Пример #1
def unkscm2():
    Unknown Request URI with Unknown Scheme in Header Fields

    This message contains registered schemes in the To, From, and Contact
    header fields of a request.  The message is syntactically valid.
    Parsers must not fail when receiving this message.

    Proxies should treat this message as they would any other request for
    this URI.  A registrar would reject this request with a 400 Bad
    Request response, since the To: header field is required to contain a
    SIP or SIPS URI as an AOR.
    log = logging.getLogger('unkscm2')
    log.info('Testing module: %s' % module_info['test'])
    msg = buildreq.makeRequest('REGISTER')
    mline, head, body = parseMsg(msg)
    # Tweak 1: modify the header URI scheme
    head['To'] = '%s:%s' % (genRandStr(4), random.getrandbits(32))
    fromhead = head['From']
    head['From'] = fromhead.replace(fromhead.split(';')[0], '<http://example.com>')
    head['Contact'] = '<name:siptorch_flames>'
    # Forming the request message back up
    mg = catMetHead(mline, head, body=body)
    return mg
Пример #2
def unkauth():
    Unknown/Invalid Authorization Scheme

    The request is well formed.  A parser must not fail
    when receiving it.

    A proxy will treat this request as it would any other REGISTER. If
    it forwards the request, it will include this Authorization header
    field unmodified in the forwarded messages.

    A registrar that does not care about challenge-response
    authentication will simply ignore the Authorization header field,
    processing this registration as if the field were not present. A
    registrar that does care about challenge-response authentication will
    reject this request with a 401, issuing a new challenge with a scheme
    it understands.

    Endpoints choosing not to act as registrars will simply reject the
    request. A 405 Method Not Allowed is appropriate.
    log = logging.getLogger('unkauth')
    log.info('Testing module: %s' % module_info['test'])
    msg = buildreq.makeRequest('REGISTER')
    mline, head, body = parseMsg(msg)
    # Tweak 1: Add invalid auth scheme
    head['Authorization'] = '%s %s' % (genRandStr(15),
    mg = catMetHead(mline, head, body=body)
    return mg
Пример #3
def makeRequest(method, bsbody='', contentlength=None):
    Build up the SIP request properly from scratch
    headers = DEF_HSET
    extension = DEF_EXT
    branch = BRANCH
    body = ''
    contenttype = None
    if not SRC_HOST:
        srchost = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname())
    dsthost = IP  # if IP else validateHost(RHOST)
    if 'invite' in method.lower():
        body = INVITE_BODY
        body = body.replace('x.x.x.x', srchost).replace('y.y.y.y', dsthost)
    if bsbody:
        body = bsbody
    if extension is None or method.upper() == 'REGISTER':
        uri = 'sip:%s' % dsthost
        uri = 'sip:%s@%s' % (extension, dsthost)
    if SPOOF_UA:
        headers['User-Agent'] = randUASelect()
        headers['User-Agent'] = USER_AGENT
    if not BRANCH:
        branch = '%s' % random.getrandbits(32)
        srchost = SRC_HOST
    headers['Via'] = 'SIP/2.0/UDP %s:%s;branch=z9hG4bK-%s;rport' % (
        srchost, LPORT, branch)
    headers['Max-Forwards'] = 70
    if not (TO_ADDR or FROM_ADDR):
        senderext = genRandStr(5)
        headers['To'] = '"%s" <sip:%s@%s>' % (DEF_EXT, DEF_EXT, RHOST)
        headers['From'] = '"siptorch" <sip:%s@%s>' % (senderext, RHOST)
    # If method is register, we need to modify To, From header fields
    if method == 'REGISTER':
        headers['From'] = '"%s" <sip:%s@%s>' % (extension, extension, RHOST)
        headers['To'] = headers['From']
    if method.lower() != 'ack':
        if FROM_TAG is None:
            headers['From'] += ';tag=' + str(random.getrandbits(90))
            headers['From'] += ';tag=' + FROM_TAG
    if not STATIC_CID:
        headers["Call-ID"] = random.getrandbits(80)
    headers['CSeq'] = '%s %s' % (CSEQ, method)
    headers['Content-Length'] = len(body)
    if 'register' not in method.lower():
        headers['Contact'] = '<sip:%s@%s>' % (senderext, RHOST)
    if CONTENT_TYPE is not None and len(body) > 0:
        contenttype = CONTENT_TYPE
    if contenttype is not None:
        headers['Content-Type'] = contenttype
    r = '%s %s SIP/2.0\r\n' % (method, uri)
    reformedmsg = catMetHead(r, headers, body=body)
    return reformedmsg
Пример #4
def reqpreq():
    Require & Proxy-Require Implementation Stress

    This request tests proper implementation of SIP's Proxy-Require and
    Require extension mechanisms.

    Any element receiving this request will respond with a 420 Bad
    Extension response, containing an Unsupported header field listing
    these features from either the Require or Proxy-Require header field,
    depending on the role in which the element is responding.
    log = logging.getLogger('reqpreq')
    log.info('Testing module: %s' % module_info['test'])
    msg = buildreq.makeRequest('OPTIONS')
    mline, head, body = parseSIPMessage(msg)
    # Tweak 1: Add Require & Proxy-Require fields
    head['Require'] = '%s, %s' % (genRandStr(10), random.getrandbits(32))
    head['Proxy-Require'] = '%s, %s' % (genRandStr(10), genRandStr(20))
    # Forming the request message back up
    mg = concatMethodxHeaders(mline, head, body=body)
    return mg
Пример #5
def mpmime():
    Multipart MIME Message

    This MESSAGE request contains two body parts. The second part is
    binary encoded and contains null (0x00) characters. Receivers must
    take care to frame the received message properly.

    Parsers must accept this message as well formed, even if the
    application above the parser does not support multipart/signed.

    Additional examples of multipart/mime messages, in particular S/MIME
    messages, are available in the security call flow examples document.
    log = logging.getLogger('mpmime')
    log.info('Testing module: %s' % module_info['test'])
    msg = buildreq.makeRequest('MESSAGE')
    mline, head, body = parseMsg(msg)
    # Message to be sent over
    cer = r'3082015206092A864886F70D010702A08201433082013F02'
    cer += r'01013109300706052B0E03021A300B06092A864886F70D010701318201203082'
    cer += r'011C020101307C3070310B300906035504061302555331133011060355040813'
    cer += r'0A43616C69666F726E69613111300F0603550407130853616E204A6F7365310E'
    cer += r'300C060355040A1305736970697431293027060355040B132053697069742054'
    cer += r'65737420436572746966696361746520417574686F7269747902080195007102'
    cer += r'330113300706052B0E03021A300D06092A864886F70D01010105000481808EF4'
    cer += r'66F948F0522DD2E5978E9D95AAE9F2FE15A06659716292E8DA2AA8D8350A68CE'
    cer += r'FFAE3CBD2BFF1675DDD5648E593DD64728F26220F7E941749E330D9A15EDABDB'
    cer += r'93D10C42102E7B7289D29CC0C9AE2EFBC7C0CFF9172F3B027E4FC027E1546DE4'
    cer += r'B6AA3ABB3E66CCCB5DD6C64B8383149CB8E6FF182D944FE57B65BC99D005'
    # Boundary to be used
    boundary = genRandStr(16, allow_digits=True)
    # Tweak 1: Add a route header
    head['Route'] = '<sip:>'
    # Tweak 2; Add the identity header
    head['Identity'] = config.IDENTITY
    # Tweak 3: Add cte header to binary
    head['Content-Transfer-Encoding'] = 'binary'
    # Tweak 4: Add multipart/mixed to content type
    head['Content-Type'] = 'multipart/mixed;boundary=%s' % boundary
    # Tweak 5: Add the body
    body = '--%s\r\nContent-Type: text/plain\r\nContent-Transfer-Encoding' % boundary
    body += ': binary\r\n\r\nHi from siptorch - pls dont break\r\n--%s\r\n' % boundary
    body += 'Content-Type: application/octet-stream\r\nContent-Tran'
    body += 'sfer-Encoding: binary\r\n\r\n%s\r\n--%s--' % (
        bytearray.fromhex(cer).decode('utf-8', errors='ignore'), boundary)
    # Tweak 6: Add content-length header
    head['Content-Length'] = len(body)
    # Forming the message up back again
    mg = catMetHead(mline, head, body=body)
    return mg
Пример #6
def bigcode():
    Response with Overlarge Status Code

    This response has a response code larger than 699. An element
    receiving this response should simply drop it.
    log = logging.getLogger('bigcode')
    log.info('Testing module: %s' % module_info['test'])
    msg = buildreq.makeRequest('OPTIONS')
    mline, head, body = parseMsg(msg)
    # Tweak 1: Modify the method line
    mline = 'SIP/2.0 %s %s' % (random.getrandbits(32), genRandStr(20))
    # Forming the request message back up
    mg = catMetHead(mline, head, body=body)
    return mg
Пример #7
def invsdp():
    Invalid/Unacceptable Accept Offering

    This request indicates that the response must contain a body in an
    unknown type.  In particular, since the Accept header field does not
    contain application/sdp, the response may not contain an SDP body.
    The recipient of this request could respond with a 406 Not
    Acceptable, with a Warning/399 indicating that a response cannot be
    formulated in the formats offered in the Accept header field.  
    It is also appropriate to respond with a 400 Bad Request, since all 
    SIP User-Agents (UAs) supporting INVITE are required to support
    log = logging.getLogger('invsdp')
    log.info('Testing module: %s' % module_info['test'])
    msg = buildreq.makeRequest('REGISTER')
    mline, head, body = parseMsg(msg)
    # Tweak 1: Invalid Accept offering
    head['Accept'] = 'text/%s' % genRandStr(7)
    # Forming the request message back up
    mg = catMetHead(mline, head, body=body)
    return mg
Пример #8
def invct():
    Unknown/Invalid Content Type

    This INVITE request contains a body of unknown type.  It is
    syntactically valid.  A parser must not fail when receiving it.

    A proxy receiving this request would process it just as it would any
    other INVITE.  An endpoint receiving this request would reject it
    with a 415 Unsupported Media Type error.
    log = logging.getLogger('invct')
    log.info('Testing module: %s' % module_info['test'])
    msg = buildreq.makeRequest('INVITE')
    mline, head, body = parseSIPMessage(msg)
    # Tweak 1: Modify the content type
    head['Content-Type'] = 'application/%s' % genRandStr(10)
    # Tweak 2: Modify the body
    body = '<audio>\r\n  <pcmu port="443"/>\r\n</audio>'
    # Tweak 3: Modify the content-length
    head['Content-Length'] = '%s' % len(body)
    # Forming the request message back up
    mg = concatMethodxHeaders(mline, head, body=body)
    return mg
Пример #9
def randUASelect(randstr=False, length=30):
    if randstr:
        return genRandStr(length, allow_digits=True)
        return random.choice(ualist)