Пример #1
    def set_image(self, image, change_dims=True, change_palette=False):
        if not PILImage:
            raise ImportError(
                'Pillow must be installed for image manipulation support (see http://pillow.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installation.html)'
        if not isinstance(image, PILImage.Image):
            raise TypeError('Image must be a PILImage object')
        if image.mode != 'P':
            raise AttributeError('Image must be indexed (mode P)')
        if change_dims:
            if self.width != image.width:
                logger.warning("Changing width from {} to {}".format(
                    self.width, image.width))
                self.width = image.width
            if self.height != image.height:
                logger.warning("Changing height from {} to {}".format(
                    self.height, image.height))
                self.height = image.height
            if not (self.width == image.width) and (self.height
                                                    == image.height):
                raise AttributeError(
                    'Image is a different size, please enable change_dims if you want to resize the image'

        old_pal = to_palette_bytes(self.palette)
        new_pal = image.palette.palette
        if old_pal != new_pal:
            if change_palette:
                self.palette = from_palette_bytes(new_pal)
                    'Image was provided with a different palette, please enable change_palette if you want to set the palette'
        self.source = image.tobytes()
Пример #2
    def set_image( self, image, change_dims=True, change_palette=False ):
        if not PILImage:
            raise ImportError( 'Pillow must be installed for image manipulation support (see http://pillow.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installation.html)' )
        if not isinstance( image, PILImage.Image ):
            raise TypeError( 'Image must be a PILImage object' )
        if image.mode != 'P':
            raise AttributeError( 'Image must be indexed (mode P)' )
        if change_dims:
            if self.width != image.width:
                logger.warning( "Changing width from {} to {}".format( self.width, image.width ) )
                self.width = image.width
            if self.height != image.height:
                logger.warning( "Changing height from {} to {}".format( self.height, image.height ) )
                self.height = image.height
            if not (self.width == image.width) and (self.height == image.height):
                raise AttributeError( 'Image is a different size, please enable change_dims if you want to resize the image' )

        old_pal = to_palette_bytes( self.palette )
        new_pal = image.palette.palette
        if old_pal != new_pal:
            if change_palette:
                self.palette = from_palette_bytes( new_pal )
                logger.warning( 'Image was provided with a different palette, please enable change_palette if you want to set the palette' )
        self.source = image.tobytes()
Пример #3
 def get_image( self ):
     if not PILImage:
         raise ImportError( 'Pillow must be installed for image manipulation support (see http://pillow.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installation.html)' )
     im = PILImage.new( 'P', (self.width, self.height) )
     im.putdata( self.source[:self.width*self.height] )
     im.putpalette( to_palette_bytes( self.palette ) )
     return im
Пример #4
 def get_image( self ):
     if not PILImage:
         raise ImportError( 'Pillow must be installed for image manipulation support (see http://pillow.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installation.html)' )
     im = PILImage.new( 'P', (self.width, self.height) )
     im.putdata( self.source[:self.width*self.height] )
     im.putpalette( to_palette_bytes( self.palette ) )
     return im