Пример #1
def verbosalize_logger(log, verbosity):
    if verbosity <= 0:

    if verbosity >= 8:
        while True:
            log.critical('MASTML' * random.randint(3, 2**(verbosity - 4)))
Пример #2
def verbosalize_logger(log, verbosity):
    if verbosity <= 0:

    if verbosity >= 8:
        while True:
            log.critical('MSATML' * random.randint(3, 2**(verbosity - 4)))

    old_log = log._log

    def new_log(level, msg, *args, **kwargs):
        old_log(level, [
            None, None, to_upper, to_full_width, to_leet, deep_fry, deep_fry_2,
        ][verbosity](msg), *args, **kwargs)

    log._log = new_log
Пример #3
    def _generic_convert_dem_from_ascii2netcdf(self, name_in, name_out=None, quantity_name=None, verbose=False):
        """Read raster from the following ASCII format (.asc)

        Internal function. See public function convert_dem_from_ascii2netcdf
        for details.

        import os
        from anuga.file.netcdf import NetCDFFile

        root = name_in[:-4]

        # Read Meta data
        if verbose:
            log.critical("Reading METADATA from %s" % (root + ".prj"))

        metadatafile = open(root + ".prj")
        metalines = metadatafile.readlines()

        L = metalines[0].strip().split()
        assert L[0].strip().lower() == "projection"
        projection = L[1].strip()  # TEXT

        L = metalines[1].strip().split()
        assert L[0].strip().lower() == "zone"
        zone = int(L[1].strip())

        L = metalines[2].strip().split()
        assert L[0].strip().lower() == "datum"
        datum = L[1].strip()  # TEXT

        L = metalines[3].strip().split()
        assert L[0].strip().lower() == "zunits"  # IGNORE
        zunits = L[1].strip()  # TEXT

        L = metalines[4].strip().split()
        assert L[0].strip().lower() == "units"
        units = L[1].strip()  # TEXT

        L = metalines[5].strip().split()
        assert L[0].strip().lower() == "spheroid"  # IGNORE
        spheroid = L[1].strip()  # TEXT

        L = metalines[6].strip().split()
        assert L[0].strip().lower() == "xshift"
        false_easting = float(L[1].strip())

        L = metalines[7].strip().split()
        assert L[0].strip().lower() == "yshift"
        false_northing = float(L[1].strip())

        if name_in[-4:] != ".asc":
            raise IOError("Input file %s should be of type .asc." % name_in)

        # Read DEM data
        datafile = open(name_in)

        if verbose:
            log.critical("Reading raster from %s" % (name_in))

        lines = datafile.readlines()

        if verbose:
            log.critical("Got %d lines" % len(lines))

        ncols = int(lines[0].split()[1].strip())
        nrows = int(lines[1].split()[1].strip())

        # Do cellsize (line 4) before line 2 and 3
        cellsize = float(lines[4].split()[1].strip())

        # Checks suggested by Joaquim Luis
        # Our internal representation of xllcorner
        # and yllcorner is non-standard.
        xref = lines[2].split()
        if xref[0].strip() == "xllcorner":
            xllcorner = float(xref[1].strip())  # + 0.5*cellsize # Correct offset
        elif xref[0].strip() == "xllcenter":
            xllcorner = float(xref[1].strip())
            msg = "Unknown keyword: %s" % xref[0].strip()
            raise Exception, msg

        yref = lines[3].split()
        if yref[0].strip() == "yllcorner":
            yllcorner = float(yref[1].strip())  # + 0.5*cellsize # Correct offset
        elif yref[0].strip() == "yllcenter":
            yllcorner = float(yref[1].strip())
            msg = "Unknown keyword: %s" % yref[0].strip()
            raise Exception, msg

        NODATA_value = int(float(lines[5].split()[1].strip()))

        assert len(lines) == nrows + 6

        if name_out == None:
            netcdfname = name_in[:-4] + ".dem"
            netcdfname = name_out + ".dem"

        if verbose:
            log.critical("Store to NetCDF file %s" % netcdfname)

        # NetCDF file definition
        fid = NetCDFFile(netcdfname, netcdf_mode_w)

        # Create new file
        fid.institution = "Geoscience Australia"
        fid.description = "NetCDF DEM format for compact and portable storage " "of spatial point data"

        fid.ncols = ncols
        fid.nrows = nrows
        fid.xllcorner = xllcorner
        fid.yllcorner = yllcorner
        fid.cellsize = cellsize
        fid.NODATA_value = NODATA_value

        fid.zone = zone
        fid.false_easting = false_easting
        fid.false_northing = false_northing
        fid.projection = projection
        fid.datum = datum
        fid.units = units

        # dimension definitions
        fid.createDimension("number_of_rows", nrows)
        fid.createDimension("number_of_columns", ncols)

        # variable definitions
        fid.createVariable(quantity_name, netcdf_float, ("number_of_rows", "number_of_columns"))

        # Get handles to the variables
        elevation = fid.variables[quantity_name]

        # Store data
        import numpy

        datafile = open(name_in)
        elevation[:, :] = numpy.loadtxt(datafile, skiprows=6)

        #    n = len(lines[6:])
        #    for i, line in enumerate(lines[6:]):
        #        fields = line.split()
        #        if verbose and i % ((n+10)/10) == 0:
        #            log.critical('Processing row %d of %d' % (i, nrows))
        #        if len(fields) != ncols:
        #            msg = 'Wrong number of columns in file "%s" line %d\n' % (name_in, i)
        #            msg += 'I got %d elements, but there should have been %d\n' % (len(fields), ncols)
        #            raise Exception, msg
        #        elevation[i, :] = num.array([float(x) for x in fields])

Пример #4
    def _generic_dem2pts(
        """Read raster from the following NetCDF format (.dem)

        Internal function. See public function generic_dem2pts for details.

        # FIXME: Can this be written feasibly using write_pts?

        import os
        from anuga.file.netcdf import NetCDFFile

        root = name_in[:-4]

        if name_in[-4:] == ".asc":
            intermediate = root + ".dem"
            if verbose:
                log.critical("Preconvert %s from asc to %s" % (name_in, intermediate))
            name_in = intermediate
        elif name_in[-4:] != ".dem":
            raise IOError("Input file %s should be of type .asc or .dem." % name_in)

        if name_out != None and basename_out[-4:] != ".pts":
            raise IOError("Input file %s should be of type .pts." % name_out)

        # Get NetCDF
        infile = NetCDFFile(name_in, netcdf_mode_r)

        if verbose:
            log.critical("Reading raster from %s" % (name_in))

        ncols = int(infile.ncols)
        nrows = int(infile.nrows)
        xllcorner = float(infile.xllcorner)  # Easting of lower left corner
        yllcorner = float(infile.yllcorner)  # Northing of lower left corner
        cellsize = float(infile.cellsize)
        NODATA_value = float(infile.NODATA_value)

        dem_elevation = infile.variables[quantity_name]

        zone = int(infile.zone)
        false_easting = float(infile.false_easting)
        false_northing = float(infile.false_northing)

        # print ncols, nrows, xllcorner,yllcorner, cellsize, NODATA_value, zone

        # Text strings
        projection = infile.projection
        datum = infile.datum
        units = infile.units

        # print projection, datum, units

        # Get output file
        if name_out == None:
            ptsname = root + ".pts"
            ptsname = name_out

        if verbose:
            log.critical("Store to NetCDF file %s" % ptsname)

        # NetCDF file definition
        outfile = NetCDFFile(ptsname, netcdf_mode_w)

        # Create new file
        outfile.institution = "Geoscience Australia"
        outfile.description = "NetCDF pts format for compact and portable " "storage of spatial point data"

        # Assign default values
        if easting_min is None:
            easting_min = xllcorner
        if easting_max is None:
            easting_max = xllcorner + ncols * cellsize
        if northing_min is None:
            northing_min = yllcorner
        if northing_max is None:
            northing_max = yllcorner + nrows * cellsize

        # print easting_min, easting_max, northing_min, northing_max

        # Compute offsets to update georeferencing
        easting_offset = xllcorner - easting_min
        northing_offset = yllcorner - northing_min

        # Georeferencing
        outfile.zone = zone
        outfile.xllcorner = easting_min  # Easting of lower left corner
        outfile.yllcorner = northing_min  # Northing of lower left corner
        outfile.false_easting = false_easting
        outfile.false_northing = false_northing

        outfile.projection = projection
        outfile.datum = datum
        outfile.units = units

        # Grid info (FIXME: probably not going to be used, but heck)
        outfile.ncols = ncols
        outfile.nrows = nrows

        dem_elevation_r = num.reshape(dem_elevation, (nrows, ncols))
        totalnopoints = nrows * ncols

        # ========================================
        # Do the preceeding with numpy
        # ========================================
        y = num.arange(nrows, dtype=num.float)
        y = yllcorner + (nrows - 1) * cellsize - y * cellsize

        x = num.arange(ncols, dtype=num.float)
        x = xllcorner + x * cellsize

        xx, yy = num.meshgrid(x, y)

        xx = xx.flatten()
        yy = yy.flatten()

        flag = num.logical_and(
            num.logical_and((xx <= easting_max), (xx >= easting_min)),
            num.logical_and((yy <= northing_max), (yy >= northing_min)),

        dem = dem_elevation[:].flatten()

        id = num.where(flag)[0]

        xx = xx[id]
        yy = yy[id]
        dem = dem[id]

        clippednopoints = len(dem)
        # print clippedpoints

        # print xx
        # print yy
        # print dem

        data_flag = dem != NODATA_value

        data_id = num.where(data_flag)

        xx = xx[data_id]
        yy = yy[data_id]
        dem = dem[data_id]

        nn = clippednopoints - len(dem)

        nopoints = len(dem)

        if verbose:
            log.critical("There are %d values in the raster" % totalnopoints)
            log.critical("There are %d values in the clipped raster" % clippednopoints)
            log.critical("There are %d NODATA_values in the clipped raster" % nn)

        outfile.createDimension("number_of_points", nopoints)
        outfile.createDimension("number_of_dimensions", 2)  # This is 2d data

        # Variable definitions
        outfile.createVariable("points", netcdf_float, ("number_of_points", "number_of_dimensions"))
        outfile.createVariable(quantity_name, netcdf_float, ("number_of_points",))

        # Get handles to the variables
        points = outfile.variables["points"]
        elevation = outfile.variables[quantity_name]

        points[:, 0] = xx - easting_min
        points[:, 1] = yy - northing_min
        elevation[:] = dem

Пример #5
    def _generic_convert_dem_from_ascii2netcdf(self, name_in, name_out = None,
                                       quantity_name = None, verbose = False):
        Read raster from the following ASCII format (.asc)

        Internal function. See public function convert_dem_from_ascii2netcdf
        for details.

        import os
        from anuga.file.netcdf import NetCDFFile

        root = name_in[:-4]

        # Read Meta data
        if verbose: log.critical('Reading METADATA from %s' % (root + '.prj'))

        metadatafile = open(root + '.prj')
        metalines = metadatafile.readlines()

        L = metalines[0].strip().split()
        assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'projection'
        projection = L[1].strip()                   #TEXT

        L = metalines[1].strip().split()
        assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'zone'
        zone = int(L[1].strip())

        L = metalines[2].strip().split()
        assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'datum'
        datum = L[1].strip()                        #TEXT

        L = metalines[3].strip().split()
        assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'zunits'     #IGNORE
        zunits = L[1].strip()                       #TEXT

        L = metalines[4].strip().split()
        assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'units'
        units = L[1].strip()                        #TEXT

        L = metalines[5].strip().split()
        assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'spheroid'   #IGNORE
        spheroid = L[1].strip()                     #TEXT

        L = metalines[6].strip().split()
        assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'xshift'
        false_easting = float(L[1].strip())

        L = metalines[7].strip().split()
        assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'yshift'
        false_northing = float(L[1].strip())

        if name_in[-4:] != '.asc':
            raise IOError('Input file %s should be of type .asc.' % name_in)

        #Read DEM data
        datafile = open(name_in)

        if verbose: log.critical('Reading raster from %s' % (name_in))

        lines = datafile.readlines()

        if verbose: log.critical('Got %d lines' % len(lines))

        ncols = int(lines[0].split()[1].strip())
        nrows = int(lines[1].split()[1].strip())

        # Do cellsize (line 4) before line 2 and 3
        cellsize = float(lines[4].split()[1].strip())

        # Checks suggested by Joaquim Luis
        # Our internal representation of xllcorner
        # and yllcorner is non-standard.
        xref = lines[2].split()
        if xref[0].strip() == 'xllcorner':
            xllcorner = float(xref[1].strip()) # + 0.5*cellsize # Correct offset
        elif xref[0].strip() == 'xllcenter':
            xllcorner = float(xref[1].strip())
            msg = 'Unknown keyword: %s' % xref[0].strip()
            raise Exception, msg

        yref = lines[3].split()
        if yref[0].strip() == 'yllcorner':
            yllcorner = float(yref[1].strip()) # + 0.5*cellsize # Correct offset
        elif yref[0].strip() == 'yllcenter':
            yllcorner = float(yref[1].strip())
            msg = 'Unknown keyword: %s' % yref[0].strip()
            raise Exception, msg

        NODATA_value = int(float(lines[5].split()[1].strip()))

        assert len(lines) == nrows + 6

        if name_out == None:
            netcdfname = name_in[:-4]+'.dem'
            netcdfname = name_out + '.dem'

        if verbose: log.critical('Store to NetCDF file %s' % netcdfname)

        # NetCDF file definition
        fid = NetCDFFile(netcdfname, netcdf_mode_w)

        #Create new file
        fid.institution = 'Geoscience Australia'
        fid.description = 'NetCDF DEM format for compact and portable storage ' \
                          'of spatial point data'

        fid.ncols = ncols
        fid.nrows = nrows
        fid.xllcorner = xllcorner
        fid.yllcorner = yllcorner
        fid.cellsize = cellsize
        fid.NODATA_value = NODATA_value

        fid.zone = zone
        fid.false_easting = false_easting
        fid.false_northing = false_northing
        fid.projection = projection
        fid.datum = datum
        fid.units = units

        # dimension definitions
        fid.createDimension('number_of_rows', nrows)
        fid.createDimension('number_of_columns', ncols)

        # variable definitions
        fid.createVariable(quantity_name, netcdf_float, ('number_of_rows',

        # Get handles to the variables
        elevation = fid.variables[quantity_name]

        #Store data
        import numpy

        datafile = open(name_in)
        elevation[:,:] = numpy.loadtxt(datafile, skiprows=6)

Пример #6
    def _generic_dem2npy(self, name_in, name_out=None, quantity_name=None, verbose=False,
                easting_min=None, easting_max=None,
                northing_min=None, northing_max=None):
        Read raster from the following NetCDF format (.dem)

        Internal function. See public function generic_dem2npy for details.

        import os
        from anuga.file.netcdf import NetCDFFile

        root = name_in[:-4]

        if name_in[-4:] == '.asc':
            intermediate = root + '.dem'
            if verbose:
                log.critical('Preconvert %s from asc to %s' % \
                                        (name_in, intermediate))
            name_in = intermediate
        elif name_in[-4:] != '.dem':
            raise IOError('Input file %s should be of type .asc or .dem.' % name_in)

        # Get NetCDF
        infile = NetCDFFile(name_in, netcdf_mode_r) 

        if verbose: log.critical('Reading raster from %s' % (name_in))

        ncols = int(infile.ncols)
        nrows = int(infile.nrows)
        xllcorner = float(infile.xllcorner)  # Easting of lower left corner
        yllcorner = float(infile.yllcorner)  # Northing of lower left corner
        cellsize = float(infile.cellsize)
        NODATA_value = float(infile.NODATA_value)

        dem_elevation = infile.variables[quantity_name]

        # Assign default values
        if easting_min is None: easting_min = xllcorner
        if easting_max is None: easting_max = xllcorner + ncols*cellsize
        if northing_min is None: northing_min = yllcorner
        if northing_max is None: northing_max = yllcorner + nrows*cellsize

        # Do the preceeding with numpy
        y = num.arange(nrows,dtype=num.float)
        y = yllcorner + (nrows-1)*cellsize - y*cellsize

        x = num.arange(ncols,dtype=num.float)
        x = xllcorner + x*cellsize

        xx,yy = num.meshgrid(x,y)
        xx = xx.flatten()
        yy = yy.flatten()
        flag = num.logical_and(num.logical_and((xx <= easting_max),(xx >= easting_min)),
                               num.logical_and((yy <= northing_max),(yy >= northing_min)))

        dem = dem_elevation[:].flatten()

        id = num.where(flag)[0]
        xx = xx[id]
        yy = yy[id]
        dem = dem[id]

        data_flag = dem != NODATA_value
        data_id = num.where(data_flag)
        points =  num.zeros((len(data_id[0]),3))
        points[:,0] =   xx[data_id] - easting_min
        points[:,1] = yy[data_id] - northing_min
        points[:,2] = dem[data_id]
        x_ = num.arange(0, num.ceil(points[:,0].max()))
        y_ = num.arange(0, num.ceil(points[:,1].max()))

        grid_x, grid_y = num.meshgrid(x_,y_)
        grid_z = num.zeros_like(grid_x)

        rloc = num.round(points[:,1]).astype(int)
        cloc = num.round(points[:,0]).astype(int)
        grid_z[rloc, cloc] = points[:,2]

        points = num.vstack((grid_x.flatten() + easting_min,
                             grid_y.flatten() + northing_min,
        return points
    def _generic_convert_dem_from_ascii2netcdf(self, name_in, name_out = None,
                                       quantity_name = None, verbose = False):
        Read raster from the following ASCII format (.asc)

        Internal function. See public function convert_dem_from_ascii2netcdf
        for details.

        import os
        from anuga.file.netcdf import NetCDFFile

        root = name_in[:-4]

        # Read Meta data
        if verbose: log.critical('Reading METADATA from %s' % (root + '.prj'))

        metadatafile = open(root + '.prj')
        metalines = metadatafile.readlines()

        L = metalines[0].strip().split()
        assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'projection'
        projection = L[1].strip()                   #TEXT

        L = metalines[1].strip().split()
        assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'zone'
        zone = int(L[1].strip())

        L = metalines[2].strip().split()
        assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'datum'
        datum = L[1].strip()                        #TEXT

        L = metalines[3].strip().split()
        assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'zunits'     #IGNORE
        zunits = L[1].strip()                       #TEXT

        L = metalines[4].strip().split()
        assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'units'
        units = L[1].strip()                        #TEXT

        L = metalines[5].strip().split()
        assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'spheroid'   #IGNORE
        spheroid = L[1].strip()                     #TEXT

        L = metalines[6].strip().split()
        assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'xshift'
        false_easting = float(L[1].strip())

        L = metalines[7].strip().split()
        assert L[0].strip().lower() == 'yshift'
        false_northing = float(L[1].strip())

        if name_in[-4:] != '.asc':
            raise IOError('Input file %s should be of type .asc.' % name_in)

        #Read DEM data
        datafile = open(name_in)

        if verbose: log.critical('Reading raster from %s' % (name_in))

        lines = datafile.readlines()

        if verbose: log.critical('Got %d lines' % len(lines))

        ncols = int(lines[0].split()[1].strip())
        nrows = int(lines[1].split()[1].strip())

        # Do cellsize (line 4) before line 2 and 3
        cellsize = float(lines[4].split()[1].strip())

        # Checks suggested by Joaquim Luis
        # Our internal representation of xllcorner
        # and yllcorner is non-standard.
        xref = lines[2].split()
        if xref[0].strip() == 'xllcorner':
            xllcorner = float(xref[1].strip()) # + 0.5*cellsize # Correct offset
        elif xref[0].strip() == 'xllcenter':
            xllcorner = float(xref[1].strip())
            msg = 'Unknown keyword: %s' % xref[0].strip()
            raise Exception, msg

        yref = lines[3].split()
        if yref[0].strip() == 'yllcorner':
            yllcorner = float(yref[1].strip()) # + 0.5*cellsize # Correct offset
        elif yref[0].strip() == 'yllcenter':
            yllcorner = float(yref[1].strip())
            msg = 'Unknown keyword: %s' % yref[0].strip()
            raise Exception, msg

        NODATA_value = int(float(lines[5].split()[1].strip()))

        assert len(lines) == nrows + 6

        if name_out == None:
            netcdfname = name_in[:-4]+'.dem'
            netcdfname = name_out + '.dem'

        if verbose: log.critical('Store to NetCDF file %s' % netcdfname)

        # NetCDF file definition
        fid = NetCDFFile(netcdfname, netcdf_mode_w)

        #Create new file
        fid.institution = 'Geoscience Australia'
        fid.description = 'NetCDF DEM format for compact and portable storage ' \
                          'of spatial point data'

        fid.ncols = ncols
        fid.nrows = nrows
        fid.xllcorner = xllcorner
        fid.yllcorner = yllcorner
        fid.cellsize = cellsize
        fid.NODATA_value = NODATA_value

        fid.zone = zone
        fid.false_easting = false_easting
        fid.false_northing = false_northing
        fid.projection = projection
        fid.datum = datum
        fid.units = units

        # dimension definitions
        fid.createDimension('number_of_rows', nrows)
        fid.createDimension('number_of_columns', ncols)

        # variable definitions
        fid.createVariable(quantity_name, netcdf_float, ('number_of_rows',

        # Get handles to the variables
        elevation = fid.variables[quantity_name]

        #Store data
        import numpy

        datafile = open(name_in)
        elevation[:,:] = numpy.loadtxt(datafile, skiprows=6)

    def _generic_dem2npy(self, name_in, name_out=None, quantity_name=None, verbose=False,
                easting_min=None, easting_max=None,
                northing_min=None, northing_max=None):
        Read raster from the following NetCDF format (.dem)

        Internal function. See public function generic_dem2npy for details.

        import os
        from anuga.file.netcdf import NetCDFFile

        root = name_in[:-4]

        if name_in[-4:] == '.asc':
            intermediate = root + '.dem'
            if verbose:
                log.critical('Preconvert %s from asc to %s' % \
                                        (name_in, intermediate))
            name_in = intermediate
        elif name_in[-4:] != '.dem':
            raise IOError('Input file %s should be of type .asc or .dem.' % name_in)

        # Get NetCDF
        infile = NetCDFFile(name_in, netcdf_mode_r) 

        if verbose: log.critical('Reading raster from %s' % (name_in))

        ncols = int(infile.ncols)
        nrows = int(infile.nrows)
        xllcorner = float(infile.xllcorner)  # Easting of lower left corner
        yllcorner = float(infile.yllcorner)  # Northing of lower left corner
        cellsize = float(infile.cellsize)
        NODATA_value = float(infile.NODATA_value)

        dem_elevation = infile.variables[quantity_name]

        # Assign default values
        if easting_min is None: easting_min = xllcorner
        if easting_max is None: easting_max = xllcorner + ncols*cellsize
        if northing_min is None: northing_min = yllcorner
        if northing_max is None: northing_max = yllcorner + nrows*cellsize

        # Do the preceeding with numpy
        y = num.arange(nrows,dtype=num.float)
        y = yllcorner + (nrows-1)*cellsize - y*cellsize

        x = num.arange(ncols,dtype=num.float)
        x = xllcorner + x*cellsize

        xx,yy = num.meshgrid(x,y)
        xx = xx.flatten()
        yy = yy.flatten()
        flag = num.logical_and(num.logical_and((xx <= easting_max),(xx >= easting_min)),
                               num.logical_and((yy <= northing_max),(yy >= northing_min)))

        dem = dem_elevation[:].flatten()

        id = num.where(flag)[0]
        xx = xx[id]
        yy = yy[id]
        dem = dem[id]

        data_flag = dem != NODATA_value
        data_id = num.where(data_flag)
        points =  num.zeros((len(data_id[0]),3))
        points[:,0] =   xx[data_id] - easting_min
        points[:,1] = yy[data_id] - northing_min
        points[:,2] = dem[data_id]
        x_ = num.arange(0, num.ceil(points[:,0].max()))
        y_ = num.arange(0, num.ceil(points[:,1].max()))

        grid_x, grid_y = num.meshgrid(x_,y_)
        grid_z = num.zeros_like(grid_x)

        rloc = num.round(points[:,1]).astype(int)
        cloc = num.round(points[:,0]).astype(int)
        grid_z[rloc, cloc] = points[:,2]

        points = num.vstack((grid_x.flatten() + easting_min,
                             grid_y.flatten() + northing_min,
        return points