Пример #1
    def my_health_check(dv):
        health_error = False
        from mirgecom.simutil import check_naninf_local, check_range_local
        if check_naninf_local(discr, "vol", dv.pressure) \
           or check_range_local(discr, "vol", dv.pressure, 1e5, 2.4e5):
            health_error = True
            logger.info(f"{rank=}: Invalid pressure data found.")

        if check_range_local(discr, "vol", dv.temperature, 1.498e3, 1.52e3):
            health_error = True
            logger.info(f"{rank=}: Invalid temperature data found.")

        return health_error
Пример #2
 def my_health_check(pressure):
     health_error = False
     from mirgecom.simutil import check_naninf_local, check_range_local
     if check_naninf_local(discr, "vol", pressure) \
        or check_range_local(discr, "vol", pressure, .8, 1.5):
         health_error = True
         logger.info(f"{rank=}: Invalid pressure data found.")
     return health_error
Пример #3
    def my_health_check(cv, dv):
        import grudge.op as op
        health_error = False

        pressure = dv.pressure
        temperature = dv.temperature

        from mirgecom.simutil import check_naninf_local, check_range_local
        if check_naninf_local(discr, "vol", pressure):
            health_error = True
            logger.info(f"{rank=}: Invalid pressure data found.")

        if check_range_local(discr, "vol", pressure, 1e5, 2.6e5):
            health_error = True
            logger.info(f"{rank=}: Pressure range violation.")

        if check_naninf_local(discr, "vol", temperature):
            health_error = True
            logger.info(f"{rank=}: Invalid temperature data found.")
        if check_range_local(discr, "vol", temperature, 1.498e3, 1.6e3):
            health_error = True
            logger.info(f"{rank=}: Temperature range violation.")

        # This check is the temperature convergence check
        # The current *temperature* is what Pyrometheus gets
        # after a fixed number of Newton iterations, *n_iter*.
        # Calling `compute_temperature` here with *temperature*
        # input as the guess returns the calculated gas temperature after
        # yet another *n_iter*.
        # The difference between those two temperatures is the
        # temperature residual, which can be used as an indicator of
        # convergence in Pyrometheus `get_temperature`.
        # Note: The local max jig below works around a very long compile
        # in lazy mode.
        temp_resid = compute_temperature_update(cv, temperature) / temperature
        temp_err = (actx.to_numpy(op.nodal_max_loc(discr, "vol", temp_resid)))
        if temp_err > 1e-8:
            health_error = True
                f"{rank=}: Temperature is not converged {temp_resid=}.")

        return health_error
Пример #4
    def my_health_check(pressure, component_errors):
        health_error = False
        from mirgecom.simutil import check_naninf_local, check_range_local
        if check_naninf_local(discr, "vol", pressure) \
           or check_range_local(discr, "vol", pressure, .99999999, 1.00000001):
            health_error = True
            logger.info(f"{rank=}: Invalid pressure data found.")

        exittol = .09
        if max(component_errors) > exittol:
            health_error = True
            if rank == 0:
                logger.info("Solution diverged from exact soln.")

        return health_error
Пример #5
    def my_checkpoint(step, t, dt, state, force=False):
        do_health = force or check_step(step, nhealth) and step > 0
        do_viz = force or check_step(step, nviz)
        do_restart = force or check_step(step, nrestart)
        do_status = force or check_step(step, nstatus)

        if do_viz or do_health:
            dv = eos.dependent_vars(state)

        errors = False
        if do_health:
            health_message = ""
            if check_naninf_local(discr, "vol", dv.pressure):
                errors = True
                health_message += "Invalid pressure data found.\n"
            elif check_range_local(discr,
                errors = True
                health_message += "Pressure data failed health check.\n"

        errors = comm.allreduce(errors, MPI.LOR)
        if errors:
            if rank == 0:
                logger.info("Fluid solution failed health check.")
            if health_message:
                logger.info(f"{rank=}:  {health_message}")

        #if check_step(step, nrestart) and step != restart_step and not errors:
        if do_restart or errors:
            filename = restart_path + snapshot_pattern.format(
                step=step, rank=rank, casename=casename)
            restart_dictionary = {
                "local_mesh": local_mesh,
                "order": order,
                "state": state,
                "t": t,
                "step": step,
                "global_nelements": global_nelements,
                "num_parts": nparts
            write_restart_file(actx, restart_dictionary, filename, comm)

        if do_status or do_viz or errors:
            local_cfl = get_inviscid_cfl(discr, eos=eos, dt=dt, cv=state)
            max_cfl = nodal_max(discr, "vol", local_cfl)

        #if ((check_step(step, nviz) and step != restart_step) or errors):
        if do_viz or errors:

            def loc_fn(t):
                return flame_start_loc + flame_speed * t

            #exact_soln =  PlanarDiscontinuity(dim=dim, disc_location=loc_fn,
            #sigma=0.0000001, nspecies=nspecies,
            #temperature_left=temp_ignition, temperature_right=temp_unburned,
            #pressure_left=pres_burned, pressure_right=pres_unburned,
            #velocity_left=vel_burned, velocity_right=vel_unburned,
            #species_mass_left=y_burned, species_mass_right=y_unburned)

            reaction_rates = eos.get_production_rates(cv=state)

            # conserved quantities
            viz_fields = [
                #("cv", state),
                ("CV_rho", state.mass),
                ("CV_rhoU", state.momentum[0]),
                ("CV_rhoV", state.momentum[1]),
                ("CV_rhoE", state.energy)
            # species mass fractions
                ("Y_" + species_names[i], state.species_mass[i] / state.mass)
                for i in range(nspecies))
            # dependent variables
                ("DV", eos.dependent_vars(state)),
                #("exact_soln", exact_soln),
                ("reaction_rates", reaction_rates),
                ("cfl", local_cfl)

                          vizname=viz_path + casename,

        if errors:
            raise RuntimeError("Error detected by user checkpoint, exiting.")
Пример #6
def test_basic_cfd_healthcheck(actx_factory):
    """Quick test of some health checking utilities."""
    actx = actx_factory()
    nel_1d = 4
    dim = 2

    from meshmode.mesh.generation import generate_regular_rect_mesh

    mesh = generate_regular_rect_mesh(
        a=(1.0,) * dim, b=(2.0,) * dim, nelements_per_axis=(nel_1d,) * dim

    order = 3
    discr = EagerDGDiscretization(actx, mesh, order=order)
    nodes = thaw(discr.nodes(), actx)
    zeros = discr.zeros(actx)
    ones = zeros + 1.0

    # Let's make a very bad state (negative mass)
    mass = -1*ones
    velocity = 2 * nodes
    mom = mass * velocity
    energy = zeros + .5*np.dot(mom, mom)/mass

    eos = IdealSingleGas()
    cv = make_conserved(dim, mass=mass, energy=energy, momentum=mom)
    pressure = eos.pressure(cv)

    from mirgecom.simutil import check_range_local
    assert check_range_local(discr, "vol", mass, min_value=0, max_value=np.inf)
    assert check_range_local(discr, "vol", pressure, min_value=1e-6,

    # Let's make another very bad state (nans)
    mass = 1*ones
    energy = zeros + 2.5
    velocity = np.nan * nodes
    mom = mass * velocity

    cv = make_conserved(dim, mass=mass, energy=energy, momentum=mom)
    pressure = eos.pressure(cv)

    from mirgecom.simutil import check_naninf_local
    assert check_naninf_local(discr, "vol", pressure)

    # Let's make one last very bad state (inf)
    mass = 1*ones
    energy = np.inf * ones
    velocity = 2 * nodes
    mom = mass * velocity

    cv = make_conserved(dim, mass=mass, energy=energy, momentum=mom)
    pressure = eos.pressure(cv)

    assert check_naninf_local(discr, "vol", pressure)

    # What the hey, test a good one
    energy = 2.5 + .5*np.dot(mom, mom)
    cv = make_conserved(dim, mass=mass, energy=energy, momentum=mom)
    pressure = eos.pressure(cv)

    assert not check_naninf_local(discr, "vol", pressure)
    assert not check_range_local(discr, "vol", pressure, min_value=0,