Пример #1
def compute_angles(traj, angle_indices, periodic=True, opt=True):
    """Compute the bond angles between the supplied triplets of indices in each frame of a trajectory.

    traj : Trajectory
        An mdtraj trajectory.
    angle_indices : np.ndarray, shape=(num_angles, 3), dtype=int
       Each row gives the indices of three atoms which together make an angle.
    periodic : bool, default=True
        If `periodic` is True and the trajectory contains unitcell
        information, we will treat angles that cross periodic images using
        the minimum image convention.
    opt : bool, default=True
        Use an optimized native library to calculate distances. Our optimized
        SSE angle calculation implementation is 10-20x faster than the
        (itself optimized) numpy implementation.

    angles : np.ndarray, shape=[n_frames, n_angles], dtype=float
        The angles are in radians
    xyz = ensure_type(traj.xyz, dtype=np.float32, ndim=3, name='traj.xyz', shape=(None, None, 3), warn_on_cast=False)
    triplets = ensure_type(angle_indices, dtype=np.int32, ndim=2, name='angle_indices', shape=(None, 3), warn_on_cast=False)
    if not np.all(np.logical_and(triplets < traj.n_atoms, triplets >= 0)):
        raise ValueError('angle_indices must be between 0 and %d' % traj.n_atoms)

    if len(triplets) == 0:
        return np.zeros((len(xyz), 0), dtype=np.float32)

    if periodic and traj._have_unitcell:
        if opt and not np.allclose(traj.unitcell_angles, 90):
            warnings.warn('Optimized angle calculation does not work for non-orthorhombic '
                          'unit cells and periodic boundary conditions. Falling back to much '
                          'slower pure-Python implementation. Set periodic=False or opt=False '
                          'to disable this message.')
            opt = False

    out = np.zeros((xyz.shape[0], triplets.shape[0]), dtype=np.float32)
    if periodic is True and traj._have_unitcell:
        box = ensure_type(traj.unitcell_vectors, dtype=np.float32, ndim=3, name='unitcell_vectors', shape=(len(xyz), 3, 3))
        if opt:
            _geometry._angle_mic(xyz, triplets, box, out)
            return out
            _angle(traj, triplets, periodic, out)
            return out

    if opt:
        _geometry._angle(xyz, triplets, out)
        _angle(traj, triplets, periodic, out)
    return out
Пример #2
def _compute_angles_chunk(xyz,
    """Compute the angles for a single chunk

    xyz : ndarray of shape (any, any, 3)
        The xyz coordinates of the chunk
    triplets : array of shape (any, 3)
        The indices for which to compute an angle
    box : ndarray of shape (any, 3, 3)
        The box vectors of the chunk
    periodic : bool
        Wether to use the periodc boundary during the calculation.
    opt : bool, default=True
        Use an optimized native library to calculate distances. MDTraj's
        optimized SSE angle calculation implementation is 10-20x faster than
        the (itself optimized) numpy implementation.
    orthogonal : bool or da.bool
        Wether all angles are close to 90 degrees
    # Cast dask.bool to a true bool
    orthogonal = bool(orthogonal)
    xyz = ensure_type(
        shape=(None, None, 3),

    out = np.empty((xyz.shape[0], triplets.shape[0]), dtype=np.float32)
    if opt:
        if periodic and box is not None:
            _geometry._angle_mic(xyz, triplets,
                                 box.transpose(0, 2, 1).copy(), out,
            _geometry._angle(xyz, triplets, out)
        out = _angle(xyz, triplets, periodic, out).compute()
    return out
Пример #3
def compute_angles(traj, angle_indices, periodic=True, opt=True):
    """Compute the bond angles between the supplied triplets of indices in each frame of a trajectory.

    traj : Trajectory
        An mtraj trajectory.
    angle_indices : np.ndarray, shape=(num_pairs, 2), dtype=int
       Each row gives the indices of three atoms which together make an angle.
    periodic : bool, default=True
        If `periodic` is True and the trajectory contains unitcell
        information, we will treat angles that cross periodic images using
        the minimum image convention.
    opt : bool, default=True
        Use an optimized native library to calculate distances. Our optimized
        SSE angle calculation implementation is 10-20x faster than the
        (itself optimized) numpy implementation.

    angles : np.ndarray, shape=[n_frames, n_angles], dtype=float
        The angles are in radians
    xyz = ensure_type(traj.xyz, dtype=np.float32, ndim=3, name='traj.xyz', shape=(None, None, 3), warn_on_cast=False)
    triplets = ensure_type(np.asarray(angle_indices), dtype=np.int32, ndim=2, name='angle_indices', shape=(None, 3), warn_on_cast=False)
    if not np.all(np.logical_and(triplets < traj.n_atoms, triplets >= 0)):
        raise ValueError('angle_indices must be between 0 and %d' % traj.n_atoms)

    out = np.zeros((xyz.shape[0], triplets.shape[0]), dtype=np.float32)
    if periodic is True and traj._have_unitcell:
        box = ensure_type(traj.unitcell_vectors, dtype=np.float32, ndim=3, name='unitcell_vectors', shape=(len(xyz), 3, 3))
        if opt and _geometry._processor_supports_sse41():
            _geometry._angle_mic(xyz, triplets, box, out)
            return out
            _angle(traj, triplets, periodic, out)
            return out

    if opt and _geometry._processor_supports_sse41():
        _geometry._angle(xyz, triplets, out)
        _angle(traj, triplets, periodic, out)
    return out