Пример #1
def test_interpolate_masked_units():
    """Test interpolating with masked arrays with units."""
    x = np.ma.array([1., 2., 3., 4.]) * units.m
    y = np.ma.array([50., 60., 70., 80.]) * units.degC
    x_interp = np.array([250., 350.]) * units.cm
    y_interp_truth = np.array([65., 75.]) * units.degC
    y_interp = interpolate_1d(x_interp, x, y)
    assert_array_almost_equal(y_interp, y_interp_truth, 7)
Пример #2
def test_interpolate_decrease_xp():
    """Test interpolation with decreasing order."""
    x = np.array([4., 3., 2., 1.])
    y = x
    x_interp = np.array([3.5000000, 2.5000000])
    y_interp_truth = np.array([3.5000000, 2.5000000])
    y_interp = interpolate_1d(x_interp, x, y)
    assert_array_almost_equal(y_interp, y_interp_truth, 7)
Пример #3
def test_interpolate_end_point():
    """Test interpolation with point at data endpoints."""
    x = np.array([1., 2., 3., 4.])
    y = x
    x_interp = np.array([1.0, 4.0])
    y_interp_truth = np.array([1.0, 4.0])
    y_interp = interpolate_1d(x_interp, x, y)
    assert_array_almost_equal(y_interp, y_interp_truth, 7)
Пример #4
def test_interpolate_decrease():
    """Test interpolation with decreasing interpolation points."""
    x = np.array([1., 2., 3., 4.])
    y = x
    x_interp = np.array([3.5000000, 2.5000000])
    y_interp_truth = np.array([3.5000000, 2.5000000])
    y_interp = interpolate_1d(x_interp, x, y)
    assert_array_almost_equal(y_interp, y_interp_truth, 7)
Пример #5
def test_interpolate_2args():
    """Test interpolation with 2 arguments."""
    x = np.array([1., 2., 3., 4.])
    y = x
    y2 = x
    x_interp = np.array([2.5000000, 3.5000000])
    y_interp_truth = np.array([2.5000000, 3.5000000])
    y_interp = interpolate_1d(x_interp, x, y, y2)
    assert_array_almost_equal(y_interp[0], y_interp_truth, 7)
    assert_array_almost_equal(y_interp[1], y_interp_truth, 7)
def interpolate_vertical(ml_file, inter_file, new_vertical_axis):
    Linearly interpolate all 4D variables of ml_file to the levels of new_vertical_axis and save it in inter_file
    with xr.load_dataset(inter_file) as interpolated:
        reference = [variable for variable in interpolated.variables if len(interpolated[variable].shape) == 4][0]
        with xr.open_dataset(ml_file) as ml:
            for variable in [variable for variable in ml.variables if variable not in interpolated.variables
                                                                      and len(ml[variable].dims) == 4
                                                                      and "lev_2" in ml[variable].dims]:
                    x = np.array(ml[new_vertical_axis].data)
                    y = np.array(ml[variable].data)
                    interpolated_data = interpolate_1d(interpolated["lev"].data, x, y, axis=1)
                    attributes = ml[variable].attrs

                    interpolated[variable] = interpolated[reference].copy(data=interpolated_data)
                    interpolated[variable].attrs = ml[variable].attrs
                except Exception as e:
                    print(variable, e)
Пример #7
def process_tstep(f, itf, regridder, lay_height, fout, itout, z_levels,
                  vars_remaining, filled, conversions, helpers):

    # Load helper vars for this timestep
    hlp = Helpers()
    for helper_name, helper in helpers:
        data = load_conversion(helper_name, f,
                               (itf, slice(None), regridder.ys, regridder.xs),
                               hlp, **helper)
        if data is not None:
            setattr(hlp, helper_name, data)

    # Load all usable vars for this timestep, regrid horizontally
    varmeta = []
    vardata = []
    for spc in list(vars_remaining):
        conv = conversions[spc]
        data = load_conversion(spc, f,
                               (itf, slice(None), regridder.ys, regridder.xs),
                               hlp, **conv)
        if data is None:

        data = regridder.regrid(data)
        vardata.append(np.r_[data[0:1], data])  #add peg below
        varmeta.append((spc, conv['output_unit']))

    # Perform vertical interpolation on all currently loaded vars at once
    print('Interpolating vertically...')
    vinterp = interpolate_1d(z_levels, lay_height, *vardata)
    if len(vardata) == 1:
        # return_list_always=True argument is only in later versions of MetPy
        vinterp = [vinterp]
    del vardata
    for (vn, vu), vd in zip(varmeta, vinterp):
        v = fout.variables[vn]
        v[itout] = vd
        v.units = vu
        filled[vn][itout] = True
Пример #8
### add units ###
#p_RS = p_RS * units.hPa
#T_RS = T_RS * units.degC
#T_d_RS = T_d_RS * units.degC

# Variante 2) Interpolate T and Td to pressure levels
p_RS = p_RS.values * units.hPa
T_RS = T_RS.values * units.degC
T_d_RS = T_d_RS.values * units.degC

p_RS_original = p_RS_original.values * units.hPa
T_RS_original = T_RS_original.values * units.degC
T_d_RS_original = T_d_RS_original.values * units.degC

T_RS = interpolate_1d(p_NUCAPS, p_RS, T_RS, axis=0)
T_d_RS = interpolate_1d(p_NUCAPS, p_RS, T_d_RS, axis=0)

##### D) RALMO: Raman lidar
RA_data = xr.open_dataset(LIDAR_archive + '/RA_concat_wp').to_dataframe()
Time_RA = RS_time + dt.timedelta(minutes=30)
RA_data = RA_data[RA_data.time_YMDHMS == int(
    dt.datetime.strftime(Time_RA, "%Y%m%d%H%M%S"))]

RA_data = RA_data[RA_data['temperature_K'] != 1e+07]
RA_data = RA_data[[
    'time_YMDHMS', 'altitude_m', 'specific_humidity_gkg-1', 'temperature_K',
Пример #9
def palm_wrf_vertical_interp(infile, outfile, wrffile, z_levels, z_levels_stag,
                             z_soil_levels, origin_z, terrain, wrf_hybrid_levs,

    zdim = len(z_levels)
    zwdim = len(z_levels_stag)
    zsoildim = len(z_soil_levels)
    dimnames = ['z', 'zw', 'zsoil']  # dimnames of palm vertical dims
    dimensions = [zdim, zwdim, zsoildim]

    print("infile: ", infile)
    print("outfile: ", outfile)

        os.remove(infile + '_vinterp.log')

    nc_infile = netCDF4.Dataset(infile, 'r')
    nc_wrf = netCDF4.Dataset(wrffile, 'r')
    nc_outfile = netCDF4.Dataset(outfile, "w", format="NETCDF4")
    nc_outfile.createDimension('Time', None)
    for dimname in ['west_east', 'south_north', 'soil_layers_stag']:
        nc_outfile.createDimension(dimname, len(nc_infile.dimensions[dimname]))
    for i in range(len(dimnames)):
        nc_outfile.createDimension(dimnames[i], dimensions[i])

    # Use hybrid ETA levels in WRF and stretch them so that the WRF terrain
    # matches either PALM terrain or flat terrain at requested height
    gpf = nc_infile.variables['PH'][0, :, :, :] + nc_infile.variables['PHB'][
        0, :, :, :]
    wrfterr = gpf[0] * (1. / g)

    if vinterp_terrain_smoothing is None:
        target_terrain = terrain
            'Smoothing PALM terrain for the purpose of dynamic driver with sigma={0} grid points.'
        target_terrain = ndimage.gaussian_filter(
            terrain, sigma=vinterp_terrain_smoothing, order=0)
        'Morphing WRF terrain ({0} ~ {1}) to PALM terrain ({2} ~ {3})'.format(
            wrfterr.min(), wrfterr.max(), target_terrain.min(),
    print_dstat('terrain shift', wrfterr - target_terrain[:, :])

    # Load original dry air column pressure
    mu = nc_infile.variables['MUB'][0, :, :] + nc_infile.variables['MU'][
        0, :, :]
    pht = nc_wrf.variables['P_TOP'][0]

    # Shift column pressure so that it matches PALM terrain
    t = wrf_t(nc_infile)
    mu2 = barom_pres(mu + pht, target_terrain * g, gpf[0, :, :],
                     t[0, :, :]) - pht

    # Calculate original and shifted 3D dry air pressure
    if wrf_hybrid_levs:
        phf, phh = calc_ph_hybrid(nc_wrf, mu)
        phf2, phh2 = calc_ph_hybrid(nc_wrf, mu2)
        phf, phh = calc_ph_sigma(nc_wrf, mu)
        phf2, phh2 = calc_ph_sigma(nc_wrf, mu2)

    # Shift 3D geopotential according to delta dry air pressure
    tf = np.concatenate((t, t[-1:, :, :]), axis=0)  # repeat highest layer
    gpf2 = barom_gp(gpf, phf2, phf, tf)
    # For half-levs, originate from gp full levs rather than less accurate gp halving
    gph2 = barom_gp(gpf[:-1, :, :], phh2, phf[:-1, :, :], t)
    zf = gpf2 * (1. / g) - origin_z
    zh = gph2 * (1. / g) - origin_z

    # Report
    gpdelta = gpf2 - gpf
    print('GP deltas by level:')
    for k in range(gpf.shape[0]):
        print_dstat(k, gpdelta[k])

    # Because we require levels below the lowest level from WRF, we will always
    # add one layer at zero level with repeated values from the lowest level.
    # WRF-python had some special treatment for theta in this case.
    height = np.zeros((zh.shape[0] + 1, ) + zh.shape[1:], dtype=zh.dtype)
    height[0, :, :] = -999.  #always below terrain
    height[1:, :, :] = zh
    heightw = np.zeros((zf.shape[0] + 1, ) + zf.shape[1:], dtype=zf.dtype)
    heightw[0, :, :] = -999.  #always below terrain
    heightw[1:, :, :] = zf

    # ======================== SPECIFIC HUMIDITY ==============================
    qv_raw = nc_infile.variables['SPECHUM'][0]
    qv_raw = np.r_[qv_raw[0:1], qv_raw]

    # Vertical interpolation to grid height levels (specified in km!)
    # Levels start at 50m (below that the interpolation looks very sketchy)
    init_atmosphere_qv = interpolate_1d(z_levels, height, qv_raw)
    vdata = nc_outfile.createVariable(
        'init_atmosphere_qv', "f4", ("Time", "z", "south_north", "west_east"))
    vdata[0, :, :, :] = init_atmosphere_qv
    del init_atmosphere_qv  # !!!! bug3, save memory

    # ======================= POTENTIAL TEMPERATURE ==========================
    pt_raw = nc_infile.variables['T'][
        0] + 300.  # from perturbation pt to standard
    pt_raw = np.r_[pt_raw[0:1], pt_raw]
    init_atmosphere_pt = interpolate_1d(z_levels, height, pt_raw)

    #plt.figure(); plt.contourf(pt[0]) ; plt.colorbar() ; plt.show()
    vdata = nc_outfile.createVariable(
        'init_atmosphere_pt', "f4", ("Time", "z", "south_north", "west_east"))
    vdata[0, :, :, :] = init_atmosphere_pt
    del init_atmosphere_pt  # !!!! bug3, save memory

    # ======================= Wind ==========================================
    u_raw = nc_infile.variables['U'][0]
    u_raw = np.r_[u_raw[0:1], u_raw]
    init_atmosphere_u = interpolate_1d(z_levels, height, u_raw)

    vdata = nc_outfile.createVariable(
        'init_atmosphere_u', "f4", ("Time", "z", "south_north", "west_east"))
    vdata[0, :, :, :] = init_atmosphere_u
    del init_atmosphere_u  # !!!! bug3, save memory

    v_raw = nc_infile.variables['V'][0]
    v_raw = np.r_[v_raw[0:1], v_raw]
    init_atmosphere_v = interpolate_1d(z_levels, height, v_raw)

    vdata = nc_outfile.createVariable(
        'init_atmosphere_v', "f4", ("Time", "z", "south_north", "west_east"))
    #vdata.coordinates = "XLONG_V XLAT_V XTIME"
    vdata[0, :, :, :] = init_atmosphere_v
    del init_atmosphere_v  # !!!! bug3, save memory

    w_raw = nc_infile.variables['W'][0]
    w_raw = np.r_[w_raw[0:1], w_raw]
    init_atmosphere_w = interpolate_1d(z_levels_stag, heightw, w_raw)

    vdata = nc_outfile.createVariable(
        'init_atmosphere_w', "f4", ("Time", "zw", "south_north", "west_east"))
    #vdata.coordinates = "XLONG XLAT XTIME"
    vdata[0, :, :, :] = init_atmosphere_w
    del init_atmosphere_w  # !!!! bug3, save memory

    # ===================== SURFACE PRESSURE ==================================
    surface_forcing_surface_pressure = nc_infile.variables['PSFC']
    vdata = nc_outfile.createVariable('surface_forcing_surface_pressure', "f4",
                                      ("Time", "south_north", "west_east"))
    vdata[0, :, :] = surface_forcing_surface_pressure[0, :, :]
    del surface_forcing_surface_pressure  # !!!! bug3, save memory

    # ======================== SOIL VARIABLES (without vertical interpolation) =============
    # soil temperature
    init_soil_t = nc_infile.variables['TSLB']
    vdata = nc_outfile.createVariable(
        'init_soil_t', "f4", ("Time", "zsoil", "south_north", "west_east"))
    vdata[0, :, :, :] = init_soil_t[0, :, :, :]
    del init_soil_t  # !!!! bug3, save memory

    # soil moisture
    init_soil_m = nc_infile.variables['SMOIS']
    vdata = nc_outfile.createVariable(
        'init_soil_m', "f4", ("Time", "zsoil", "south_north", "west_east"))
    vdata[0, :, :, :] = init_soil_m[0, :, :, :]
    del init_soil_m  # !!!! bug3, save memory

    # zsoil
    zsoil = nc_wrf.variables[
        'ZS']  #ZS:description = "DEPTHS OF CENTERS OF SOIL LAYERS" ;
    vdata = nc_outfile.createVariable('zsoil', "f4", ("zsoil"))
    vdata[:] = zsoil[0, :]

    # coordinates z, zw
    vdata = nc_outfile.createVariable('z', "f4", ("z"))
    vdata[:] = list(z_levels)

    vdata = nc_outfile.createVariable('zw', "f4", ("zw"))
    vdata[:] = list(z_levels_stag)

    # zsoil is taken from wrf - not need to define it

Пример #10
station = "AMA"

lapseC = 2 * units.kelvin / units.km
height = False

pFull, TFull = grabSounding(date, station)

pInterp = np.arange(pFull[0].m, pFull[1].m,
                    (pFull[1].m - pFull[0].m) / 10.0) * units.mbar
for i in range(1, pFull.size - 1):
    if pFull[i + 1] - pFull[i] != 0:
        tmp = np.arange(pFull[i].m, pFull[i + 1].m,
                        (pFull[i + 1].m - pFull[i].m) / 10.0) * units.mbar
        pInterp = np.concatenate((pInterp, tmp))

TInterp = interpolate_1d(pInterp, pFull, TFull)

if calculateTrop:
    print("WMO: ",
          tropCalc(pFull, TFull, lapseC=lapseC, height=height, method="wmo"))
        "Birner: ",
        tropCalc(pFull, TFull, lapseC=lapseC, height=height, method="birner"))
    print("Coldest Point: ",
          tropCalc(pFull, TFull, lapseC=lapseC, height=height, method="cp"))

        "WMO (interp): ",
        tropCalc(pInterp, TInterp, lapseC=lapseC, height=height, method="wmo"))
        "Birner: (interp) ",