Пример #1
from machine import automata
from machine import operations

# Simple Supervisor Example - Conveyor & Sensor

# Creating states

s0 = automata.State('0', True)
s1 = automata.State('1')

# Creating events

s_on = automata.Event('s_on')
s_off = automata.Event('s_off')
e_on = automata.Event('c', True)
e_off = automata.Event('d', True)

sensor_transitions = {s0: {s_on: s1}, s1: {s_off: s0}}
conveyor_transitions = {s0: {e_on: s1}, s1: {e_off: s0}}

G1 = automata.Automaton(sensor_transitions, s0)
G2 = automata.Automaton(conveyor_transitions, s0)

specifications_transitions = {
    s0: {
        s_on: s1,
        e_off: s0
    s1: {
Пример #2
    #Size of the Matrix of states
    w, h, N = 8, 5, 20

    #Creating States
    number_of_states = w * h
    states = [None] * number_of_states

    #Defining the positions of each State
    for i in range(number_of_states):
        states[i] = automata.State('S' + str(i))

    # Creating events
    number_of_events = 4 * w * h + 2 * (w + h - 2)
    events = [None] * number_of_events
    for i in range(number_of_events):
        events[i] = automata.Event(('e' + str(i)), 1, True)

    #Creating the automaton itself and its positions
    trans = dict()
    Matrix_states = [[0 for x in range(w)] for y in range(h)]
    #Data about positions
    wsize = 3.2
    whalf = wsize / 2
    hsize = 2
    hhalf = hsize / 2
    Initial_point = np.array([0, 0, 0])
    wdif = wsize / (w)
    hdif = hsize / (h)
    positions = [[0 for x in range(w)] for y in range(h)]
    DIC_POSITIONS = dict()
    counter_states = 0
    for i in range(h):
        for j in range(w):
            Matrix_states[i][j] = states[counter_states]
            trans[states[counter_states]] = dict()
            positions[i][j] = [
                x + y
                for x, y in zip(Initial_point, [(j - (w - 1) / 2) *
                                                wdif, (-i +
                                                       (h - 1) / 2) * hdif, 0])
            DIC_POSITIONS[states[counter_states]] = positions[i][j]
            counter_states += 1
    counter_events = 0

    for i in range(h):
        for j in range(w):
            if i < (h - 1):
                    events[counter_events]] = Matrix_states[i + 1][j]
                counter_events += 1
            if i > (0):
                    events[counter_events]] = Matrix_states[i - 1][j]
                counter_events += 1
            if j < (w - 1):
                    events[counter_events]] = Matrix_states[i][j + 1]
                counter_events += 1
            if j > (0):
                    events[counter_events]] = Matrix_states[i][j - 1]
                counter_events += 1

    G = automata.Automaton(trans, events[0])

    #Creating inputs for robotarium
    RADIUS = 0.06

    # Experiment 3 - Compound movement
    Initial_pos = (Matrix_states[0][:] + Matrix_states[4][:] +
                   [Matrix_states[2][0]] + [Matrix_states[2][3]] +
                   [Matrix_states[2][4]] + [Matrix_states[2][7]])
    Final_pos = (Matrix_states[4][:] + Matrix_states[0][:] +
                 [Matrix_states[2][3]] + [Matrix_states[2][0]] +
                 [Matrix_states[2][7]] + [Matrix_states[2][4]])

    real_state = Initial_pos
    pivot_state = [[]] * N
    past_state = [[]] * N
    past_state2 = [[]] * N

    #Path planning variables
    N = len(Final_pos)
    T = [None] * N
    S = [None] * N
    T_optimal = [None] * N
    S_optimal = [None] * N
    T_dj = [None] * N
    S_dj = [None] * N
    logical_state = [None] * N
    priority_radius = [2] * N

    buffer = [0] * N
    communication_radius = [3] * N
    blacklist = dict()
    blacklist_individual = dict()
    calculating = [True] * N
    defined_path = dict()
    calculating = [True] * N
    for i in range(N):
        blacklist[i] = []
        defined_path[i] = []

    #Control variables
    goal_points = np.ones([3, N])

    # Initializing the states list
    initial_points = rc.FC_SET_ALL_POSITIONS(DIC_POSITIONS, Initial_pos)

    # Initializing the robotarium
    r = robotarium.Robotarium(number_of_robots=N,
    single_integrator_position_controller = create_si_position_controller()
    __, uni_to_si_states = create_si_to_uni_mapping()
    si_to_uni_dyn = create_si_to_uni_dynamics_with_backwards_motion()
    x = r.get_poses()
    x_si = uni_to_si_states(x)  #"""

    RUN = True
    first = [True] * N
    finished = [0] * N

    # Creating an structure of past states during actual order
    past = dict()
    for s in range(N):
        past[s] = []
    string_size = list()
    while real_state != Final_pos:
        x = r.get_poses()
        x_si = uni_to_si_states(x)
        # Update Real State
        for i in range(N):
            blacklist[i] = []
            past_state[i] = real_state[i]
            real_state[i] = rc.FC_MAKE_REAL_TRANSITION(possible, states,
                                                       real_state[i], x, i,
            if past_state[i] != real_state[i]:
                past_state2[i] = past_state[i]

        for i in range(N):
            if real_state[i] != Final_pos[i]:
                if real_state[i] == pivot_state[i]:
                    #Recalculus of route is necessary
                    calculating[i] = True
                elif real_state[i] == logical_state[i]:
                    #Update Robotarium state orders, no recalculus is needed
                    logical_state[i] = defined_path[i][1]
                if calculating[i]:
                    for j in range(N):
                        if j != i:
                            d_real = dk.DIST(G, real_state[j],
                            if real_state[i] in d_real:
                                #Update blacklist[i]
                                if S[j] != None and len(defined_path[j]) > 1:

                                    start_black = True
                                    for k in range(len(defined_path[j])):
                                        if start_black:
                                                i] = rc.add_black_real_logical(
                                                    G, blacklist[i],
                                                    defined_path[j][k + 1])
                                            start_black = False
                                            blacklist[i] = rc.add_black3(
                                                G, blacklist[i],
                                            start_black = False
                                    blacklist[i] = rc.add_black3(
                                        G, blacklist[i], real_state[j])

                    #Update Path[i]
                     S_optimal[i]) = dk.PATH2(G, [], real_state[i],
                        (T[i], S[i]) = dk.PATH2(G, blacklist[i], real_state[i],
                        if len(S[i]) > priority_radius[i]:

                            index = list(range(priority_radius[i]))
                            index = list(range(len(S[i])))

                        defined_path[i] = list()
                        for j in index:
                        if len(S[i]) > len(S_optimal[i]):
                            if len(defined_path[i]) > 2:
                                for j in reversed(
                                        range(2, len(defined_path[i]))):
                                    if defined_path[i][j] not in S_optimal[i]:
                        pivot_state[i] = defined_path[i][-1]
                        logical_state[i] = S[i][1]
                        if logical_state[i] == past_state2[i]:


                                blacklist[i] = rc.add_black3(
                                    G, blacklist[i], past_state2[i])

                                 S[i]) = dk.PATH2(G, blacklist[i],
                                                  real_state[i], Final_pos[i])
                                if len(S[i]) > priority_radius[i]:

                                    index = list(range(priority_radius[i]))
                                    index = list(range(len(S[i])))

                                defined_path[i] = list()
                                for j in index:
                                pivot_state[i] = defined_path[i][-1]
                                logical_state[i] = S[i][1]

                        blocked = rc.check_block(G.transitions, real_state[i],
                        if blocked:
                            S[i] = [real_state[i]]
                            T[i] = [None]
                            defined_path[i] = [S[i][0]]
                            pivot_state[i] = S[i][0]
                            logical_state[i] = S[i][0]

                            white_auto = G.transitions[real_state[i]]
                            white_keys = white_auto.keys()
                            white_list = list()
                            for j in white_keys:
                                # print(j)
                                if j not in blacklist[i]:
                                    if white_auto[j] != past_state2[i]:
                                        past_event = j

                            if len(white_list) >= 1:
                                white_event = random.choice(white_list)
                            elif past_event not in blacklist[i]:
                                white_event = past_event
                            S[i] = [real_state[i], white_auto[white_event]]
                            T[i] = [white_event]

                            defined_path[i] = [
                                real_state[i], white_auto[white_event]

                            pivot_state[i] = S[i][1]
                            logical_state[i] = S[i][1]

                    calculating[i] = False

                #Reached final position
                # Reached final position
                logical_state[i] = real_state[i]

        for j in range(N):
            if logical_state[j] != None:
                rc.FC_SET_GOAL_POINTS(DIC_POSITIONS, goal_points, j,
                rc.FC_SET_GOAL_POINTS(DIC_POSITIONS, goal_points, j,
        dxi = single_integrator_position_controller(x_si, goal_points[:2][:])
        dxu = si_to_uni_dyn(dxi, x)
        r.set_velocities(np.arange(N), dxu)



    time_of_execution = r._iterations * 0.033
    return (time_of_execution)
Пример #3
import time
#Size of the Matrix of states
w, h, N = 8, 5, 20

#Creating States
number_of_states = w * h
states = [None] * number_of_states
#Defining the positions of each State
for i in range(number_of_states):
    states[i] = automata.State('S' + str(i))

# Creating events
number_of_events = 4 * w * h + 2 * (w + h - 2)
events = [None] * number_of_events
for i in range(number_of_events):
    events[i] = automata.Event(('e' + str(i)), 1, True)

#Creating the automaton itself and its positions
trans = dict()
Matrix_states = [[0 for x in range(w)] for y in range(h)]
#Data about positions
wsize = 3.2
whalf = wsize / 2
hsize = 2.1
hhalf = hsize / 2
Initial_point = np.array([0, 0, 0])
wdif = wsize / (w)
hdif = hsize / (h)
positions = [[0 for x in range(w)] for y in range(h)]
counter_states = 0
from rps.utilities.barrier_certificates import *
from rps.utilities.misc import *
from rps.utilities.controllers import *
import numpy as np
import random

#Creating States
A = automata.State('A')
B = automata.State('B')
C = automata.State('C')
D = automata.State('D')
E = automata.State('E')
F = automata.State('F')

# Creating events
a = automata.Event('a', 1, True)
b = automata.Event('b', 1, True)
c = automata.Event('c', 1, True)
d = automata.Event('d', 1, True)
e = automata.Event('e', 1, True)
f = automata.Event('f', 1, True)
g = automata.Event('g', 1, True)
h = automata.Event('h', 1, True)
k = automata.Event('k', 1, True)
l = automata.Event('l', 1, True)
m = automata.Event('m', 1, True)
n = automata.Event('n', 1, True)
o = automata.Event('o', 1, True)
p = automata.Event('p', 1, True)

#Creating the automaton itself
Пример #5
alphabet_uncontrollable = dict()

n_automata = clusters
robot_transitions = dict()
robot_initial_state = list()
robot = list()
I_Be_C = dict()
F_Be_C = dict()
I_C_Be = dict()
F_C_Be = dict()
I_C_Bd = dict()
F_C_Bd = dict()
I_Bd_Be = dict()
F_Bd_Be = dict()
for i in range(n_automata):
    I_Be_C[i] = automata.Event('I_Be_C' + str(i), True)
    F_Be_C[i] = automata.Event('F_Be_C' + str(i))
    I_C_Be[i] = automata.Event('I_C_Be' + str(i), True)
    F_C_Be[i] = automata.Event('F_C_Be' + str(i))
    I_C_Bd[i] = automata.Event('I_C_Bd' + str(i), True)
    F_C_Bd[i] = automata.Event('F_C_Bd' + str(i))
    I_Bd_Be[i] = automata.Event('I_Bd_Be' + str(i), True)
    F_Bd_Be[i] = automata.Event('F_Bd_Be' + str(i))
    if i == n_automata - 1:  # last robot
        alphabet[i] = {0: I_Be_C[i], 1: F_Be_C[i], 2: I_C_Be[i], 3: F_C_Be[i]}
        robot_transitions[i] = dict()
        robot_transitions[i] = {
            s[0]: {
                alphabet[i][0]: s[1],
                alphabet[i][2]: s[2]
Пример #6
from machine import automata
from machine import operations

# Composition example

# Creating states

s0 = automata.State('0', True)
s1 = automata.State('1')

# Creating events

a = automata.Event('a', True)
b = automata.Event('b')
c = automata.Event('c', True)
d = automata.Event('d')

transitions_1 = {s0: {a: s1, b: s0}, s1: {b: s0}}
transitions_2 = {s0: {c: s1}, s1: {d: s0}}

G1 = automata.Automaton(transitions_1, s0)
G2 = automata.Automaton(transitions_2, s0)

print("G1 states list:", G1.states_set())
print("G1 events list:", G1.events_set())

G = operations.sync(G1, G2)

print("G states list:", G.states_set())