def pureConcaternation(probPath, rawPath): """concatanating int with the raw image """ assert len(splitPath(probPath)) == 2, "file " + probPath + "seems to not have the .h5 extension" print 'load prob data' data = vigra.readHDF5(*splitPath(probPath)).squeeze() if len(data.shape) != 4: print "WARNING: untested for data other than 3d + channel." # if isinstance(data,vigra.VigraArray): # data = data.view(np.ndarray) print 'normalize prob data' # normalize probabilities and save them as hdf5 data = np.require(data, dtype=np.float32) data -= data.min() data *= 255 / data.max() data = data.astype(np.uint8) if rawPath != None: print 'load raw data' assert len(splitPath(rawPath)) == 2, "file " + rawPath + "seems to not have the .h5 extension" raw = vigra.readHDF5(*splitPath(rawPath)).squeeze() print 'concaternate' embed() data = np.concatenate((raw[:,:,:,None], data), axis=3) vigra.writeHDF5(data.astype(np.uint8), probPath.split('.h5')[0] + '_stacked.h5', splitPath(probPath)[1])
def upsample(probPath, rawPath, transpose, channel, targetShape=None, exportPath=None): """ upsampling of multichannel data of an ilp (ignoring the last dimension which should be used for channels) and concatanating int with the raw image """ splitProbPath = probPath.split('.h5') assert len(splitProbPath) !=1, "file " + splitProbPath[0] + "seems to not have the .h5 extension" data = vigra.readHDF5(splitProbPath[0] + '.h5', splitProbPath[1]).squeeze() if transpose['prob']: data = np.transpose(data, [2,1,0,3]) if channel is not None: axisTags = data.axistags data = data[:,:,:,[channel]] data.axistags = axisTags if len(data.shape) != 4: print "WARNING: untested for data other than 3d + channel." # if isinstance(data,vigra.VigraArray): # data = data.view(np.ndarray) if rawPath != None: splitRawPath = rawPath.split('.h5') assert len(splitRawPath) !=1, "file " + splitRawPath[0] + "seems to not have the .h5 extension" raw = vigra.readHDF5(splitRawPath[0] + '.h5', splitRawPath[1]).squeeze() if transpose['raw']: raw = raw.T targetShape = raw.shape print 'check please: theoretical', [size*2 for size in data.shape[:-1]], 'actual shape', targetShape elif targetShape is not None: print 'check please: theoretical', [size*2 for size in data.shape[:-1]], 'actual shape', targetShape else: targetShape = [size*2 for size in data.shape[:-1]] embed() # normalize probabilities and save them as hdf5 data = np.require(data, dtype=np.float32) data = vigra.sampling.resize(data, shape=targetShape, order=2) data -= data.min() data *= 255 / data.max() data = data.astype(np.uint8) if rawPath != None: data = np.concatenate((raw[:,:,:,None], data), axis=3) if exportPath is None: exportPath = splitProbPath[0] + '_upsampled.h5/' + splitProbPath[1] print 'exporting to ', exportPath embed() vigra.writeHDF5(data.astype(np.uint8), *splitPath(exportPath))
def downsampleProject(ilpPath, adjustScales=False, resizeRaw=True): assert ilpPath.endswith('.ilp'), 'ilp file is required for downsampling. did you mean to upsample?' name = ilpPath.split('.ilp')[0] + '_small.ilp' print 'copy original to', name copyfile(ilpPath, name) f = File(name) # move feature matrix to smaller sigmas (first row should stay the same, second should not be overwritten, but 'or'ed, the rest is just moved to the next smaller sigma. if adjustScales: matrix = f['FeatureSelections/SelectionMatrix/'].value matrix[:,1] = np.logical_or(matrix[:,2], matrix[:,1]) matrix[:,2:-1] = matrix[:,3:] matrix[:,-1] = False del f['FeatureSelections/SelectionMatrix/'] f['FeatureSelections/SelectionMatrix/'] = matrix for key in f['Input Data/infos'].keys(): path = splitPath(f['Input Data/infos/' + key + '/Raw Data/filePath'].value) # resize the labels labels = labelManager(name) labeledBlocks = labels.getSubBlocks() labeledBlocksResized = list() for labelsOffset, labelsData in labeledBlocks: # last dimension is singelton. labelsData = labelsData[...,0] originalShape = labelsData.shape # memorize the final target shape. targetShape = [max(int(ordinate/2), 1) for ordinate in originalShape] # size must be at least 4x4x4 to work without an error. if np.any(np.array(originalShape) < np.array([4,4,4])): shapeBeforeScaling = [max(4, ordinate) for ordinate in originalShape] dataBeforeScaling = np.zeros(shapeBeforeScaling, dtype=np.uint8) slicing = [slice(0, size) for size in originalShape] dataBeforeScaling[slicing] = labelsData labelsData = dataBeforeScaling originalShape = shapeBeforeScaling shapeAfterResize = [max(int(ordinate/2), 1) for ordinate in originalShape] # resize the labels resized = np.zeros(shapeAfterResize, dtype=np.uint8) vigra.graphs.downsampleLabels(labelsData, int(labelsData.max()), 0.05, resized) # get back the original shape resized = resized[[slice(0,size) for size in targetShape]] offsetResized = tuple([int(ordinate/2) for ordinate in labelsOffset]) labeledBlocksResized.append((offsetResized, resized)) # clear the old labelds labels.clear() labels.flush() for labeledBlock in labeledBlocksResized: labels.addBlockLabel(labeledBlock[1][:,:,:,None], labeledBlock[0]) labels.flush() if resizeRaw: print 'resize raw data in', path rawData = vigra.readHDF5(*path) resizedShape = [int(ordinate/2) for ordinate in rawData.shape] exportRawPath = [path[0].split('.')[0] + '_resized.h5', path[1]] rawSmall = vigra.sampling.resize(rawData.astype(np.float32), resizedShape , 0) vigra.writeHDF5(rawSmall, *exportRawPath) try: del f['Input Data/infos/' + key + '/Raw Data/filePath'] except KeyError: pass f['Input Data/infos/' + key + '/Raw Data/filePath'] = exportRawPath[0] + '/' + exportRawPath[1]
parser.add_argument("--ignoreRaw", default=False, action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--rawT", default=False, action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--probT", default=False, action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--channel", default=None, type=int) parser.add_argument("--shapeFromRaw", default=None, type=str) parser.add_argument("--exportPath", default=None, type=str) args = parser.parse_args() path = args.input_path transpose = dict() transpose['raw'] = args.rawT transpose['prob'] = args.probT if args.shapeFromRaw is not None: targetShape = vigra.readHDF5(*splitPath(args.shapeFromRaw)).shape if transpose['raw']: targetShape = targetShape[::-1] print 'targetShape set to', targetShape else: targetShape = None if args.upsample: upsample(path, args.stackWithRaw, transpose,, targetShape, args.exportPath) elif args.stackWithRaw is not None: pureConcaternation(args.input_path, args.stackWithRaw) else: downsampleProject(path, args.adjustScales, not args.ignoreRaw) # upsampleMultiChannelData('/home/timo/multiscaletest/results/actualHoles_resized_probs.h5', 'exported_data')