Пример #1
 def __init__(self, parent, ptr, cmp, val, ordering, failordering, name):
     outtype = types.LiteralStructType([val.type, types.IntType(1)])
     super(CmpXchg, self).__init__(
         parent, outtype, "cmpxchg", (ptr, cmp, val), name=name
     self.ordering = ordering
     self.failordering = failordering
Пример #2
        def wrapped(self, lhs, rhs, name=""):
            if lhs.type != rhs.type:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Operands must be the same type, got (%s, %s)" %
                    (lhs.type, rhs.type))
            ty = lhs.type
            if not isinstance(ty, types.IntType):
                raise TypeError("expected an integer type, got %s" % (ty, ))
            bool_ty = types.IntType(1)

            mod = self.module
            fnty = types.FunctionType(types.LiteralStructType([ty, bool_ty]),
                                      [ty, ty])
            fn = mod.declare_intrinsic("llvm.%s.with.overflow" % (opname, ),
                                       [ty], fnty)
            ret = self.call(fn, [lhs, rhs], name=name)
            return ret
Пример #3
 def literal_struct(cls, elems):
     Construct a literal structure constant made of the given members.
     tys = [el.type for el in elems]
     return cls(types.LiteralStructType(tys), elems)