Пример #1
def build(schema, name, method):
    """Build a fake message.

    :param schema: Service schema generated by ``lymph schema-gen``.
    :param name: Name of service.
    :param method: name for the rpc function.

    :return: Data of same type as defined in the 'returns' of the rpc method.

    :raises ValueError: In case given service name or version doesn't exist.

    from lymph.schema.schema import Schema

    if not isinstance(schema, Schema):
        schema = Schema(schema)
    service = schema.build_service(name)

        meth_spec = service.methods[method]
    except KeyError:
        raise ValueError('unknown method %s for service %s' % (method, name))

    returns = meth_spec['returns']
    if not returns:
        raise ValueError('cannot build message since returns was not set for'
                         ' service %s method %s' % (name, method))

    return _build_from_type(returns)
Пример #2
def build(schema, name, method):
    """Build a fake message.

    :param schema: Service schema generated by ``lymph schema-gen``.
    :param name: Name of service.
    :param method: name for the rpc function.

    :return: Data of same type as defined in the 'returns' of the rpc method.

    :raises ValueError: In case given service name or version doesn't exist.

    from lymph.schema.schema import Schema

    if not isinstance(schema, Schema):
        schema = Schema(schema)
    service = schema.build_service(name)

        meth_spec = service.methods[method]
    except KeyError:
        raise ValueError("unknown method %s for service %s" % (method, name))

    returns = meth_spec["returns"]
    if not returns:
        raise ValueError("cannot build message since returns was not set for" " service %s method %s" % (name, method))

    return _build_from_type(returns)
Пример #3
def build(schema, name):
    """Build a service stub.

    :param schema: Service schema generated by ``lymph schema-gen``.
    :param name: Name of service to stub, accept also ``name@version`` form.

    :return: An object that emulate the service contract.

    :raises ValueError: In case given service name or version doesn't exist.

    schema = Schema(schema)
    return schema.build_service(name)