Пример #1
def one_test_perm_from_map(h1, h2, ref_res, ref_p, verbose=0):
    if verbose:
        print("h1 =", h1)
        print("h2 =", h2)
        print("Expected return value:", ref_res)
    res, perm = mat24.perm_from_map(h1, h2)
    ok, ok_perm = res == ref_res, True
    if ref_p:
        ok_perm = perm == ref_p
    elif ref_res > 0:
        for i, x in enumerate(h1):
            ok_perm = ok_perm and perm[x] == h2[i]
    ok = ok and ok_perm
    if not verbose and not ok:
        print("h1 =", h1)
        print("h2 =", h2)
        print("Expected return value:", ref_res)
    if verbose or not ok:
        print("Obtained return value:", res)
        print("p =", perm)
        if res <= 0:
            if ref_p and ref_p != perm:
                print("Expected:\n   ", ref_p)
        if not ok_perm:
            print("Permutation p is bad")
        if res != ref_res:
            print("Return value is bad")
    if not ok:
        err = "Test of function mat24.perm_from_map failed"
        raise ValueError(err)

    if ref_p or len(h1) <= 1:

    # If no expected permutation is given, shuffle h1 and h2
    # in the same way and test once more with shuffled h1, h2.
    lh = len(h1)
    ind = list(range(lh)) if lh > 2 else [1, 0]
    if (lh > 2): random.shuffle(ind)
    h1a = [h1[i] for i in ind]
    h2a = [h2[i] for i in ind]
    res1, perm1 = mat24.perm_from_map(h1a, h2a)
    assert res1 == res, (res1, res)
    assert perm1 == perm, (perm1, perm)
Пример #2
def rand_pi_mat22():
    r"""Generate certain 'random' element of AutPL

    The function generates a random element ``e`` of the automorphism
    group ``AutPL`` of the Parker loop, such that the permutation
    in the Mathieu ``M24`` group corresponding to ``e`` preserves the 
    set  ``\{2, 3\}``.
    pi = AutPL('r', 'r')
    perm = pi.perm
    l_src = perm[2:4]
    _, a = mat24.perm_from_map(l_src, [2, 3])
    return pi * AutPL('r', a)
Пример #3
def rand_perm_vect(v, v_more):

    Let ``v`` be a list representing a vector in ``GF(2)^24``
    and ``v_more`` be a list such that ``v + v_more`` is or 
    contains an umbral heptad.

    The function returns to random images ``h1, h2`` of ``v`` 
    under ``Mat24``, and also a (somehow) random permutation
    ``pi_ref`` that maps ``h1`` to ``h2``.

    pi1 = rand_perm()
    pi2 = rand_perm()
    h1 = [pi1[x] for x in v]
    h2 = [pi2[x] for x in v]
    vm = v + v_more
    h1m = [pi1[x] for x in vm]
    h2m = [pi2[x] for x in vm]
    return h1, h2, mat24.perm_from_map(h1m, h2m)[1]
Пример #4
def one_test_perm_map_lex(h1, h2, pi_ref, ref_res=None, verbose=1):
    errors = 0
    if verbose:
        print("h1 =", h1)
        print("h2 =", h2)
        print("pi_ref:", pi_ref)
        print("Expected return value:", ref_res)
    assert [pi_ref[x] for x in h1] == h2
    res, pi = mat24.perm_from_map(h1, h2)
    if verbose:
        print("pi:", pi)
        if pi > pi_ref:
            print("pi is greater than pi_ref")
            errors += 1
        if res != ref_res:
            print("Obtained return value:", res)
        #assert pi <= pi_ref
    assert [pi[x] for x in h1] == h2
    if errors > 0:
        print(errors, "lexical errors")
    assert res == ref_res
    assert errors == 0
Пример #5
def apply_perm(v, src, dest, n, log_list, verbose=0):
    r"""Apply permutation to vector in Leech lattice mod 2.
    The function computes a permutation :math:`\pi` that maps
    the entries of the array ``src`` of length ``n`` to
    the entries of the array ``dest`` (of the same length) in
    the given order. 

    Let :math:`v_2` be the vector in the Leech lattice mod  2 given 
    by parameter ``v2``. The function returns :math:`v_2 x_\pi`.
    Parameter ``v2`` and the return value are given in Leech
    lattice encoding.
    Parameter ``p_res`` points to an integer where the function 
    stores the element :math:`x_\pi` as a generator of the
    monster group as as described  in file ``mmgroup_generators.h``.
    That generator is stored with tag  ``MMGROUP_ATOM_TAG_IP`` so
    that we can compute the inverse of :math:`\pi` very 

    We compute the inverse of the lowest permutation (in lexical
    order) that maps ``dest[:n]`` to ``src[:n]``.
    res, p = mat24.perm_from_map(dest[:n], src[:n])
    assert res > 0, (res, dest[:n], src[:n])
    p_inv = mat24.inv_perm(p)
    p_num = mat24.perm_to_m24num(p)
    log_list.append(0xA0000000 + p_num)
    xd = (v >> 12) & 0xfff
    xdelta = (v ^ mat24.ploop_theta(xd)) & 0xfff
    m = mat24.perm_to_matrix(p_inv)
    xd = mat24.op_gcode_matrix(xd, m)
    xdelta = mat24.op_cocode_perm(xdelta, p_inv)
    v_out = (xd << 12) ^ xdelta ^ mat24.ploop_theta(xd)
    if verbose:
        print("Apply permutation (mapping v to gcode %s):\n%s" %
              (hex(mat24.gcode_to_vect(v_out >> 12)), p_inv))
    return v_out
Пример #6
def autpl_from_obj(d = 0, p = 0, unique = 1):
    """Try to convert tuple (d, p) to a Parker loop automorphism.

    Parameter ``d`` decribes a element of the Golay cocode as in the
    constructor of class ``Cocode``. It may be of type ``int``, ``str``
    or an instance of class ``Cocode``. Pt defaults to ``0``.

    Alternatively, ``d`` may be an instance of class ``AutPL``. In this 
    case, ``p`` must be set to its default value.

    Parameter ``p`` describes a element of the Mathieu group ``Mat24``.
    It defaults to the neutral element of ``Mat24``. It may be
     * An integer encoding the number of a permutation in ``Mat24``.

     * A list encoding a permutation in the Mathieu group ``Mat24``.

     * A zip object or a dictionary encodes such a permutation as
       a mapping. That mapping must contain sufficiently many 
       entries to be unique.  

     * The string 'r' encodes a random permutation in ``Mat24``.

    If parameter ``unique`` is ``True`` (default), then the parameter
    ``p`` must either be ``r`` or describe a unique permutation in
    ``Mat24``. Otherwise lowest possible permutation (in 
    lexicographic order) is taken.

    The function returns a pair ``(cocode, permutation_number)``.
    if import_pending:
    if isinstance(d, Integral):
        d_out = int(d)
    elif isinstance(d, Cocode):
        d_out = d.value
    elif isinstance(d, AutPL):
        d_out, p_out =  d._cocode, d._perm_num
        if p:
            raise TypeError(ERR_AUTPL_P1 % type(d))
        return d_out, p_out
    elif isinstance(d, str):
        d_out = Cocode(d).value
            f = autpl_conversions[type(d)]
        except KeyError:
            raise TypeError(ERR_AUTPL_TYPE % type(d))
        if p:
            raise TypeError(ERR_AUTPL_P1 % type(d))
        d_out, p_out =  f(d)
        return d_out, p_out
    if p == 'r':
        return d_out, randint(0, MAT24_ORDER - 1)
    if isinstance(p, Integral):
        if 0 <= p <  MAT24_ORDER:
            return d_out, int(p)
        err = "Bad number for permutation in Mathieu group  Mat24"
        raise ValueError(err) 
    if isinstance(p, (list, range)):
        if mat24.perm_check(p):
            err = "Permutation is not in Mathieu group M_24"
            raise ValueError(err)
        return d_out, mat24.perm_to_m24num(p)
    if isinstance(p, zip):
        p = dict(p)
    if isinstance(p, dict):
        h1, h2 = [list(t) for t in zip(*p.items())]
        res, perm = mat24.perm_from_map(h1, h2)
        if res == 1 or (res > 1 and not unique):
            return d_out, mat24.perm_to_m24num(perm) 
        if res < 1:
            err = "Permutation is not in Mathieu group M_24"
            err = "Permutation in Mathieu group M_24 is not unique"
        raise ValueError(err)