Пример #1
    def get_triangulation(self, normal_vector=None):
        # Figure out how to triangulate the interior to know
        # how to send the points as to the vertex shader.
        # First triangles come directly from the points
        if normal_vector is None:
            normal_vector = self.get_unit_normal()

        if not self.needs_new_triangulation:
            return self.triangulation

        points = self.get_points()

        if len(points) <= 1:
            self.triangulation = np.zeros(0, dtype="i4")
            self.needs_new_triangulation = False
            return self.triangulation

        if not np.isclose(normal_vector, OUT).all():
            # Rotate points such that unit normal vector is OUT
            points = np.dot(points, z_to_vector(normal_vector))
        indices = np.arange(len(points), dtype=int)

        b0s = points[0::3]
        b1s = points[1::3]
        b2s = points[2::3]
        v01s = b1s - b0s
        v12s = b2s - b1s

        crosses = cross2d(v01s, v12s)
        convexities = np.sign(crosses)

        atol = self.tolerance_for_point_equality
        end_of_loop = np.zeros(len(b0s), dtype=bool)
        end_of_loop[:-1] = (np.abs(b2s[:-1] - b0s[1:]) > atol).any(1)
        end_of_loop[-1] = True

        concave_parts = convexities < 0

        # These are the vertices to which we'll apply a polygon triangulation
        inner_vert_indices = np.hstack(
        rings = np.arange(1, len(inner_vert_indices) + 1)[inner_vert_indices % 3 == 2]

        # Triangulate
        inner_verts = points[inner_vert_indices]
        inner_tri_indices = inner_vert_indices[
            earclip_triangulation(inner_verts, rings)

        tri_indices = np.hstack([indices, inner_tri_indices])
        self.triangulation = tri_indices
        self.needs_new_triangulation = False
        return tri_indices
    def get_triangulation(self, orientation=None):
        # Figure out how to triangulate the interior to know
        # how to send the points as to the vertex shader.
        # First triangles come directly from the points
        if orientation is None:
            orientation = self.get_orientation()

        if self.triangulation_locked:
            return self.saved_triangulation

        if len(self.points) <= 1:
            return []

        points = self.points
        indices = np.arange(len(points), dtype=int)

        b0s = points[0::3]
        b1s = points[1::3]
        b2s = points[2::3]
        v01s = b1s - b0s
        v12s = b2s - b1s

        # TODO, account for 3d
        crosses = cross2d(v01s, v12s)
        convexities = orientation * np.sign(crosses)

        atol = self.tolerance_for_point_equality
        end_of_loop = np.zeros(len(b0s), dtype=bool)
        end_of_loop[:-1] = (np.abs(b2s[:-1] - b0s[1:]) > atol).any(1)
        end_of_loop[-1] = True

        concave_parts = convexities < 0

        # These are the vertices to which we'll apply a polygon triangulation
        inner_vert_indices = np.hstack([
        rings = np.arange(1,
                          len(inner_vert_indices) + 1)[inner_vert_indices %
                                                       3 == 2]

        # Triangulate
        inner_verts = points[inner_vert_indices]
        inner_tri_indices = inner_vert_indices[earclip_triangulation(
            inner_verts, rings)]

        tri_indices = np.hstack([indices, inner_tri_indices])
        return tri_indices