Пример #1
    def step(self, x, y, direction, brightness):
        step is called many times while iterating over the loaded bitmap
        in each step we calculate a squiggle based on position x,y with given brightness
        in the bitmap. direction is a direction vector indicating what direction we are
        moving in.

        calculate a new squiggle in the circle generation process
        :param x: x pos in bitmap that calculation should be based on
        :param y: y pos in bitmap that calculation should be based on
        :param direction: in what direction are we moving?
        :param brightness: gray value in the bitmap at x,y
        :return: potentially modified step size
        stepSize = Mapping.linexp(brightness, 0, 255, self.minStepSize,
        stepSize = Mapping.linlin(stepSize, 1, 10, 1, 10 / self.detail)
        self.previous_stepsize = stepSize
        amplitudeSize = Mapping.linlin(brightness, 0, 255, self.strength, 0)
        if self.prevPos is None:
            self.path = QPainterPath()
            self.path.moveTo(x, y)
            self.prevPos = np.array([[
            ], [
            newPos = np.array([[
            ], [
            dirx = direction[0][0]
            diry = direction[1][0]
            ortho_dir = np.array([[-diry], [dirx]
                                  ]) * self.disturbance_direction
            disturbance = ortho_dir * amplitudeSize
            disturbedPos = (self.prevPos + newPos) / 2 + disturbance
            if not self.clipToBitmap or (self.clipToBitmap and not Circle(
                    x, y, amplitudeSize).edges(self.width, self.height)):
                self.path.quadTo(disturbedPos[0][0], disturbedPos[1][0],
                                 newPos[0][0], newPos[1][0])
                self.path.moveTo(newPos[0][0], newPos[1][0])
            self.prevPos = newPos
        self.disturbance_direction = -self.disturbance_direction
        return max(int(stepSize), 1)
Пример #2
    def step(self, x, y, direction, brightness):
        step is called many times while iterating over the loaded bitmap
        in each step we calculate a circle based on position x,y with given brightness
        in the bitmap. direction is a direction vector indicating what direction we are
        moving in.

        calculate a new circle in the circle generation process
        :param x: x pos in bitmap that calculation should be based on
        :param y: y pos in bitmap that calculation should be based on
        :param direction: in what direction are we moving?
        :param brightness: gray value in the bitmap at x,y
        :return: potentially modified step size
        r = Mapping.linexp(brightness, self.minBrightness, self.maxBrightness,
                           self.maxRadius, self.minRadius)
        if not r:
            r = self.minRadius
        stepsize = int(
            Mapping.linlin(brightness, self.minBrightness, self.maxBrightness,
                           self.minStepSize, self.maxStepSize))
        if not self.clipToBitmap or (self.clipToBitmap and not Circle(
                x, y, r).edges(self.width, self.height)):
            item = QGraphicsEllipseItem(x - r, y - r, r * 2, r * 2)
            pen = QPen()
        return max(int(stepsize), 1)
Пример #3
    def skip(self, x, y, direction, brightness):
        similar to step, but explicitly asking to skip generation of a circle (e.g. because brightness constraints are not met)
        this allows the method to update its internal state to keep track of what is happening

        :param x: x pos in bitmap that the calculation should be based on
        :param y: x pos in bitmap that the calculation should be based on
        :param direction: direction we were moving in
        :param brightness: gray value of x,y in bitmap
        :return: potentially modified step size
        stepsize = int(
            Mapping.linlin(brightness, self.minBrightness, self.maxBrightness,
                           self.minStepSize, self.maxStepSize))
        return max(int(stepsize), 1)
Пример #4
 def makeSquiggles(self, image):
     actual calculations
     :param image: bitmap to squigglify
     noOfLines = self.parent.noOfLines.value()
     height = image.height()
     width = image.width()
     amplitude = self.parent.strength.value()
     strokeWidth = self.parent.lineWidth.value()
     detail = self.parent.detail.value()
     invertColors = self.parent.invertColors.checkState() == Qt.Checked
     verticalSquiggles = self.parent.verticalSquiggles.checkState(
     ) == Qt.Checked
     maxBrightness = self.parent.maxBrightness.value()
     minBrightness = self.parent.minBrightness.value()
     group = QGraphicsItemGroup()
     finalRow = False
     minStepSize = self.parent.minStepSize.value()
     maxStepSize = self.parent.maxStepSize.value()
     # TODO: too much code duplication!
     path = QPainterPath()
     if not verticalSquiggles:
         scaledystep = max(1, height / noOfLines)
         for y in frange(0, height, scaledystep):
             if fabs(y - height) < 1e-3 or y >= height:
                 finalRow = True
             x = 0
             disturbance_direction = -1
             prevX = 0
             prevY = y
             while x < width:
                 disturbance_direction = -disturbance_direction
                 grayvalue = qGray(image.pixel(x, y))
                 if invertColors:
                     grayvalue = 255 - grayvalue
                 stepSize = Mapping.linexp(grayvalue, 0, 255, minStepSize,
                 stepSize = Mapping.linlin(stepSize, 1, 10, 1, 10 / detail)
                 amplitudeSize = Mapping.linlin(grayvalue, 0, 255,
                                                amplitude, 0)
                 if x == 0:
                     path = QPainterPath()
                     path.moveTo(x, y)
                 x = prevX + stepSize
                 newY = prevY + amplitudeSize * disturbance_direction
                 if minBrightness <= grayvalue <= maxBrightness:
                     path.quadTo((prevX + x) / 2, newY, x, prevY)
                     path.moveTo(x, prevY)
                 if x >= width:
                     item = QGraphicsPathItem(path)
                     pen = QPen()
                 prevX = x
                 prevY = y
             if finalRow:
         scaledxstep = max(1, width / noOfLines)
         for x in frange(0, width, scaledxstep):
             if fabs(x - width) < 1e-3 or x >= width:
                 finalRow = True
             y = 0
             disturbance_direction = -1
             prevX = x
             prevY = 0
             while y < height:
                 disturbance_direction = -disturbance_direction
                 grayvalue = qGray(image.pixel(x, y))
                 if invertColors:
                     grayvalue = 255 - grayvalue
                 stepSize = Mapping.linexp(grayvalue, 0, 255, minStepSize,
                 stepSize = Mapping.linlin(stepSize, 1, 10, 1, 10 / detail)
                 amplitudeSize = Mapping.linlin(grayvalue, 0, 255,
                                                amplitude, 0)
                 if y == 0:
                     path = QPainterPath()
                     path.moveTo(x, y)
                 y = prevY + stepSize
                 newX = prevX + amplitudeSize * disturbance_direction
                 if minBrightness <= grayvalue <= maxBrightness:
                     path.quadTo(newX, (prevY + y) / 2, prevX, y)
                     path.moveTo(x, prevY)
                 if y >= height:
                     item = QGraphicsPathItem(path)
                     pen = QPen()
                 prevX = x
                 prevY = y
             if finalRow: