Пример #1
    def calcSupportingPoints(self):
        given a command release location plot X points for a straight line of deployment run

        waypoints : list of NED class objects
            A list of NED class objects where each object describes the NED position of each waypoint
        length = self.supporting_points * 2 + 1
        self.waypoints_array = np.zeros((length, 3))
        # North and East difference at course angle for given distance between waypoints
        dNorth = self.waypoint_spread * np.cos(self.course_command)
        dEast = self.waypoint_spread * np.sin(self.course_command)
        # create waypoints before the release location
        for ii in range(self.supporting_points):
            self.waypoints_array[ii] = self.NED_release_location - (
                self.supporting_points - ii) * np.array([dNorth, dEast, 0.0])
        # add the release location waypoint
            self.supporting_points] = self.NED_release_location
        # create waypoints after the release location
        for ii in range(self.supporting_points):
            self.waypoints_array[ii + self.supporting_points +
                                 1] = self.NED_release_location + (
                                     ii + 1.0) * np.array([dNorth, dEast, 0.0])
        waypointsList = []
        for ii in range(length):
                msg_ned(self.waypoints_array[ii, 0],
                        self.waypoints_array[ii, 1], self.waypoints_array[ii,

        return waypointsList
Пример #2
    def clear_waypoints(self, req):

        print("Clearing waypoints")


        #Set up a service call to poll the interop server
        waypoint_update = rospy.ServiceProxy('waypoint_path', NewWaypoints)

        waypoints = []

        new_point = Waypoint()

        new_point.w = [
            self.DEFAULT_POS[0], self.DEFAULT_POS[1], self.DEFAULT_POS[2]
        new_point.clear_wp_list = True


        #Send the service call with the desired mission type number
        resp = waypoint_update(waypoints)

        # set the last waypoint to the origin
        self.last_waypoint = msg_ned(*self.DEFAULT_POS)
        print("Waypoints cleared")

        return True
Пример #3
def convert_waypoints(ref_pos, msg):
    Converts the waypoints obtained from the interop server to NED coordinates
    This function doesn't care about what mission is being run, it just gets the waypoints
    which can be for the drop location, flight location, or search boundaries, and converts them

    msg : JudgeMission message
        The message received from the interop server
    ref_pos : list
        The reference latitude, longitude, and height (in m)

    waypoint_list : list of NED classes
        List describing the NED position of each waypoint

    ref_lat = ref_pos[0]
    ref_lon = ref_pos[1]
    ref_h = ref_pos[2]

    waypoint_list = []

    for i in msg.waypoints:
        wpt_NED = convert(ref_lat, ref_lon, ref_h, i.point.latitude, i.point.longitude, i.point.altitude)
        waypoint_list.append(msg_ned(wpt_NED[0], wpt_NED[1], wpt_NED[2]))

    return waypoint_list
Пример #4
def convert_boundaries(ref_pos, msg):
    Converts the boundary points obtained from the interop server to NED coordinates

    msg : JudgeMission message
        The message received from the interop server
    ref_pos : list
        The reference latitude, longitude, and height (in m)

        a list of lists describing all the boundary points
        each inner list has the North location, East location, and Down location of a single boundary point
        all measurements are in meters

    ref_lat = ref_pos[0]
    ref_lon = ref_pos[1]
    ref_h = ref_pos[2]

    boundary_list = []

    for i in msg.boundaries:
        bnd_NED = convert(ref_lat, ref_lon, ref_h, i.point.latitude, i.point.longitude, i.point.altitude)
        boundary_list.append(msg_ned(bnd_NED[0], bnd_NED[1]))

    boundary_poly = makeBoundaryPoly(boundary_list)
    return boundary_list, boundary_poly
Пример #5
def convert_obstacles(ref_pos, msg):
        Converts the obstacles from the rospy message to a list of NED classes

        msg : JudgeMission message
            The message received from the interop server
        ref_pos : list
            The reference latitude, longitude, and height (in m)

        obstacle_list : list of NED classes
            Describes the position and height of each obstacle

        ref_lat = ref_pos[0]
        ref_lon = ref_pos[1]
        ref_h = ref_pos[2]

        obstacle_list = []

        for i in msg.stationary_obstacles:
            obs_NED = convert(ref_lat, ref_lon, ref_h, i.point.latitude, i.point.longitude, i.point.altitude)
            obstacle_list.append(msg_ned(obs_NED[0], obs_NED[1], i.cylinder_height, i.cylinder_radius))

        return obstacle_list
Пример #6
    def shortestPath(self, tree, endNode):
        """RRT class function that takes in a tree with successful paths and finds which one is the shortest

        tree : float
            An Nx7 array of N leaves in this format: N, E, D, cost, parentIndex, connectsToGoalFlag, chi

        endNode : msg_ned
            The ending waypoint.

        path :  msg_ned
            An array of waypoints that expresses the shortest (but not smoothed), successful path from one waypoint
            to another
        # Find the leaves that connect to the end node
        connectedNodes = []
        for i in range(0, np.size(tree, 0)):
            if tree[i, 5] == 1:

        # Find the path with the shortest distance (could find a different heuristic for choosing which path to go with,
        # especially because we are going to shorten the path anyway??). Choose shortest after smoothing?? Or choose for
        # least turns.
        minIndex = np.argmin(tree[connectedNodes, 3])
        minIndex = connectedNodes[minIndex]
        path = []
            msg_ned(tree[minIndex, 0], tree[minIndex, 1], tree[minIndex, 2]))
        parentNode = int(tree[minIndex, 4])
        while parentNode > 0:
                msg_ned(tree[parentNode, 0], tree[parentNode, 1],
                        tree[parentNode, 2]))
            parentNode = int(tree[parentNode, 4])
            msg_ned(tree[parentNode, 0], tree[parentNode, 1],
                    tree[parentNode, 2]))  #This adds the starting point
        # # The commented lines prints the shortest, but not yet smoothed, path
        # if self.animate:
        #     self.drawPath(path,'r')
        return path
Пример #7
def msg2wypts(message):
    Converts a ros message to a list of msg_ned classes

    waypoints = []
    for point in message.waypoint_list:
        waypoints.append(msg_ned(point.N, point.E, point.D))

    return waypoints
Пример #8
    def plan(self, waypoints):

        point = Point(waypoints.n, waypoints.e).buffer(self.radius+self.clearance)

        safe_point = True
        if point.within(self.bound_poly):
            for obs in self.obstacles:
                if point.intersects(Point(obs.n, obs.e).buffer(obs.r)):
                    safe_point = False
            if safe_point:
                if waypoints.d > -45.0:
                    waypoints.d = -45.0

        north = waypoints.n
        east = waypoints.e

        std = 50
        count = 0
        safe_point = False
        while safe_point == False:
            count = count + 1
            n = np.random.normal(loc=north, scale=std)
            e = np.random.normal(loc=east, scale=std)

            point = Point(n, e).buffer(self.radius+self.clearance)
            safe_point = True
            if point.within(self.bound_poly):
                for obs in self.obstacles:
                    if point.intersects(Point(obs.n, obs.e).buffer(obs.r)):
                        safe_point = False
            if np.mod(count,5) == 0:
                std = std + 25


Пример #9
from rrt import RRT
import numpy as np
import time
from messages.ned import msg_ned

if __name__ == '__main__':
    show_animation = True

    #List of obastacles and boundaries
    obstaclesList = []
    # obstaclesList.append(msg_ned(50.,50.,75.,5.))
    boundariesList = []

    clearance = 5.  # The minimum distance between the path and all obstacles
    maxDistance = 10.  # Max distance between each added leaf
    maxIncline = .5  # Max slope the vehicle can climb or decend at
    maxRelChi = np.pi / 2  # Max relative chi between leaves
    iterations = 50  # How many sets of random points it will add each time until solution is found
    resolution = 1.1  # The segment lengths checked for collisions
Пример #10
    def plan(self,
             current_pos=msg_ned(0., 0., -100.),
        Creates a lawn mower path over the search area

        Plans a lawnmower path that covers the search area and does not get within the clearance value of the fly zone.

        search_boundaries : list of NED class
            The boundaries that define the search area
        current_pos : NED class
            The current position of the airplane
        clearance : float
            The closest distance a waypoint is permitted to be to the fly zone boundaries
        visualize : boolean
            For debugging only. If true, the planned points and boundaries will be displayed
        final_waypoints : list of NED class
            The points that define the planned search path
        The altitude of the search path is set to the attitude of the current position.

        Obstacles are not currently accounted for in planning the path.

        If visualize is true, the code looks like it stops and does not continue executing until the plot is closed.


        self.search_boundaries = makeBoundaryPoly(search_boundaries)

        # Find the box that fits the search area
        num_points = len(search_boundaries)
        n_pos = np.zeros(num_points)
        e_pos = np.zeros(num_points)
        for i in np.arange(num_points):
            n_pos[i] = search_boundaries[i].n
            e_pos[i] = search_boundaries[i].e

        w_bound = np.min(e_pos) - self.waypoint_distance
        e_bound = np.max(e_pos) + self.waypoint_distance
        n_bound = np.max(n_pos) + self.waypoint_distance
        s_bound = np.min(n_pos) - self.waypoint_distance

        search_box = [
            msg_ned(n_bound, e_bound),
            msg_ned(s_bound, e_bound),
            msg_ned(s_bound, w_bound),
            msg_ned(n_bound, w_bound)
        search_box_p = makeBoundaryPoly(search_box)

        # Initialize variables for creating the search path
        all_points = []
        cur_pos = msg_ned(n_bound, w_bound, current_pos.d, -33.0)
        direction = 1  # Positive advances the path to the right, negative moves the path to the left. Changes each time it needs to turn around to stay in the search area

        # Create the lawn mower path
            msg_ned(cur_pos.n, cur_pos.e, current_pos.d)
        )  #Start path at the North-East corner of the bounding box
        while cur_pos.n >= s_bound:  #Stop adding points once we are below the bounding box
            while cur_pos.e >= w_bound and cur_pos.e <= e_bound:  #Add points on an East-West or West-East line until we leave the bounding box
                cur_pos.e = cur_pos.e + direction * self.waypoint_distance
                all_points.append(msg_ned(cur_pos.n, cur_pos.e, -self.height))
            direction = -direction  #When we leave the bounding box, turn around
            cur_pos.n = cur_pos.n - self.waypoint_distance  #Advance path one step in a South direction
            all_points.append(msg_ned(cur_pos.n, cur_pos.e, -self.height))
            while cur_pos.e <= w_bound or cur_pos.e >= e_bound:  #Bring the path back inside the bounding box area
                cur_pos.e = cur_pos.e + direction * self.waypoint_distance
                all_points.append(msg_ned(cur_pos.n, cur_pos.e, -self.height))

        # Eliminate points that are too close to the flight boundary or too far from the search area
        final_waypoints = []
        for waypoint in all_points:
            waypoint_circle_large = Point(waypoint.n, waypoint.e).buffer(
                clearance)  # Creates a point with a radius of clearance
            waypoint_circle_small = Point(waypoint.n, waypoint.e).buffer(
            )  # Point with a radius of waypoint_distance
            if waypoint_circle_large.within(
            ) and waypoint_circle_small.intersects(
            ):  # Check if the point is too close or far from boundaries
                    msg_ned(waypoint.n, waypoint.e, -self.height))

        # Plot the planned points and all boundaries
        if visualize:
            fig, ax = plt.subplots()
            for point in final_waypoints:
                ax.scatter(point.e, point.n, c='k')
            for point in self.flight_boundaries:
                ax.scatter(point.e, point.n, c='r')
            for point in search_boundaries:
                ax.scatter(point.e, point.n, c='g')

        return final_waypoints
Пример #11
    def update_task_callback(self, req):
        This function is called when the desired task is changed by the GUI. The proper mission is then called.


        self.task = req.mission_type
        self.landing = False

        # change this to determine how tight of turns the path will create
        # 15*pi/16 seems reasonable for most tasks - large planning tasks will
        # take an excessive amount of time if this is too low.
        self.rrt.maxRelChi = 15 * np.pi / 16

        # interop server doesn't provide landing info
        if (self.task != JudgeMission.MISSION_TYPE_LAND):
            mission_type, obstacles, boundary_list, boundary_poly, waypoints = tools.get_server_data(
                self.task, self.ref_pos)

        #Each task_planner class function should return a NED_list msg
        #These classes can be switched out depending on the desired functionality
        connect = False

        if (self.task == JudgeMission.MISSION_TYPE_SEARCH):
            rospy.loginfo('SEARCH TASK BEING PLANNED')
            planned_points = self._plan_search.plan(waypoints)

        elif (self.task == JudgeMission.MISSION_TYPE_DROP):
            rospy.loginfo('PAYLOAD TASK BEING PLANNED')
            # be more picky about tight turns while performing the payload drop
            self.rrt.maxRelChi = 10 * np.pi / 16
                state_msg = rospy.wait_for_message("/state", State, timeout=10)
                wind = np.array([state_msg.wn, state_msg.we, 0.])
            except rospy.ROSException as e:
                print("no state message received")
                wind = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

            planned_points, drop_location = self._plan_payload.plan(wind)
            rospy.set_param('DROP_LOCATION', drop_location)

        elif (self.task == JudgeMission.MISSION_TYPE_LOITER):
            rospy.loginfo('LOITER PLANNER TASK BEING PLANNED')
                pos_msg = rospy.wait_for_message("/state", State, timeout=1)
                current_pos = msg_ned(pos_msg.position[0], pos_msg.position[1],
            except rospy.ROSException as e:
                print("Loiter - No State msg recieved")
                current_pos = msg_ned(*self.DEFAULT_POS)
            planned_points = self._plan_loiter.plan(current_pos)

        elif (
                self.task == JudgeMission.MISSION_TYPE_WAYPOINT
        ):  # This is the task that deals with flying the mission waypoints. We call it objective to avoid confusion with the waypoints that are used to define the drop flight path or search flight path
            rospy.loginfo('OBJECTIVE PLANNER TASK BEING PLANNED')
            planned_points = self._plan_objective.plan(waypoints)
            connect = True

        elif (self.task == JudgeMission.MISSION_TYPE_OFFAXIS):
            rospy.loginfo('OFFAXIS PLANNER TASK BEING PLANNED')
            planned_points = self._plan_offaxis.plan(waypoints)

        elif (self.task == JudgeMission.MISSION_TYPE_LAND):
            rospy.loginfo('LANDING PATH BEING PLANNED')
            landing_msg = req.landing_waypoints
            self.rrt.maxRelChi = 10 * np.pi / 16
            if (len(landing_msg.waypoint_list) == 2):
                    pos_msg = rospy.wait_for_message("/state",
                    curr_altitude = pos_msg.position[2]
                except rospy.ROSException as e:
                    print("Landing - No State msg recieved")
                    curr_altitude = 0.0

                landing_wypts = tools.msg2wypts(landing_msg)
                planned_points = self._plan_landing.plan(
                    landing_wypts, curr_altitude)
                planned_points = [msg_ned(*self.DEFAULT_POS)]
                print("No landing waypoints specified")
            self.landing = True

        elif (
                self.task == JudgeMission.MISSION_TYPE_EMERGENT
        ):  # I believe the emergent object is just within the normal search boundaries


        if self.last_exists == True:
            print("Planning from last waypoint of previous path")
            current_pos = self.last_waypoint
            print("Planning from origin")
            current_pos = msg_ned(*self.DEFAULT_POS)

        planned_points.insert(0, current_pos)

        print("Starting RRT to find full path")
        final_path = self.rrt.findFullPath(planned_points, connect=connect)

        #Convert python NED class to rospy ned msg
        wypts_msg = tools.wypts2msg(final_path, self.task)
        self.planned_waypoints = final_path

        self.mp.addPathway(final_path, "Planned pathway")

        return wypts_msg
Пример #12
        N = self.waypoints_array[:, 0]
        E = self.waypoints_array[:, 1]
        D = self.waypoints_array[:, 2]
        clearance = 1.0
        if collisionCheck(self.obstacles, self.boundariesPolygon, N, E, D,
            return True
            return False

if __name__ == '__main__':

    #List of obastacles and boundaries
    obstaclesList = []
    obstaclesList.append(msg_ned(-350., 450., 50., 50.))
    obstaclesList.append(msg_ned(300., -150., 100., 25.))
    obstaclesList.append(msg_ned(-300., -250., 75., 75.))
    boundariesList = []

    home = [38.146269, -76.428164, 0.0]
    bd0 = [38.146269, -76.428164, 0.0]
    bd1 = [38.151625, -76.428683, 0.0]
    bd2 = [38.151889, -76.431467, 0.0]
    bd3 = [38.150594, -76.435361, 0.0]
    bd4 = [38.147567, -76.432342, 0.0]
    bd5 = [38.144667, -76.432947, 0.0]
    bd6 = [38.143256, -76.434767, 0.0]
    bd7 = [38.140464, -76.432636, 0.0]
    bd8 = [38.140719, -76.426014, 0.0]
    bd9 = [38.143761, -76.421206, 0.0]
Пример #13
    def pointsAlongPath(self, startN, endN, stepSize, third_node=None, R=None):
        """ RRT class function that takes two nodes and returns the N, E, and D position of many points along the line
        between the two points spaced according to the step size passed in.

        startN : msg_ned
            The starting node

        endN : msg_ned
            The ending node

        stepSize : double
            The desired spacing between each point along the line between the two nodes

        third_node : msg_ned or None
            The next node in the waypoint path. If this is not None then the points will be along a fillet path
        R : float or None
            The minimum turn radius. If None, straight line path is used

        N : double
            An np.array of the north position of points
        E : double
            An np.array of the east position of points
        D : double
            An np.array of the down position of points

        if third_node is None or R is None:
            N = np.array([startN.n])
            E = np.array([startN.e])
            D = np.array([startN.d])

            q = np.array(
                [endN.n - startN.n, endN.e - startN.e, endN.d - startN.d])
            L = np.linalg.norm(q)
            q = q / L

            w = np.array([startN.n, startN.e, startN.d])
            for i in range(1, int(np.ceil(L / stepSize))):
                w += stepSize * q
                N = np.append(N, w.item(0))
                E = np.append(E, w.item(1))
                D = np.append(D, w.item(2))
            N = np.append(N, endN.n)
            E = np.append(E, endN.e)
            D = np.append(D, endN.d)
        else:  #Plan fillet path
            R = float(R)
            N = np.array([])
            E = np.array([])
            D = np.array([])

            start_node = np.array([[startN.n], [startN.e], [startN.d]])
            mid_node = np.array([[endN.n], [endN.e], [endN.d]])
            last_node = np.array([[third_node.n], [third_node.e],

            q_pre = (mid_node - start_node) / np.linalg.norm(mid_node -
            q_next = (last_node - mid_node) / np.linalg.norm(last_node -


            if abs(np.matmul(-q_pre.T, q_next)) >= 1:
                if np.matmul(-q_pre.T, q_next) > 0:
                    theta = 0
                elif np.matmul(-q_pre.T, q_next) < 0:
                    theta = -np.pi
                theta = np.arccos(np.matmul(-q_pre.T, q_next)).item(0)

            if np.linalg.norm(q_pre - q_next) > 0.000001 and theta > 0 and abs(
                    theta) < np.pi:
                C = mid_node - (R / np.sin(theta / 2)) * (
                    q_pre - q_next) / np.linalg.norm(q_pre - q_next)
                r1 = mid_node - (R / np.tan(theta / 2)) * q_pre
                r2 = mid_node + (R / np.tan(theta / 2)) * q_next
                C = mid_node
                r1 = C
                r2 = C

            r1v = r1 - C
            r2v = r2 - C
            if np.linalg.norm(r1v - r2v) > 0:
                rot_theta = np.arccos(
                    np.matmul(r1v.T / np.linalg.norm(r1v.T),
                              r2v / np.linalg.norm(r2v))).item(0)
                rot_theta = 0

            rot_direction = -np.sign(np.cross(r1v[:, 0], r2v[:, 0]).item(2))

            start2hp = r1v - start_node
            start2mid = mid_node - start_node

            end2hp = r2v - last_node
            end2mid = mid_node - last_node

            dir1 = np.matmul(start2hp.T, start2mid)
            dir2 = np.matmul(end2hp.T, end2mid)

            forwards = True
            if dir1 < 0 or dir2 < 0:
                forwards = False

            # Checking here to see if the halfplanes or start and end nodes are closer
            if forwards and (np.linalg.norm(r1 - mid_node) <
                             np.linalg.norm(start_node - mid_node)) and (
                                 np.linalg.norm(r2 - mid_node) <
                                 np.linalg.norm(last_node - mid_node)):
                current_position = np.array([[startN.n], [startN.e],
                pre_position = current_position

                while (np.linalg.norm(pre_position - r1) >= stepSize):
                    N = np.append(N, current_position.item(0))
                    E = np.append(E, current_position.item(1))
                    D = np.append(D, current_position.item(2))

                    pre_position = current_position

                    current_position = current_position + q_pre * stepSize

                #   print("Part 1")
                # print(current_position)

                current_position = r1
                ang_inc = float(stepSize) / (2 * R)
                angle = 0
                while (rot_theta is not np.nan) and (angle <= rot_theta):
                    N = np.append(N, current_position.item(0))
                    E = np.append(E, current_position.item(1))
                    D = np.append(D, current_position.item(2))

                    angle = angle + ang_inc

                    Rot = np.array([[
                        np.cos(rot_direction * ang_inc),
                        np.sin(rot_direction * ang_inc), 0
                                        -np.sin(rot_direction * ang_inc),
                                        np.cos(rot_direction * ang_inc), 0
                                    ], [0, 0, 1]])

                    current_position = np.matmul(Rot, current_position - C) + C

                # print("Part 2")
                # print(current_position)

                current_position = r2
                pre_position = current_position
                while (np.linalg.norm(pre_position - last_node) >= stepSize):
                    N = np.append(N, current_position.item(0))
                    E = np.append(E, current_position.item(1))
                    D = np.append(D, current_position.item(2))

                    pre_position = current_position
                    current_position = current_position + q_next * stepSize

                # print("Part 3")
                #  print(current_position)

                current_position = last_node
                N = np.append(N, current_position.item(0))
                E = np.append(E, current_position.item(1))
                D = np.append(D, current_position.item(2))

                # if False: # This will plot each individual path when this function is called. Good for debugging but you don't want it accidentially running when you're trying to actually do a flight. Hence the hardcoded false option. For debuggin, switch to true
                # fig = plt.figure()
                # ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
                # ax.scatter(E, N)
                # ax.scatter(r1.item(1), r1.item(0),c='r')
                # ax.scatter(r2.item(1), r2.item(0),c='r')
                # ax.scatter(C.item(1), C.item(0),c='r')
                # ax.axis('equal')
                # plt.show()

                start_node = msg_ned(start_node.item(0), start_node.item(1),
                mid_node = msg_ned(mid_node.item(0), mid_node.item(1),
                last_node = msg_ned(last_node.item(0), last_node.item(1),
                N, E, D = self.pointsAlongPath(start_node, mid_node, stepSize)
                N2, E2, D2 = self.pointsAlongPath(mid_node, last_node,
                N = np.append(N, N2)
                E = np.append(E, E2)
                D = np.append(D, D2)

        return N, E, D
Пример #14
    def extendTree(self, tree, startN, endN):
        """RRT class function that extends the passed-in tree. It will continue to attempt adding a leaf until it finds a
        successful one. This is the basic RRT algorithm.

        tree : float
            @param tree: An Nx7 array of N leaves in this format: N, E, D, cost, parentIndex, connectsToGoalFlag, chi

        startN : msg_ned
            @param startN: The starting waypoint.

        endN : msg_ned
            The ending waypoint.

        tree:  float
            An Nx7 array of N leaves in this format: N, E, D, cost, parentIndex, connectsToGoalFlag, chi

            Returns a 1 if a path to the end node was found, 0 if not.
        successFlag = False
        while not successFlag:
            # Generate Random Point
            northP, eastP = self.randomPoint()

            # Find nearest leaf. Preference given to leaves that are at the correct altitude
            distances = ((northP - tree[:, 0])**2 + (eastP - tree[:, 1])**2 +
                         self.scaleHeight * (endN.d - tree[:, 2])**2)
            minIndex = np.argmin(
            )  # could loop through a second time to try second best node?? This might help with smoother ascending and descending.
            # Need to find way to get more smooth descents and ascents?? not zig zaggy
            chi = np.arctan2((eastP - tree[minIndex, 1]),
                             (northP - tree[minIndex, 0]))

            # Calculate the new node location
            if (tree[minIndex, 2] == endN.d
                ):  # If the chosen leaf is at the ending waypoint altitude
                # A new leaf only extends a maximum distance from a previous leaf
                L = min(
                    np.sqrt((northP - tree[minIndex, 0])**2 +
                            (eastP - tree[minIndex, 1])**2), self.maxDistance)
                downP = endN.d
                tmp = np.array([northP, eastP, downP]) - np.array(
                    [tree[minIndex, 0], tree[minIndex, 1], tree[minIndex, 2]])
                newPoint = np.array([
                    tree[minIndex, 0], tree[minIndex, 1], tree[minIndex, 2]
                ]) + L * (tmp / np.linalg.norm(tmp))
                newNode = np.array([[
                    newPoint.item(2), tree[minIndex, 3] + L, minIndex, 0., chi
                # # The following commented lines are for seeing the randomly chosen point
                # if self.animate:
                #     scat = self.ax.scatter([northP, northP], [eastP, eastP], [0, -downP], c='r', marker='+')
                #     scat.remove()
                # This case is for when the nearest leaf isn't yet at the correct altitude for the ending waypoint
                hyp = np.sqrt((northP - tree[minIndex, 0])**2 +
                              (eastP - tree[minIndex, 1])**2)
                lessInclineWhilePlanning = .3
                if startN.d > endN.d:
                    downP = tree[
                        2] - hyp * self.maxIncline * lessInclineWhilePlanning
                    downP = tree[
                        2] + hyp * self.maxIncline * lessInclineWhilePlanning
                q = np.array([
                    northP - tree[minIndex, 0], eastP - tree[minIndex, 1],
                    downP - tree[minIndex, 2]
                L = np.linalg.norm(q)
                L = min(L, self.maxDistance)
                tmp = np.array([northP, eastP, downP]) - np.array(
                    [tree[minIndex, 0], tree[minIndex, 1], tree[minIndex, 2]])
                newPoint = np.array([
                    tree[minIndex, 0], tree[minIndex, 1], tree[minIndex, 2]
                ]) + L * (tmp / np.linalg.norm(tmp))
                if (startN.d > endN.d and newPoint.item(2) < endN.d) or (
                        startN.d < endN.d and newPoint.item(2) > endN.d
                ):  # Check for overshooting the correct altitude
                    newPoint[2] = endN.d
                newNode = np.array([[
                    newPoint.item(2), tree[minIndex, 3] + L, minIndex, 0., chi
                # # The following commented lines are for seeing the randomly chosen point
                # if self.animate:
                #     scat = self.ax.scatter([northP, northP], [eastP, eastP], [0, -downP], c='r', marker='+')
                #     scat.remove()

            if minIndex > 0:
                startIdx = int(tree[minIndex, 4])
                node_1 = msg_ned(tree[startIdx, 0], tree[startIdx, 1],
                                 tree[startIdx, 2])
                node_2 = msg_ned(tree[minIndex, 0], tree[minIndex, 1],
                                 tree[minIndex, 2])
                node_3 = msg_ned(newNode.item(0), newNode.item(1),
                node_1 = msg_ned(tree[minIndex, 0], tree[minIndex, 1],
                                 tree[minIndex, 2])
                node_2 = msg_ned(newNode.item(0), newNode.item(1),
                node_3 = None
            # Check for Collision
            #if self.flyablePath(msg_ned(tree[minIndex,0],tree[minIndex,1],tree[minIndex,2]), msg_ned(newNode.item(0),newNode.item(1),newNode.item(2)), tree[minIndex,6] ,chi):
            if self.flyablePath(node_1, node_2, tree[minIndex, 6], chi, node_3,
                successFlag = True
                # if minIndex == 0: # Attempt to get forced waypoints around the start node 5/23/2019 JTA
                #     q = np.array([[node_2.n],[node_2.e],[node_2.d]]) - np.array([[node_1.n],[node_1.e],[node_1.d]])
                #     forced_point = np.array([[node_1.n],[node_1.e],[node_1.d]]) + self.distance*q
                #     forced_node = np.array([[forced_point.item(0), forced_point.item(1), forced_point.item(2), np.inf, minIndex, 0., chi]])
                #     tree = np.append(tree, forced_node, axis=0)
                #     forced_idx = tree.shape[0]
                #     print(tree.shape)
                #     newNode[0,4] = forced_idx - 1

                # # The animate lines below draw the fully explored RRT Tree
                # if self.animate:
                #     if(endN.d==startN.d):
                #         scaler = 1
                #     else:
                #         scaler = (endN.d - newNode.item(2))/(endN.d-startN.d)
                #     spider = self.ax.plot([tree[minIndex,0],newNode.item(0)], [tree[minIndex,1],newNode.item(1)], [-tree[minIndex,2],-newNode.item(2)], color=self.viridis(scaler))
                tree = np.append(tree, newNode,
                                 axis=0)  # Append new node to the full tree
                if np.mod(tree.shape[0], 100) == 0:
                # Check to see if the new node can connect to the end node
                dist = np.sqrt((endN.n - newNode.item(0))**2 +
                               (endN.e - newNode.item(1))**2 +
                               (endN.d - newNode.item(2))**2)
                chi = np.arctan2((endN.e - newNode.item(1)),
                                 (endN.n - newNode.item(0)))
                if self.flyablePath(
                        msg_ned(newNode.item(0), newNode.item(1),
                                newNode.item(2)), endN, newNode.item(6), chi):
                    tree[np.size(tree, 0) - 1, 5] = 1
                    return tree, 1  # Return the extended tree with the flag of a successful path to ending node
                    return tree, 0
Пример #15
    def findPath(self, waypoint1, waypoint2, start_chi=8888, connect=False):
        """RRT class function that finds a path between two waypoints passed in. This solved path takes into account obstacles,
        boundaries, and all other parameters set in the init function.

        waypoint1 : msg_ned
            The starting waypoint

        waypoint2 : msg_ned
            @param waypoint2: The ending waypoint. Super creative names, I know.

        start_chi : float
            The current heading of the path. If 8888, indicates first step in the full path and is ignored

        connect : boolean
            If true, the path will be generated such that an additional waypoint is created after every primary waypoint to 
            force the plane to go through the primary waypoint before beginning a turn

        smoothedPath :  msg_ned
            The list of waypoints which outlines a safe path to follow in order to reach the two waypoints passed in.
        if self.animate:  # draws the two waypoints
            begEndPoints = self.ax.scatter([waypoint1.n, waypoint2.n],
                                           [waypoint1.e, waypoint2.e],
                                           [-waypoint1.d, -waypoint2.d],
        # node state vector format: N, E, D, cost, parentIndex, connectsToGoalFlag, chi
        startNode = np.array(
            [waypoint1.n, waypoint1.e, waypoint1.d, 0., -1., 0., start_chi])
        tree = np.array([startNode])
        # check for if solution at the beginning
        dist = np.sqrt((waypoint1.n - waypoint2.n)**2 +
                       (waypoint1.e - waypoint2.e)**2 +
                       (waypoint1.d - waypoint2.d)**2)
        chi = np.arctan2((waypoint2.e - waypoint1.e),
                         (waypoint2.n - waypoint1.n))
        if self.flyablePath(waypoint1, waypoint2, startNode[6], chi):
            return waypoint1, waypoint2  # Returns the two waypoints as the succesful path

        prep_node = np.array([[waypoint1.n], [waypoint1.e], [waypoint1.d]])
        last_node = np.array([[waypoint2.n], [waypoint2.e], [waypoint2.d]])

        q = (last_node - prep_node) / np.linalg.norm(last_node - prep_node)

        add_node = last_node + q * self.distance

        if self.flyablePath(
                msg_ned(add_node.item(0), add_node.item(1), add_node.item(2)),
                start_chi, chi) and connect:
            return waypoint1, waypoint2, msg_ned(add_node.item(0),

        elif self.flyablePath(waypoint1, waypoint2, start_chi,
                              chi) and not connect:
            return waypoint1, waypoint2

            foundSolution = 0
            while foundSolution < 3:  # This will keep expanding the tree the amount of iterations until solution found
                for i in range(0, self.iterations):
                    tree, flag = self.extendTree(tree, waypoint1, waypoint2)
                    if flag > 0:
                        print("Found Potential Path")
                    foundSolution += flag
        # # Find the shortest path
        # path = self.shortestPath(tree, waypoint2)
        # # Smooth the path
        # smoothedPath = self.smoothPath(path)
        # return smoothedPath

        # Find complete paths
        connectedPaths = []
        for i in range(0, np.size(tree, 0)):
            if tree[i, 5] == 1:
                connectedNodes = []
                    msg_ned(tree[i, 0], tree[i, 1], tree[i, 2]))
                parentNode = int(tree[i, 4])
                while parentNode > 0:
                        msg_ned(tree[parentNode, 0], tree[parentNode, 1],
                                tree[parentNode, 2]))
                    parentNode = int(tree[parentNode, 4])

        # Smooth all paths and save the best
        bestPath = []
        bestCost = np.inf
        for path in connectedPaths:
            smoothedPath, cost = self.smoothPath(path, start_chi)

            if connect:

                last_node = np.array([[smoothedPath[-1].n],
                prep_node = np.array([[smoothedPath[-2].n],

                q = (last_node - prep_node) / np.linalg.norm(last_node -

                add_node = last_node + q * self.distance

                if self.flyablePath(
                        msg_ned(add_node.item(0), add_node.item(1),
                                add_node.item(2)), 0, 0):
                        msg_ned(add_node.item(0), add_node.item(1),

            # #Add node between start and first node to force plane to go through the desired node
            # start_node = np.array([[smoothedPath[0].n],[smoothedPath[0].e],[smoothedPath[0].d]])
            # next_node = np.array([[smoothedPath[1].n],[smoothedPath[1].e],[smoothedPath[1].d]])
            # q = (next_node - start_node)/np.linalg.norm(next_node - start_node)
            # if np.linalg.norm(next_node - start_node) < self.distance:
            #     spacing = np.linalg.norm(next_node - start_node) / 2.0
            # else:
            #     spacing = self.distance

            # insert_node = start_node + spacing * q

            # smoothedPath.insert(1,msg_ned(insert_node.item(0), insert_node.item(1), insert_node.item(2)))

            if cost < bestCost:
                bestPath = smoothedPath
                bestCost = cost

        # if len(bestPath) > 3:
        #     node1 = bestPath[0]
        #     node1v = np.array([[node1.n], [node1.e], [node1.d]])
        #     node2 = bestPath[1]
        #     node2v = np.array([[node2.n], [node2.e], [node2.d]])
        #     node_nextlast = bestPath[-2]
        #     node_nextlastv = np.array([[node_nextlast.n], [node_nextlast.e], [node_nextlast.d]])
        #     node_last = bestPath[-1]
        #     node_lastv = np.array([[node_last.n], [node_last.e], [node_last.d]])
        #     q_start = node2v - node1v
        #     q_end = node_lastv - node_nextlastv

        #     new_node2 = node1v + 5.0*q_start/np.linalg.norm(q_start)
        #     new_last = node_lastv + 5*q_end/np.linalg.norm(q_end)

        #     node2 = msg_ned(new_node2.item(0), new_node2.item(1), new_node2.item(2))
        #     nodel = msg_ned(new_last.item(0), new_last.item(1), new_last.item(2))

        #     bestPathNew = []
        #     bestPathNew.append(bestPath[0])
        #     bestPathNew.append(node2)
        #     bestPathNew.append(bestPath[1:])
        #     bestPathNew = bestPathNew.append(nodel)
        #     bestPath = bestPathNew
        # elif len(bestPath) > 2:
        #     pass

        # elif len(bestPath) == 2:
        #     pass

        return bestPath
Пример #16
            Returns the wrapped angle
        while chi_c - chi > np.pi:
            chi_c = chi_c - 2.0 * np.pi
        while chi_c - chi < -np.pi:
            chi_c = chi_c + 2.0 * np.pi
        return chi_c

    def wrapToPi(self, x):
        wrap = np.mod(x, 2 * np.pi)
        if np.abs(wrap) > np.pi:
            wrap -= 2 * np.pi * np.sign(wrap)
        return wrap

    def wrapAminusBToPi(self, A, B):
        diff_wrap = self.wrapToPi(A - B)
        return diff_wrap

if __name__ == "__main__":
    test = RRT([msg_ned(-500, -500, 10, 5)], [
        msg_ned(-500, -500, 10, 5),
        msg_ned(-500, 500, 0),
        msg_ned(500, 500, 0),
        msg_ned(500, -500, 0)
        [msg_ned(0., 0., 0.0),
         msg_ned(0., 100., 0.0),
         msg_ned(100., 0., 0.0)])
Пример #17
import sys

from tools.tools import makeBoundaryPoly, convert,  #collisionCheck
from messages.ned import msg_ned
from payloadPlanner import PayloadPlanner
import numpy as np

#List of obastacles and boundaries
obstaclesList = []
boundariesList = []
boundariesList.append(msg_ned(-1000, 1000))
boundariesList.append(msg_ned(-1000, -1000))
boundariesList.append(msg_ned(1000, -1000))
boundariesList.append(msg_ned(1000, 1000))
boundaryPoly = makeBoundaryPoly(boundariesList)

dropLocation = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
wind_vel = 5.36
wind = np.array([
    wind_vel * np.cos(np.radians(30)), -wind_vel * np.sin(np.radians(30)), 0.0
test = PayloadPlanner(dropLocation, obstaclesList, boundariesList,
                      boundaryPoly, wind)
test.drop_altitude = 41.611332
test.chi_offset = np.pi / 6.
test.time_delay = 0.0
test.time_to_open_parachute = 0.5
result = test.plan(wind)
Пример #18
bd11 = [38.146131, -76.426653, 0.0]

bd0_m = convert(home[0],home[1],home[2],bd0[0],bd0[1],bd0[2])
bd1_m = convert(home[0],home[1],home[2],bd1[0],bd1[1],bd1[2])
bd2_m = convert(home[0],home[1],home[2],bd2[0],bd2[1],bd2[2])
bd3_m = convert(home[0],home[1],home[2],bd3[0],bd3[1],bd3[2])
bd4_m = convert(home[0],home[1],home[2],bd4[0],bd4[1],bd4[2])
bd5_m = convert(home[0],home[1],home[2],bd5[0],bd5[1],bd5[2])
bd6_m = convert(home[0],home[1],home[2],bd6[0],bd6[1],bd6[2])
bd7_m = convert(home[0],home[1],home[2],bd7[0],bd7[1],bd7[2])
bd8_m = convert(home[0],home[1],home[2],bd8[0],bd8[1],bd8[2])
bd9_m = convert(home[0],home[1],home[2],bd9[0],bd9[1],bd9[2])
bd10_m = convert(home[0],home[1],home[2],bd10[0],bd10[1],bd10[2])
bd11_m = convert(home[0],home[1],home[2],bd11[0],bd11[1],bd11[2])

boundaryPoly = makeBoundaryPoly(boundariesList)

drop_location = msg_ned(north=100., east=-100.)
Пример #19
    def plan(self,
        object_location = object_location_list[0]
        location_point = Point(object_location.n,

        if location_point.within(self.boundary_poly):
            waypoint = msg_ned(object_location.n, object_location.e, -altitude)
            final_waypoints = [waypoint]

            dist = np.zeros(len(self.boundary_list))
            norm = np.zeros((len(self.boundary_list), 2))
            slope = np.zeros((len(self.boundary_list), 2))
            for i in np.arange(len(self.boundary_list)):
                j = i + 1
                if i == len(self.boundary_list) - 1:
                    j = 0

                dn = self.boundary_list[i].n - self.boundary_list[j].n
                de = self.boundary_list[i].e - self.boundary_list[j].e

                pn = object_location.n - self.boundary_list[j].n
                pe = object_location.e - self.boundary_list[j].e

                slope[i, :] = np.array([[dn, de]]) / np.linalg.norm(
                    np.array([[dn, de]]))
                norm[i, :] = np.array([[de, -dn]]) / np.linalg.norm(
                    np.array([[de, -dn]]))
                point = np.array([[pn, pe]])

                dist[i] = np.abs(np.dot(norm[i, :], point[0]))

            line_idx = np.argmin(dist)
            waypoint_n = object_location.n + norm[line_idx, 0] * (
                dist[line_idx] + clearance)
            waypoint_e = object_location.e + norm[line_idx, 1] * (
                dist[line_idx] + clearance)

            direction = 1

            if Point(waypoint_n, waypoint_e).within(self.boundary_poly):
                waypoint = msg_ned(waypoint_n, waypoint_e, -altitude)
                direction = -1
                waypoint_n = object_location.n - norm[line_idx, 0] * (
                    dist[line_idx] + clearance)
                waypoint_e = object_location.e - norm[line_idx, 1] * (
                    dist[line_idx] + clearance)

                waypoint = msg_ned(waypoint_n, waypoint_e, -altitude)

            parallel_point = msg_ned(
                waypoint.n + waypoint_distance * slope[line_idx, 0],
                waypoint.e + waypoint_distance * slope[line_idx, 1], altitude)

            if Point(parallel_point.n, parallel_point.e).buffer(
                    clearance * .99).within(self.boundary_poly):
                parallel_point.n = waypoint.n - waypoint_distance * slope[
                    line_idx, 0]
                parallel_point.e = waypoint.e - waypoint_distance * slope[
                    line_idx, 1]

            end_point = msg_ned(
                waypoint.n + direction * waypoint_distance * norm[line_idx, 0],
                waypoint.e + direction * waypoint_distance * norm[line_idx, 1],
            scale = 1.
            while (not Point(end_point.n,
                end_point.n = waypoint.n + direction * waypoint_distance * norm[
                    line_idx, 0] * scale
                end_point.e = waypoint.e + direction * waypoint_distance * norm[
                    line_idx, 1] * scale
                scale = scale - .05

            final_waypoints = [parallel_point, waypoint, end_point]

        if True:  # This is for debugging/visualization purposes only. I don't think we need/want this during the competition but it is nice to use when debugging
            fig, ax = plt.subplots()
            for point in final_waypoints:
                ax.scatter(point.e, point.n, c='k')
            ax.scatter(object_location.e, object_location.n)
            for point in self.boundary_list:
                ax.scatter(point.e, point.n, c='r')
            ax.plot([self.boundary_list[0].e, self.boundary_list[1].e],
                    [self.boundary_list[0].n, self.boundary_list[1].n], 'r')
            ax.plot([self.boundary_list[1].e, self.boundary_list[2].e],
                    [self.boundary_list[1].n, self.boundary_list[2].n], 'r')
            ax.plot([self.boundary_list[2].e, self.boundary_list[3].e],
                    [self.boundary_list[2].n, self.boundary_list[3].n], 'r')
            ax.plot([self.boundary_list[3].e, self.boundary_list[0].e],
                    [self.boundary_list[3].n, self.boundary_list[0].n], 'r')


        return final_waypoints
Пример #20
    def __init__(self, Va=17):
        """brief Creates a new main planner objectives

        This initializes a new main planner. The reference latitude, longitude, and altitude are taken from the .launch files
        A service call is made to get the stationary obstacles, boundaries, and payload drop location.
        The various mission planners are initilized with the obstacles and boundaries. The paylod planer additionally is initialized
        with the drop location known.

        #Get ref lat, lon from launch file
        ref_lat = rospy.get_param("ref_lat")
        ref_lon = rospy.get_param("ref_lon")
        ref_h = rospy.get_param("ref_h")
        self.target_h = rospy.get_param("target_h")
        self.ref_pos = [ref_lat, ref_lon, ref_h]
        self.DEFAULT_POS = (0., 0., -self.target_h)

        #Keeps track of what task is currently being executed
        self.task = 0

        self._ser_waypoints = rospy.Service('approved_path', UploadPath,

        self._ser_clear = rospy.Service('clear_wpts', UploadPath,
        #Proposing a switch to a service call rather than a topic to get info from GUI. If that holds then delete this line
        #self._sub_mission = rospy.Subscriber('task_command', JudgeMission, self.update_task, queue_size=5)

        self._pub_task = rospy.Publisher('current_task',
        #Proposing a switch to a service call rather than a topic to get info to the GUI. If that holds, delete this line
        #self._pub_waypoints = rospy.Publisher('desired_waypoints', NED_list, queue_size=5)

        #self._plan_server = rospy.Service('plan_mission', PlanMissionPoints, self.update_task_callback)
        self._plan_server = rospy.Service('plan_path', PlanMissionPoints,

        self._ser_search_params = rospy.Service('update_search_params',

        #Get the obstacles, boundaries, and drop location in order to initialize the planner classes
        mission_type, obstacles, boundary_list, boundary_poly, drop_location = tools.get_server_data(
            JudgeMission.MISSION_TYPE_DROP, self.ref_pos)

        #Initiate the planner classes
        self._plan_payload = PayloadPlanner(drop_location[0], obstacles,
                                            boundary_list, boundary_poly)
        self._plan_loiter = LoiterPlanner(obstacles, boundary_poly)
        self._plan_search = SearchPlanner(boundary_list, obstacles)
        self._plan_objective = ObjectivePointsPlanner(obstacles)
        self._plan_offaxis = OffaxisPlanner(boundary_list, obstacles)
        self._plan_landing = LandingPlanner(boundary_list, obstacles)

        self.landing = False
        self.last_exists = False
        self.last_waypoint = msg_ned(*self.DEFAULT_POS)

        self.rrt = RRT(
            obstacles, boundary_list, animate=False
        )  #Other arguments are available but have been given default values in the RRT constructor

        #-----START DEBUG----
        #This code is just used to visually check that everything worked ok. Can be removed anytime.
        for obstacle in obstacles:
            print(obstacle.n, obstacle.e, obstacle.d, obstacle.r)
        for boundary in boundary_list:
            print(boundary.n, boundary.e)
        for drop in drop_location:
            print(drop.n, drop.e, drop.d)

        _, _, _, _, objective_waypts = tools.get_server_data(
            JudgeMission.MISSION_TYPE_WAYPOINT, self.ref_pos)
        _, _, _, _, search_boundary = tools.get_server_data(
            JudgeMission.MISSION_TYPE_SEARCH, self.ref_pos)
        self.obstacles = obstacles
        self.drop_location = drop_location
        self.objective_waypts = objective_waypts
        self.search_boundary = search_boundary
        self.boundary_list = boundary_list

        #-----END DEBUG----

        self.Va = Va