Пример #1
    def __init__(self, logfile):

        f = open(logfile, 'r')
        lines = f.readlines()

        detector_type = getConfigValue(lines, "detector:")
        descriptor_type = getConfigValue(lines, "descriptor:")
        self.name = detector_type + " / " + descriptor_type

        pose_predicted_data = filterByTaskPoses(lines, 'BASE_LINK_POSE:')
        self.predicted_poses = np.reshape(pose_predicted_data[:, 1:],
                                          (len(pose_predicted_data), 3, 4))
        self.predicted_ori, self.predicted_pos = mh.decomposeTransformations(
        print("self.pose_predicted_data", len(pose_predicted_data))

        pose_adjusted_data = filterByTaskPoses(lines, 'BASE_LINK_KF:')
        self.adjusted_poses = np.reshape(pose_adjusted_data[:, 1:],
                                         (len(pose_adjusted_data), 3, 4))
        self.adjusted_ori, self.adjusted_pos = mh.decomposeTransformations(

        # WARNING predicted frame ID's are computed differently in the ROS version.
        # The ID is taken from the sequence number of the image message.
        # On the other hand, the ID's of the adjusted keyframes are computed
        # by an incremented variable inside the sptam class.
        # This produces an inconsistency in the numeration of associated poses.
        # There could also be an offset relating ground truth and stam frame numbers.

        # The frame numbers on which there was a pose prediction.
        # Frames that are not in this list were possibly discarded.
        self.computed_frames = map(int, pose_predicted_data[:, 0])

        # Loops accepted, format: [queryKF, loopKF, nMatches, nInliers] KFs ids are in sptam internal numeration
        self.accepted_loops = filterByTaskRaw(lines, 'ACCEPTED_LOOP:')
Пример #2
  def __init__(self, poses):

    self.name ="method"

    self.poses = np.reshape( poses, (len( poses ), 3, 4) )
    self.orientation, self.position = mh.decomposeTransformations( self.poses )
    print(self.name, len( poses ))
Пример #3
    def __init__(self, logfile):

        f = open(logfile, 'r')
        lines = f.readlines()

        detector_type = getConfigValue(lines, "detector:")
        descriptor_type = getConfigValue(lines, "descriptor:")
        self.name = detector_type + " / " + descriptor_type

        pose_predicted_data = filterByTaskPoses(lines, 'BASE_LINK_POSE:')
        self.predicted_poses = np.reshape(pose_predicted_data[:, 1:13],
                                          (len(pose_predicted_data), 3, 4))
        self.predicted_ori, self.predicted_pos = mh.decomposeTransformations(
        print("self.pose_predicted_data", len(pose_predicted_data))

        pose_adjusted_data = filterByTaskPoses(lines, 'BASE_LINK_KF:')
        #    self.adjusted_poses = np.reshape( pose_adjusted_data[:,1:13], (len(pose_adjusted_data), 3, 4) )
        #    self.adjusted_ori, self.adjusted_pos = mh.decomposeTransformations( self.adjusted_poses )

        # WARNING predicted frame ID's are computed differently in the ROS version.
        # The ID is taken from the sequence number of the image message.
        # On the other hand, the ID's of the adjusted keyframes are computed
        # by an incremented variable inside the sptam class.
        # This produces an inconsistency in the numeration of associated poses.
        # There could also be an offset relating ground truth and stam frame numbers.

        # The frame numbers on which there was a pose prediction.
        # Frames that are not in this list were possibly discarded.
        self.computed_frames = map(int, pose_predicted_data[:, 0])

        # Loops accepted, format: [queryKF, loopKF, nMatches, nInliers] KFs ids are in sptam internal numeration
        self.accepted_loops = filterByTask(lines, 'ACCEPTED_LOOP:')

        self.time_extract_features = filterByTask(lines, 'extraction:')
        #~ self.time_frustum_filter = filterByTask( lines, 'Frustum:' )
        self.time_find_matches = filterByTask(lines, 'find_matches:')
        #~ self.time_tracking_refine = filterByTask( lines, 'tracking_refinement:' )
        #~ self.time_create_points = filterByTask( lines, 'CreatePoints:' )
        self.time_add_keyframe = filterByTask(lines, 'AddKeyFrame:')
        #~ self.time_lock_add_points = filterByTask( lines, 'LockAddPoints:' )
        #~ self.time_lock_frustum = filterByTask( lines, 'LockFrustum:' )
        self.tracking_total_times = filterByTask(lines, 'trackingtotal:')

        self.visible_points = filterByTask(lines, 'visiblePoints:')
        self.extracted_points = filterByTask(lines, 'ExtractedPoints:')
        self.created_new_points = filterByTask(lines, 'created_new_points:')
        self.matched_features = filterByTask(lines, 'matched_feat_total:')

        self.measurements_per_point = filterByTask(lines, 'MeasurementCount:')
Пример #4
  def __init__(self, logfile):

    f = open(logfile, 'r')
    lines = f.readlines()

    self.name = getConfigValue( lines, "BundleAdjustmentActiveKeyframes:" )

    pose_predicted_data = filterByTaskPoses( lines, 'KITTI_POSE:' )
    self.predicted_ori, self.predicted_pos = mh.decomposeTransformations( pose_predicted_data[:,1:] )
    print("self.pose_predicted_data", len(pose_predicted_data))

    # The frame numbers on which there was a pose prediction.
    # Frames that are not in this list were possibly discarded.
    self.computed_frames = pose_predicted_data[:,0]
Пример #5
    # filter only the ground truth poses related to the frames of the recorded data
    timestamps = []
    ground_truth_poses = []
    for frame_num in experiments[0].computed_frames:
        timestamps.append(timestamps_data[frame_num - 1])
        ground_truth_poses.append(ground_truth_poses_data[frame_num - 1])

    ground_truth_poses = np.reshape(ground_truth_poses,
                                    (len(ground_truth_poses), 3, 4))

    # Tranform data to ground-truth frame
    print("grnd size", len(ground_truth_poses))
    orientation_grnd, pos_grnd = mh.decomposeTransformations(

    if args.align:
        print("aligning data to ground truth at the first pose")
        for experiment in experiments:
            experiment.alignPosesTo(pos_grnd[0], orientation_grnd[0])

    # convert data to numpy arrays
    pos_grnd = np.array(pos_grnd)

    #~ print('First grnd pose:',pos_grnd[0,:])
    #~ print('First stam pose', pos_stam[0])
    #~ print('Final grnd pose:',pos_grnd[-1,:])
    #~ print('Final stam pose:',pos_stam[-1,:])

Пример #6
    if ground_truth:

        for _, data in logs.iteritems():
            data.poses = ground_truth.align(data.frame_ids, data.times,

            labels = np.append("ground truth", labels)
            colors = np.vstack((ground_truth_color, colors))

    # sepparate position and orientation

    for label, data in logs.iteritems():
        ori, pos = mh.decomposeTransformations(data.poses)
        data.positions = pos
        data.orientations = ori

    # create path plots

    path_xy = []
    path_xz = []
    path_yz = []
    path_3d = []

    if ground_truth:
        _, gt_positions = mh.decomposeTransformations(ground_truth.poses)
        path_xy.append((gt_positions[:, 0], gt_positions[:, 1]))
  # prepare some variables

  # Load Pose data

  # Each poses object will have the following attributes: frame_ids, times, poses, covariances

  estimations = loadPosesWithCovariance(args.logfile, "ESTIMATED_CAMERA_POSE")
  refinations = loadPosesWithCovariance(args.logfile, "REFINED_CAMERA_POSE")

  assert( len(estimations.frame_ids) == len(refinations.frame_ids) )

  estimation_orientation_matrices, estimation_positions = mh.decomposeTransformations( estimations.poses )
  refination_orientation_matrices, refination_positions = mh.decomposeTransformations( refinations.poses )

  estimation_orientations_euler = np.array([ mh.eulerAnglesfromRotationMatrix( R ) for R in estimation_orientation_matrices ])
  refination_orientations_euler = np.array([ mh.eulerAnglesfromRotationMatrix( R ) for R in refination_orientation_matrices ])

  # Plot Prediction VS Updates

  plotLinesByAxis( [
    (estimations.frame_ids, estimation_positions, "estimated"),
    (refinations.frame_ids, refination_positions, "refined")
  ], colors, "position predictions vs. updates" )

  #~ plt.savefig('plot3.png')
        'fix data in the camera convention frame, where z points forward and y points down, so that x points forward and z up.'

    args = parser.parse_args()

    # Load data

    frames, poses, covariances = data_parser.loadPosesWithCovariance(
    frames = frames.astype(int)

    Rs, ts = mh.decomposeTransformations(poses)

    pos_cov = covariances[:, :3, :3]
    ori_cov = covariances[:, 3:, 3:]

    # Align data

    if args.align:
        ts, Rs, pos_cov, ori_cov = applyTransform(frame_fix, ts, Rs, pos_cov,

    # plot covariance ellipses
Пример #9
    def __init__(self, tum_logfile, grnd_times, grnd_transfs):

        self.name = 'ORBSLAM'

        # load orbslam data
        data = np.loadtxt(tum_logfile)
        poses_data = data[:, 1:]  # orientation as quaternions!
        time_data = data[:, 0] - data[0][0]

        # 4x4 rotation matrix: Transform poses from z_forward to x_forward
        T_xforward = tf.transformations.euler_matrix(-np.pi / 2,
                                                     -np.pi / 2,

        # tf extracted from level7_full dataset
        baselink_to_camera = tf.transformations.quaternion_matrix(
            [0.540677, -0.540247, 0.455780, -0.456143])
        baselink_to_camera[0][3] = 0
        baselink_to_camera[1][3] = -0.15
        baselink_to_camera[2][3] = 1.15
        camera_to_baselink = np.linalg.inv(baselink_to_camera)

        xforward_poses = []

        for pose in poses_data:
            hmg_pose = tf.transformations.quaternion_matrix(
                pose[3:])  # 4x4 orientation matrix w/o position
            hmg_pose[0][3] = pose[0]  # setting x,y,z position
            hmg_pose[1][3] = pose[1]
            hmg_pose[2][3] = pose[2]
            pose_xforward = baselink_to_camera.dot(
                hmg_pose)  # from his world coordinate system to ours
            pose_xforward = pose_xforward.dot(
                camera_to_baselink)  # from camera to baselink
            xforward_poses.append(pose_xforward[0:3, 0:4].flatten())  # 3x4

        xforward_poses = np.array(xforward_poses)

        self.predicted_poses = np.reshape(xforward_poses,
                                          (len(xforward_poses), 3, 4))
        self.predicted_ori, self.predicted_pos = mh.decomposeTransformations(
        print("self.pose_predicted_data", len(xforward_poses))

        # TODO: Parse adjusted poses!
        #pose_adjusted_data = filterByTaskPoses( lines, 'BASE_LINK_KF:' )
        #self.adjusted_poses = np.reshape( pose_adjusted_data[:,1:], (len(pose_adjusted_data), 3, 4) )
        #self.adjusted_ori, self.adjusted_pos = mh.decomposeTransformations( self.adjusted_poses )

        self.accepted_loops = []

        # WARNING ORBSLAM doesnt give to which frame number corresponds the pose predicted
        # so be have to find the nearest ground truth information based on timestamps!
        # filter only the ground truth poses related to the recorded data
        self.computed_frames = []
        self.computed_timestamps = []
        self.computed_grnd_transformations = []

        for i in range(0, len(time_data)):
            frame_num = find_nearest(
                grnd_times, time_data[i]
            )  # ORB registers the time when the result was obtained! we might need to substract some time for computation!

        self.computed_grnd_poses = []
        for grnd_transform in self.computed_grnd_transformations:
            R = mh.quaternionToRotationMatrix(grnd_transform[3:])
                R[0][0], R[0][1], R[0][2], grnd_transform[0], R[1][0], R[1][1],
                R[1][2], grnd_transform[1], R[2][0], R[2][1], R[2][2],

        self.computed_grnd_poses = np.reshape(
            self.computed_grnd_poses, (len(self.computed_grnd_poses), 3, 4))
Пример #10
    f = open(args.filename, 'r')
    lines = f.readlines()

    sptam_pose_predicted_data = filterByTask(lines, 'KITTI_POSE:')
    sptam_pose_adjusted_data = filterByTask(lines, 'KITTI_KF:')

    sptam_transformations = sptam_pose_predicted_data[:, 1:]
    sptam_kf_transformations = sptam_pose_adjusted_data[:, 1:]

    frame_ini = int(sptam_pose_predicted_data[0][0])
    frame_end = int(frame_ini + len(sptam_pose_predicted_data))

    print("processing results for frames", frame_ini, ":", frame_end)

    orientation_sptam, pos_sptam = mh.decomposeTransformations(

    orientation_kf_sptam, pos_kf_sptam = mh.decomposeTransformations(

    # Draw Orientation plots

    # Compute Orientation stuff for all poses

    orientations_x_sptam = []
    orientations_y_sptam = []
    orientations_z_sptam = []

    for n in range(0, len(orientation_sptam)):
Пример #11
  grnd_transformations_ = np.loadtxt( args.grnds )

  # filter only the ground truth poses related to the recorded data
  timestamps = []
  grnd_transformations = []
  for frame_num in experiments[0].computed_frames:
    # WARNING There could be an offset relating ground truth and stam frame numbers.
    timestamps.append( timestamps_[ frame_num ] )
    grnd_transformations.append( grnd_transformations_[ frame_num ] )

  # Tranform data to ground-truth frame
  print("grnd size", len(grnd_transformations))
  orientation_grnd, pos_grnd = mh.decomposeTransformations( grnd_transformations )

  if args.align:
    print("aligning data to ground truth at the first pose")
    for experiment in experiments:
      experiment.alignPosesTo( pos_grnd[ 0 ], orientation_grnd[ 0 ] )

  # convert data to numpy arrays
  pos_grnd = np.array( pos_grnd )

  # Plot Errors

  positions_stam = []