Пример #1
def test_info():
    """Test info object."""
    raw = read_raw_fif(raw_fname)
    event_id, tmin, tmax = 1, -0.2, 0.5
    events = read_events(event_name)
    event_id = int(events[0, 2])
    epochs = Epochs(raw, events[:1], event_id, tmin, tmax, picks=None)

    evoked = epochs.average()

    # Test subclassing was successful.
    info = Info(a=7, b='aaaaa')
    assert ('a' in info)
    assert ('b' in info)
    info[42] = 'foo'
    assert (info[42] == 'foo')

    # Test info attribute in API objects
    for obj in [raw, epochs, evoked]:
        assert (isinstance(obj.info, Info))
        info_str = '%s' % obj.info
        assert len(info_str.split('\n')) == len(obj.info.keys()) + 2
        assert all(k in info_str for k in obj.info.keys())
        rep = repr(obj.info)
        assert '2002-12-03 19:01:10 GMT' in rep, rep
        assert '146 items (3 Cardinal, 4 HPI, 61 EEG, 78 Extra)' in rep
        dig_rep = repr(obj.info['dig'][0])
        assert 'LPA' in dig_rep, dig_rep
        assert '(-71.4, 0.0, 0.0) mm' in dig_rep, dig_rep
        assert 'head frame' in dig_rep, dig_rep
        # Test our BunchConstNamed support
        for func in (str, repr):
            assert '4 (FIFFV_COORD_HEAD)' == \

    # Test read-only fields
    info = raw.info.copy()
    nchan = len(info['chs'])
    ch_names = [ch['ch_name'] for ch in info['chs']]
    assert info['nchan'] == nchan
    assert list(info['ch_names']) == ch_names

    # Deleting of regular fields should work
    info['foo'] = 'bar'
    del info['foo']

    # Test updating of fields
    del info['chs'][-1]
    assert info['nchan'] == nchan - 1
    assert list(info['ch_names']) == ch_names[:-1]

    info['chs'][0]['ch_name'] = 'foo'
    assert info['ch_names'][0] == 'foo'

    # Test casting to and from a dict
    info_dict = dict(info)
    info2 = Info(info_dict)
    assert info == info2
Пример #2
def test_info():
    """Test info object."""
    raw = read_raw_fif(raw_fname, add_eeg_ref=False)
    event_id, tmin, tmax = 1, -0.2, 0.5
    events = read_events(event_name)
    event_id = int(events[0, 2])
    epochs = Epochs(raw,
                    baseline=(None, 0),

    evoked = epochs.average()

    events = read_events(event_name)

    # Test subclassing was successful.
    info = Info(a=7, b='aaaaa')
    assert_true('a' in info)
    assert_true('b' in info)
    info[42] = 'foo'
    assert_true(info[42] == 'foo')

    # Test info attribute in API objects
    for obj in [raw, epochs, evoked]:
        assert_true(isinstance(obj.info, Info))
        info_str = '%s' % obj.info
        assert_equal(len(info_str.split('\n')), len(obj.info.keys()) + 2)
        assert_true(all(k in info_str for k in obj.info.keys()))

    # Test read-only fields
    info = raw.info.copy()
    nchan = len(info['chs'])
    ch_names = [ch['ch_name'] for ch in info['chs']]
    assert_equal(info['nchan'], nchan)
    assert_equal(list(info['ch_names']), ch_names)

    # Deleting of regular fields should work
    info['foo'] = 'bar'
    del info['foo']

    # Test updating of fields
    del info['chs'][-1]
    assert_equal(info['nchan'], nchan - 1)
    assert_equal(list(info['ch_names']), ch_names[:-1])

    info['chs'][0]['ch_name'] = 'foo'
    assert_equal(info['ch_names'][0], 'foo')

    # Test casting to and from a dict
    info_dict = dict(info)
    info2 = Info(info_dict)
    assert_equal(info, info2)
Пример #3
def test_info():
    """Test info object."""
    raw = read_raw_fif(raw_fname)
    event_id, tmin, tmax = 1, -0.2, 0.5
    events = read_events(event_name)
    event_id = int(events[0, 2])
    epochs = Epochs(raw,
                    baseline=(None, 0))

    evoked = epochs.average()

    # Test subclassing was successful.
    info = Info(a=7, b='aaaaa')
    assert ('a' in info)
    assert ('b' in info)
    info[42] = 'foo'
    assert (info[42] == 'foo')

    # Test info attribute in API objects
    for obj in [raw, epochs, evoked]:
        assert (isinstance(obj.info, Info))
        info_str = '%s' % obj.info
        assert len(info_str.split('\n')) == len(obj.info.keys()) + 2
        assert all(k in info_str for k in obj.info.keys())
        assert '2002-12-03 19:01:10 GMT' in repr(obj.info), repr(obj.info)

    # Test read-only fields
    info = raw.info.copy()
    nchan = len(info['chs'])
    ch_names = [ch['ch_name'] for ch in info['chs']]
    assert info['nchan'] == nchan
    assert list(info['ch_names']) == ch_names

    # Deleting of regular fields should work
    info['foo'] = 'bar'
    del info['foo']

    # Test updating of fields
    del info['chs'][-1]
    assert info['nchan'] == nchan - 1
    assert list(info['ch_names']) == ch_names[:-1]

    info['chs'][0]['ch_name'] = 'foo'
    assert info['ch_names'][0] == 'foo'

    # Test casting to and from a dict
    info_dict = dict(info)
    info2 = Info(info_dict)
    assert info == info2
Пример #4
def test_info():
    """Test info object"""
    raw = Raw(raw_fname)
    event_id, tmin, tmax = 1, -0.2, 0.5
    events = read_events(event_name)
    event_id = int(events[0, 2])
    epochs = Epochs(raw, events[:1], event_id, tmin, tmax, picks=None,
                    baseline=(None, 0))

    evoked = epochs.average()

    events = read_events(event_name)

    # Test subclassing was successful.
    info = Info(a=7, b='aaaaa')
    assert_true('a' in info)
    assert_true('b' in info)
    info[42] = 'foo'
    assert_true(info[42] == 'foo')

    # Test info attribute in API objects
    for obj in [raw, epochs, evoked]:
        assert_true(isinstance(obj.info, Info))
        info_str = '%s' % obj.info
        assert_equal(len(info_str.split('\n')), len(obj.info.keys()) + 2)
        assert_true(all(k in info_str for k in obj.info.keys()))

    # Test read-only fields
    info = raw.info.copy()
    nchan = len(info['chs'])
    ch_names = [ch['ch_name'] for ch in info['chs']]
    assert_equal(info['nchan'], nchan)
    assert_equal(list(info['ch_names']), ch_names)

    # Deleting of regular fields should work
    info['foo'] = 'bar'
    del info['foo']

    # Test updating of fields
    del info['chs'][-1]
    assert_equal(info['nchan'], nchan - 1)
    assert_equal(list(info['ch_names']), ch_names[:-1])

    info['chs'][0]['ch_name'] = 'foo'
    assert_equal(info['ch_names'][0], 'foo')

    # Test casting to and from a dict
    info_dict = dict(info)
    info2 = Info(info_dict)
    assert_equal(info, info2)
Пример #5
def test_info():
    """Test info object."""
    raw = read_raw_fif(raw_fname)
    event_id, tmin, tmax = 1, -0.2, 0.5
    events = read_events(event_name)
    event_id = int(events[0, 2])
    epochs = Epochs(raw, events[:1], event_id, tmin, tmax, picks=None,
                    baseline=(None, 0))

    evoked = epochs.average()

    # Test subclassing was successful.
    info = Info(a=7, b='aaaaa')
    assert ('a' in info)
    assert ('b' in info)
    info[42] = 'foo'
    assert (info[42] == 'foo')

    # Test info attribute in API objects
    for obj in [raw, epochs, evoked]:
        assert (isinstance(obj.info, Info))
        info_str = '%s' % obj.info
        assert len(info_str.split('\n')) == len(obj.info.keys()) + 2
        assert all(k in info_str for k in obj.info.keys())
        assert '2002-12-03 19:01:10 GMT' in repr(obj.info), repr(obj.info)

    # Test read-only fields
    info = raw.info.copy()
    nchan = len(info['chs'])
    ch_names = [ch['ch_name'] for ch in info['chs']]
    assert info['nchan'] == nchan
    assert list(info['ch_names']) == ch_names

    # Deleting of regular fields should work
    info['foo'] = 'bar'
    del info['foo']

    # Test updating of fields
    del info['chs'][-1]
    assert info['nchan'] == nchan - 1
    assert list(info['ch_names']) == ch_names[:-1]

    info['chs'][0]['ch_name'] = 'foo'
    assert info['ch_names'][0] == 'foo'

    # Test casting to and from a dict
    info_dict = dict(info)
    info2 = Info(info_dict)
    assert info == info2
Пример #6
def test_info():
    """Test info object."""
    raw = read_raw_fif(raw_fname)
    event_id, tmin, tmax = 1, -0.2, 0.5
    events = read_events(event_name)
    event_id = int(events[0, 2])
    epochs = Epochs(raw, events[:1], event_id, tmin, tmax, picks=None, baseline=(None, 0))

    evoked = epochs.average()

    events = read_events(event_name)

    # Test subclassing was successful.
    info = Info(a=7, b="aaaaa")
    assert_true("a" in info)
    assert_true("b" in info)
    info[42] = "foo"
    assert_true(info[42] == "foo")

    # Test info attribute in API objects
    for obj in [raw, epochs, evoked]:
        assert_true(isinstance(obj.info, Info))
        info_str = "%s" % obj.info
        assert_equal(len(info_str.split("\n")), len(obj.info.keys()) + 2)
        assert_true(all(k in info_str for k in obj.info.keys()))

    # Test read-only fields
    info = raw.info.copy()
    nchan = len(info["chs"])
    ch_names = [ch["ch_name"] for ch in info["chs"]]
    assert_equal(info["nchan"], nchan)
    assert_equal(list(info["ch_names"]), ch_names)

    # Deleting of regular fields should work
    info["foo"] = "bar"
    del info["foo"]

    # Test updating of fields
    del info["chs"][-1]
    assert_equal(info["nchan"], nchan - 1)
    assert_equal(list(info["ch_names"]), ch_names[:-1])

    info["chs"][0]["ch_name"] = "foo"
    assert_equal(info["ch_names"][0], "foo")

    # Test casting to and from a dict
    info_dict = dict(info)
    info2 = Info(info_dict)
    assert_equal(info, info2)
Пример #7
def test_info():
    """Test info object."""
    raw = read_raw_fif(raw_fname)
    event_id, tmin, tmax = 1, -0.2, 0.5
    events = read_events(event_name)
    event_id = int(events[0, 2])
    epochs = Epochs(raw, events[:1], event_id, tmin, tmax, picks=None,
                    baseline=(None, 0))

    evoked = epochs.average()

    # Test subclassing was successful.
    info = Info(a=7, b='aaaaa')
    assert ('a' in info)
    assert ('b' in info)
    info[42] = 'foo'
    assert (info[42] == 'foo')

    # Test info attribute in API objects
    for obj in [raw, epochs, evoked]:
        assert (isinstance(obj.info, Info))
        info_str = '%s' % obj.info
        assert len(info_str.split('\n')) == len(obj.info.keys()) + 2
        assert all(k in info_str for k in obj.info.keys())
        rep = repr(obj.info)
        assert '2002-12-03 19:01:10 GMT' in rep, rep
        assert '146 items (3 Cardinal, 4 HPI, 61 EEG, 78 Extra)' in rep
        dig_rep = repr(obj.info['dig'][0])
        assert 'LPA' in dig_rep, dig_rep
        assert '(-71.4, 0.0, 0.0) mm' in dig_rep, dig_rep
        assert 'head frame' in dig_rep, dig_rep
        # Test our BunchConstNamed support
        for func in (str, repr):
            assert '4 (FIFFV_COORD_HEAD)' == \

    # Test read-only fields
    info = raw.info.copy()
    nchan = len(info['chs'])
    ch_names = [ch['ch_name'] for ch in info['chs']]
    assert info['nchan'] == nchan
    assert list(info['ch_names']) == ch_names

    # Deleting of regular fields should work
    info['foo'] = 'bar'
    del info['foo']

    # Test updating of fields
    del info['chs'][-1]
    assert info['nchan'] == nchan - 1
    assert list(info['ch_names']) == ch_names[:-1]

    info['chs'][0]['ch_name'] = 'foo'
    assert info['ch_names'][0] == 'foo'

    # Test casting to and from a dict
    info_dict = dict(info)
    info2 = Info(info_dict)
    assert info == info2