def initPsiMatrix(self,master): """initializes Matrix containing psi values should do the following: 1. display matrix of Edits? MatrixWidget 2. load data and display it 3. colorcode """ self.matrixTL = tk.Toplevel(master) self.psi_matrix = SimpleTable(self.matrixTL) self.psi_matrix.grid(sticky="nsew") self.psi_matrix.fill(self.d.sList,self.d.pairwise_stats['psi']) self.psi_matrix.fill_labels(self.d.sList)
class PooGUI(tk.Frame): """the main frame with the GUI, contains three sections and a menu bar - the main section is the plotting area using matplotlib - in the top right are sliders, - bottom right is a list of samples we have the following objects: -sList: a list of all samples -hList: a list of all hyperbolas -data: the raw SNP data (mbsData obj?) -coords: data structure with coordinates -psi: np.array[s1,s2] : psi -v: constant multiplier of hyperbolas -xlim, ylim: plotting limits """ #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # drawing stuff for points, should eventually be moved to an # appropriate plotting class,psi, data #--------------------------------------------------------------------- def dummyElements(self): #vars I need self.activeCanvas self.canvas['H'] #replace with self.canvas[]... self.canvas['Psi'] self.sample_frame self.origin_frame self.slider_frame self.bgi self.matrixTL self.psimatrix #vars in config self.lwd #should be in either plot... self.threshold #vars in Data self.v self.clusters self.psi self.psi_sum self.oList self.hList #?? self.sList #??? #vars I don't need #maybees def __init__(self, master=None): """the main constructor of the frame. As it is quite big, i split it up into subfunctions for the various ui parts. Might be worth to instead use children classes instead. The main app window will have a status bar at the bottom with progress messages and stuff. The main window will be the square matplotlib canvas on the right and a narrowish bar with samples, sliders, etc on the right """ tk.Frame.__init__(self, master, relief=tk.SUNKEN) self.master = master self.d = Data(self) self.c = Config(O) self.canvas = dict() self.d.sList = [] self.d.oList = [] self.init_canvas_hyperbolas() self.init_canvas_pwp(active=True) self.init_sample_frame() #self.init_statusbar() self.init_slider_frame() self.init_menubar() #enable expansion tk.Grid.rowconfigure(self,1,weight=10) tk.Grid.rowconfigure(self,2,weight=1) tk.Grid.columnconfigure(self,1,weight=1) tk.Grid.columnconfigure(self,2,weight=1) tk.Grid.columnconfigure(self,0,weight=2) def initPsiMatrix(self,master): """initializes Matrix containing psi values should do the following: 1. display matrix of Edits? MatrixWidget 2. load data and display it 3. colorcode """ self.matrixTL = tk.Toplevel(master) self.psi_matrix = SimpleTable(self.matrixTL) self.psi_matrix.grid(sticky="nsew") self.psi_matrix.fill(self.d.sList,self.d.pairwise_stats['psi']) self.psi_matrix.fill_labels(self.d.sList) def init_menubar(self): """ this function loads and populates the menubar, and will register its events """ self.menubar = tk.Menu(self) menu = tk.Menu(self.menubar, tearoff=0) self.menubar.add_cascade(label="File", menu=menu) menu.add_command(label="Load SNP",command=self.loadSNP) menu.add_command(label="Load Coords", command=self.loadCoords) menu.add_command(label="Load Background Image", command=self.loadBGI) menu.add_command(label="Save plot", command=self.save_plot) menu.add_command(label="Quit", command=self.quit) menu = tk.Menu(self.menubar, tearoff=0) self.menubar.add_cascade(label="Edit", menu=menu) menu.add_command(label="Set Reference Coordinates") menu = tk.Menu(self.menubar, tearoff=0) self.menubar.add_cascade(label="View", menu=menu) menu.add_command(label="Hyperbolas", command=self.showHyperbolaCanvas) menu.add_command(label="Pairwise Psi", command=self.showPsiCanvas) menu = tk.Menu(self.menubar, tearoff=0) self.menubar.add_cascade(label="Run", menu=menu) menu.add_command(label="Find Origin All", command=self.optimizeAll) menu.add_command(label="Find Origin Visible") try: self.master.config(menu=self.menubar) except AttributeError: # master is a toplevel window (Python 1.4/Tkinter 1.63), "config", "-menu", self.menubar) def init_canvas_hyperbolas(self, active=False): """ this function creates the matplotlib canvas that will be used to draw stuff master: parent frame active: is this displayed on startup? """ self.canvas['H'] = HyperbolaCanvas(self, self.c, self.d.sList, self.d, width=300, height=300) self.canvas['H'].grid(column=0,row=0,rowspan=3,sticky="ewns") if not active: self.canvas['H'].hide() else: self.activeCanvas = self.canvas['H'] def init_canvas_pwp(self, active=False): """ this function creates the matplotlib canvas that will be used to draw stuff master: parent frame active: is this displayed on startup? """ self.canvas['Psi'] = PWPCanvas(self, self.c, self.d.sList, self.d, width=300, height=300) self.canvas['Psi'].grid(column=0,row=0,rowspan=3,sticky="ewns") if not active: self.canvas['Psi'].hide() else: self.activeCanvas = self.canvas['Psi'] def init_statusbar(self): """function that creates a status bar at the bottom of the window""" = StatusBar(self),column=0,columnspan=2, sticky="ew") def init_slider_frame(self): self.slider_frame = SliderFrame(self,self, v=self.d.get_v()) self.slider_frame.grid(column=1, row=0, sticky="") def init_sample_frame(self): self.sample_frame = SampleFrame(self, width=200, height=100) self.origin_frame = OriginFrame(self, width=200, height=100) for i in range(4): self.add_sample( SampleUI(master=self.sample_frame, data=self.d, config=self.c, cluster=None, text="SS%d"%i) ) self.d.sList[i].grid(column=0,row=i) self.sample_frame.grid(column=1, row=1, sticky="ns") self.origin_frame.grid(column=1, row=2, sticky="ns") #-------------------------------------------------- def reset_sample_list(self): #reset everything: for sampleUI in self.d.sList: sampleUI.destroy() self.d.sList = [] self.canvas['H'].samples = [] self.canvas['Psi'].samples = [] def add_sample(self, s): self.d.sList.append(s) self.canvas['H'].samples.append(s) self.canvas['Psi'].samples.append(s) def changeV(self,ele,val): """ function that updates hyperbola when v is changed """ #see if the value is actually a float, if not, return self.d.set_v( float( val.get() )) #update, whole thing, there might be a more efficient way to do this self.canvas['H'].update_() if self.activeCanvas == self.canvas['H']: self.activeCanvas.redraw() def changeLwd(self,val): """ function that updates hyperbola when v is changed """ print "Changing lwd" , val.get() #see if the value is actually a float, if not, return self.c.psi_lwd = float( val.get() ) #redraw, whole thing, there might be a more efficient way to do this self.canvas['Psi'].update_() if self.activeCanvas ==self.canvas['Psi']: self.activeCanvas.redraw() def changeThreshold(self,val): """ function that updates hyperbola when v is changed """ print "Changing threshold" , val.get() #see if the value is actually a float, if not, return self.c.psi_threshold = float( val.get() ) #update, whole thing, there might be a more efficient way to do this self.canvas['Psi'].update_() if self.activeCanvas ==self.canvas['Psi']: self.activeCanvas.redraw() #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # optimizing, should move to data #--------------------------------------------------------------------- def optimizeAll(self): ev,msev, pv,dv = [],[],[],[] activeStat = self.d.get_active_stat for cluster_id in self.d.clusters: cluster = self.d.clusters[cluster_id] n_pops = cluster.n_pops if n_pops <= 3: print "Warning, Cluster too small" data = np.empty((n_pops * (n_pops -1 ) /2, 5 )) row = 0 for i, s1 in enumerate(cluster.pops): for j0, s2 in enumerate(cluster.pops[i+1:]): j = i+j0 + 1 data[row] = s1.get_x(), s1.get_y(), \ s2.get_x(), s2.get_y(), \ self.d.get_active_stat(s1.pop, s2.pop) row += 1 e,mse,p,d = optimize.tdoa3(data,x0=O["opt_start"]) print e[0] ev.append(e[0]) msev.append(mse) pv.append(p) dv.append(d) self.d.set_v( e[0][0] ) self.slider_frame.v_scale.set( e[0][0] ) self.canvas['H'].update_() if self.activeCanvas == self.canvas['H']: self.activeCanvas.redraw() if cluster.origin is None: opt = \ InferredOrigin(master=self.origin_frame,x=e[0][1],y=e[0][2], text="Origin " opt.set_color("red") cluster.origin = opt else: opt = cluster.origin opt.tX.set("%2.2f"%(e[0][1])) opt.tY.set("%2.2f"%(e[0][2])) opt.set_x(e[0][1]) opt.set_y(e[0][2]) opt.update_() print "UPDATED ORIGN" self.d.oList.append(opt) opt.grid(in_=self.origin_frame) self.canvas['H'].panel.add_artist( opt.circH ) self.canvas['H'].update_() self.canvas['Psi'].panel.add_artist( opt.circP ) #origins shouldn't be movable #opt.circH.connect() #opt.circP.connect() self.activeCanvas.redraw() return ev, msev, pv, dv #------------------------------------Hyperbola--------------------------------- # loading files and data #--------------------------------------------------------------------- def loadSNP(self,f=None): """loads SNP and saves them in data""" if f == None: f = tkFileDialog.askopenfile(mode='r') self.d.load_snp( np.loadtxt(f) ) self.canvas['H'].draw_all_hyperbolas() self.canvas['Psi'].draw_all_pairwise_psi() self.initPsiMatrix(self.master) #---------------------------- Sorting stuff ------------------------ # this set of functions handles all the sorting of elements #-------------------------------------------------- def update_sample_order(self): """ when the samples are sorted and have to be reordered, this function does it """ self.d.sList = sorted(self.d.sList) self.sample_frame.update_sample_order(self.d.sList) self.psi_matrix.update_sample_order(self.d.sList) #-------------------------------------------------- def loadCoords(self,f=None): """loads Coords, creates the corresponding UI elements and the circles for plotting """ default_cluster = self.d.default_cluster self.reset_sample_list() if f is None: f = tkFileDialog.askopenfile(mode='r',initialfile="coords.txt") print f else: f = open( f ) for i,line in enumerate(f): p = Population() p.load_line(line) self.d.add_pop(p) sUI = SampleUIWPop(pop=p, master=self.sample_frame, config = self.c, data=self.d, cluster=default_cluster) sUI.grid(column=0,row=i, sticky="ew") #create plotting circles and register events self.canvas['H'].panel.add_artist( sUI.circH ) self.canvas['Psi'].panel.add_artist( sUI.circP ) sUI.circH.connect() sUI.circP.connect() self.add_sample( sUI ) self.nCoords = len( self.d.sList ) self.activeCanvas.redraw() def loadPsi(self,f=None): """loads Psi directly. Assumes Coordinates are already loaded""" if f is None: f = tkFileDialog.askopenfile(mode='r',initialfile="psi.txt") self.d.add_pw_stat('psi', AntiCommutativePWStat(f=pw_psi)) if self.d.pw_default_stat is None: self.d.set_pw_default_stat('psi') psiRaw = np.loadtxt(f, dtype="S100") for row in psiRaw: self.d.pairwise_stats['psi'][ row[0], row[1] ] = float(row[2]) psi_sum = psi_sum_cluster(self.d.pairwise_stats['psi'], self.d.sList) self.d.add_single_pop_stat('psi_sum',psi_sum) self.d.sort_stat="psi_sum" self.initPsiMatrix(self.master) self.d.update_all_colors() self.d.update_sample_order() #self.set_colors() self.canvas['H'].draw_all_hyperbolas() self.canvas['Psi'].draw_all_pairwise_psi() def loadBGI(self, f=None): """loads Background image""" if f is None: f = tkFileDialog.askopenfile(mode='r') try: self.bgi = mpimg.imread(f) except: raise ValueError("could not read image file, see"+ \ " matplotlib.image.imread for"+ \ " supported formats") self.canvas['H'].addBGI(self.bgi) self.canvas['Psi'].addBGI(self.bgi) def removeBGI(self): self.canvas['H'].removeBGI() self.canvas['Psi'].removeBGI() self.activeCanvas.redraw() def save_plot(self, f=None): if f == None: f = tkFileDialog.asksaveasfilename(initialfile="plot.pdf") self.activeCanvas.fig.savefig(f) #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # various constructors #--------------------------------------------------------------------- def loadOptions(self): self.lwd = O['psi_lwd'] self.threshold = O['psi_threshold'] #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # other stuff #--------------------------------------------------------------------- def quit(self): """quits app""" print "bye" root.quit() root.destroy() def showPsiCanvas(self): self.canvas['H'].hide() self.canvas['Psi'].show() self.activeCanvas = self.canvas['Psi'] for s in self.d.sList: s.updateCircles() self.activeCanvas.redraw() def showHyperbolaCanvas(self): self.canvas['H'].show() self.activeCanvas = self.canvas['H'] self.canvas['Psi'].hide() for s in self.d.sList: s.updateCircles() self.activeCanvas.redraw()