder back to input surface points 
    Sens_out    = np.zeros(len(S))
    Sens_out[I] = Sens_filter # left over from sort
    adj_data[:,1] = Sens_out
    # get surface header
    surface_orig = open(surface_filename,'r')
    header = surface_orig.readline()
    # get list of prefix names
    prefix_names = libSU2.get_AdjointPrefix(None)
    prefix_names = prefix_names.values()    
    # add filter prefix, before adjoint prefix
    surface_filename_split = surface_filename.rstrip('.csv').split('_')
    if surface_filename_split[-1] in prefix_names:
        surface_filename_split = surface_filename_split[0:-1] + ['filtered'] + [surface_filename_split[-1]]
        surface_filename_split = surface_filename_split + ['filtered']
    surface_filename_new = '_'.join(surface_filename_split) + '.csv'
    # write filtered surface file (only updates Sensitivity)
    surface_new = open(surface_filename_new,'w')
    for row in adj_data:
        for i,value in enumerate(row):
            if i > 0:
                surface_new.write(', ')        
            if i == 0:
                surface_new.write('%i' % value )
                surface_new.write('%.16e' % value )
    print('----------------- Exit Success (Process Surface Adjoint) ----------------')
Пример #4
def mesh_adaptation( filename             ,
                     partitions   = 0     , 
                     cycles       = 1     ,
                     overwrite    = False ,
                     save_all     = False  ):

    # General and default parameters
    Config_INP_filename  = filename
    Config_CFD_filename  = "config_CFD_" + Config_INP_filename
    Config_MAC_filename  = "config_MAC_" + Config_INP_filename
#Mesh_MAC_filename    = "mesh_MAC_" + filename.replace(".cfg",".su2")
    finest_mesh_filename = "mesh_finest.su2"
    finest_flow_filename = "restart_flow_finest.dat"
    finest_lin_filename  = "restart_lin_finest.dat"
    finest_adj_filename  = "restart_adj_finest.dat"

    # assumes serial with partitions = 1
    if partitions == 1: partitions = 0

    # Get parameters
    params_get         = libSU2.Get_ConfigParams( Config_INP_filename )
    kind_adapt         = params_get['KIND_ADAPT']
    objfunc            = params_get['ADJ_OBJFUNC']
    restart_flow_file  = params_get['RESTART_FLOW_FILENAME']
    restart_adj_file   = params_get['RESTART_ADJ_FILENAME']
    original_mesh_file = params_get['MESH_FILENAME']
    #output_mesh_file   = params_get['MESH_OUT_FILENAME']
    Mesh_MAC_filename  = params_get['MESH_OUT_FILENAME']
    cadj_prefix        = libSU2.get_AdjointPrefix(objfunc)

    # Get solution file names
    volume_flow_file  = params_get['VOLUME_FLOW_FILENAME']
    volume_adj_file   = params_get['VOLUME_ADJ_FILENAME']
    surface_flow_file = params_get['SURFACE_FLOW_FILENAME']
    surface_adj_file  = params_get['SURFACE_ADJ_FILENAME']
    history_file      = params_get['CONV_FILENAME']

    # Get mesh filenames and filetypes
    mesh_filetype     = params_get['MESH_FORMAT']
    if mesh_filetype == "CGNS":
        error_str = "Currently cannot support mesh adaptation with CGNS grid files.  Please convert your CGNS mesh to SU2 format using the CGNS_TO_SU2 flag in the configuration file, re-specify the mesh file to the native .su2 file and set the MESH_FORMAT flag to SU2."
        print "\n*****\n" + error_str + "\n*****\n"
        return 1
    elif mesh_filetype == "NETCDF_ASCII":
        error_str ="Currently cannot support mesh adaptation with NETCDF_ASCII grid files.  Please convert your mesh to SU2 format, re-specify the mesh file to the native .su2 file and set the MESH_FORMAT flag to SU2."
        print "\n*****\n" + error_str + "\n*****\n"
        return 1

    # Get output solution filetypes
    output_filetype  = params_get['OUTPUT_FORMAT']
    if output_filetype == "TECPLOT":
        vol_file_ext = ".plt"
    elif output_filetype == "PARAVIEW":
        vol_file_ext = ".vtk"

    if( (kind_adapt == "ROBUST") or (kind_adapt == "COMPUTABLE_ROBUST") ):
        restart_lin_file   = params_get['RESTART_LIN_FILENAME']

    # Loop over number of adaptation cycles
    for iAdaptCycle in range(cycles):

        # Copy original input file to working files
        shutil.copy( Config_INP_filename, Config_MAC_filename )
        shutil.copy( Config_INP_filename, Config_CFD_filename )

        # Run direct flow simulation 
        # For iAdaptCycle == 0, store restart file, objective function and original mesh file
        params_set = { 'MATH_PROBLEM' : 'DIRECT'}

        if iAdaptCycle > 0:
            params_set.update({'RESTART_SOL'            : 'YES' , 
                               'ADJ_OBJFUNC'            : objfunc,
                               'RESTART_FLOW_FILENAME'  : restart_flow_file,
                               'RESTART_ADJ_FILENAME'   : restart_adj_file,
                               'SOLUTION_FLOW_FILENAME' : restart_flow_file,
                               'MESH_FILENAME'          : Mesh_MAC_filename  })
            if( (kind_adapt == "ROBUST") or kind_adapt == ("COMPUTABLE_ROBUST") ):
                params_set.update( {'RESTART_LIN_FILENAME'   : restart_lin_file} )

        # Load the new config file options and run the direct problem
        libSU2.Set_ConfigParams( Config_CFD_filename, params_set )
        if partitions > 1:
            parallel_computation( Config_CFD_filename, partitions )
            libSU2_run.SU2_CFD( Config_CFD_filename, partitions )

        # Copy flow solution & history file
        if save_all:
            print "Saving cycle " + str(iAdaptCycle) + " flow solution and history files..."
            print "Saving " + volume_flow_file + "_cycle" + str(iAdaptCycle) + vol_file_ext
            print "Saving " + surface_flow_file + "_cycle" + str(iAdaptCycle) + vol_file_ext
            print "Saving " + history_file + "_flow_cycle" + str(iAdaptCycle) + vol_file_ext
            shutil.move( volume_flow_file + vol_file_ext  , volume_flow_file + "_cycle"+str(iAdaptCycle)+vol_file_ext  )
            shutil.move( surface_flow_file + vol_file_ext , surface_flow_file + "_cycle"+str(iAdaptCycle)+vol_file_ext )
            shutil.move( surface_flow_file + ".csv"       , surface_flow_file + "_cycle"+str(iAdaptCycle)+".csv"       )
            shutil.move( history_file + vol_file_ext      , history_file + "_flow_cycle"+str(iAdaptCycle)+vol_file_ext )

        # If needed, run the adjoint simulation
        # For the first adaption cycle, use the filenames of the orignal .cfg file
        if ( kind_adapt == "GRAD_ADJOINT" or kind_adapt == "GRAD_FLOW_ADJ" or kind_adapt == "ROBUST" or kind_adapt == "COMPUTABLE_ROBUST" or kind_adapt == "COMPUTABLE" or kind_adapt == "REMAINING" ):
            params_set = { 'MATH_PROBLEM'           : 'ADJOINT',
                           'SOLUTION_FLOW_FILENAME' : restart_flow_file }

            if iAdaptCycle > 0:
                params_set.update({ 'RESTART_SOL'           : 'YES'            ,
                                    'SOLUTION_ADJ_FILENAME' : restart_adj_file ,
                                    'MESH_FILENAME'         : Mesh_MAC_filename })

            # Load the new config file options and run the adjoint problem
            libSU2.Set_ConfigParams( Config_CFD_filename, params_set )
            if partitions > 1:
                parallel_computation( Config_CFD_filename, partitions )
                libSU2_run.SU2_CFD( Config_CFD_filename, partitions )

            # Copy adjoint solution & history file
            if save_all:
                print "Saving cycle " + str(iAdaptCycle) + " adjoint solution and history files..."
                print "Saving " + volume_adj_file + "_cycle" + str(iAdaptCycle) + vol_file_ext
                print "Saving " + surface_adj_file + "_adj_cycle" + str(iAdaptCycle) + vol_file_ext
                print "Saving " + history_file + "_flow_cycle" + str(iAdaptCycle) + vol_file_ext
                shutil.move( volume_adj_file + vol_file_ext  , volume_adj_file + "_cycle"+str(iAdaptCycle)+vol_file_ext  )
                shutil.move( surface_adj_file + vol_file_ext , surface_adj_file + "_cycle"+str(iAdaptCycle)+vol_file_ext )
                shutil.move( surface_adj_file + ".csv"       , surface_adj_file + "_cycle"+str(iAdaptCycle)+".csv"       )
                shutil.move( history_file + vol_file_ext     , history_file + "_adj_cycle"+str(iAdaptCycle)+vol_file_ext )

        # If needed, change the parameters to run the first linear simulation
        # For the first adaptation cycle, use the filenames from the original .cfg file
        if kind_adapt == "COMPUTABLE_ROBUST":
            params_set = {'MATH_PROBLEM'           : 'LINEARIZED'     ,
                          'SOLUTION_FLOW_FILENAME' : restart_flow_file }

            if iAdaptCycle > 0:
                params_set.update({'RESTART_SOL'          : 'YES'            ,
                                   'RESTART_LIN_FILENAME' : restart_lin_file ,
                                   'MESH_FILENAME'        : Mesh_MAC_filename })			

            # Load the new config file options and run the linearized problem
            libSU2.Set_ConfigParams(Config_CFD_filename, params_set)
            if partitions > 1:
                parallel_computation( Config_CFD_filename, partitions )
                libSU2_run.SU2_CFD( Config_CFD_filename, partitions )

        # Change the parameters to do a direct and adjoint iteration over a fine grid
        if (    (kind_adapt == "ROBUST" or kind_adapt == "COMPUTABLE" or 
                 kind_adapt == "COMPUTABLE_ROBUST" or kind_adapt == "REMAINING") 
                and (iAdaptCycle < cycles-1 or cycles == 1) ):

            # Create the fine grid and interpolate the flow solution from coarse to refined grid
            params_set = { 'KIND_ADAPT'             : "FULL_FLOW"          ,
                           'SOLUTION_FLOW_FILENAME' : restart_flow_file    ,
                           'RESTART_FLOW_FILENAME'  : finest_flow_filename ,
                           'MESH_FILENAME'          : original_mesh_file   ,
                           'MESH_OUT_FILENAME'      : finest_mesh_filename  }

            if iAdaptCycle > 0:
                params_set.update( {'MESH_FILENAME' : Mesh_MAC_filename} )

            # Run the mesh adaptation module
            libSU2.Set_ConfigParams( Config_MAC_filename, params_set )

            # Create the fine grid and interpolate the adjoint solution from coarse to refined grid
            params_set = { 'KIND_ADAPT'             : "FULL_ADJOINT"       ,
                           'SOLUTION_FLOW_FILENAME' : restart_flow_file    ,
                           'SOLUTION_ADJ_FILENAME'  : restart_adj_file     ,
                           'RESTART_FLOW_FILENAME'  : finest_flow_filename ,
                           'RESTART_ADJ_FILENAME'   : finest_adj_filename  ,
                           'MESH_FILENAME'          : original_mesh_file   ,
                           'MESH_OUT_FILENAME'      : finest_mesh_filename  }

            if iAdaptCycle > 0:
                params_set.update( {'MESH_FILENAME' : Mesh_MAC_filename} )

            # Run the mesh adaptation module
            libSU2.Set_ConfigParams( Config_MAC_filename, params_set )

            # Create the fine grid and interpolate the linear solution from coarse to refined grid
            if kind_adapt == "COMPUTABLE_ROBUST":
                params_set = { 'KIND_ADAPT'             : "FULL_LINEAR"        ,
                               'SOLUTION_FLOW_FILENAME' : restart_flow_file    ,
                               'SOLUTION_LIN_FILENAME'  : restart_lin_file     ,
                               'RESTART_FLOW_FILENAME'  : finest_flow_filename ,
                               'RESTART_ADJ_FILENAME'   : finest_lin_filename  ,
                               'MESH_FILENAME'          : original_mesh_file   ,
                               'MESH_OUT_FILENAME'      : finest_mesh_filename  }

                if iAdaptCycle > 0:
                    params_set.update( {'MESH_FILENAME' : Mesh_MAC_filename} )

                # Run the mesh adaptation module
                libSU2.Set_ConfigParams( Config_MAC_filename, params_set )
                libSU2_run.SU2_MAC( Config_MAC_filename, partitions )

            # Change the parameters to do one iteration of the flow solver on the finest grid
            # Always start from the interpolated solution and store the residual in the solution file for finest grid
            # No multigrid or convergence acceleration
            params_set = { 'MATH_PROBLEM'           : 'DIRECT'             ,
                           'EXT_ITER'               : 2                    ,
                           'RESTART_SOL'            : 'YES'                ,
                           'SOLUTION_FLOW_FILENAME' : finest_flow_filename ,
                           'STORE_RESIDUAL'         : 'YES'                ,
                           'RESTART_FLOW_FILENAME'  : finest_flow_filename ,
                           'MESH_FILENAME'          : finest_mesh_filename ,
                           'FULLMG'                 : 'NO'                 ,
                           'MGLEVEL'                : 0                    ,
                           'MGCYCLE'                : 0                    ,
                           'MG_PRE_SMOOTH'          : '( 0 )'              ,
                           'MG_POST_SMOOTH'         : '( 0 )'              ,
                           'MG_CORRECTION_SMOOTH'   : '( 0 )'               }
            libSU2.Set_ConfigParams( Config_CFD_filename, params_set )
            if partitions > 1:
                parallel_computation( Config_CFD_filename, partitions )
                libSU2_run.SU2_CFD( Config_CFD_filename, partitions )

            # Change the parameters to do one iteration of the adjoint solver on the finest grid
            # Always start from the interpolated solution and store the residual in the solution file for finest grid
            # No multigrid or convergence acceleration
            params_set = { 'MATH_PROBLEM'           : 'ADJOINT'            ,
                           'EXT_ITER'               : 2                    ,
                           'RESTART_SOL'            : 'YES'                ,
                           'SOLUTION_FLOW_FILENAME' : finest_flow_filename ,
                           'SOLUTION_ADJ_FILENAME'  : finest_adj_filename  , 
                           'MESH_FILENAME'          : finest_mesh_filename ,
                           'FULLMG'                 : 'NO'                 ,
                           'MGLEVEL'                : 0                    ,
                           'MGCYCLE'                : 0                    ,
                           'MG_PRE_SMOOTH'          : '( 0 )'              ,
                           'MG_POST_SMOOTH'         : '( 0 )'              ,
                           'MG_CORRECTION_SMOOTH'   : '( 0 )'               }
            libSU2.Set_ConfigParams( Config_CFD_filename, params_set )
            if partitions > 1:
                parallel_computation( Config_CFD_filename, partitions )
                libSU2_run.SU2_CFD( Config_CFD_filename, partitions )

            # Change the parameters to do one iteration of the linear solver on the finest grid
            # Always start from the interpolated solution and store the residual in the solution file for finest grid
            # No multigrid or convergence acceleration
            if kind_adapt == "COMPUTABLE_ROBUST":
                params_set = { 'MATH_PROBLEM'           : 'LINEARIZED'         ,
                               'EXT_ITER'               : 2                    ,
                               'RESTART_SOL'            : 'YES'                ,
                               'SOLUTION_FLOW_FILENAME' : finest_flow_filename ,
                               'SOLUTION_LIN_FILENAME'  : finest_lin_filename  , 
                               'RESTART_LIN_FILENAME'   : finest_lin_filename  ,
                               'MESH_FILENAME'          : finest_mesh_filename ,
                               'FULLMG'                 : 'NO'                 ,
                               'MGLEVEL'                : 0                    ,
                               'MGCYCLE'                : 0                    ,
                               'MG_PRE_SMOOTH'          : '( 0 )'              ,
                               'MG_POST_SMOOTH'         : '( 0 )'              ,
                               'MG_CORRECTION_SMOOTH'   : '( 0 )'               }
                libSU2.Set_ConfigParams( Config_CFD_filename, params_set )
                if partitions > 1:
                    parallel_computation( Config_CFD_filename, partitions )
                    libSU2_run.SU2_CFD( Config_CFD_filename, partitions )

        # Perform adaptation using above solution files			
        if( (kind_adapt == "GRAD_FLOW") or (kind_adapt == "GRAD_ADJOINT") or (kind_adapt == "GRAD_FLOW_ADJ")):
            params_set = { 'SOLUTION_FLOW_FILENAME' : restart_flow_file,
                           'SOLUTION_ADJ_FILENAME'  : restart_adj_file }
        elif( (kind_adapt == "COMPUTABLE") or (kind_adapt == "REMAINING") ):
            params_set = { 'SOLUTION_FLOW_FILENAME' : finest_flow_filename,
                           'SOLUTION_ADJ_FILENAME'  : finest_adj_filename ,
                           'RESTART_FLOW_FILENAME'  : restart_flow_file   ,
                           'RESTART_ADJ_FILENAME'   : restart_adj_file     }
        elif( (kind_adapt == "ROBUST") or (kind_adapt == "COMPUTABLE_ROBUST") ):
            params_set = { 'SOLUTION_FLOW_FILENAME' : finest_flow_filename,
                           'SOLUTION_ADJ_FILENAME'  : finest_adj_filename ,
                           'SOLUTION_LIN_FILENAME'  : finest_lin_filename , 
                           'RESTART_FLOW_FILENAME'  : restart_flow_file   ,
                           'RESTART_ADJ_FILENAME'   : restart_adj_file    ,
                           'RESTART_LIN_FILENAME'   : restart_lin_file     }

        params_set.update({'KIND_ADAPT' : kind_adapt, 'MESH_OUT_FILENAME' : Mesh_MAC_filename})

        if iAdaptCycle > 0:
            params_set.update({'MESH_FILENAME' : Mesh_MAC_filename})

        # Run the mesh adaptation module
        libSU2.Set_ConfigParams( Config_MAC_filename, params_set )
        libSU2_run.SU2_MAC( Config_MAC_filename, partitions )

        # Copy cycle mesh file
        if save_all:
            print "Saving cycle " + str(iAdaptCycle) + " mesh file..."
            shutil.copy( Mesh_MAC_filename, Mesh_MAC_filename.replace(".su2", "_cycle"+str(iAdaptCycle)+".su2"))

    # Clean up
    if overwrite : os.rename( Mesh_MAC_filename, original_mesh_file )
    if( (kind_adapt == "ROBUST") or (kind_adapt == "COMPUTABLE") or
        (kind_adapt == "COMPUTABLE_ROBUST") or (kind_adapt == "REMAINING") ):

    if kind_adapt == "COMPUTABLE_ROBUST":

    if save_all:
