def _cache_menu(): global _menu global _menu_next global _menu_next_date _menu = yield menu.get_menu() if _menu: _menu_next_date = None _menu_next = {} print, _menu return _menu_next_date = while not _menu_next: # short circuit if greater than 30 days if _menu_next_date > + dateutil.relativedelta.relativedelta(days=30): _menu_next_date = None _menu_next = {} return _menu_next_date += dateutil.relativedelta.relativedelta(days=1) _menu_next = yield menu.get_menu(_menu_next_date) print, _menu print _menu_next_date, _menu_next
def tsn_requisites(message): message_menu = menu.get_menu("SELECT text FROM tsn_info WHERE name LIKE 'requisites'") tsn_keyboard = types.InlineKeyboardMarkup(row_width=1) tsn_button = types.InlineKeyboardButton(text="Вернуться в меню ТСН", callback_data="/tsn") tsn_keyboard.add(tsn_button) keyboards.main_menu_key(tsn_keyboard) bot.send_message(, message_menu, reply_markup=tsn_keyboard)
def test_get_menu_should_display_menu(self): #arrange #act actual = len(menu.get_menu()) expected = 1 #assert self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
def get_relevant_data(message_text): shuttle_command_names = ["SHUTTLE HELP", "SHUTTLE CAMPUS", "SHUTTLE METRO"] menu_command_names = [ "MENU BREAKFAST", "MENU LUNCH", "MENU SNACKS", "MENU DINNER" ] directory_command_names = ["INFIRMARY", "MAINTENANCE", "HOUSEKEEPING"] # First check if the message sent is any of the 3 SHUTTLE commands if message_text in shuttle_command_names: return_message = shuttle.get_shuttle(message_text) # Then check if the message sent is any of the 3 MENU commands elif message_text in menu_command_names: return_message = menu.get_menu(message_text) # Then check if the message sent is any of the phone directory commands elif message_text in directory_command_names: return_message = directory.get_directory(message_text) # If it is neither of the valid commands else: # For the shitty Facebook review process return_message = "Invalid command. Use the menu at the bottom of this screen to get desired information." # wow, that was new :O. Basically, if there are non-ASCII characters, skip them printable = set(string.printable) filter(lambda x: x in printable, return_message) # Add this message at the end of every message being sent back hehe return_message += '\n\nIf you like this bot and have a GitHub account, I\'ll be grateful if you can star the repository here:' return return_message
def help_message(message): message_menu = menu.get_menu( "SELECT text FROM menu_text WHERE name LIKE 'help'") help_keyboard = types.InlineKeyboardMarkup(row_width=1) start_button = types.InlineKeyboardButton( text="/start - показать приветствие", callback_data="/start") help_button = types.InlineKeyboardButton( text="/help - показать список всех команд", callback_data="/menu") tsn_button = types.InlineKeyboardButton( text="/tsn - показать информацию о ТСН", callback_data='/tsn') government_button = types.InlineKeyboardButton( text="/government - информация о госорганах", callback_data="/government") services_button = types.InlineKeyboardButton( text="/services - список услуг", callback_data='/services') bill_button = types.InlineKeyboardButton(text="/bill - квитанция за КУ", callback_data="/bill") check_button = types.InlineKeyboardButton( text="/check - проверка платежей и наличия задолженности", callback_data="/check") news_button = types.InlineKeyboardButton(text="/news - показать новости", callback_data="/news") help_keyboard.add(start_button, help_button, tsn_button, services_button, government_button, bill_button, check_button, news_button) bot.send_message(, message_menu, reply_markup=help_keyboard)
def webhook(): # endpoint for processing incoming messaging events data = request.get_json() log(data) # you may not want to log every incoming message in production, but it's good for testing if data["object"] == "page": for entry in data["entry"]: for messaging_event in entry["messaging"]: if messaging_event.get("message"): # someone sent us a message sender_id = messaging_event["sender"]["id"] # the facebook ID of the person sending you the message recipient_id = messaging_event["recipient"]["id"] # the recipient's ID, which should be your page's facebook ID if "text" in messaging_event["message"]: message_text = messaging_event["message"]["text"] # the message's text else: message_text = "Not identified" message_text = message_text.upper() # convert to uppercase to make things easier shuttle_command_names = ["SHUTTLE HELP","SHUTTLE CAMPUS","SHUTTLE METRO"] menu_command_names = ["MENU BREAKFAST","MENU LUNCH","MENU SNACKS","MENU DINNER"] directory_command_names = ["INFIRMARY", "MAINTENANCE", "HOUSEKEEPING"] admin_command_names = ["ADMIN MENU"] # First check if the message sent is any of the 3 SHUTTLE commands if message_text in shuttle_command_names: return_message = shuttle.get_shuttle(message_text) return_message += '\n\nIf you like this bot and have a GitHub account, I\'ll be grateful if you can star the repository here:' send_message(sender_id, return_message) # Then check if the message sent is any of the 3 MENU commands elif message_text in menu_command_names: return_message = menu.get_menu(message_text) # wow, that was new :O. Basically, if there are non-ASCII characters, skip them printable = set(string.printable) filter(lambda x: x in printable, return_message) # Finally send the message return_message += '\n\nIf you like this bot and have a GitHub account, I\'ll be grateful if you can star the repository here:' send_message(sender_id, return_message) # Then check if the message sent is any of the directory commands elif message_text in directory_command_names: return_message = directory.get_directory(message_text) return_message += '\n\nIf you like this bot and have a GitHub account, I\'ll be grateful if you can star the repository here:' send_message(sender_id, return_message) # If it is neither of the valid commands else: # For the shitty Facebook review process return_message = "Invalid command.\n\n1. SHUTTLE HELP to know more SHUTTLE commands.\n2. MENU BREAKFAST (LUNCH, SNACKS, DINNER) for mess menu.\n3. INFIRMARY, MAINTENANCE, HOUSEKEEPING for contact details." return_message += '\n\nIf you like this bot and have a GitHub account, I\'ll be grateful if you can star the repository here:' send_message(sender_id, return_message) return "ok", 200
def menu(bot, update, args): """Send the menu.""" import menu if len(args) == 0: weekday = get_weekday_for_current_menu() update.message.reply_text(menu.get_menu(weekday)) else: try: weekday = decode_weekday(args[0]) if isinstance(weekday, int): update.message.reply_text(menu.get_menu(weekday)) else: raise ValueError('weekday not known.') except Exception: update.message.reply_text( 'Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Bitte probieren Sie /menu <weekday>' )
def handle_hotkey(self, key): """Does the actual handling in a platform-independant way.""" if self.key_timer: self.key_timer.cancel() key = key.lower() mode = modes.get_current_mode() if key == 'subtract': get_menu() elif key in ['divide', 'decimal']: modes.switch_mode({'divide': 'operation', 'decimal': 'shift'}[key]) if key == 'decimal': self.autocapitalise = False elif key == 'add': if mode in [modes.MODE_OPERATION_STANDARD, modes.MODE_OPERATION_NUMBERS]: self.press_current_key() press('backspace') else: pressHoldRelease(application.config.get(, key, 'alt')) elif key == 'multiply': self.press_current_key() else: if mode == modes.MODE_OPERATION_NUMBERS: # Pass numbers straight through. press(key[-1]) elif mode == modes.MODE_OPERATION_STANDARD: if key == 'enter': self.key_value = 'enter' elif key == self.last_key: self.index += 1 else: self.press_current_key() self.index = 0 possible_keys = application.config.get('keys', key) if self.index >= len(possible_keys): self.index = 0 self.key_value = possible_keys[self.index] if self.key_value == ' ': # A space must be converted before sending. self.key_value = 'spacebar' output.output(self.key_value) else: pressHoldRelease(application.config.get(, key)) self.last_key = key if mode == modes.MODE_OPERATION_STANDARD: t = time() self.key_timer = Timer(application.config.get('settings', 'timeout'), self.press_current_key, args = [t]) self.key_timer.start() self.last_key_time = t
def start_message(message): message_menu = menu.get_menu("SELECT text FROM menu_text WHERE name LIKE 'start'") \ .format(message.from_user.first_name) start_keyboard = types.InlineKeyboardMarkup(row_width=1) menu_button = types.InlineKeyboardButton(text="Начать работу", callback_data="/menu") url_button = types.InlineKeyboardButton( text="Документация проекта", url="") start_keyboard.add(menu_button, url_button) bot.send_message(, message_menu, reply_markup=start_keyboard)
def tsn_userinfo(message, user_info): if security.check_user_id(user_info): message_menu = menu.get_user_info("SELECT * from users WHERE telegram_id={};".format(user_info)) tsn_keyboard = types.InlineKeyboardMarkup(row_width=1) tsn_button = types.InlineKeyboardButton(text="Вернуться в меню ТСН", callback_data="/tsn") tsn_keyboard.add(tsn_button) keyboards.main_menu_key(tsn_keyboard) bot.send_message(, message_menu + str(user_info), reply_markup=tsn_keyboard) else: message_menu = menu.get_menu("SELECT text FROM menu_text WHERE name LIKE 'tsn_access_deny'") tsn_keyboard = types.InlineKeyboardMarkup(row_width=1) get_id_button = types.InlineKeyboardButton(text="Получить Telegram ID", callback_data="/getid") tsn_keyboard.add(get_id_button) keyboards.main_menu_key(tsn_keyboard) bot.send_message(, message_menu, reply_markup=tsn_keyboard)
def display_menu(): menu_list = menu.get_menu() for item in menu_list: print(item)
def callback_daily_menu(bot, job): import menu bot.send_message(job.context[0], text=menu.get_menu(get_weekday_for_current_menu()))
def get_servises(message, user_info, service_group): if security.check_user_id(user_info): con = psycopg2.connect(database=os.environ['DB_NAME'], user=os.environ['DB_USER'], password=os.environ['DB_PASS'], host=os.environ['DB_HOST'], port=os.environ['DB_PORT']) services_keyboard = types.InlineKeyboardMarkup(row_width=1) with con.cursor() as cur: cur.execute( " SELECT description, contact, first_tel, second_tel, email, url, vk, instagram, other_contact" " FROM services WHERE service_group='{}';".format( service_group)) rows = cur.fetchall() print(len(rows)) if len(rows) == 0: service_button = types.InlineKeyboardButton( text="Вернуться в меню услуг", callback_data="/services") services_keyboard.add(service_button) keyboards.main_menu_key(services_keyboard) bot.send_message(, "К сожалению в данном разделе пока нет записей", reply_markup=services_keyboard) else: for row in rows: bot_message = "" if row[0]: bot_message = bot_message + row[0] + "\n\n" if row[1]: bot_message = bot_message + "Контактное лицо: " + row[ 1] + "\n\n" if row[2]: bot_message = bot_message + "Тел: " + row[2] + "\n\n" if row[3]: bot_message = bot_message + "Тел: " + row[3] + "\n\n" if row[4]: bot_message = bot_message + "email: " + row[4] + "\n\n" if row[5]: bot_message = bot_message + "сайт: " + row[5] + "\n\n" if row[6]: bot_message = bot_message + "VK:\n" + row[6] + "\n\n" if row[7]: bot_message = bot_message + "Instagram:\n" + row[ 7] + "\n\n" if row[8]: bot_message = bot_message + "Дополнительная информация:\n" + row[ 8] + "\n\n" time.sleep(1) bot.send_message(, bot_message) service_button = types.InlineKeyboardButton( text="Вернуться в меню услуг", callback_data="/services") services_keyboard.add(service_button) keyboards.main_menu_key(services_keyboard) bot.send_message(, "Запрос выполнен успешно найдено {} записи(ей)".format( len(rows)), reply_markup=services_keyboard) else: message_menu = menu.get_menu( "SELECT text FROM menu_text WHERE name LIKE 'tsn_access_deny'") services_keyboard = types.InlineKeyboardMarkup(row_width=1) get_id_button = types.InlineKeyboardButton(text="Получить Telegram ID", callback_data="/getid") services_keyboard.add(get_id_button) keyboards.main_menu_key(services_keyboard) bot.send_message(, message_menu, reply_markup=services_keyboard)
while True: print('Welcome to Komodo Burgers') user_input = input('Choose a menu option:\n' + '1. Add a option\n' + '2. Menu List\n' + '3. Update menu Option\n' '4. Delete Item\n' + '5. Exit') if user_input == '1': meal_number = input('Enter Menu Number: ') meal_name = input('Enter Meal Name: ') description = input('Enter Description: ') ingredients = input('View Ingredients: ') price = input('Menu Price: ') elif user_input == '2': menu = menu.get_menu() print(menu) elif user_input == '3': menu_to_update = input('Enter menu item to update: ') meal_number = input('Enter new Menu: ') meal_name = input('Enter new item: ') description = input('Enter new description: ') ingredients = input('Enter new ingredients: ') price = input('Enter new price: ') menu.update_menu(meal_number, meal_name, description, ingredients, price) elif user_input == '4': menu_to_del = input('Enter menu item to delete: ') if menu.delete_menu(menu_to_del) is None:
def callback_daily_menu(bot, job): import menu bot.send_message(job.context[0], text=menu.get_menu(get_weekday_for_current_menu()), parse_mode=telegram.ParseMode.MARKDOWN)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(TrayIcon, self).__init__() self.SetIcon(wx.IconFromBitmap(wx.EmptyBitmap(-1, -1)), self.Bind(wx.EVT_TASKBAR_CLICK, lambda event: get_menu())
def main(): with (Path(__file__).parent / 'influxdb_config.json').open(mode='r') as fp: config = json.load(fp) menu = get_menu(config)