Пример #1
 def _hd_1D(data,prob,var):
     "Computes the HD quantiles for a 1D array."
     xsorted = numpy.squeeze(numpy.sort(data.compressed().view(ndarray)))
     n = len(xsorted)
     hd = empty((2,len(prob)), float_)
     if n < 2:
         hd.flat = numpy.nan
         if var:
             return hd
         return hd[0]
     v = arange(n+1) / float(n)
     betacdf = beta.cdf
     for (i,p) in enumerate(prob):    
         _w = betacdf(v, (n+1)*p, (n+1)*(1-p))
         w = _w[1:] - _w[:-1]
         hd_mean = dot(w, xsorted)
         hd[0,i] = hd_mean
         hd[1,i] = dot(w, (xsorted-hd_mean)**2)
     hd[0, prob == 0] = xsorted[0]
     hd[0, prob == 1] = xsorted[-1]  
     if var:  
         hd[1, prob == 0] = hd[1, prob == 1] = numpy.nan
         return hd
     return hd[0]
Пример #2
def cov(x, y=None, rowvar=True, bias=False, strict=False):
    Estimate the covariance matrix.

    If x is a vector, return the variance.  For matrices, returns the covariance 

    If y is given, it is treated as an additional (set of) variable(s).

    Normalization is by (N-1) where N is the number of observations (unbiased 
    estimate).  If bias is True then normalization is by N.

    If rowvar is non-zero (default), then each row is a variable with observations 
    in the columns, otherwise each column is a variable  and the observations  are 
    in the rows.
    If strict is True, masked values are propagated: if a masked value appears in 
    a row or column, the whole row or column is considered masked.
    X = narray(x, ndmin=2, subok=True, dtype=float)
    if X.shape[0] == 1:
        rowvar = True
    if rowvar:
        axis = 0
        tup = (slice(None),None)
        axis = 1
        tup = (None, slice(None))
    if y is not None:
        y = narray(y, copy=False, ndmin=2, subok=True, dtype=float)
        X = concatenate((X,y),axis)
    X -= X.mean(axis=1-axis)[tup]
    n = X.count(1-axis)
    if bias:
        fact = n*1.0
        fact = n-1.0
    if not rowvar:
        return (dot(X.T, X.conj(), strict=False) / fact).squeeze()
        return (dot(X, X.T.conj(), strict=False) / fact).squeeze()
Пример #3
 def _hdsd_1D(data,prob):
     "Computes the std error for 1D arrays."
     xsorted = numpy.sort(data.compressed())
     n = len(xsorted)
     hdsd = empty(len(prob), float_)
     if n < 2:
         hdsd.flat = numpy.nan
     vv = arange(n) / float(n-1)
     betacdf = beta.cdf
     for (i,p) in enumerate(prob):    
         _w = betacdf(vv, (n+1)*p, (n+1)*(1-p)) 
         w = _w[1:] - _w[:-1]
         mx_ = numpy.fromiter([dot(w,xsorted[r_[range(0,k),
                               for k in range(n)], dtype=float_)
         mx_var = numpy.array(mx_.var(), copy=False, ndmin=1) * n / float(n-1)
         hdsd[i] = float(n-1) * sqrt(numpy.diag(mx_var).diagonal() / float(n))
     return hdsd