def fitRingSizeHalf(t, r, rErr=None): ''' Fits ring size data to the ringSizeFunc (above) Returns: minimizer object defined by lmfit class. To access the parameters use res.best_values['r0']. ''' if rErr==None: rErr = np.ones_like(r) if r[0]<0.5 or r.size<=3: return None params = Parameters() params.add('tau', (t[-1]-t[0])/3., vary=True, min = 0, max=max(t)) params.add('t0', t[np.argmin(np.abs(r-0.5))], vary=True) params.add('r0', 1.1, vary=False, min=0.) mod = Model(ringSizeFuncHalf) ind=np.where(r>0.2)[0] if ind.size<3: ind = np.where(r>0.) w = 1./rErr**2[ind],x=t[ind],weights = w[ind], params=params) if False: fig = myFigure() print(fit_report(res)) fig.plot(t, r, 'r') delta = (max(t)-min(t)) x=np.arange(min(t)-0.2*delta,max(t)+0.2*delta,delta/100.) fig.plot(x, ringSizeFuncHalf(x,res.best_values['r0'], res.best_values['tau'],res.best_values['t0']),'k') return res
def onSaveFit(self, evt=None): "Save Fit and Compoents to Data File" print("save fit and components") nfit = self.current_fit dgroup = self.datagroup nfits = int(self.wids['plot_nchoice'].GetStringSelection()) deffile = "%s_LinearFit%i.dat" % (dgroup.filename, nfit + 1) wcards = 'Data Files (*.dat)|*.dat|All files (*.*)|*.*' path = FileSave(self, 'Save Fit and Components to File', default_file=deffile, wildcard=wcards) if path is None: return form = self.form label = [' energy ', ' data ', ' best_fit '] result = dgroup.lcf_result[nfit] header = [ 'Fit #%2.2d' % (nfit + 1), 'Fit arrayname: %s' % form['arrayname'], 'E0: %f ' % form['e0'], 'Energy fit range: [%f, %f]' % (form['elo'], form['ehi']), 'Components: ' ] for key, val in result.weights.items(): header.append(' %s: %f' % (key, val)) report = fit_report(result.result).split('\n') header.extend(report) out = [result.xdata, result.ydata, result.yfit] for compname, compdata in result.ycomps.items(): label.append(' %s' % (compname + ' ' * (max(1, 15 - len(compname))))) out.append(compdata) label = ' '.join(label) _larch = self.parent.controller.larch write_ascii(path, header=header, label=label, _larch=_larch, *out)
def onSaveFit(self, evt=None): "Save Fit and Compoents to Data File" nfit = self.current_fit dgroup = self.datagroup nfits = int(self.wids['plot_nchoice'].GetStringSelection()) deffile = "%s_LinearFit%i.dat" % (dgroup.filename, nfit+1) wcards = 'Data Files (*.dat)|*.dat|All files (*.*)|*.*' path = FileSave(self, 'Save Fit and Components to File', default_file=deffile, wildcard=wcards) if path is None: return form = self.form label = [' energy ', ' data ', ' best_fit '] result = dgroup.lcf_result[nfit] header = ['Larch Linear Fit Result for Fit: #%2.2d' % (nfit+1), 'Dataset filename: %s ' % dgroup.filename, 'Larch group: %s ' % dgroup.groupname, 'Array name: %s' % form['arrayname'], 'E0: %f ' % form['e0'], 'Energy fit range: [%f, %f]' % (form['elo'], form['ehi']), 'Components: '] for key, val in result.weights.items(): header.append(' %s: %f' % (key, val)) report = fit_report(result.result).split('\n') header.extend(report) out = [result.xdata, result.ydata, result.yfit] for compname, compdata in result.ycomps.items(): label.append(' %s' % (compname + ' '*(max(1, 15-len(compname))))) out.append(compdata) label = ' '.join(label) _larch = self.parent.controller.larch write_ascii(path, header=header, label=label, _larch=_larch, *out)
def generate_fit_report(self): report_header = f'\n\n{"="*10}\nFIT REPORT\n{"="*10}\n\n' return report_header + fit_report(self.result.params)
def main(argv): parser = ArgumentParser(usage=__doc__.lstrip()) parser.add_argument("global_pilot_file", help="The name of the global pilot file") parser.add_argument("--walkers", "-w", type=int, default=100, help="How many MCMC walkers? Default=100") parser.add_argument("--steps", "-s", type=int, default=2000, help="How many MCMC steps? Default=2000") parser.add_argument("--ntemps", '-T', type=int, default=1, help="How many parallel tempering temperatures? " "Default=1") parser.add_argument("--burn", "-b", type=int, default=500, help="How many initial MCMC steps do you want to " "burn? Default=500") parser.add_argument("--thin", "-t", type=int, default=20, help="Thins the chain by accepting 1 in every 'thin'. " "Default=20") parser.add_argument("--resample", "-r", default=False, action='store_true', help="Don't do Markov Chain Monte Carlo, do resampling " "MC instead. All MCMC parameters are ignored if " "this option is specified.") parser.add_argument("--qres", "-q", type=float, default=5.0, help="Constant dq/q resolution. Default=5") parser.add_argument("--pointqres", "-p", action="store_true", default=False, help="Use point by point resolution smearing. " "Default=False") parser.add_argument("--chain_input", "-i", type=str, help="Initialise/restart emcee with this RAW chain. " "This file is a numpy array (.npy) that would've " "originally been saved by the --chain_output " "option.") parser.add_argument("--chain_output", "-c", default='raw_chain.npy', type=str, help="Specify filename for unthinned, unburnt RAW " "chain. The file is saved as a numpy (.npy) " "array. You can use this file if you'd like to do " "the burn/thin procedure yourself. You can also" " use this file to restart the sampling. The array" " has shape (walkers, steps, dims), where dims " "represents the number of parameters you are " "varying. If ntemps is > 1 then the array has " "shape (ntemps, walkers, steps, dims). " "Default=raw_chain.npy") parser.add_argument("--output", "-o", type=str, default='iterations', help="Output file for burnt and thinned MCMC chain. " "This is only written once the sampling has " "finished") parser.add_argument("--nprocesses", "-n", type=int, default=1, help="How many processes for parallelisation? Default=1") args = parser.parse_args(argv) # set up global fitting if args.pointqres: dqvals = None else: dqvals = args.qres if args.nprocesses < 1: args.nprocesses = 1 global_fitter = global_fitter_setup(args.global_pilot_file, dqvals=dqvals) # do the Monte Carlo if not args.resample: # By Markov Chain Monte Carlo if args.thin < 1: sys.stdout.write("Can't have thin < 1, setting 'thin' to 1.\n") args.thin = 1 if (args.burn < 0) or (args.burn > args.steps): sys.stdout.write("Can't burn < 0 or burn > steps, setting 'burn' to 1.\n") args.burn = 1 res = _mcmc(args, global_fitter) else: # By resampling res = _resample_mc(args, global_fitter) # write the iterations. _write_results(args.output, res) sys.stdout.write("\nFinished MCMC\n") sys.stdout.write("-------------\n") sys.stdout.write(fit_report(res.params)) sys.stdout.write("\n-----------------------------------------------------\n")
t = reflect.Transform('logY').transform ydata, dydata = t(xdata, ydata, dydata) kwds = {'dqvals': dxdata, 'transform': t} # create the fit instance fitter = reflect.ReflectivityFitFunction(parameters, xdata, ydata, edata=dydata, kwds=kwds) #do the fit if USE_DIFFERENTIAL_EVOLUTION:'differential_evolution') print('-------------------------------------------------------------------') print(DATASET_NAME) print(fit_report(fitter)) fig = figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 1) ax.scatter(xdata, ydata, label=DATASET_NAME) ax.plot(xdata, fitter.model(parameters), label='fit') ylim(min(np.min(ydata), np.min(fitter.model(parameters))), max(np.max(ydata), np.max(fitter.model(parameters)))) xlim(np.min(xdata), np.max(xdata)) xlabel('Q') ylabel('logR') legend() ax2 = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 2) z, rho_z = fitter.sld_profile(parameters) ax2.plot(z, rho_z)