Пример #1
def test(model, test_loader):
    Evaluate model on the test set

        model:       pytorch MDN model
        test_loader: loader for the test dataset

        accuracy on the test dataset


    error_sum = 0

    for batch_idx, (minibatch, labels) in enumerate(test_loader):

        minibatch = minibatch.reshape(batch_size, 1, 784)

        labels = labels.reshape(batch_size,1)
        labels = labels.int()

        pi, sigma, mu = model(minibatch)

        samples = mdn.sample(pi, sigma, mu).int()

        error = (samples != labels)

        error_sum =  error_sum +  error.sum()

    return 1 - error_sum.item()/(len(test_loader)*test_loader.batch_size)
Пример #2
    def evaluate(self, save_dir='data/', prefix=''):
        self.load()                             # load the model as constructed
        cuda = True if torch.cuda.is_available() else False
        if cuda:
        saved_model_str = self.saved_model.replace('/', '_') + prefix
        # Get the file names
        Ypred_file = os.path.join(save_dir, 'test_Ypred_{}.csv'.format(saved_model_str))
        Xtruth_file = os.path.join(save_dir, 'test_Xtruth_{}.csv'.format(saved_model_str))
        Ytruth_file = os.path.join(save_dir, 'test_Ytruth_{}.csv'.format(saved_model_str))
        Xpred_file = os.path.join(save_dir, 'test_Xpred_{}.csv'.format(saved_model_str))
        # keep time
        tk = time_keeper(os.path.join(save_dir, 'evaluation_time.txt'))

        # Open those files to append
        with open(Xtruth_file, 'a') as fxt,open(Ytruth_file, 'a') as fyt,\
                open(Ypred_file, 'a') as fyp, open(Xpred_file, 'a') as fxp:
            # Loop through the eval data and evaluate
            for ind, (geometry, spectra) in enumerate(self.test_loader):
                if cuda:
                    geometry = geometry.cuda()
                    spectra = spectra.cuda()
                # Initialize the geometry first
                print('model in eval:', self.model)
                pi, sigma, mu = self.model(spectra)  # Get the output
                Xpred = mdn.sample(pi, sigma, mu).detach().cpu().numpy()
        return Ypred_file, Ytruth_file
Пример #3
    def predict(self, Ytruth_file, save_dir='data/', prefix=''):
        self.load()                             # load the model as constructed
        cuda = True if torch.cuda.is_available() else False
        if cuda:
        saved_model_str = self.saved_model.replace('/', '_') + prefix

        Ytruth = pd.read_csv(Ytruth_file, header=None, delimiter=',')     # Read the input
        if len(Ytruth.columns) == 1: # The file is not delimitered by ',' but ' '
            Ytruth = pd.read_csv(Ytruth_file, header=None, delimiter=' ')
        Ytruth_tensor = torch.from_numpy(Ytruth.values).to(torch.float)
        print('shape of Ytruth tensor :', Ytruth_tensor.shape)

        # Get the file names
        Ypred_file = os.path.join(save_dir, 'test_Ypred_{}.csv'.format(saved_model_str))
        Ytruth_file = os.path.join(save_dir, 'test_Ytruth_{}.csv'.format(saved_model_str))
        Xpred_file = os.path.join(save_dir, 'test_Xpred_{}.csv'.format(saved_model_str))
        # keep time
        tk = time_keeper(os.path.join(save_dir, 'evaluation_time.txt'))
        if cuda:
            Ytruth_tensor = Ytruth_tensor.cuda()
        print('model in eval:', self.model)
        pi, sigma, mu = self.model(Ytruth_tensor)  # Get the output
        Xpred = mdn.sample(pi, sigma, mu).detach().cpu().numpy()

        # Open those files to append
        with open(Ytruth_file, 'a') as fyt, open(Ypred_file, 'a') as fyp, open(Xpred_file, 'a') as fxp:
            np.savetxt(fyt, Ytruth_tensor.cpu().data.numpy())
            np.savetxt(fxp, Xpred)
            if self.flags.data_set != 'Yang_sim':
                Ypred = simulator(self.flags.data_set, Xpred)
                np.savetxt(fyp, Ypred)
        return Ypred_file, Ytruth_file
Пример #4
    def train(self):
        The major training function. This would start the training using information given in the flags
        :return: None
        cuda = True if torch.cuda.is_available() else False
        if cuda:

        # Construct optimizer after the model moved to GPU
        self.optm = self.make_optimizer()
        self.lr_scheduler = self.make_lr_scheduler(self.optm)

        # Time keeping
        tk = time_keeper(
            time_keeping_file=os.path.join(self.ckpt_dir, 'training time.txt'))

        for epoch in range(self.flags.train_step):
            # Set to Training Mode
            train_loss = 0
            # boundary_loss = 0                 # Unnecessary during training since we provide geometries
            for j, (geometry, spectra) in enumerate(self.train_loader):
                if cuda:
                    geometry = geometry.cuda()  # Put data onto GPU
                    spectra = spectra.cuda()  # Put data onto GPU
                #print('spectra = ', spectra)
                #print('geometry = ', geometry)
                self.optm.zero_grad()  # Zero the gradient first
                pi, sigma, mu = self.model(spectra)  # Get the output
                #print('spectra = {}, pi, sigma, mu = {}, {}, {}'.format(spectra.cpu().numpy(),
                #                        pi.detach().cpu().numpy()[0,:],
                #                        sigma.detach().cpu().numpy()[0,:,0],
                #                        mu.detach().cpu().numpy()[0,:,0]))
                #print('geometry shape', geometry.size())
                loss = self.make_loss(pi, sigma, mu,
                                      geometry)  # Get the loss tensor
                #loss = self.make_loss(pi, sigma, mu, geometry, warmup=epoch)               # Get the loss tensor
                #Xpred = mdn.sample(pi, sigma, mu).detach().cpu().numpy()
                #Ypred = torch.tensor(simulator(self.flags.data_set, Xpred), requires_grad=False)
                #if cuda:
                #    Ypred = Ypred.cuda()
                #simulator_loss = nn.functional.mse_loss(Ypred, spectra).detach().cpu().numpy() # Get the loss tensor
                #print('nll loss at epoch {}, batch {} is {} '.format(epoch, j, loss.detach().cpu().numpy()))
                loss.backward()  # Calculate the backward gradients
                # gradient clipping
                torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_value_(self.model.parameters(), 1)
                self.optm.step()  # Move one step the optimizer
                train_loss += loss  # Aggregate the loss
                # boundary_loss += self.Boundary_loss                 # Aggregate the BDY loss

            # Calculate the avg loss of training
            train_avg_loss = train_loss.cpu().data.numpy() / (j + 1)
            # boundary_avg_loss = boundary_loss.cpu().data.numpy() / (j + 1)

            if epoch % self.flags.eval_step == 0:  # For eval steps, do the evaluations and tensor board
                # Record the training loss to the tensorboard
                self.log.add_scalar('Loss/train', train_avg_loss, epoch)
                #self.log.add_scalar('Loss/simulator_train', simulator_loss, epoch)
                # self.log.add_scalar('Loss/BDY_train', boundary_avg_loss, epoch)

                # Set to Evaluation Mode
                print("Doing Evaluation on the model now")
                test_loss = 0
                for j, (geometry, spectra) in enumerate(
                        self.test_loader):  # Loop through the eval set
                    if cuda:
                        geometry = geometry.cuda()
                        spectra = spectra.cuda()
                    pi, sigma, mu = self.model(spectra)  # Get the output
                    if self.flags.data_set == 'meta_material':
                        loss = self.make_loss(pi, sigma, mu,
                                              geometry)  # Get the loss tensor
                        test_loss += loss.detach().cpu().numpy()
                        Xpred = mdn.sample(pi, sigma, mu).numpy()
                        Ypred_np = simulator(self.flags.data_set, Xpred)
                        mae, mse = compare_truth_pred(Ypred_np,
                        test_loss += np.mean(mse)  # Aggregate the loss
                    # only get the first batch that is enough

                # Record the testing loss to the tensorboard
                test_avg_loss = test_loss / (j + 1)
                self.log.add_scalar('Loss/test', test_avg_loss, epoch)

                print("This is Epoch %d, training loss %.5f, validation loss %.5f"\
                      % (epoch, train_avg_loss, test_avg_loss ))
                #print("This is Epoch %d, training loss %.5f, validation loss %.5f, training simulator loss %.5f" \
                #      % (epoch, train_avg_loss, test_avg_loss, simulator_loss ))
                # Plotting the first spectra prediction for validation
                # f = self.compare_spectra(Ypred=logit[0,:].cpu().data.numpy(), Ytruth=spectra[0,:].cpu().data.numpy())
                # self.log.add_figure(tag='spectra compare',figure=f,global_step=epoch)

                # Model improving, save the model down
                if test_avg_loss < self.best_validation_loss:
                    self.best_validation_loss = test_avg_loss
                    print("Saving the model down...")

                    if self.best_validation_loss < self.flags.stop_threshold:
                        print("Training finished EARLIER at epoch %d, reaching loss of %.5f" %\
                              (epoch, self.best_validation_loss))
                        return None

            # Learning rate decay upon plateau
        tk.record(1)  # Record the total time of the training peroid
Пример #5
    for epoch in range(num_epochs):

        for batch_idx, (labels, minibatch) in enumerate(train_loader):

            gt = labels[0:3]

            minibatch = [[numb == minibatch[i] for numb in range(10)]
                         for i in range(batch_size)]
            minibatch = torch.FloatTensor(minibatch).unsqueeze(1)

            labels = labels.reshape(batch_size, 784)

            pi, sigma, mu = model(minibatch)
            loss = mdn.mdn_loss(pi, sigma, mu, labels)

            print('Epoch: {} [{}/{} ({:.0f}%)]\tLoss: {:.6f}'.format(
                epoch, batch_idx * len(minibatch), len(train_loader.dataset),
                100. * batch_idx / len(train_loader), loss.item()))

            # Visualize
            if batch_idx == 0:
                samples = mdn.sample(pi, sigma, mu).int()
                images = samples[0:3]
                plot(gt, images, epoch)

        "The training is compelete! \nVisualization results have been saved in the folder 'figures'"
    alp0, mu0, sigma0 = model0(minibatch)
    loss0 = mdn.loss_NLL_MDN(alp0, mu0, sigma0, label)

    # mse_loss = nn.MSELoss()
    # loss0 = mse_loss(model0(minibatch), labels.float())

# sample new points from the trained model
t_test = ts(np.random.sample(int(5e3))[:, np.newaxis].astype(np.float32))
t_test0 = ts(np.random.sample(int(2e3))[:, np.newaxis].astype(np.float32))

alp, mu, sigma = model(t_test)
samples = mdn.sample(alp, mu, sigma).detach().numpy()

alp0, mu0, sigma0 = model0(t_test0)
samples0 = mdn.sample(alp0, mu0, sigma0).detach().numpy()

# samples0 = model0(t_test0).detach().numpy()

plt.scatter(x_data, y_data, marker='.')
plt.scatter(samples0[:,0], samples0[:,1], marker='.')
plt.scatter(samples[:,0], samples[:,1], marker='.')
            np.concatenate((y_mean1,y_mean2),axis=0), marker='x')

plt.arrow(6,0, 0,5, head_width=0.05, head_length=0.1)
Пример #7
#x = torch.rand(n_batch, batch_size, in_feat)
#y = torch.rand(n_batch, batch_size, out_feat)

# train the model
for epoch in range(0, n_epoch):
    e_loss = 0.0
    for minibatch, labels in zip(X_train, Y_train):

        minibatch = Variable(minibatch).float()
        labels = Variable(labels).float()


        pi, sigma, mu = model(minibatch)
        loss = mdn.mdn_loss(pi, sigma, mu, labels)
        e_loss += loss.data[0]

    print("epoch: ", epoch, ": ", e_loss)

# sampleing new points from the trained model
# first predict parameters from MDN
pi, sigma, mu = model(Variable(X_test[0]).float())
#sample 100 instances using parameters
samples_0 = mdn.sample(pi, sigma, mu)

print("samples: ", samples_0.size())
