Пример #1
def delete_join(bot: Bot, update: Update):
    chat = update.effective_chat  # type: Optional[Chat]
    join = update.effective_message.new_chat_members
    if can_delete(chat, bot.id):
        del_join = sql.get_del_pref(chat.id)
        if del_join and update.message:
Пример #2
def del_joined(bot: Bot, update: Update, args: List[str]) -> str:
    chat = update.effective_chat  # type: Optional[Chat]
    user = update.effective_user  # type: Optional[User]

    if not args:
        del_pref = sql.get_del_pref(chat.id)
        if del_pref:
            update.effective_message.reply_text("I should be deleting `user` joined the chat messages now.")
            update.effective_message.reply_text("I'm currently not deleting old joined messages!")
        return ""

    if args[0].lower() in ("on", "yes"):
        sql.set_del_joined(str(chat.id), True)
        update.effective_message.reply_text("I'll try to delete old joined messages!")
        return "<b>{}:</b>" \
               "\n#CLEAN_WELCOME" \
               "\n<b>Admin:</b> {}" \
               "\nHas toggled clean welcomes to <code>ON</code>.".format(html.escape(chat.title),
                                                                         mention_html(user.id, user.first_name))
    elif args[0].lower() in ("off", "no"):
        sql.set_del_joined(str(chat.id), False)
        update.effective_message.reply_text("I won't delete old joined messages.")
        return "<b>{}:</b>" \
               "\n#CLEAN_WELCOME" \
               "\n<b>Admin:</b> {}" \
               "\nHas toggled joined deletion to <code>OFF</code>.".format(html.escape(chat.title),
                                                                          mention_html(user.id, user.first_name))
        # idek what you're writing, say yes or no
        update.effective_message.reply_text("I understand 'on/yes' or 'off/no' only!")
        return ""