Пример #1
 def matches_project_profile(self):
     if (not hasattr(self, "info")): # to make really sure that old projects don't crash,
         return True                            # but probably is not needed as attr is added at load
     if self.info == None:
         return True
     is_match = True # this is true for audio and graphics and image sequences and is only 
                     # set false for video that does not match profile
     if self.type == appconsts.VIDEO:
         best_media_profile_index = mltprofiles.get_closest_matching_profile_index(self.info)
         project_profile_index = mltprofiles.get_index_for_name(PROJECT().profile.description())
         if best_media_profile_index != project_profile_index:
             is_match = False
     return is_match
Пример #2
 def matches_project_profile(self):
     if (not hasattr(self, "info")): # to make really sure that old projects don't crash,
         return True                            # but probably is not needed as attr is added at load
     if self.info == None:
         return True
     is_match = True # this is true for audio and graphics and image sequences and is only 
                     # set false for video that does not match profile
     if self.type == appconsts.VIDEO:
         best_media_profile_index = mltprofiles.get_closest_matching_profile_index(self.info)
         project_profile_index = mltprofiles.get_index_for_name(PROJECT().profile.description())
         if best_media_profile_index != project_profile_index:
             is_match = False
     return is_match