Пример #1
    def __init__(self, obj, parent=None):
        """ Constructor method.

        Receives the reference to the Blender object.
        The second parameter should be the name of the object's parent.
        logger.info('%s initialization' % obj.name)
        # Call the constructor of the parent class
        super(self.__class__, self).__init__(obj, parent)

        # Locate the Blender camera object associated with this sensor
        main_obj = self.blender_obj
        for obj in main_obj.children:
            if hasattr(obj, 'lens'):
                self.blender_cam = obj
                logger.info("Camera object: {0}".format(self.blender_cam))
        if not self.blender_cam:
            logger.error("no camera object associated to the semantic camera. " +\
                  "The semantic camera requires a standard Blender camera in its children.")

        # TrackedObject is a dictionary containing the list of tracked objects
        # (->meshes with a class property set up) as keys
        #  and the bounding boxes of these objects as value.
        if not hasattr(bge.logic, 'trackedObjects'):
            logger.info('Initialization of tracked objects:')
            scene = bge.logic.getCurrentScene()
            bge.logic.trackedObjects = dict.fromkeys(

            # Store the bounding box of the marked objects
            for obj in bge.logic.trackedObjects.keys():

                # bound_box returns the bounding box in local space
                #  instead of world space.
                bge.logic.trackedObjects[obj] = bpy.data.objects[

                details = passive_objects.details(obj)
                logger.info('    - {0} (type:{1})'.format(
                    details['label'], details['type']))

        # Prepare the exportable data of this sensor
        # In this case, it is the list of currently visible objects
        # by each independent robot.

        # Array for lables of visible objects
        self.visibles = []

        self.local_data['visible_objects'] = []
        # Variable to indicate this is a camera
        self.semantic_tag = True

        logger.info('Component initialized')
Пример #2
    def __init__(self, obj, parent=None):
        """ Constructor method.

        Receives the reference to the Blender object.
        The second parameter should be the name of the object's parent.
        logger.info('%s initialization' % obj.name)
        # Call the constructor of the parent class
        super(self.__class__,self).__init__(obj, parent)

        # Locate the Blender camera object associated with this sensor
        main_obj = self.blender_obj
        for obj in main_obj.children:
            if hasattr(obj, 'lens'):
                self.blender_cam = obj
                logger.info("Camera object: {0}".format(self.blender_cam))
        if not self.blender_cam:
            logger.error("no camera object associated to the semantic camera. " +\
                  "The semantic camera requires a standard Blender camera in its children.")

        # TrackedObject is a dictionary containing the list of tracked objects 
        # (->meshes with a class property set up) as keys
        #  and the bounding boxes of these objects as value.
        if not hasattr(GameLogic, 'trackedObjects'):
            logger.info('Initialization of tracked objects:')
            scene = GameLogic.getCurrentScene()
            GameLogic.trackedObjects = dict.fromkeys(passive_objects.active_objects())

            # Store the bounding box of the marked objects
            for obj in GameLogic.trackedObjects.keys():

                # bound_box returns the bounding box in local space
                #  instead of world space.
                GameLogic.trackedObjects[obj] = bpy.data.objects[obj.name].bound_box

                details = passive_objects.details(obj)
                logger.info('    - {0} (type:{1})'.format(details['label'], details['type']))

        # Prepare the exportable data of this sensor
        # In this case, it is the list of currently visible objects
        # by each independent robot.
        # Array for lables of visible objects        
        self.visibles = []

        self.local_data['visible_objects'] = []
        # Variable to indicate this is a camera
        self.semantic_tag = True

        logger.info('Component initialized')
    def __init__(self, obj, parent=None):
        """ Constructor method.

        Receives the reference to the Blender object.
        The second parameter should be the name of the object's parent.
        logger.info('%s initialization' % obj.name)
        # Call the constructor of the parent class
        morse.sensors.camera.Camera.__init__(self, obj, parent)

        # Locate the Blender camera object associated with this sensor
        main_obj = self.bge_object
        for obj in main_obj.children:
            if hasattr(obj, 'lens'):
                self.blender_cam = obj
                logger.info("Camera object: {0}".format(self.blender_cam))
        if not self.blender_cam:
            logger.error("no camera object associated to the semantic camera. \
                         The semantic camera requires a standard Blender  \
                         camera in its children.")

        # TrackedObject is a dictionary containing the list of tracked objects
        # (->meshes with a class property set up) as keys
        #  and the bounding boxes of these objects as value.
        if not 'trackedObjects' in blenderapi.persistantstorage():
            logger.info('Initialization of tracked objects:')
            blenderapi.persistantstorage().trackedObjects = \

            # Store the bounding box of the marked objects
            for obj in blenderapi.persistantstorage().trackedObjects.keys():

                # bound_box returns the bounding box in local space
                #  instead of world space.
                blenderapi.persistantstorage().trackedObjects[obj] = \

                details = passive_objects.details(obj)
                logger.info('    - {%s} (type:%s)' %
                            (details['label'], details['type']))

        if self.noocclusion:
                "Semantic camera running in 'no occlusion' mode (fast mode).")
        logger.info("Component initialized, runs at %.2f Hz ", self.frequency)
Пример #4
    def __init__(self, obj, parent=None):
        """ Constructor method.

        Receives the reference to the Blender object.
        The second parameter should be the name of the object's parent.
        logger.info('%s initialization of' % obj.name)
        # Call the constructor of the parent class
        morse.sensors.camera.Camera.__init__(self, obj, parent)

        # Locate the Blender camera object associated with this sensor
        main_obj = self.bge_object
        for obj in main_obj.children:
            if hasattr(obj, 'lens'):
                self.blender_cam = obj
                logger.info("Camera object: {0}".format(self.blender_cam))
        if not self.blender_cam:
            logger.error("no camera object associated to the semantic camera. \
                         The semantic camera requires a standard Blender  \
                         camera in its children.")

        # TrackedObject is a dictionary containing the list of tracked objects
        # (->meshes with a class property set up) as keys
        #  and the bounding boxes of these objects as value.
        if not 'trackedObjects' in blenderapi.persistantstorage():
            logger.info('Initialization of tracked objects:')
            blenderapi.persistantstorage().trackedObjects = \

            # Store the bounding box of the marked objects
            for obj in blenderapi.persistantstorage().trackedObjects.keys():

                # bound_box returns the bounding box in local space
                #  instead of world space.
                blenderapi.persistantstorage().trackedObjects[obj] = \

                details = passive_objects.details(obj)
                logger.info('    - {%s} (type:%s)'%
                            (details['label'], details['type']))

        if self.noocclusion:
            logger.info("Semantic camera running in 'no occlusion' mode (fast mode).")
        logger.info("Component initialized, runs at %.2f Hz ", self.frequency)
Пример #5
    def __init__(self, obj, parent=None):
        """ Constructor method.

        Receives the reference to the Blender object.
        The second parameter should be the name of the object's parent.
        logger.info("%s initialization" % obj.name)
        # Call the constructor of the parent class
        super(self.__class__, self).__init__(obj, parent)

        # Locate the Blender camera object associated with this sensor
        main_obj = self.bge_object
        for obj in main_obj.children:
            if hasattr(obj, "lens"):
                self.blender_cam = obj
                logger.info("Camera object: {0}".format(self.blender_cam))
        if not self.blender_cam:
                "no camera object associated to the semantic camera. \
                         The semantic camera requires a standard Blender  \
                         camera in its children."

        # TrackedObject is a dictionary containing the list of tracked objects
        # (->meshes with a class property set up) as keys
        #  and the bounding boxes of these objects as value.
        if not "trackedObjects" in blenderapi.persistantstorage():
            logger.info("Initialization of tracked objects:")
            blenderapi.persistantstorage().trackedObjects = dict.fromkeys(passive_objects.active_objects())

            # Store the bounding box of the marked objects
            for obj in blenderapi.persistantstorage().trackedObjects.keys():

                # bound_box returns the bounding box in local space
                #  instead of world space.
                blenderapi.persistantstorage().trackedObjects[obj] = blenderapi.objectdata(obj.name).bound_box

                details = passive_objects.details(obj)
                logger.info("    - {%s} (type:%s)" % (details["label"], details["type"]))

        logger.info("Component initialized")