Пример #1
	def runCmd( self, playerid, cmd, args ):
		"""Runs an admin command."""
		ctx = self.mm.getRconContext( playerid )
		if not ctx.authedLevel:
			# Automatically log the player in
			ctx.autoLogin = "******" % ( playerid, int( host.timer_getWallTime() ) )
			self.mm.runRconCommand( playerid, "login %s" % ctx.autoLogin )
			ctx.autoLogin = "" # Prevent future logins
			logout = True
			logout = False

		if -1 != cmd.find( '%arg' ):
			# Have replacement params so iterate through replacing
			args_list = mm_utils.largs( args, None, 0, '', True )
			for i in range( len( args_list ) ):
				arg_name = ( "%%arg%s%%" % ( i + 1 ) );
				cmd = cmd.replace( arg_name, args_list[i] )
			args = ""
		ret = self.mm.runRconCommand( playerid, "%s %s" % ( cmd, args ) )

		# Automatically log the player in
		if logout:
			self.mm.runRconCommand( playerid, "logout" )

		return ret
Пример #2
    def cmdBanPlayer(self, ctx, cmd):
        """Ban a player for a specified time period from the server with a message."""
        self.mm.debug(2, "cmdBanPlayerBy '%s' by %s" % (cmd, ctx.getName()))

        (playerid, banPeriod, banReason,
         bannedBy) = mm_utils.largs(cmd, None, 4, '')

        playerid = mm_utils.get_int(ctx, playerid, 'playerid')

        if 0 > playerid:
            ctx.write('Error: player Id not found\n')
            return 0

            player = bf2.playerManager.getPlayerByIndex(playerid)

            if player is None:
                ctx.write('Error: player Id %d not found\n' % playerid)
                if banReason is not None:
                    banReason = banReason.strip('" ')
                if bannedBy is None:
                    bannedBy = ctx.getName()
                self.banPlayer(player, banReason, banPeriod, None, None,
                ctx.write("Player '%s' (%d) banned\n" %
                          (player.getName(), playerid))
            ctx.write('Error: player Id %d not found\n' % playerid)
            self.mm.error("Failed to get player %d" % playerid, True)
Пример #3
	def cmdBanPlayer( self, ctx, cmd ):
		"""Ban a player for a specified time period from the server with a message."""
		self.mm.debug( 2, "cmdBanPlayerBy '%s' by %s" % ( cmd, ctx.getName() ) )

		( playerid, banPeriod, banReason, bannedBy ) = mm_utils.largs( cmd, None, 4, '' )

		playerid = mm_utils.get_int( ctx, playerid, 'playerid' )

		if 0 > playerid:
			ctx.write( 'Error: player Id not found\n')
			return 0

			player = bf2.playerManager.getPlayerByIndex( playerid )

			if player is None:
				ctx.write('Error: player Id %d not found\n' % playerid )
				if banReason is not None:
					banReason = banReason.strip( '" ' )
				if bannedBy is None:
					bannedBy = ctx.getName()
				self.banPlayer( player, banReason, banPeriod, None, None, bannedBy )
				ctx.write( "Player '%s' (%d) banned\n" % ( player.getName(), playerid ) )
			ctx.write('Error: player Id %d not found\n' % playerid )
			self.mm.error( "Failed to get player %d" % playerid, True )
Пример #4
    def runCmd(self, playerid, cmd, args):
        """Runs an admin command."""
        ctx = self.mm.getRconContext(playerid)
        if not ctx.authedLevel:
            # Automatically log the player in
            ctx.autoLogin = "******" % (playerid, int(host.timer_getWallTime()))
            self.mm.runRconCommand(playerid, "login %s" % ctx.autoLogin)
            ctx.autoLogin = ""  # Prevent future logins
            logout = True
            logout = False

        if -1 != cmd.find('%arg'):
            # Have replacement params so iterate through replacing
            args_list = mm_utils.largs(args, None, 0, '', True)
            for i in range(len(args_list)):
                arg_name = ("%%arg%s%%" % (i + 1))
                cmd = cmd.replace(arg_name, args_list[i])
            args = ""
        ret = self.mm.runRconCommand(playerid, "%s %s" % (cmd, args))

        # Automatically log the player in
        if logout:
            self.mm.runRconCommand(playerid, "logout")

        return ret
Пример #5
	def cmdRemoveBan( self, ctx, cmd ):
		"""Remove a ban."""
		self.mm.debug( 2, "cmdRemoveBan %s" % cmd )
		( ban, reason ) = mm_utils.largs( cmd, None, 2, '' )
		if self.__removeBan( ban, reason ):
			ctx.write( 'Unban successful\n' )
			ctx.write( 'Unban failed (ban not found)\n' )
Пример #6
 def cmdRemoveBan(self, ctx, cmd):
     """Remove a ban."""
     self.mm.debug(2, "cmdRemoveBan %s" % cmd)
     (ban, reason) = mm_utils.largs(cmd, None, 2, '')
     if self.__removeBan(ban, reason):
         ctx.write('Unban successful\n')
         ctx.write('Unban failed (ban not found)\n')
Пример #7
    def cmdUpdateBan(self, ctx, cmd):
        """Update a ban."""
        self.mm.debug(2, "cmdUpdateBan %s" % cmd)
        (bankey, method, nick, period, address, cdkeyhash, profileid, by,
         reason, datetime) = mm_utils.largs(cmd, None, 10, '')
        if self.__bans.has_key(bankey):
            ban = self.__bans[bankey]
            old_method = ban['method']

            # remove as the details may have changed
            del self.__bans[bankey]

            # Only update values which where specified
            if nick:
                ban['nick'] = self.validatePlayerName(nick)

            if period:
                ban['period'] = self.validateBanPeriod(period)

            if address:
                ban['address'] = self.validateBanAddress(address)

            if cdkeyhash:
                ban['cdkeyhash'] = self.validateBanCdKeyHash(cdkeyhash)

            if profileid:
                ban['profileid'] = self.validateBanProfileId(profileid)

            if by:
                ban['by'] = self.validateBannedBy(by)

            if reason:
                ban['reason'] = self.validateBanReason(reason)

            if method:
                ban['method'] = self.validateBanMethod(method,

            if datetime:
                ban['datetime'] = datetime

            # Check and remove the old ban
            self.__removeBan(bankey, 'Ban update', True)

            # Add the new one
            if self.__addBan(ban['method'], ban['nick'], ban['period'],
                             ban['address'], ban['cdkeyhash'],
                             ban['profileid'], ban['by'], ban['reason'],
                ctx.write('Ban updated\n')
                ctx.write("Update failed ( save failed )\n")

            ctx.write("Update failed ( ban '%s' not found )\n" % bankey)
Пример #8
	def cmdAddBan( self, ctx, cmd ):
		"""Rcon command to add a ban."""
		self.mm.debug( 2, "cmdAddBan %s" % cmd )
		( method, nick, period, address, cdkeyhash, profileid, by, reason, datetime ) = mm_utils.largs( cmd, None, 9, '' )
		ban = self.__addBan( method, nick, period, address, cdkeyhash, profileid, by, reason, datetime )

		if ban:
			ctx.write( 'Ban added\n' )
			ctx.write( "Ban add failed ( save failed )\n" )
Пример #9
	def cmdBanPlayer( self, ctx, cmd ):
		"""Ban a player for a specified time period from the server with a message."""
		( playerid, banReason, banPeriod ) = mm_utils.largs( cmd, None, 3, '' )
		banReason = banReason.lower()
		if self.__warnings.has_key( banReason ):
			# message shortcut replace
			banReason = self.__warnings[banReason]
			self.mm.rcon().banPlayer( ctx, ( "'%s' '%s' '%s'" ) % ( playerid, banPeriod, banReason ) , True )
			self.mm.rcon().banPlayer( ctx, cmd, True )
Пример #10
    def onChatMessage(self, playerid, text, channel, flags):
        """Check for in game commands."""
        if 1 != self.__state:
            return 0

            # Strip channel prefixes so commands can be used in all channels
            text = mm_utils.MsgChannels.named[channel].stripPrefix(text)
            self.mm.debug(2, "Chat[%d]: '%s'" % (playerid, text))
            player = bf2.playerManager.getPlayerByIndex(playerid)
            if player:
                prefix = self.__config['cmdPrefix']
                if text.startswith(prefix):
                    # We have a potential command
                    (cmd, args) = mm_utils.largs(text[len(prefix):], None, 2,
                                                 '', True)
                    self.mm.debug(2, "CMD?: '%s' '%s'" % (cmd, args))
                    if cmd in self.__igacmds:
                        # We have a command
                        cdkeyhash = mm_utils.get_cd_key_hash(player)
                        profileid = str(player.getProfileId())
                        playername = player.getName()
                        admins = self.__admins
                            2, "Looking for: %s, %s, %s" %
                            (cdkeyhash, profileid, playername))
                        if cdkeyhash in admins:
                            # User is an admin
                            admin = cdkeyhash
                        elif profileid in admins:
                            # User is an admin
                            admin = profileid
                        elif playername in admins:
                            # User is an admin
                            admin = playername
                            # User is not an admin
                                self.__config['notAdminMessage'] %

                        # User is an admin
                        details = self.__igacmds[cmd]
                        if details['priv'] in admins[admin] or 'all' in admins[
                            self.runCmd(playerid, details['cmd'], args)
                                self.__config['notAuthedMessage'] %
                                (playername, cmd))
            self.mm.error("Oops bad", True)
Пример #11
	def cmdKickPlayer( self, ctx, cmd ):
		"""Kick a player from the server with a message."""
		self.mm.rcon().kickPlayer( ctx, cmd, True );
		( playerid, reason ) = mm_utils.largs( cmd, None, 2, '' )
		reason = reason.lower()
		if self.__warnings.has_key( reason ):
			# message shortcut replace
			reason = self.__warnings[reason]
			self.mm.rcon().kickPlayer( ctx, ( "'%s' '%s'" ) % ( playerid, reason ) , True )
			self.mm.rcon().kickPlayer( ctx, cmd, True )
Пример #12
 def cmdBanPlayer(self, ctx, cmd):
     """Ban a player for a specified time period from the server with a message."""
     (playerid, banReason, banPeriod) = mm_utils.largs(cmd, None, 3, '')
     banReason = banReason.lower()
     if self.__warnings.has_key(banReason):
         # message shortcut replace
         banReason = self.__warnings[banReason]
         self.mm.rcon().banPlayer(ctx, ("'%s' '%s' '%s'") %
                                  (playerid, banPeriod, banReason), True)
         self.mm.rcon().banPlayer(ctx, cmd, True)
Пример #13
    def cmdAddBan(self, ctx, cmd):
        """Rcon command to add a ban."""
        self.mm.debug(2, "cmdAddBan %s" % cmd)
        (method, nick, period, address, cdkeyhash, profileid, by, reason,
         datetime) = mm_utils.largs(cmd, None, 9, '')
        ban = self.__addBan(method, nick, period, address, cdkeyhash,
                            profileid, by, reason, datetime)

        if ban:
            ctx.write('Ban added\n')
            ctx.write("Ban add failed ( save failed )\n")
Пример #14
 def cmdKickPlayer(self, ctx, cmd):
     """Kick a player from the server with a message."""
     self.mm.rcon().kickPlayer(ctx, cmd, True)
     (playerid, reason) = mm_utils.largs(cmd, None, 2, '')
     reason = reason.lower()
     if self.__warnings.has_key(reason):
         # message shortcut replace
         reason = self.__warnings[reason]
         self.mm.rcon().kickPlayer(ctx, ("'%s' '%s'") % (playerid, reason),
         self.mm.rcon().kickPlayer(ctx, cmd, True)
Пример #15
	def onChatMessage( self, playerid, text, channel, flags ):
		"""Check for in game commands."""
		if 1 != self.__state:
			return 0

			# Strip channel prefixes so commands can be used in all channels
			text = mm_utils.MsgChannels.named[channel].stripPrefix( text )
			self.mm.debug( 2, "Chat[%d]: '%s'" % ( playerid, text ) )
			player = bf2.playerManager.getPlayerByIndex( playerid )
			if player:
				prefix = self.__config['cmdPrefix']
				if text.startswith( prefix ):
					# We have a potential command
					( cmd, args ) = mm_utils.largs( text[len(prefix):], None, 2, '', True )
					self.mm.debug( 2, "CMD?: '%s' '%s'" % ( cmd, args ) )
					if cmd in self.__igacmds:
						# We have a command
						cdkeyhash = mm_utils.get_cd_key_hash( player )
						profileid = str( player.getProfileId() )
						playername = player.getName()
						admins = self.__admins
						self.mm.debug( 2, "Looking for: %s, %s, %s" % ( cdkeyhash, profileid, playername ) )
						if cdkeyhash in admins:
							# User is an admin
							admin = cdkeyhash
						elif profileid in admins:
							# User is an admin
							admin = profileid
						elif playername in admins:
							# User is an admin
							admin = playername
							# User is not an admin
							mm_utils.msg_player( player.index, self.__config['notAdminMessage'] % ( playername ) )

						# User is an admin
						details = self.__igacmds[cmd]
						if details['priv'] in admins[admin] or 'all' in admins[admin]:
							self.runCmd( playerid, details['cmd'], args )
							mm_utils.msg_player( player.index, self.__config['notAuthedMessage'] % ( playername, cmd ) )
			self.mm.error( "Oops bad", True )
Пример #16
	def cmdWarnPlayer( self, ctx, cmd ):
		"""Send a message to a specific player."""
		( playerid, msg ) = mm_utils.largs( cmd, None, 2, '' )

		player = mm_utils.find_player( playerid, True )

		if player is None:
			ctx.write( 'Error: player %s not found\n' % playerid )
			self.mm.error( "Failed to find player %s" % playerid )
			lmsg = msg.lower()
			if self.__warnings.has_key( lmsg ):
				# message shortcut replace
				msg = self.__warnings[lmsg]

			msg = self.__config['warningPrefix'] + msg
			msg = msg.replace( '%player%', player.getName().strip( ' ' ) );
			msg = msg.replace( '%action%', self.__config['warningAction'] );
			msg = msg.replace( '%admin%', ctx.bf2ccClient.adminName );

			mm_utils.msg_player( player.index, msg )
			ctx.write( 'Chat sent to player %s\n' % playerid )
Пример #17
    def cmdWarnPlayer(self, ctx, cmd):
        """Send a message to a specific player."""
        (playerid, msg) = mm_utils.largs(cmd, None, 2, '')

        player = mm_utils.find_player(playerid, True)

        if player is None:
            ctx.write('Error: player %s not found\n' % playerid)
            self.mm.error("Failed to find player %s" % playerid)
            lmsg = msg.lower()
            if self.__warnings.has_key(lmsg):
                # message shortcut replace
                msg = self.__warnings[lmsg]

            msg = self.__config['warningPrefix'] + msg
            msg = msg.replace('%player%',
                              player.getName().strip(' '))
            msg = msg.replace('%action%', self.__config['warningAction'])
            msg = msg.replace('%admin%', ctx.bf2ccClient.adminName)

            mm_utils.msg_player(player.index, msg)
            ctx.write('Chat sent to player %s\n' % playerid)
Пример #18
	def __parseConfig( self ):
		"""Parse the configuration file."""
		self.info( "Loading config '%s'" % ( self.__configFile ) )

		add_re = re.compile( '^add([A-Z].*)$' )
		set_re = re.compile( '^set([A-Z].*)$' )

			config = open( self.__configFile, 'r' )
			lineNo = 0
			for line in config:
				lineNo += 1
				line = line.strip()
				if 0 != len( line ) and not line.startswith( "#" ):
						( key, val1, val2 ) = mm_utils.largs( line, ' ', 3, None, True )
						val1 = self.__decodeConfigValue( key, val1 )
						val2 = self.__decodeConfigValue( key, val2 )

							oldVal = self.__getattr__( key )
							self.warn( "Overriding %s = '%s' with '%s'" % ( key, oldVal, val1 ) )
						except KeyError:
							# ignore

						# load to the relavent place
						( module, module_key ) = mm_utils.lsplit( key, '.', 2 )
						#self.debug( 2, "%s . %s = %s" % ( module, module_key, value ) )
						if __name__ == module:
							if "loadModule" == module_key:
								# loadable module
								self.__addModule( val1 )

								# core config file
								self.__setattr__( module_key, val1 )
								self.__setParam( module, module_key, val1 )
							match = add_re.search( module_key )
							if match is not None:
								# user multi setting
								# matches things like:
								# <module>.addProfileId 1
								# <module>.addProfileId 2
								# and sets:
								# <module>.profileIds = [ 1, 2 ]
								# or:
								# <module>.addCmdAlias "k" "kick"
								# <module>.addCmdAlias "b" "ban"
								# and sets:
								# <module>.cmdAliass = { 'k': 'kick', 'b': 'ban' }
								self.__addParam( module, "%c%ss" % ( module_key[3:4].lower(), module_key[4:] ), val1, val2 )

								# user single setting
								self.__setParam( module, module_key, val1 )

					except Exception, detail:
						self.error( 'Syntax error in "%s" on line %d (%s)' % ( self.__configFile, lineNo, detail ), True )
Пример #19
	def cmdAddCmd( self, ctx, cmd ):
		"""Adds a command into our supported commands set."""
		( command, aliases_str ) = mm_utils.largs( cmd, None, 2, '' )
		return self.__addCmd( ctx, command, aliases_str )
Пример #20
 def cmdAddCmd(self, ctx, cmd):
     """Adds a command into our supported commands set."""
     (command, aliases_str) = mm_utils.largs(cmd, None, 2, '')
     return self.__addCmd(ctx, command, aliases_str)
Пример #21
 def cmdAddAdmin(self, ctx, cmd):
     """Adds an admin into our authorised admin set."""
     (admin, privs_str) = mm_utils.largs(cmd, None, 2, '')
     return self.__addAdmin(ctx, admin, privs_str)
Пример #22
	def cmdAddAdmin( self, ctx, cmd ):
		"""Adds an admin into our authorised admin set."""
		( admin, privs_str ) = mm_utils.largs( cmd, None, 2, '' )
		return self.__addAdmin( ctx, admin, privs_str )
Пример #23
	def cmdUpdateBan( self, ctx, cmd ):
		"""Update a ban."""
		self.mm.debug( 2, "cmdUpdateBan %s" % cmd )
		( bankey, method, nick, period, address, cdkeyhash, profileid, by, reason, datetime ) = mm_utils.largs( cmd, None, 10, '' )
		if self.__bans.has_key( bankey ):
			ban = self.__bans[bankey]
			old_method = ban['method']

			# remove as the details may have changed
			del self.__bans[bankey]

			# Only update values which where specified
			if nick:
				ban['nick'] = self.validatePlayerName( nick )

			if period:
				ban['period'] = self.validateBanPeriod( period )

			if address:
				ban['address'] = self.validateBanAddress( address )

			if cdkeyhash:
				ban['cdkeyhash'] = self.validateBanCdKeyHash( cdkeyhash )

			if profileid:
				ban['profileid'] = self.validateBanProfileId( profileid )

			if by:
				ban['by'] = self.validateBannedBy( by )

			if reason:
				ban['reason'] = self.validateBanReason( reason )

			if method:
				ban['method'] = self.validateBanMethod( method, ban['cdkeyhash'], ban['address'] )

			if datetime:
				ban['datetime'] = datetime

			# Check and remove the old ban
			self.__removeBan( bankey, 'Ban update', True )

			# Add the new one
			if self.__addBan( ban['method'], ban['nick'], ban['period'], ban['address'], ban['cdkeyhash'], ban['profileid'], ban['by'], ban['reason'], ban['datetime'] ):
				ctx.write( 'Ban updated\n' )
				ctx.write( "Update failed ( save failed )\n" )

			ctx.write( "Update failed ( ban '%s' not found )\n" % bankey )