Пример #1
def test_query_engine():
    data = np.arange(54)
    # indices in 3D
    ind = np.transpose((np.ones((3, 3, 3)).nonzero()))
    # sphere generator for 3 elements diameter
    sphere = ne.Sphere(1)
    # dataset with just one "space"
    ds = Dataset([data, data], fa={'s_ind': np.concatenate((ind, ind))})
    # and the query engine attaching the generator to the "index-space"
    qe = ne.IndexQueryEngine(s_ind=sphere)
    # cannot train since the engine does not know about the second space
    assert_raises(ValueError, qe.train, ds)
    # now do it again with a full spec
    ds = Dataset([data, data],
                     's_ind': np.concatenate((ind, ind)),
                     't_ind': np.repeat([0, 1], 27)
    qe = ne.IndexQueryEngine(s_ind=sphere, t_ind=None)
    # internal representation check
    # YOH: invalid for new implementation with lookup tables (dictionaries)
    #                   np.arange(54).reshape(qe._searcharray.shape) + 1)
    # should give us one corner, collapsing the 't_ind'
    assert_array_equal(qe(s_ind=(0, 0, 0)), [0, 1, 3, 9, 27, 28, 30, 36])
    # directly specifying an index for 't_ind' without having an ROI
    # generator, should give the same corner, but just once
    assert_array_equal(qe(s_ind=(0, 0, 0), t_ind=0), [0, 1, 3, 9])
    # just out of the mask -- no match
    assert_array_equal(qe(s_ind=(3, 3, 3)), [])
    # also out of the mask -- but single match
    assert_array_equal(qe(s_ind=(2, 2, 3), t_ind=1), [53])
    # query by id
    assert_array_equal(qe(s_ind=(0, 0, 0), t_ind=0), qe[0])
    assert_array_equal(qe(s_ind=(0, 0, 0), t_ind=[0, 1]), qe(s_ind=(0, 0, 0)))
    # should not fail if t_ind is outside
    assert_array_equal(qe(s_ind=(0, 0, 0), t_ind=[0, 1, 10]),
                       qe(s_ind=(0, 0, 0)))

    # should fail if asked about some unknown thing
    assert_raises(ValueError, qe.__call__, s_ind=(0, 0, 0), buga=0)

    # Test by using some literal feature atttribute
    ds.fa['lit'] = ['roi1', 'ro2', 'r3'] * 18
    # should work as well as before
    assert_array_equal(qe(s_ind=(0, 0, 0)), [0, 1, 3, 9, 27, 28, 30, 36])
    # should fail if asked about some unknown (yet) thing
    assert_raises(ValueError, qe.__call__, s_ind=(0, 0, 0), lit='roi1')

    # Create qe which can query literals as well
    qe_lit = ne.IndexQueryEngine(s_ind=sphere, t_ind=None, lit=None)
    # should work as well as before
    assert_array_equal(qe_lit(s_ind=(0, 0, 0)), [0, 1, 3, 9, 27, 28, 30, 36])
    # and subselect nicely -- only /3 ones
    assert_array_equal(qe_lit(s_ind=(0, 0, 0), lit='roi1'),
                       [0, 3, 9, 27, 30, 36])
    assert_array_equal(qe_lit(s_ind=(0, 0, 0), lit=['roi1', 'ro2']),
                       [0, 1, 3, 9, 27, 28, 30, 36])
Пример #2
def test_mergeds():
    data0 = Dataset.from_wizard(np.ones((5, 5)), targets=1)
    data0.fa['one'] = np.ones(5)
    data1 = Dataset.from_wizard(np.ones((5, 5)), targets=1, chunks=1)
    data1.fa['one'] = np.zeros(5)
    data2 = Dataset.from_wizard(np.ones((3, 5)), targets=2, chunks=1)
    data3 = Dataset.from_wizard(np.ones((4, 5)), targets=2)
    data4 = Dataset.from_wizard(np.ones((2, 5)), targets=3, chunks=2)
    data4.fa['test'] = np.arange(5)

    # cannot merge if there are attributes missing in one of the datasets
    assert_raises(DatasetError, data1.append, data0)

    merged = data1.copy()

    ok_( merged.nfeatures == 5 )
    l12 = [1]*5 + [2]*3
    l1 = [1]*8
    ok_((merged.targets == l12).all())
    ok_((merged.chunks == l1).all())

    data_append = data1.copy()

    ok_(data_append.nfeatures == 5)
    ok_((data_append.targets == l12).all())
    ok_((data_append.chunks == l1).all())

    # appending

    # we need the same samples attributes in both datasets
    assert_raises(DatasetError, data2.append, data3)

    # vstacking
    if __debug__:
        # tested only in __debug__
        assert_raises(ValueError, vstack, (data0, data1, data2, data3))
    datasets = (data1, data2, data4)
    merged = vstack(datasets)
                 (np.sum([len(ds) for ds in datasets]), data1.nfeatures))
    assert_true('test' in merged.fa)
    assert_array_equal(merged.sa.targets, [1]*5 + [2]*3 + [3]*2)

    # hstacking
    assert_raises(ValueError, hstack, datasets)
    datasets = (data0, data1)
    merged = hstack(datasets)
                 (len(data1), np.sum([ds.nfeatures for ds in datasets])))
    assert_true('chunks' in merged.sa)
    assert_array_equal(merged.fa.one, [1]*5 + [0]*5)
Пример #3
def test_query_engine():
    data = np.arange(54)
    # indices in 3D
    ind = np.transpose((np.ones((3, 3, 3)).nonzero()))
    # sphere generator for 3 elements diameter
    sphere = ne.Sphere(1)
    # dataset with just one "space"
    ds = Dataset([data, data], fa={'s_ind': np.concatenate((ind, ind))})
    # and the query engine attaching the generator to the "index-space"
    qe = ne.IndexQueryEngine(s_ind=sphere)
    # cannot train since the engine does not know about the second space
    assert_raises(ValueError, qe.train, ds)
    # now do it again with a full spec
    ds = Dataset([data, data], fa={'s_ind': np.concatenate((ind, ind)),
                                   't_ind': np.repeat([0,1], 27)})
    qe = ne.IndexQueryEngine(s_ind=sphere, t_ind=None)
    # internal representation check
    # YOH: invalid for new implementation with lookup tables (dictionaries)
    #                   np.arange(54).reshape(qe._searcharray.shape) + 1)
    # should give us one corner, collapsing the 't_ind'
    assert_array_equal(qe(s_ind=(0, 0, 0)),
                       [0, 1, 3, 9, 27, 28, 30, 36])
    # directly specifying an index for 't_ind' without having an ROI
    # generator, should give the same corner, but just once
    assert_array_equal(qe(s_ind=(0, 0, 0), t_ind=0), [0, 1, 3, 9])
    # just out of the mask -- no match
    assert_array_equal(qe(s_ind=(3, 3, 3)), [])
    # also out of the mask -- but single match
    assert_array_equal(qe(s_ind=(2, 2, 3), t_ind=1), [53])
    # query by id
    assert_array_equal(qe(s_ind=(0, 0, 0), t_ind=0), qe[0])
    assert_array_equal(qe(s_ind=(0, 0, 0), t_ind=[0, 1]),
                       qe(s_ind=(0, 0, 0)))
    # should not fail if t_ind is outside
    assert_array_equal(qe(s_ind=(0, 0, 0), t_ind=[0, 1, 10]),
                       qe(s_ind=(0, 0, 0)))

    # should fail if asked about some unknown thing
    assert_raises(ValueError, qe.__call__, s_ind=(0, 0, 0), buga=0)

    # Test by using some literal feature atttribute
    ds.fa['lit'] =  ['roi1', 'ro2', 'r3']*18
    # should work as well as before
    assert_array_equal(qe(s_ind=(0, 0, 0)), [0, 1, 3, 9, 27, 28, 30, 36])
    # should fail if asked about some unknown (yet) thing
    assert_raises(ValueError, qe.__call__, s_ind=(0,0,0), lit='roi1')

    # Create qe which can query literals as well
    qe_lit = ne.IndexQueryEngine(s_ind=sphere, t_ind=None, lit=None)
    # should work as well as before
    assert_array_equal(qe_lit(s_ind=(0, 0, 0)), [0, 1, 3, 9, 27, 28, 30, 36])
    # and subselect nicely -- only /3 ones
    assert_array_equal(qe_lit(s_ind=(0, 0, 0), lit='roi1'),
                       [0, 3, 9, 27, 30, 36])
    assert_array_equal(qe_lit(s_ind=(0, 0, 0), lit=['roi1', 'ro2']),
                       [0, 1, 3, 9, 27, 28, 30, 36])
Пример #4
    def _call(self, dataset):
        # This code is based on SciPy's stats.f_oneway()
        # Copyright (c) Gary Strangman.  All rights reserved
        # License: BSD
        # However, it got tweaked and optimized to better fit into PyMVPA.

        # number of groups
        targets_sa = dataset.sa[self._targets_attr]
        labels = targets_sa.value
        ul = targets_sa.unique

        na = len(ul)
        bign = float(dataset.nsamples)
        alldata = dataset.samples

        # total squares of sums
        sostot = np.sum(alldata, axis=0)
        sostot *= sostot
        sostot /= bign

        # total sum of squares
        sstot = np.sum(alldata * alldata, axis=0) - sostot

        # between group sum of squares
        ssbn = 0
        for l in ul:
            # all samples for the respective label
            d = alldata[labels == l]
            sos = np.sum(d, axis=0)
            sos *= sos
            ssbn += sos / float(len(d))

        ssbn -= sostot
        # within
        sswn = sstot - ssbn

        # degrees of freedom
        dfbn = na - 1
        dfwn = bign - na

        # mean sums of squares
        msb = ssbn / float(dfbn)
        msw = sswn / float(dfwn)
        f = msb / msw
        # assure no NaNs -- otherwise it leads instead of
        # sane unittest failure (check of NaNs) to crazy
        #   File "mtrand.pyx", line 1661, in mtrand.shuffle
        #  TypeError: object of type 'numpy.int64' has no len()
        # without any sane backtrace
        f[np.isnan(f)] = 0

        if externals.exists('scipy'):
            from scipy.stats import fprob
            return Dataset(f[np.newaxis], fa={'fprob': fprob(dfbn, dfwn, f)})
            return Dataset(f[np.newaxis])
Пример #5
def test_labelpermutation_randomsampling():
    ds  = Dataset.from_wizard(np.ones((5, 1)),     targets=range(5), chunks=1)
    ds.append(Dataset.from_wizard(np.ones((5, 1)) + 1, targets=range(5), chunks=2))
    ds.append(Dataset.from_wizard(np.ones((5, 1)) + 2, targets=range(5), chunks=3))
    ds.append(Dataset.from_wizard(np.ones((5, 1)) + 3, targets=range(5), chunks=4))
    ds.append(Dataset.from_wizard(np.ones((5, 1)) + 4, targets=range(5), chunks=5))
    # use subclass for testing if it would survive
    ds.samples = ds.samples.view(myarray)

    ok_(ds.get_nsamples_per_attr('targets') == {0:5, 1:5, 2:5, 3:5, 4:5})
    sample = ds.random_samples(2)
    ok_(sample.get_nsamples_per_attr('targets').values() == [ 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 ])
    ok_((ds.sa['chunks'].unique == range(1, 6)).all())

    # keep the orig labels
    orig_labels = ds.targets[:]

    # also keep the orig dataset, but SHALLOW copy and leave everything
    # else as a view!
    ods = copy.copy(ds)

    # some permutation should have happened
    assert_false((ds.targets == orig_labels).all())

    # but the original dataset should be uneffected
    assert_array_equal(ods.targets, orig_labels)
    # array subclass survives
    ok_(isinstance(ods.samples, myarray))

    # samples are really shared
    ds.samples[0, 0] = 123456
    assert_array_equal(ds.samples, ods.samples)

    # and other samples attributes too
    ds.chunks[0] = 9876
    assert_array_equal(ds.chunks, ods.chunks)

    # try to permute on custom target
    ds = ods.copy()
    otargets = ods.sa.targets.copy()
    ds.sa['custom'] = ods.sa.targets.copy()
    assert_array_equal(ds.sa.custom, otargets)
    assert_array_equal(ds.sa.targets, otargets)

    # original targets should still match
    assert_array_equal(ds.sa.targets, otargets)
    # but custom should get permuted
    assert_false((ds.sa.custom == otargets).all())
Пример #6
def test_icamapper():
    # data: 40 sample feature line in 2d space (40x2; samples x features)
    samples = np.vstack([np.arange(40.) for i in range(2)]).T
    samples -= samples.mean()
    samples +=  np.random.normal(size=samples.shape, scale=0.1)
    ndlin = Dataset(samples)

    pm = ICAMapper()
    assert_equal(pm.proj.shape, (2, 2))

    p = pm.forward(ndlin.copy())
    assert_equal(p.shape, (40, 2))
    # check that the mapped data can be fully recovered by 'reverse()'
    assert_array_almost_equal(pm.reverse(p), ndlin)
Пример #7
def test_icamapper():
    # data: 40 sample feature line in 2d space (40x2; samples x features)
    samples = np.vstack([np.arange(40.) for i in range(2)]).T
    samples -= samples.mean()
    samples += np.random.normal(size=samples.shape, scale=0.1)
    ndlin = Dataset(samples)

    pm = ICAMapper()
    assert_equal(pm.proj.shape, (2, 2))

    p = pm.forward(ndlin.copy())
    assert_equal(p.shape, (40, 2))
    # check that the mapped data can be fully recovered by 'reverse()'
    assert_array_almost_equal(pm.reverse(p), ndlin)
Пример #8
def test_labelpermutation_randomsampling():
    ds = Dataset.from_wizard(np.ones((5, 10)),     targets=range(5), chunks=1)
    for i in xrange(1, 5):
        ds.append(Dataset.from_wizard(np.ones((5, 10)) + i,
                                      targets=range(5), chunks=i+1))
    # assign some feature attributes
    ds.fa['roi'] = np.repeat(np.arange(5), 2)
    ds.fa['lucky'] = np.arange(10)%2
    # use subclass for testing if it would survive
    ds.samples = ds.samples.view(myarray)

    ok_(ds.get_nsamples_per_attr('targets') == {0:5, 1:5, 2:5, 3:5, 4:5})
    sample = ds.random_samples(2)
    ok_(sample.get_nsamples_per_attr('targets').values() == [ 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 ])
    ok_((ds.sa['chunks'].unique == range(1, 6)).all())
Пример #9
    def _call(self, dataset):
        # just for the beauty of it
        X = self._design

        # precompute transformation is not yet done
        if self._inv_design is None:
            self._inv_ip = (X.T * X).I
            self._inv_design = self._inv_ip * X.T

        # get parameter estimations for all features at once
        # (betas x features)
        betas = self._inv_design * dataset.samples

        # charge state
        self.ca.pe = pe = betas.T.A

        # if betas and no z-stats are desired return them right away
        if not self._voi == 'pe' or self.ca.is_enabled('zstat'):
            # compute residuals
            residuals = X * betas
            residuals -= dataset.samples

            # estimates of the parameter variance and compute zstats
            # assumption of mean(E) == 0 and equal variance
            # XXX next lines ignore off-diagonal elements and hence covariance
            # between regressors. The humble being writing these lines asks the
            # god of statistics for forgives, because it knows not what it does
            diag_ip = np.diag(self._inv_ip)
            # (features x betas)
            beta_vars = np.array([ r.var() * diag_ip for r in residuals.T ])
            # (parameter x feature)
            zstat = pe / np.sqrt(beta_vars)

            # charge state
            self.ca.zstat = zstat

        if self._voi == 'pe':
            # return as (beta x feature)
            result = Dataset(pe.T)
        elif self._voi == 'zstat':
            # return as (zstat x feature)
            result = Dataset(zstat.T)
            # we shall never get to this point
            raise ValueError, \
                  "Unknown variable of interest '%s'" % str(self._voi)
        result.sa['regressor'] = np.arange(len(result))
        return result
Пример #10
    def _call(self, dataset):
        # just for the beauty of it
        X = self._design

        # precompute transformation is not yet done
        if self._inv_design is None:
            self._inv_ip = (X.T * X).I
            self._inv_design = self._inv_ip * X.T

        # get parameter estimations for all features at once
        # (betas x features)
        betas = self._inv_design * dataset.samples

        # charge state
        self.ca.pe = pe = betas.T.A

        # if betas and no z-stats are desired return them right away
        if not self._voi == 'pe' or self.ca.is_enabled('zstat'):
            # compute residuals
            residuals = X * betas
            residuals -= dataset.samples

            # estimates of the parameter variance and compute zstats
            # assumption of mean(E) == 0 and equal variance
            # XXX next lines ignore off-diagonal elements and hence covariance
            # between regressors. The humble being writing these lines asks the
            # god of statistics for forgives, because it knows not what it does
            diag_ip = np.diag(self._inv_ip)
            # (features x betas)
            beta_vars = np.array([ r.var() * diag_ip for r in residuals.T ])
            # (parameter x feature)
            zstat = pe / np.sqrt(beta_vars)

            # charge state
            self.ca.zstat = zstat

        if self._voi == 'pe':
            # return as (beta x feature)
            result = Dataset(pe.T)
        elif self._voi == 'zstat':
            # return as (zstat x feature)
            result = Dataset(zstat.T)
            # we shall never get to this point
            raise ValueError, \
                  "Unknown variable of interest '%s'" % str(self._voi)
        result.sa['regressor'] = np.arange(len(result))
        return result
Пример #11
 def test_slicing(self):
     spl = HalfSplitter()
     splits = [(train, test) for (train, test) in spl(self.data)]
     for s in splits:
         # we get slicing all the time
         assert_true(s[0].samples.base is self.data.samples)
         assert_true(s[1].samples.base is self.data.samples)
     spl = HalfSplitter(noslicing=True)
     splits = [(train, test) for (train, test) in spl(self.data)]
     for s in splits:
         # we no slicing at all
         assert_false(s[0].samples.base is self.data.samples)
         assert_false(s[1].samples.base is self.data.samples)
     spl = NFoldSplitter()
     splits = [(train, test) for (train, test) in spl(self.data)]
     for i, s in enumerate(splits):
         # training only first and last split
         if i == 0 or i == len(splits) - 1:
             assert_true(s[0].samples.base is self.data.samples)
             assert_false(s[0].samples.base is self.data.samples)
         # we get slicing all the time
         assert_true(s[1].samples.base is self.data.samples)
     step_ds = Dataset(np.random.randn(20, 2),
                       sa={'chunks': np.tile([0, 1], 10)})
     spl = OddEvenSplitter()
     splits = [(train, test) for (train, test) in spl(step_ds)]
     assert_equal(len(splits), 2)
     for s in splits:
         # we get slicing all the time
         assert_true(s[0].samples.base is step_ds.samples)
         assert_true(s[1].samples.base is step_ds.samples)
Пример #12
def test_feature_masking():
    mask = np.zeros((5, 3), dtype='bool')
    mask[2, 1] = True
    mask[4, 0] = True
    data = Dataset.from_wizard(np.arange(60).reshape((4, 5, 3)),
                               targets=1, chunks=1, mask=mask)

    # check simple masking
    ok_(data.nfeatures == 2)

    # selection should be idempotent
    ok_(data[:, mask].nfeatures == data.nfeatures)
    # check that correct feature get selected
    assert_array_equal(data[:, 1].samples[:, 0], [12, 27, 42, 57])
    # XXX put back when coord -> fattr is implemented
    #ok_(tuple(data[:, 1].a.mapper.getInId(0)) == (4, 0))
    ok_(data[:, 1].a.mapper.forward1(mask).shape == (1,))

    # check sugarings
    # XXX put me back
    #self.failUnless(np.all(data.I == data.origids))
    assert_array_equal(data.C, data.chunks)
    assert_array_equal(data.UC, np.unique(data.chunks))
    assert_array_equal(data.T, data.targets)
    assert_array_equal(data.UT, np.unique(data.targets))
    assert_array_equal(data.S, data.samples)
    assert_array_equal(data.O, data.mapper.reverse(data.samples))
Пример #13
 def get_data(self):
     data = np.random.standard_normal(( 100, 2, 2, 2 ))
     labels = np.concatenate( ( np.repeat( 0, 50 ),
                               np.repeat( 1, 50 ) ) )
     chunks = np.repeat( range(5), 10 )
     chunks = np.concatenate( (chunks, chunks) )
     return Dataset.from_wizard(samples=data, targets=labels, chunks=chunks)
Пример #14
def test_labelschunks_access():
    samples = np.arange(12).reshape((4, 3)).view(myarray)
    labels = range(4)
    chunks = [1, 1, 2, 2]
    ds = Dataset.from_wizard(samples, labels, chunks)

    # array subclass survives
    ok_(isinstance(ds.samples, myarray))

    assert_array_equal(ds.targets, labels)
    assert_array_equal(ds.chunks, chunks)

    # moreover they should point to the same thing
    ok_(ds.targets is ds.sa.targets)
    ok_(ds.targets is ds.sa['targets'].value)
    ok_(ds.chunks is ds.sa.chunks)
    ok_(ds.chunks is ds.sa['chunks'].value)

    # assignment should work at all levels including 1st
    ds.targets = chunks
    assert_array_equal(ds.targets, chunks)
    ok_(ds.targets is ds.sa.targets)
    ok_(ds.targets is ds.sa['targets'].value)

    # test broadcasting
    # but not for plain scalars
    assert_raises(ValueError, ds.set_attr, 'sa.bc', 5)
    # and not for plain plain str
    assert_raises(TypeError, ds.set_attr, 'sa.bc', "mike")
    # but for any iterable of len == 1
    ds.set_attr('sa.bc', (5,))
    ds.set_attr('sa.dc', ["mike"])
    assert_array_equal(ds.sa.bc, [5] * len(ds))
    assert_array_equal(ds.sa.dc, ["mike"] * len(ds))
Пример #15
def test_h5py_io():

    tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()

    # store random dataset to file
    ds = datasets['3dlarge']
    ds.save(os.path.join(tempdir, 'plain.hdf5'))

    # reload and check for identity
    ds2 = Dataset.from_hdf5(os.path.join(tempdir, 'plain.hdf5'))
    assert_array_equal(ds.samples, ds2.samples)
    for attr in ds.sa:
        assert_array_equal(ds.sa[attr].value, ds2.sa[attr].value)
    for attr in ds.fa:
        assert_array_equal(ds.fa[attr].value, ds2.fa[attr].value)
    assert_true(len(ds.a.mapper), 2)
    # since we have no __equal__ do at least some comparison
    if __debug__:
        # debug mode needs special test as it enhances the repr output
        # with module info and id() appendix for objects
        assert_equal(repr(ds.a.mapper), repr(ds2.a.mapper))

    #cleanup temp dir
    shutil.rmtree(tempdir, ignore_errors=True)
Пример #16
def zscore(ds, **kwargs):
    """In-place Z-scoring of a `Dataset` or `ndarray`.

    This function behaves identical to `ZScoreMapper`. The only difference is
    that the actual Z-scoring is done in-place -- potentially causing a
    significant reduction of memory demands.

    ds : Dataset or ndarray
      The data that will be Z-scored in-place.
      For all other arguments, please see the documentation of `ZScoreMapper`.
    zm = ZScoreMapper(**kwargs)
    zm._secret_inplace_zscore = True
    # train
    if isinstance(ds, Dataset):
    # map
    mapped = zm(ds)
    # and append the mapper to the dataset
    if isinstance(mapped, Dataset):
Пример #17
def test_multidim_attrs():
    samples = np.arange(24).reshape(2, 3, 4)
    # have a dataset with two samples -- mapped from 2d into 1d
    # but have 2d labels and 3d chunks -- whatever that is
    ds = Dataset.from_wizard(samples.copy(),
    assert_equal(ds.nsamples, 2)
    assert_equal(ds.nfeatures, 12)
    assert_equal(ds.sa.targets.shape, (2,3,4))
    assert_equal(ds.sa.chunks.shape, (2,10,4,2))

    # try slicing
    subds = ds[0]
    assert_equal(subds.nsamples, 1)
    assert_equal(subds.nfeatures, 12)
    assert_equal(subds.sa.targets.shape, (1,3,4))
    assert_equal(subds.sa.chunks.shape, (1,10,4,2))

    # add multidim feature attr
    fattr = ds.mapper.forward(samples)
    assert_equal(fattr.shape, (2,12))
    # should puke -- first axis is #samples
    assert_raises(ValueError, ds.fa.__setitem__, 'moresamples', fattr)
    # but that should be fine
    ds.fa['moresamples'] = fattr.T
    assert_equal(ds.fa.moresamples.shape, (12,2))
Пример #18
def test_origmask_extraction():
    origdata = np.random.standard_normal((10, 2, 4, 3))
    data = Dataset.from_wizard(origdata, targets=2, chunks=2)

    # check with custom mask
    sel = data[:, 5]
    ok_(sel.samples.shape[1] == 1)
Пример #19
    def _call(self, dataset):
        """Computes featurewise f-scores using compound comparisons."""

        targets_sa = dataset.sa[self._targets_attr]
        orig_labels = targets_sa.value
        labels = orig_labels.copy()

        # Lets create a very shallow copy of a dataset with just
        # samples and targets_attr
        dataset_mod = Dataset(dataset.samples, sa={self._targets_attr: labels})
        results = []
        for ul in targets_sa.unique:
            labels[orig_labels == ul] = 1
            labels[orig_labels != ul] = 2
            f_ds = OneWayAnova._call(self, dataset_mod)
            if 'fprob' in f_ds.fa:
                # rename the fprob attribute to something label specific
                # to survive final aggregation stage
                f_ds.fa['fprob_' + str(ul)] = f_ds.fa.fprob
                del f_ds.fa['fprob']

        results = vstack(results)
        results.sa[self._targets_attr] = targets_sa.unique
        return results
Пример #20
    def _call(self, dataset):
        # XXX Hm... it might make sense to unify access functions
        # naming across our swig libsvm wrapper and sg access
        # functions for svm
        clf = self.clf
        sgsvm = clf.svm
        sens_labels = None
        if isinstance(sgsvm, shogun.Classifier.MultiClassSVM):
            sens, biases = [], []
            nsvms = sgsvm.get_num_svms()
            clabels = sorted(clf._attrmap.values())
            nclabels = len(clabels)
            sens_labels = []
            isvm = 0  # index for svm among known

            for i in xrange(nclabels):
                for j in xrange(i + 1, nclabels):
                    sgsvmi = sgsvm.get_svm(isvm)
                    labels_tuple = (clabels[i], clabels[j])
                    # Since we gave the labels in incremental order,
                    # we always should be right - but it does not
                    # hurt to check if set of labels is the same
                    if __debug__ and _shogun_exposes_slavesvm_labels:
                        if not sgsvmi.get_labels():
                            # We need to call classify() so labels get assigned
                            # to the multiclass SVM
                        assert (set([
                            for x in sgsvmi.get_support_vectors()
                        ]) == set(labels_tuple))
                    sens1, bias = self.__sg_helper(sgsvmi)
                    sens_labels += [labels_tuple[::-1]]  # ??? positive first
                    isvm += 1
            assert (len(sens) == nsvms)  # we should have  covered all
            sens1, bias = self.__sg_helper(sgsvm)
            biases = np.atleast_1d(bias)
            sens = np.atleast_2d(sens1)
            if not clf.__is_regression__:
                assert (set(clf._attrmap.values()) == set([-1.0, 1.0]))
                assert (sens.shape[0] == 1)
                sens_labels = [(-1.0, 1.0)]

        ds = Dataset(np.atleast_2d(sens))
        if sens_labels is not None:
            if isinstance(sens_labels[0], tuple):
                # Need to have them in array of dtype object
                sens_labels = asobjarray(sens_labels)

            if len(clf._attrmap):
                sens_labels = clf._attrmap.to_literal(sens_labels,
            ds.sa[clf.params.targets_attr] = sens_labels
        self.ca.biases = biases

        return ds
Пример #21
def test_samples_shape():
    ds = Dataset.from_wizard(np.ones((10, 2, 3, 4)), targets=1, chunks=1)
    ok_(ds.samples.shape == (10, 24))

    # what happens to 1D samples
    ds = Dataset(np.arange(5))
    assert_equal(ds.shape, (5, 1))
    assert_equal(ds.nfeatures, 1)
Пример #22
def test_ex_from_masked():
    ds = Dataset.from_wizard(samples=np.atleast_2d(np.arange(5)).view(myarray),
                             targets=1, chunks=1)
    # simple sequence has to be a single pattern
    assert_equal(ds.nsamples, 1)
    # array subclass survives
    ok_(isinstance(ds.samples, myarray))

    # check correct pattern layout (1x5)
    assert_array_equal(ds.samples, [[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]])

    # check for single label and origin
    assert_array_equal(ds.targets, [1])
    assert_array_equal(ds.chunks, [1])

    # now try adding pattern with wrong shape
    assert_raises(DatasetError, ds.append,
                  Dataset.from_wizard(np.ones((2,3)), targets=1, chunks=1))

    # now add two real patterns
    ds.append(Dataset.from_wizard(np.random.standard_normal((2, 5)),
                                  targets=2, chunks=2))
    assert_equal(ds.nsamples, 3)
    assert_array_equal(ds.targets, [1, 2, 2])
    assert_array_equal(ds.chunks, [1, 2, 2])

    # test unique class labels
    ds.append(Dataset.from_wizard(np.random.standard_normal((2, 5)),
                                  targets=3, chunks=5))
    assert_array_equal(ds.sa['targets'].unique, [1, 2, 3])

    # test wrong attributes length
    assert_raises(ValueError, Dataset.from_wizard,
                  np.random.standard_normal((4,2,3,4)), targets=[1, 2, 3],
    assert_raises(ValueError, Dataset.from_wizard,
                  np.random.standard_normal((4,2,3,4)), targets=[1, 2, 3, 4],
                  chunks=[2, 2, 2])

    # no test one that is using from_masked
    ds = datasets['3dlarge']
    for a in ds.sa:
        assert_equal(len(ds.sa[a].value), len(ds))
    for a in ds.fa:
        assert_equal(len(ds.fa[a].value), ds.nfeatures)
Пример #23
def test_featuregroup_mapper():
    ds = Dataset(np.arange(24).reshape(3,8))
    ds.fa['roi'] = [0, 1] * 4
    # just to check
    ds.sa['chunks'] = np.arange(3)

    # correct results
    csamples = [[3, 4], [11, 12], [19, 20]]
    croi = [0, 1]
    cchunks = np.arange(3)

    m = mean_group_feature(['roi'])
    mds = m.forward(ds)
    assert_equal(mds.shape, (3, 2))
    assert_array_equal(mds.samples, csamples)
    assert_array_equal(mds.fa.roi, np.unique([0, 1] * 4))
    # FAs should simply remain the same
    assert_array_equal(mds.sa.chunks, np.arange(3))
Пример #24
def test_shape_conversion():
    ds = Dataset.from_wizard(np.arange(24).reshape((2, 3, 4)).view(myarray),
                             targets=1, chunks=1)
    # array subclass survives
    ok_(isinstance(ds.samples, myarray))

    assert_equal(ds.nsamples, 2)
    assert_equal(ds.samples.shape, (2, 12))
    assert_array_equal(ds.samples, [range(12), range(12, 24)])
Пример #25
def test_featuregroup_mapper():
    ds = Dataset(np.arange(24).reshape(3,8))
    ds.fa['roi'] = [0, 1] * 4
    # just to check
    ds.sa['chunks'] = np.arange(3)

    # correct results
    csamples = [[3, 4], [11, 12], [19, 20]]
    croi = [0, 1]
    cchunks = np.arange(3)

    m = mean_group_feature(['roi'])
    mds = m.forward(ds)
    assert_equal(mds.shape, (3, 2))
    assert_array_equal(mds.samples, csamples)
    assert_array_equal(mds.fa.roi, np.unique([0, 1] * 4))
    # FAs should simply remain the same
    assert_array_equal(mds.sa.chunks, np.arange(3))
Пример #26
def test_llemapper():
    skip_if_no_external('mdp', min_version='2.4')

    ds = Dataset(
        np.array([[0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 1.], [0., 1., 0.], [1., 0., 0.],
                  [0., 1., 1.], [1., 0., 1.], [1., 1., 0.], [1., 1., 1.]]))
    pm = LLEMapper(3, output_dim=2)
    fmapped = pm(ds)
    assert_equal(fmapped.shape, (8, 2))
Пример #27
def test_icamapper():
    # data: 40 sample feature line in 2d space (40x2; samples x features)
    samples = np.vstack([np.arange(40.) for i in range(2)]).T
    samples -= samples.mean()
    samples +=  np.random.normal(size=samples.shape, scale=0.1)
    ndlin = Dataset(samples)

    pm = ICAMapper()
        assert_equal(pm.proj.shape, (2, 2))
        p = pm.forward(ndlin.copy())
        assert_equal(p.shape, (40, 2))
        # check that the mapped data can be fully recovered by 'reverse()'
        assert_array_almost_equal(pm.reverse(p), ndlin)
    except mdp.NodeException:
        # do not puke if the ICA did not converge at all -- that is not our
        # fault but MDP's
Пример #28
    def _call(self, dataset=None):
        """Extract weights from GLMNET classifier.

        GLMNET always has weights available, so nothing has to be computed here.
        clf = self.clf
        weights = clf.weights

        if __debug__:
                  "Extracting weights for GLMNET - "+
                  "Result: min=%f max=%f" %\
                  (np.min(weights), np.max(weights)))

        #return weights
        if clf.params.family == 'multinomial':
            return Dataset(weights.T, sa={clf.params.targets_attr: clf._utargets})
            return Dataset(weights[np.newaxis])
Пример #29
 def setUp(self):
     data = np.random.standard_normal(( 100, 3, 4, 2 ))
     labels = np.concatenate( ( np.repeat( 0, 50 ),
                               np.repeat( 1, 50 ) ) )
     chunks = np.repeat( range(5), 10 )
     chunks = np.concatenate( (chunks, chunks) )
     mask = np.ones( (3, 4, 2), dtype='bool')
     mask[0,0,0] = 0
     mask[1,3,1] = 0
     self.dataset = Dataset.from_wizard(samples=data, targets=labels,
                                        chunks=chunks, mask=mask)
Пример #30
def test_pcamapper():
    # data: 40 sample feature line in 20d space (40x20; samples x features)
    ndlin = Dataset(
        np.concatenate([np.arange(40) for i in range(20)]).reshape(20, -1).T)

    pm = PCAMapper()
    # train PCA
    assert_raises(mdp.NodeException, pm.train, ndlin)
    ndlin.samples = ndlin.samples.astype('float')
    ndlin_noise = ndlin.copy()
    ndlin_noise.samples += np.random.random(size=ndlin.samples.shape)
    # we have no variance for more than one PCA component, hence just one
    # actual non-zero eigenvalue
    assert_raises(mdp.NodeException, pm.train, ndlin)
    assert_equal(pm.proj.shape, (20, 20))
    # now project data into PCA space
    p = pm.forward(ndlin.samples)
    assert_equal(p.shape, (40, 20))
    # check that the mapped data can be fully recovered by 'reverse()'
    assert_array_almost_equal(pm.reverse(p), ndlin)
Пример #31
def test_pcamapper():
    # data: 40 sample feature line in 20d space (40x20; samples x features)
    ndlin = Dataset(np.concatenate([np.arange(40)
                               for i in range(20)]).reshape(20,-1).T)

    pm = PCAMapper()
    # train PCA
    assert_raises(mdp.NodeException, pm.train, ndlin)
    ndlin.samples = ndlin.samples.astype('float')
    ndlin_noise = ndlin.copy()
    ndlin_noise.samples += np.random.random(size=ndlin.samples.shape)
    # we have no variance for more than one PCA component, hence just one
    # actual non-zero eigenvalue
    assert_raises(mdp.NodeException, pm.train, ndlin)
    assert_equal(pm.proj.shape, (20, 20))
    # now project data into PCA space
    p = pm.forward(ndlin.samples)
    assert_equal(p.shape, (40, 20))
    # check that the mapped data can be fully recovered by 'reverse()'
    assert_array_almost_equal(pm.reverse(p), ndlin)
Пример #32
    def _predict(self, data):
        """Predict the class labels for the provided data.

        Returns a list of class labels (one for each data sample).
        # make sure we're talking about arrays
        data = np.asarray(data)

        # checks only in debug mode
        if __debug__:
            if not data.ndim == 2:
                raise ValueError, "Data array must be two-dimensional."

            if not data.shape[1] == self.__data.nfeatures:
                raise ValueError, "Length of data samples (features) does " \
                                  "not match the classifier."

        # compute the distance matrix between training and test data with
        # distances stored row-wise, ie. distances between test sample [0]
        # and all training samples will end up in row 0
        dists = self.__dfx(self.__data.samples, data).T
        if self.ca.is_enabled('distances'):
            # TODO: theoretically we should have used deepcopy for sa
            #       here
            self.ca.distances = Dataset(dists, fa=self.__data.sa.copy())

        # determine the k nearest neighbors per test sample
        knns = dists.argsort(axis=1)[:, :self.__k]

        # predicted class labels will go here
        predicted = []

        if self.__voting == 'majority':
            vfx = self.get_majority_vote
        elif self.__voting == 'weighted':
            vfx = self.get_weighted_vote
            raise ValueError, "kNN told to perform unknown voting '%s'." \
                  % self.__voting

        # perform voting
        results = [vfx(knn) for knn in knns]

        # extract predictions
        predicted = [r[0] for r in results]

        # store the predictions in the state. Relies on State._setitem to do
        # nothing if the relevant state member is not enabled
        self.ca.predictions = predicted
        self.ca.estimates = np.array([r[1] for r in results])

        return predicted
Пример #33
    def _call(self, dataset):
        # first cast to floating point dtype, because noise is most likely
        # floating point as well and '+=' on int would not do the right thing
        if not np.issubdtype(dataset.samples.dtype, np.float):
            ds = dataset.copy(deep=False)
            ds.samples = dataset.samples.astype('float32')
            dataset = ds

        if __debug__:
            nfeatures = dataset.nfeatures

        # using a list here, to be able to handle output of unknown
        # dimensionality
        sens_map = []

        # compute the datameasure on the original dataset
        # this is used as a baseline
        orig_measure = self.__datameasure(dataset)

        # do for every _single_ feature in the dataset
        for feature in xrange(dataset.nfeatures):
            if __debug__:
                debug('PSA', "Analyzing %i features: %i [%i%%]" \
                    % (nfeatures,
                       float(feature+1)/nfeatures*100,), cr=True)

            # store current feature to restore it later on
            current_feature = dataset.samples[:, feature].copy()

            # add noise to current feature
            dataset.samples[:, feature] += self.__noise(size=len(dataset))

            # compute the datameasure on the perturbed dataset
            perturbed_measure = self.__datameasure(dataset)

            # restore the current feature
            dataset.samples[:, feature] = current_feature

            # difference from original datameasure is sensitivity
            sens_map.append(perturbed_measure.samples - orig_measure.samples)

        if __debug__:
            debug('PSA', '')

        # turn into an array and get rid of unnecessary axes -- ideally yielding
        # 2D array
        sens_map = np.array(sens_map).squeeze()
        # swap first to axis: we have nfeatures on first but want it as second
        # in a dataset
        sens_map = np.swapaxes(sens_map, 0, 1)
        return Dataset(sens_map)
Пример #34
def test_fxmapper():
    origdata = np.arange(24).reshape(3,8)
    ds = Dataset(origdata.copy())
    ds.samples *= -1

    # test a mapper that doesn't change the shape
    # it shouldn't mapper along with axis it is applied
    m_s = FxMapper('samples', np.absolute)
    m_f = FxMapper('features', np.absolute)
    a_m = absolute_features()
    assert_array_equal(m_s.forward(ds), origdata)
    assert_array_equal(a_m.forward(ds), origdata)
    assert_array_equal(m_s.forward(ds), m_f.forward(ds))
Пример #35
def aggregate_features(dataset, fx=np.mean):
    """Apply a function to each row of the samples matrix of a dataset.

    The functor given as `fx` has to honour an `axis` keyword argument in the
    way that NumPy used it (e.g. NumPy.mean, var).

     a new `Dataset` object with the aggregated feature(s).
    agg = fx(dataset.samples, axis=1)

    return Dataset(samples=np.array(agg, ndmin=2).T, sa=dataset.sa)
Пример #36
def test_basic_datamapping():
    samples = np.arange(24).reshape((4, 3, 2)).view(myarray)

    ds = Dataset.from_wizard(samples)

    # array subclass survives
    ok_(isinstance(ds.samples, myarray))

    # mapper should end up in the dataset

    # check correct mapping
    ok_(ds.nsamples == 4)
    ok_(ds.nfeatures == 6)
Пример #37
    def _call(self, dataset=None):
        """Extract weights from LARS classifier.

        LARS always has weights available, so nothing has to be computed here.
        clf = self.clf
        weights = clf.weights

        if __debug__:
                  "Extracting weights for LARS - "+
                  "Result: min=%f max=%f" %\
                  (np.min(weights), np.max(weights)))

        return Dataset(np.atleast_2d(weights))
Пример #38
    def test_anova(self):
        """Additional aspects of OnewayAnova
        oa = OneWayAnova()
        oa_custom = OneWayAnova(targets_attr='custom')

        ds = datasets['uni4large']
        ds_custom = Dataset(ds.samples, sa={'custom': ds.targets})

        r = oa(ds)
        self.failUnlessRaises(KeyError, oa_custom, ds)
        r_custom = oa_custom(ds_custom)

        self.failUnless(np.allclose(r.samples, r_custom.samples))

        # we should get the same results on subsequent runs
        r2 = oa(ds)
        r_custom2 = oa_custom(ds_custom)
        self.failUnless(np.allclose(r.samples, r2.samples))
        self.failUnless(np.allclose(r_custom.samples, r_custom2.samples))
Пример #39
def test_h5py_io():

    tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()

    # store random dataset to file
    ds = datasets['3dlarge']
    ds.save(os.path.join(tempdir, 'plain.hdf5'))

    # reload and check for identity
    ds2 = Dataset.from_hdf5(os.path.join(tempdir, 'plain.hdf5'))
    assert_array_equal(ds.samples, ds2.samples)
    for attr in ds.sa:
        assert_array_equal(ds.sa[attr].value, ds2.sa[attr].value)
    for attr in ds.fa:
        assert_array_equal(ds.fa[attr].value, ds2.fa[attr].value)
    assert_true(len(ds.a.mapper), 2)
    # since we have no __equal__ do at least some comparison
    assert_equal(repr(ds.a.mapper), repr(ds2.a.mapper))

    #cleanup temp dir
    shutil.rmtree(tempdir, ignore_errors=True)
Пример #40
def test_masked_featureselection():
    origdata = np.random.standard_normal((10, 2, 4, 3, 5)).view(myarray)
    data = Dataset.from_wizard(origdata, targets=2, chunks=2)

    unmasked = data.samples.copy()
    # array subclass survives
    ok_(isinstance(data.samples, myarray))

    # default must be no mask
    ok_(data.nfeatures == 120)
    ok_(data.a.mapper.forward1(origdata[0]).shape == (120,))

    # check that full mask uses all features
    # this uses auto-mapping of selection arrays in __getitem__
    sel = data[:, np.ones((2, 4, 3, 5), dtype='bool')]
    ok_(sel.nfeatures == data.samples.shape[1])
    ok_(data.nfeatures == 120)

    # check partial array mask
    partial_mask = np.zeros((2, 4, 3, 5), dtype='bool')
    partial_mask[0, 0, 2, 2] = 1
    partial_mask[1, 2, 2, 0] = 1

    sel = data[:, partial_mask]
    ok_(sel.nfeatures == 2)

    # check that feature selection does not change source data
    ok_(data.nfeatures == 120)
    ok_(data.a.mapper.forward1(origdata[0]).shape == (120,))

    # check selection with feature list
    sel = data[:, [0, 37, 119]]
    ok_(sel.nfeatures == 3)

    # check size of the masked samples
    ok_(sel.samples.shape == (10, 3))

    # check that the right features are selected
    assert_array_equal(unmasked[:, [0, 37, 119]], sel.samples)
Пример #41
def test_labelschunks_access():
    samples = np.arange(12).reshape((4, 3)).view(myarray)
    labels = range(4)
    chunks = [1, 1, 2, 2]
    ds = Dataset.from_wizard(samples, labels, chunks)

    # array subclass survives
    ok_(isinstance(ds.samples, myarray))

    assert_array_equal(ds.targets, labels)
    assert_array_equal(ds.chunks, chunks)

    # moreover they should point to the same thing
    ok_(ds.targets is ds.sa.targets)
    ok_(ds.targets is ds.sa['targets'].value)
    ok_(ds.chunks is ds.sa.chunks)
    ok_(ds.chunks is ds.sa['chunks'].value)

    # assignment should work at all levels including 1st
    ds.targets = chunks
    assert_array_equal(ds.targets, chunks)
    ok_(ds.targets is ds.sa.targets)
    ok_(ds.targets is ds.sa['targets'].value)
Пример #42
def test_featuregroup_mapper():
    ds = Dataset(np.arange(24).reshape(3,8))
    ds.fa['roi'] = [0, 1] * 4
    # just to check
    ds.sa['chunks'] = np.arange(3)

    # correct results
    csamples = [[3, 4], [11, 12], [19, 20]]
    croi = [0, 1]
    cchunks = np.arange(3)

    m = mean_group_feature(['roi'])
    mds = m.forward(ds)
    assert_equal(mds.shape, (3, 2))
    assert_array_equal(mds.samples, csamples)
    assert_array_equal(mds.fa.roi, np.unique([0, 1] * 4))
    # FAs should simply remain the same
    assert_array_equal(mds.sa.chunks, np.arange(3))

    # now without grouping
    m = mean_feature()
    # forwarding just the samples should yield the same result

    # And when operating on a dataset with >1D samples, then operate
    # only across "features", i.e. 1st dimension
    ds = Dataset(np.arange(24).reshape(3,2,2,2))
    mapped = ds.get_mapped(m)
    assert_array_equal(mapped.samples.shape, (3, 2, 2))
    assert_array_equal(mapped.samples, np.mean(ds.samples, axis=1))
    # and still could map back? ;) not ATM, so just to ensure consistency
                  mapped.a.mapper.reverse, mapped.samples)
    # but it should also work with standard 2d sample arrays
    ds = Dataset(np.arange(24).reshape(3,8))
    mapped = ds.get_mapped(m)
    assert_array_equal(mapped.samples.shape, (3, 1))
Пример #43
    def _call(self, dataset=None):
        """Extract weights from SMLR classifier.

        SMLR always has weights available, so nothing has to be computed here.
        clf = self.clf
        # transpose to have the number of features on the second axis
        # (as usual)
        weights = clf.weights.T

        if clf.params.has_bias:
            self.ca.biases = clf.biases

        if __debug__:
                  "Extracting weights for %d-class SMLR" %
                  (len(weights) + 1) +
                  "Result: min=%f max=%f" %\
                  (np.min(weights), np.max(weights)))

        # limit the labels to the number of sensitivity sets, to deal
        # with the case of `fit_all_weights=False`
        return Dataset(
            weights, sa={clf.params.targets_attr: clf._ulabels[:len(weights)]})
Пример #44
def test_flatten():
    samples_shape = (2, 2, 4)
    data_shape = (4, ) + samples_shape
    data = np.arange(np.prod(data_shape)).reshape(data_shape).view(myarray)
    pristinedata = data.copy()
    target = [[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15],
              [16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31],
              [32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47],
              [48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63]]
    target = np.array(target).view(myarray)
    index_target = np.array([[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 2], [0, 0, 3],
                             [0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 1], [0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 3],
                             [1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 1], [1, 0, 2], [1, 0, 3],
                             [1, 1, 0], [1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 2], [1, 1, 3]])

    # array subclass survives
    ok_(isinstance(data, myarray))

    # actually, there should be no difference between a plain FlattenMapper and
    # a chain that only has a FlattenMapper as the one element
    for fm in [
        # not working if untrained
        assert_raises(RuntimeError, fm.forward1,
                      np.arange(np.sum(samples_shape) + 1))


        ok_(isinstance(fm.forward(data), myarray))
        ok_(isinstance(fm.forward1(data[2]), myarray))
        assert_array_equal(fm.forward(data), target)
        assert_array_equal(fm.forward1(data[2]), target[2])
        assert_raises(ValueError, fm.forward, np.arange(4))

        # all of that leaves that data unmodified
        assert_array_equal(data, pristinedata)

        # reverse mapping
        ok_(isinstance(fm.reverse(target), myarray))
        ok_(isinstance(fm.reverse1(target[0]), myarray))
        ok_(isinstance(fm.reverse(target[1:2]), myarray))
        assert_array_equal(fm.reverse(target), data)
        assert_array_equal(fm.reverse1(target[0]), data[0])
        assert_array_equal(fm.reverse(target[1:2]), data[1:2])
        assert_raises(ValueError, fm.reverse, np.arange(14))

        # check one dimensional data, treated as scalar samples
        oned = np.arange(5)
        # needs 2D
        assert_raises(ValueError, fm.forward, oned)
        # doesn't match mapper, since Dataset turns `oned` into (5,1)
        assert_raises(ValueError, fm.forward, oned)
        assert_equal(Dataset(oned).nfeatures, 1)

        # try dataset mode, with some feature attribute
        fattr = np.arange(np.prod(samples_shape)).reshape(samples_shape)
        ds = Dataset(data, fa={'awesome': fattr.copy()})
        assert_equal(ds.samples.shape, data_shape)
        dsflat = fm.forward(ds)
        ok_(isinstance(dsflat, Dataset))
        ok_(isinstance(dsflat.samples, myarray))
        assert_array_equal(dsflat.samples, target)
        assert_true(isinstance(dsflat.fa['awesome'], ArrayCollectable))
        # test index creation
        assert_array_equal(index_target, dsflat.fa.voxel)

        # and back
        revds = fm.reverse(dsflat)
        ok_(isinstance(revds, Dataset))
        ok_(isinstance(revds.samples, myarray))
        assert_array_equal(revds.samples, data)
        assert_array_equal(revds.fa.awesome, fattr)
        assert_true(isinstance(revds.fa['awesome'], ArrayCollectable))
        assert_false('voxel' in revds.fa)
Пример #45
        # full dataset
        datasets[basename] = list(ttp.generate(dataset))[0]

    # sample 3D
    total = 2*spec['perlabel']
    nchunks = spec['nchunks']
    data = np.random.standard_normal(( total, 3, 6, 6 ))
    labels = np.concatenate( ( np.repeat( 0, spec['perlabel'] ),
                              np.repeat( 1, spec['perlabel'] ) ) )
    data[:, 1, 0, 0] += 2*labels           # add some signal
    chunks = np.asarray(range(nchunks)*(total/nchunks))
    mask = np.ones((3, 6, 6), dtype='bool')
    mask[0, 0, 0] = 0
    mask[1, 3, 2] = 0
    ds = Dataset.from_wizard(samples=data, targets=labels, chunks=chunks,
                             mask=mask, space='myspace')
    datasets['3d%s' % kind] = ds

# some additional datasets
datasets['dumb2'] = dumb_feature_binary_dataset()
datasets['dumb'] = dumb_feature_dataset()
# dataset with few invariant features
_dsinv = dumb_feature_dataset()
_dsinv.samples = np.hstack((_dsinv.samples,
                           np.zeros((_dsinv.nsamples, 1)),
                           np.ones((_dsinv.nsamples, 1))))
datasets['dumbinv'] = _dsinv

# Datasets for regressions testing
datasets['sin_modulated'] = list(ttp.generate(multiple_chunks(sin_modulated, 4, 30, 1)))[0]
Пример #46
 def _call(self, dataset):
     """Train linear SVM on `dataset` and extract weights from classifier.
     sens = self.__mult * (np.arange(dataset.nfeatures) -
                           int(dataset.nfeatures / 2))
     return Dataset(sens[np.newaxis])
Пример #47
 def wrap_samples(obj, data, *args, **kwargs):
     if is_datasetlike(data):
         return fx(obj, data, *args, **kwargs)
         return fx(obj, Dataset(data), *args, **kwargs)
Пример #48
    def _call(self, dataset, callables=[]):
        # local bindings
        clf = self.clf
        model = clf.model

        # Labels for sensitivities to be returned
        sens_labels = None

        if clf.__is_regression__:
            nr_class = None
            svm_labels = None  # shouldn't bother to provide "targets" for regressions
            nr_class = model.nr_class
            svm_labels = model.labels

        # No need to warn since now we by default we do not do
        # anything evil and provide labels -- so it is up for a user
        # to decide either he wants to do something silly
        #if nr_class != 2:
        #    warning("You are estimating sensitivity for SVM %s trained on %d" %
        #            (str(clf), nr_class) +
        #            " classes. Make sure that it is what you intended to do" )

        svcoef = np.matrix(model.get_sv_coef())
        svs = np.matrix(model.get_sv())
        rhos = np.asarray(model.get_rho())

        self.ca.biases = rhos
        if self.params.split_weights:
            if nr_class != 2:
                raise NotImplementedError, \
                      "Cannot compute per-class weights for" \
                      " non-binary classification task"
            # libsvm might have different idea on the ordering
            # of labels, so we would need to map them back explicitely
            ds_labels = list(dataset.sa[
                clf.params.targets_attr].unique)  # labels in the dataset
            senses = [None for i in ds_labels]
            # first label is given positive value
            for i, (c, l) in enumerate([(svcoef > 0, lambda x: x),
                                        (svcoef < 0, lambda x: x * -1)]):
                # convert to array, and just take the meaningful dimension
                c_ = c.A[0]
                # NOTE svm_labels are numerical; ds_labels are literal
                            clf._attrmap.to_literal(svm_labels[i]))] = \
                                (l(svcoef[:, c_] * svs[c_, :])).A[0]
            weights = np.array(senses)
            sens_labels = svm_labels
            # XXX yoh: .mean() is effectively
            # averages across "sensitivities" of all paired classifiers (I
            # think). See more info on this topic in svm.py on how sv_coefs
            # are stored
            # First multiply SV coefficients with the actual SVs to get
            # weighted impact of SVs on decision, then for each feature
            # take mean across SVs to get a single weight value
            # per feature
            if nr_class is None or nr_class <= 2:
                # as simple as this
                weights = (svcoef * svs).A
                # and only in case of classification
                if nr_class:
                    # ??? First label seems corresponds to positive
                    sens_labels = [tuple(svm_labels[::-1])]
                # we need to compose correctly per each pair of classifiers.
                # See docstring for get_sv_coef for more details on internal
                # structure of bloody storage

                # total # of pairs
                npairs = nr_class * (nr_class - 1) / 2
                # # of SVs in each class
                NSVs_perclass = model.get_n_sv()
                # indices where each class starts in each row of SVs
                # name is after similar variable in libsvm internals
                nz_start = np.cumsum([0] + NSVs_perclass[:-1])
                nz_end = nz_start + NSVs_perclass
                # reserve storage
                weights = np.zeros((npairs, svs.shape[1]))
                ipair = 0  # index of the pair
                // classifier (i,j): coefficients with
				// i are in sv_coef[j-1][nz_start[i]...],
				// j are in sv_coef[i][nz_start[j]...]
                sens_labels = []
                for i in xrange(nr_class):
                    for j in xrange(i + 1, nr_class):
                        weights[ipair, :] = np.asarray(
                            svcoef[j - 1, nz_start[i]:nz_end[i]] *
                            svs[nz_start[i]:nz_end[i]] +
                            svcoef[i, nz_start[j]:nz_end[j]] *
                        # ??? First label corresponds to positive
                        # that is why [j], [i]
                        sens_labels += [(svm_labels[j], svm_labels[i])]
                        ipair += 1  # go to the next pair
                assert (ipair == npairs)

        if __debug__ and 'SVM' in debug.active:
            if nr_class:
                nsvs = model.get_n_sv()
                nsvs = model.get_total_n_sv()

                  "Extracting weights for %s-class SVM: #SVs=%s, " % \
                  (nr_class, nsvs) + \
                  " SVcoefshape=%s SVs.shape=%s Rhos=%s." % \
                  (svcoef.shape, svs.shape, rhos) + \
                  " Result: min=%f max=%f" % (np.min(weights), np.max(weights)))

        ds_kwargs = {}
        if nr_class:  # for classification only
            # and we should have prepared the labels
            assert (sens_labels is not None)

            if len(clf._attrmap):
                if isinstance(sens_labels[0], tuple):
                    sens_labels = asobjarray(sens_labels)
                sens_labels = clf._attrmap.to_literal(sens_labels,

            # NOTE: `weights` is already and always 2D
            ds_kwargs = dict(sa={clf.params.targets_attr: sens_labels})

        weights_ds = Dataset(weights, **ds_kwargs)
        return weights_ds
Пример #49
def generate_testing_datasets(specs):
    # Lets permute upon each invocation of test, so we could possibly
    # trigger some funny cases
    nonbogus_pool = np.random.permutation([0, 1, 3, 5])

    datasets = {}

    # use a partitioner to flag odd/even samples as training and test
    ttp = OddEvenPartitioner(space='train', count=1)

    for kind, spec in specs.iteritems():
        # set of univariate datasets
        for nlabels in [ 2, 3, 4 ]:
            basename = 'uni%d%s' % (nlabels, kind)
            nonbogus_features = nonbogus_pool[:nlabels]

            dataset = normal_feature_dataset(

            # full dataset
            datasets[basename] = list(ttp.generate(dataset))[0]

        # sample 3D
        total = 2*spec['perlabel']
        nchunks = spec['nchunks']
        data = np.random.standard_normal(( total, 3, 6, 6 ))
        labels = np.concatenate( ( np.repeat( 0, spec['perlabel'] ),
                                  np.repeat( 1, spec['perlabel'] ) ) )
        data[:, 1, 0, 0] += 2*labels           # add some signal
        chunks = np.asarray(range(nchunks)*(total/nchunks))
        mask = np.ones((3, 6, 6), dtype='bool')
        mask[0, 0, 0] = 0
        mask[1, 3, 2] = 0
        ds = Dataset.from_wizard(samples=data, targets=labels, chunks=chunks,
                                 mask=mask, space='myspace')
        # and to stress tests on manipulating sa/fa possibly containing
        # attributes of dtype object
        ds.sa['test_object'] = [['a'], [1, 2]] * (ds.nsamples/2)
        datasets['3d%s' % kind] = ds

    # some additional datasets
    datasets['dumb2'] = dumb_feature_binary_dataset()
    datasets['dumb'] = dumb_feature_dataset()
    # dataset with few invariant features
    _dsinv = dumb_feature_dataset()
    _dsinv.samples = np.hstack((_dsinv.samples,
                               np.zeros((_dsinv.nsamples, 1)),
                               np.ones((_dsinv.nsamples, 1))))
    datasets['dumbinv'] = _dsinv

    # Datasets for regressions testing
    datasets['sin_modulated'] = list(ttp.generate(multiple_chunks(sin_modulated, 4, 30, 1)))[0]
    # use the same full for training
    datasets['sin_modulated_train'] = datasets['sin_modulated']
    datasets['sin_modulated_test'] = sin_modulated(30, 1, flat=True)

    # simple signal for linear regressors
    datasets['chirp_linear'] = multiple_chunks(chirp_linear, 6, 50, 10, 2, 0.3, 0.1)
    datasets['chirp_linear_test'] = chirp_linear(20, 5, 2, 0.4, 0.1)

    datasets['wr1996'] = multiple_chunks(wr1996, 4, 50)
    datasets['wr1996_test'] = wr1996(50)

    datasets['hollow'] = Dataset(HollowSamples((40,20)),
                                 sa={'targets': np.tile(['one', 'two'], 20)})

    return datasets
Пример #50
    def _call(self, dataset):
        """Perform cross-validation on a dataset.

        'dataset' is passed to the splitter instance and serves as the source
        dataset to generate split for the single cross-validation folds.
        # store the results of the splitprocessor
        results = []
        self.ca.splits = []

        # local bindings
        ca = self.ca
        clf = self.__transerror.clf
        expose_testdataset = self.__expose_testdataset

        # what ca to enable in terr
        terr_enable = []
        for state_var in ['confusion', 'training_confusion', 'samples_error']:
            if ca.is_enabled(state_var):
                terr_enable += [state_var]

        # charge ca with initial values
        summaryClass = clf.__summary_class__
        clf_hastestdataset = hasattr(clf, 'testdataset')

        self.ca.confusion = summaryClass()
        self.ca.training_confusion = summaryClass()
        self.ca.transerrors = []
        if ca.is_enabled('samples_error'):
            self.ca.samples_error = dict([
                (id_, []) for id_ in dataset.sa[self.__samples_idattr].value

        # enable requested ca in child TransferError instance (restored
        # again below)
        if len(terr_enable):

        # We better ensure that underlying classifier is not trained if we
        # are going to deepcopy transerror
        if ca.is_enabled("transerrors"):

        # collect sum info about the split that where made for the resulting
        # dataset
        splitinfo = []

        # splitter
        for split in self.__splitter(dataset):
            splitinfo.append("%s->%s" % (','.join([
                str(c) for c in split[0].sa[self.__splitter.splitattr].unique
            ]), ','.join([
                str(c) for c in split[1].sa[self.__splitter.splitattr].unique

            # only train classifier if splitter provides something in first
            # element of tuple -- the is the behavior of TransferError
            if ca.is_enabled("splits"):

            if ca.is_enabled("transerrors"):
                # copy first and then train, as some classifiers cannot be copied
                # when already trained, e.g. SWIG'ed stuff
                lastsplit = None
                for ds in split:
                    if ds is not None:
                        lastsplit = ds.a.lastsplit
                if lastsplit:
                    # only if we could deduce that it was last split
                    # use the 'mother' transerror
                    transerror = self.__transerror
                    # otherwise -- deep copy
                    transerror = deepcopy(self.__transerror)
                transerror = self.__transerror

            # assign testing dataset if given classifier can digest it
            if clf_hastestdataset and expose_testdataset:
                transerror.clf.testdataset = split[1]

            # run the beast
            result = transerror(split[1], split[0])

            # unbind the testdataset from the classifier
            if clf_hastestdataset and expose_testdataset:
                transerror.clf.testdataset = None

            # next line is important for 'self._harvest' call

            # XXX Look below -- may be we should have not auto added .?
            #     then transerrors also could be deprecated
            if ca.is_enabled("transerrors"):

            # XXX: could be merged with next for loop using a utility class
            # that can add dict elements into a list
            if ca.is_enabled("samples_error"):
                for k, v in \

            # pull in child ca
            for state_var in ['confusion', 'training_confusion']:
                if ca.is_enabled(state_var):

            if __debug__:
                debug("CROSSC", "Split #%d: result %s" \
                      % (len(results), `result`))

        # Since we could have operated with a copy -- bind the last used one back
        self.__transerror = transerror

        # put ca of child TransferError back into original config
        if len(terr_enable):

        self.ca.results = results
        """Store conditional attribute if it is enabled"""
        results = Dataset(results, sa={'cv_fold': splitinfo})
        return results
Пример #51
def fmri_dataset(samples, targets=None, chunks=None, mask=None,
                 sprefix='voxel', tprefix='time', add_fa=None,):
    """Create a dataset from an fMRI timeseries image.

    The timeseries image serves as the samples data, with each volume becoming
    a sample. All 3D volume samples are flattened into one-dimensional feature
    vectors, optionally being masked (i.e. subset of voxels corresponding to
    non-zero elements in a mask image).

    In addition to (optional) samples attributes for targets and chunks the
    returned dataset contains a number of additional attributes:

    Samples attributes (per each volume):

      * volume index (time_indices)
      * volume acquisition time (time_coord)

    Feature attributes (per each voxel):

      * voxel indices (voxel_indices), sometimes referred to as ijk

    Dataset attributes:

      * dump of the NIfTI image header data (imghdr)
      * volume extent (voxel_dim)
      * voxel extent (voxel_eldim)

    The default attribute name is listed in parenthesis, but may be altered by
    the corresponding prefix arguments. The validity of the attribute values
    relies on correct settings in the NIfTI image header.

    samples : str or NiftiImage or list
      fMRI timeseries, specified either as a filename (single file 4D image),
      an image instance (4D image), or a list of filenames or image instances
      (each list item corresponding to a 3D volume).
    targets : scalar or sequence
      Label attribute for each volume in the timeseries, or a scalar value that
      is assigned to all samples.
    chunks : scalar or sequence
      Chunk attribute for each volume in the timeseries, or a scalar value that
      is assigned to all samples.
    mask : str or NiftiImage
      Filename or image instance of a 3D volume mask. Voxels corresponding to
      non-zero elements in the mask will be selected. The mask has to be in the
      same space (orientation and dimensions) as the timeseries image
    sprefix : str or None
      Prefix for attribute names describing spatial properties of the
      timeseries. If None, no such attributes are stored in the dataset.
    tprefix : str or None
      Prefix for attribute names describing temporal properties of the
      timeseries. If None, no such attributes are stored in the dataset.
    add_fa : dict or None
      Optional dictionary with additional volumetric data that shall be stored
      as feature attributes in the dataset. The dictionary key serves as the
      feature attribute name. Each value might be of any type supported by the
      'mask' argument of this function.

    # load the samples
    imgdata, imghdr = _load_anyimg(samples, ensure=True, enforce_dim=4)

    # figure out what the mask is, but only handle known cases, the rest
    # goes directly into the mapper which maybe knows more
    maskimg = _load_anyimg(mask)
    if maskimg is None:
        # take just data and ignore the header
        mask = maskimg[0]

    # compile the samples attributes
    sa = {}
    if not targets is None:
        sa['targets'] = _expand_attribute(targets, imgdata.shape[0], 'targets')
    if not chunks is None:
        sa['chunks'] = _expand_attribute(chunks, imgdata.shape[0], 'chunks')

    # create a dataset
    ds = Dataset(imgdata, sa=sa)
    if sprefix is None:
        inspace = None
        inspace = sprefix + '_indices'
    ds = ds.get_mapped(FlattenMapper(shape=imgdata.shape[1:], inspace=inspace))

    # now apply the mask if any
    if not mask is None:
        flatmask = ds.a.mapper.forward1(mask)
        # direct slicing is possible, and it is potentially more efficient,
        # so let's use it
        #mapper = FeatureSliceMapper(flatmask)
        #ds = ds.get_mapped(FeatureSliceMapper(flatmask))
        ds = ds[:, flatmask != 0]

    # load and store additional feature attributes
    if not add_fa is None:
        for fattr in add_fa:
            value = _load_anyimg(add_fa[fattr], ensure=True)[0]
            ds.fa[fattr] = ds.a.mapper.forward1(value)

    # store interesting props in the dataset
    ds.a['imghdr'] = imghdr
    # If there is a space assigned , store the extent of that space
    if sprefix is not None:
        ds.a[sprefix + '_dim'] = imgdata.shape[1:]
        # 'voxdim' is (x,y,z) while 'samples' are (t,z,y,x)
        ds.a[sprefix + '_eldim'] = _get_voxdim(imghdr)
        # TODO extend with the unit
    if tprefix is not None:
        ds.sa[tprefix + '_indices'] = np.arange(len(ds), dtype='int')
        ds.sa[tprefix + '_coords'] = np.arange(len(ds), dtype='float') \
                                     * _get_dt(imghdr)
        # TODO extend with the unit

    return ds
Пример #52
Файл: mri.py Проект: esc/PyMVPA
def fmri_dataset(samples, targets=None, chunks=None, mask=None,
                 sprefix='voxel', tprefix='time', add_fa=None,):
    """Create a dataset from an fMRI timeseries image.

    The timeseries image serves as the samples data, with each volume becoming
    a sample. All 3D volume samples are flattened into one-dimensional feature
    vectors, optionally being masked (i.e. subset of voxels corresponding to
    non-zero elements in a mask image).

    In addition to (optional) samples attributes for targets and chunks the
    returned dataset contains a number of additional attributes:

    Samples attributes (per each volume):

      * volume index (time_indices)
      * volume acquisition time (time_coord)

    Feature attributes (per each voxel):

      * voxel indices (voxel_indices), sometimes referred to as ijk

    Dataset attributes:

      * dump of the image (e.g. NIfTI) header data (imghdr)
      * class of the image (e.g. Nifti1Image) (imgtype)
      * volume extent (voxel_dim)
      * voxel extent (voxel_eldim)

    The default attribute name is listed in parenthesis, but may be altered by
    the corresponding prefix arguments. The validity of the attribute values
    relies on correct settings in the NIfTI image header.

    samples : str or NiftiImage or list
      fMRI timeseries, specified either as a filename (single file 4D image),
      an image instance (4D image), or a list of filenames or image instances
      (each list item corresponding to a 3D volume).
    targets : scalar or sequence
      Label attribute for each volume in the timeseries, or a scalar value that
      is assigned to all samples.
    chunks : scalar or sequence
      Chunk attribute for each volume in the timeseries, or a scalar value that
      is assigned to all samples.
    mask : str or NiftiImage
      Filename or image instance of a 3D volume mask. Voxels corresponding to
      non-zero elements in the mask will be selected. The mask has to be in the
      same space (orientation and dimensions) as the timeseries image
    sprefix : str or None
      Prefix for attribute names describing spatial properties of the
      timeseries. If None, no such attributes are stored in the dataset.
    tprefix : str or None
      Prefix for attribute names describing temporal properties of the
      timeseries. If None, no such attributes are stored in the dataset.
    add_fa : dict or None
      Optional dictionary with additional volumetric data that shall be stored
      as feature attributes in the dataset. The dictionary key serves as the
      feature attribute name. Each value might be of any type supported by the
      'mask' argument of this function.

    # load the samples
    imgdata, imghdr, imgtype = _load_anyimg(samples, ensure=True, enforce_dim=4)

    # figure out what the mask is, but only handle known cases, the rest
    # goes directly into the mapper which maybe knows more
    maskimg = _load_anyimg(mask)
    if maskimg is None:
        # take just data and ignore the header
        mask = maskimg[0]

    # compile the samples attributes
    sa = {}
    if not targets is None:
        sa['targets'] = _expand_attribute(targets, imgdata.shape[0], 'targets')
    if not chunks is None:
        sa['chunks'] = _expand_attribute(chunks, imgdata.shape[0], 'chunks')

    # create a dataset
    ds = Dataset(imgdata, sa=sa)
    if sprefix is None:
        space = None
        space = sprefix + '_indices'
    ds = ds.get_mapped(FlattenMapper(shape=imgdata.shape[1:], space=space))

    # now apply the mask if any
    if not mask is None:
        flatmask = ds.a.mapper.forward1(mask)
        # direct slicing is possible, and it is potentially more efficient,
        # so let's use it
        #mapper = StaticFeatureSelection(flatmask)
        #ds = ds.get_mapped(StaticFeatureSelection(flatmask))
        ds = ds[:, flatmask != 0]

    # load and store additional feature attributes
    if not add_fa is None:
        for fattr in add_fa:
            value = _load_anyimg(add_fa[fattr], ensure=True)[0]
            ds.fa[fattr] = ds.a.mapper.forward1(value)

    # store interesting props in the dataset
    ds.a['imghdr'] = imghdr
    ds.a['imgtype'] = imgtype
    # If there is a space assigned , store the extent of that space
    if sprefix is not None:
        ds.a[sprefix + '_dim'] = imgdata.shape[1:]
        # 'voxdim' is (x,y,z) while 'samples' are (t,z,y,x)
        ds.a[sprefix + '_eldim'] = _get_voxdim(imghdr)
        # TODO extend with the unit
    if tprefix is not None:
        ds.sa[tprefix + '_indices'] = np.arange(len(ds), dtype='int')
        ds.sa[tprefix + '_coords'] = np.arange(len(ds), dtype='float') \
                                     * _get_dt(imghdr)
        # TODO extend with the unit

    return ds
Пример #53
 def get_data(self):
     data = np.random.standard_normal((100, 2, 2, 2))
     labels = np.concatenate((np.repeat(0, 50), np.repeat(1, 50)))
     chunks = np.repeat(range(5), 10)
     chunks = np.concatenate((chunks, chunks))
     return Dataset.from_wizard(samples=data, targets=labels, chunks=chunks)
Пример #54
def test_from_wizard():
    samples = np.arange(12).reshape((4, 3)).view(myarray)
    labels = range(4)
    chunks = [1, 1, 2, 2]

    ds = Dataset(samples, sa={'targets': labels, 'chunks': chunks})
    first = ds.sa.origids
    # now do again and check that they get regenerated
    assert_false(first is ds.sa.origids)
    assert_array_equal(first, ds.sa.origids)

    ok_(not is_datasetlike(labels))

    # array subclass survives
    ok_(isinstance(ds.samples, myarray))

    ## XXX stuff that needs thought:

    # ds.sa (empty) has this in the public namespace:
    #   add, get, getvalue, has_key, is_set, items, listing, name, names
    #   owner, remove, reset, setvalue, which_set
    # maybe we need some form of leightweightCollection?

    assert_array_equal(ds.samples, samples)
    assert_array_equal(ds.sa.targets, labels)
    assert_array_equal(ds.sa.chunks, chunks)

    # same should work for shortcuts
    assert_array_equal(ds.targets, labels)
    assert_array_equal(ds.chunks, chunks)

    ok_(sorted(ds.sa.keys()) == ['chunks', 'origids', 'targets'])
    ok_(sorted(ds.fa.keys()) == ['origids'])
    # add some more
    ds.a['random'] = 'blurb'

    # check stripping attributes from a copy
    cds = ds.copy() # full copy
    ok_(sorted(cds.sa.keys()) == ['chunks', 'origids', 'targets'])
    ok_(sorted(cds.fa.keys()) == ['origids'])
    ok_(sorted(cds.a.keys()) == ['random'])
    cds = ds.copy(sa=[], fa=[], a=[]) # plain copy
    ok_(cds.sa.keys() == [])
    ok_(cds.fa.keys() == [])
    ok_(cds.a.keys() == [])
    cds = ds.copy(sa=['targets'], fa=None, a=['random']) # partial copy
    ok_(cds.sa.keys() == ['targets'])
    ok_(cds.fa.keys() == ['origids'])
    ok_(cds.a.keys() == ['random'])

    # there is not necessarily a mapper present
    ok_(not ds.a.has_key('mapper'))

    # has to complain about misshaped samples attributes
    assert_raises(ValueError, Dataset.from_wizard, samples, labels + labels)

    # check that we actually have attributes of the expected type
    ok_(isinstance(ds.sa['targets'], ArrayCollectable))

    # the dataset will take care of not adding stupid stuff
    assert_raises(ValueError, ds.sa.__setitem__, 'stupid', np.arange(3))
    assert_raises(ValueError, ds.fa.__setitem__, 'stupid', np.arange(4))
    # or change proper attributes to stupid shapes
        ds.sa.targets = np.arange(3)
    except ValueError:
        ok_(False, msg="Assigning value with improper shape to attribute "
                       "did not raise exception.")
Пример #55
def fmri_dataset(samples, targets=None, chunks=None, mask=None, sprefix="voxel", tprefix="time", add_fa=None):
    """Create a dataset from an fMRI timeseries image.

    The timeseries image serves as the samples data, with each volume becoming
    a sample. All 3D volume samples are flattened into one-dimensional feature
    vectors, optionally being masked (i.e. subset of voxels corresponding to
    non-zero elements in a mask image).

    In addition to (optional) samples attributes for targets and chunks the
    returned dataset contains a number of additional attributes:

    Samples attributes (per each volume):

      * volume index (time_indices)
      * volume acquisition time (time_coord)

    Feature attributes (per each voxel):

      * voxel indices (voxel_indices), sometimes referred to as ijk

    Dataset attributes:

      * dump of the NIfTI image header data (imghdr)
      * volume extent (voxel_dim)
      * voxel extent (voxel_eldim)

    The default attribute name is listed in parenthesis, but may be altered by
    the corresponding prefix arguments. The validity of the attribute values
    relies on correct settings in the NIfTI image header.

    samples : str or NiftiImage or list
      fMRI timeseries, specified either as a filename (single file 4D image),
      an image instance (4D image), or a list of filenames or image instances
      (each list item corresponding to a 3D volume).
    targets : scalar or sequence
      Label attribute for each volume in the timeseries, or a scalar value that
      is assigned to all samples.
    chunks : scalar or sequence
      Chunk attribute for each volume in the timeseries, or a scalar value that
      is assigned to all samples.
    mask : str or NiftiImage
      Filename or image instance of a 3D volume mask. Voxels corresponding to
      non-zero elements in the mask will be selected. The mask has to be in the
      same space (orientation and dimensions) as the timeseries image
    sprefix : str or None
      Prefix for attribute names describing spatial properties of the
      timeseries. If None, no such attributes are stored in the dataset.
    tprefix : str or None
      Prefix for attribute names describing temporal properties of the
      timeseries. If None, no such attributes are stored in the dataset.
    add_fa : dict or None
      Optional dictionary with additional volumetric data that shall be stored
      as feature attributes in the dataset. The dictionary key serves as the
      feature attribute name. Each value might be of any type supported by the
      'mask' argument of this function.

    # load the samples
    niftisamples = _load_anynifti(samples, ensure=True, enforce_dim=4)
    samples = niftisamples.data

    # figure out what the mask is, but onyl handle known cases, the rest
    # goes directly into the mapper which maybe knows more
    niftimask = _load_anynifti(mask)
    if niftimask is None:
    elif isinstance(niftimask, np.ndarray):
        mask = niftimask
        mask = _get_nifti_data(niftimask)

    # compile the samples attributes
    sa = {}
    if not targets is None:
        sa["targets"] = _expand_attribute(targets, samples.shape[0], "targets")
    if not chunks is None:
        sa["chunks"] = _expand_attribute(chunks, samples.shape[0], "chunks")

    # create a dataset
    ds = Dataset(samples, sa=sa)
    if sprefix is None:
        inspace = None
        inspace = sprefix + "_indices"
    ds = ds.get_mapped(FlattenMapper(shape=samples.shape[1:], inspace=inspace))

    # now apply the mask if any
    if not mask is None:
        flatmask = ds.a.mapper.forward1(mask)
        # direct slicing is possible, and it is potentially more efficient,
        # so let's use it
        # mapper = FeatureSliceMapper(flatmask)
        # ds = ds.get_mapped(FeatureSliceMapper(flatmask))
        ds = ds[:, flatmask != 0]

    # load and store additional feature attributes
    if not add_fa is None:
        for fattr in add_fa:
            value = _get_nifti_data(_load_anynifti(add_fa[fattr]))
            ds.fa[fattr] = ds.a.mapper.forward1(value)

    # store interesting props in the dataset
    # do not put the whole NiftiImage in the dict as this will most
    # likely be deepcopy'ed at some point and ensuring data integrity
    # of the complex Python-C-Swig hybrid might be a tricky task.
    # Only storing the header dict should achieve the same and is more
    # memory efficient and even simpler
    ds.a["imghdr"] = niftisamples.header
    # If there is a space assigned , store the extent of that space
    if sprefix is not None:
        ds.a[sprefix + "_dim"] = samples.shape[1:]
        # 'voxdim' is (x,y,z) while 'samples' are (t,z,y,x)
        ds.a[sprefix + "_eldim"] = tuple([i for i in reversed(niftisamples.voxdim)])
        # TODO extend with the unit
    if tprefix is not None:
        ds.sa[tprefix + "_indices"] = np.arange(len(ds), dtype="int")
        ds.sa[tprefix + "_coords"] = np.arange(len(ds), dtype="float") * niftisamples.header["pixdim"][4]
        # TODO extend with the unit

    return ds
Пример #56
    def _sl_call(self, dataset, roi_ids, nproc):
        """Call to GNBSearchlight
        # Local bindings
        gnb = self._gnb
        params = gnb.params
        splitter = self._splitter
        errorfx = self._errorfx
        qe = self._qe

        ## if False:
        ##     class A(object):
        ##         pass
        ##     self = A()
        ##     import numpy as np
        ##     from mvpa.clfs.gnb import GNB
        ##     from mvpa.datasets.splitters import NFoldSplitter
        ##     from mvpa.misc.errorfx import MeanMismatchErrorFx
        ##     #from mvpa.testing.datasets import datasets
        ##     from mvpa.datasets import Dataset
        ##     from mvpa.misc.neighborhood import IndexQueryEngine, Sphere
        ##     from mvpa.clfs.distance import absmin_distance
        ##     import time
        ##     if __debug__:
        ##         from mvpa.base import debug
        ##         debug.active += ['SLC.*']
        ##         # XXX is it that ugly?
        ##         debug.active.pop(debug.active.index('SLC_'))
        ##         debug.metrics += ['reltime']
        ##     dataset = datasets['3dlarge']
        ##     sphere = Sphere(radius=1,
        ##                     distance_func=absmin_distance)
        ##     qe = IndexQueryEngine(myspace=sphere)

        ##     # Fracisco's data
        ##     dataset = ds_fp
        ##     qe = IndexQueryEngine(voxel_indices=sphere)

        ##     qe.train(dataset)
        ##     roi_ids = np.arange(dataset.nfeatures)
        ##     gnb = GNB()
        ##     params = gnb.params
        ##     splitter = NFoldSplitter()
        ##     errorfx = MeanMismatchErrorFx()

        if __debug__:
            time_start = time.time()

        targets_sa_name = params.targets_attr
        targets_sa = dataset.sa[targets_sa_name]

        if __debug__:
            debug_slc_ = 'SLC_' in debug.active

        # get the dataset information into easy vars
        X = dataset.samples
        if len(X.shape) != 2:
            raise ValueError, \
                  'Unlike GNB, GNBSearchlight (for now) operates on already' \
                  'flattened datasets'
        labels = targets_sa.value
        ulabels = targets_sa.unique
        nlabels = len(ulabels)
        label2index = dict((l, il) for il, l in enumerate(ulabels))
        labels_numeric = np.array([label2index[l] for l in labels])
        ulabels_numeric = [label2index[l] for l in ulabels]
        # set the feature dimensions
        nsamples = len(X)
        s_shape = X.shape[1:]  # shape of a single sample

        # Everything toward optimization ;)
        # Silly Yarik thinks that it might be worth to pre-compute
        # statistics per each feature within a block of the samples
        # which always come together in splits -- most often it is a
        # (chunk, label) combination, but since we simply use a
        # splitter -- who knows! Therefore lets figure out what are
        # those blocks and operate on them instead of original samples.
        # After additional thinking about this -- probably it would be
        # just minor additional improvements (ie not worth it) but
        # since it is coded already -- let it me so

        # 1. Query splitter for the splits we will have
        if __debug__:
                'SLC', 'Phase 1. Initializing splits using %s on %s' %
                (splitter, dataset))
        # check the splitter -- splitcfg isn't sufficient
        # TODO: RF splitters so we could reliably obtain the configuration
        #       splitcfg just returns what to split into the other in terms
        #       of chunks... and we need actual indicies
        if splitter.permute_attr is not None:
            raise NotImplementedError, \
                  "Splitters which permute targets aren't supported here"
        # Lets just create a dummy ds which will store for us actual sample
        # indicies
        # XXX we could make it even more lightweight I guess...
        dataset_indicies = Dataset(np.arange(nsamples), sa=dataset.sa)
        splits = list(splitter(dataset_indicies))
        nsplits = len(splits)
        assert (len(splits[0]) == 2)  # assure that we have only 2
        # splits here for cvte

        # 2. Figure out the new 'chunks x labels' blocks of combinations
        #    of samples
        if __debug__:
                'SLC', 'Phase 2. Blocking data for %i splits and %i labels' %
                (nsplits, nlabels))
        # array of indicies for label, split1, split2, ...
        # through which we will pass later on to figure out
        # unique combinations
        combinations = np.ones((nsamples, 1 + nsplits), dtype=int) * -1
        # labels
        combinations[:, 0] = labels_numeric
        for isplit, (split1, split2) in enumerate(splits):
            combinations[split1.samples[:, 0], 1 + isplit] = 1
            combinations[split2.samples[:, 0], 1 + isplit] = 2
        # sample descriptions -- should be unique for
        # samples within the same block
        descriptions = [tuple(c) for c in combinations]
        udescriptions = sorted(list(set(descriptions)))
        nblocks = len(udescriptions)
        description2block = dict([(d, i) for i, d in enumerate(udescriptions)])
        # Indices for samples to point to their block
        sample2block = np.array([description2block[d] for d in descriptions])

        # 3. Compute statistics per each block
        if __debug__:
                  'Phase 3. Computing statistics for %i blocks' % (nblocks, ))

        # reusable containers which should stay of the same size

        # sums and sums of squares per each block
        sums = np.zeros((nblocks, ) + s_shape)
        # sums of squares
        sums2 = np.zeros((nblocks, ) + s_shape)

        # per each label:
        means = np.zeros((nlabels, ) + s_shape)
        # means of squares for stddev computation
        means2 = np.zeros((nlabels, ) + s_shape)
        variances = np.zeros((nlabels, ) + s_shape)
        # degenerate dimension are added for easy broadcasting later on
        nsamples_per_class = np.zeros((nlabels, ) + (1, ) * len(s_shape))

        # results
        results = np.zeros((nsplits, ) + s_shape)

        block_counts = np.zeros((nblocks, ))
        block_labels = [None] * nblocks

        X2 = np.square(X)
        # silly way for now
        for l, s, s2, ib in zip(labels_numeric, X, X2, sample2block):
            sums[ib] += s
            sums2[ib] += s2
            block_counts[ib] += 1
            if block_labels[ib] is None:
                block_labels[ib] = l
                assert (block_labels[ib] == l)
        block_labels = np.asanyarray(block_labels)
        # additional silly tests for paranoid
        assert (block_labels.dtype.kind is 'i')

        # 4. Lets deduce all neighbors... might need to be RF into the
        #    parallel part later on
        nrois = len(roi_ids)
        if __debug__:
                'SLC', 'Phase 4. Deducing neighbors information for %i ROIs' %
                (nrois, ))
        roi_fids = [qe.query_byid(f) for f in roi_ids]
        nroi_fids = len(roi_fids)
        # makes sense to waste precious ms only if ca is enabled
        if self.ca.is_enabled('roi_sizes'):
            roi_sizes = [len(x) for x in roi_fids]
            roi_sizes = []

        indexsum = self._indexsum
        if indexsum == 'sparse':
            if __debug__:
                    'SLC', 'Phase 4b. Converting neighbors to sparse matrix '
            # convert to "sparse representation" where column j contains
            # 1s only at the roi_fids[j] indices
            roi_fids = inds_to_coo(roi_fids,
                                   shape=(dataset.nfeatures, nroi_fids))
            indexsum_fx = lastdim_columnsums_spmatrix
        elif indexsum == 'fancy':
            indexsum_fx = lastdim_columnsums_fancy_indexing
            raise ValueError, \
                  "Do not know how to deal with indexsum=%s" % indexsum

        # 5. Lets do actual "splitting" and "classification"
        if __debug__:
            debug('SLC', 'Phase 5. Major loop')

        for isplit, split in enumerate(splits):
            if __debug__:
                debug('SLC', ' Split %i out of %i' % (isplit, nsplits))
            # figure out for a given splits the blocks we want to work
            # with
            # sample_indicies
            training_sis = split[0].samples[:, 0]
            # convert to blocks training split
            training_bis = np.unique(sample2block[training_sis])

            # now lets do our GNB business
            training_nsamples = 0
            for il, l in enumerate(ulabels_numeric):
                bis_il = training_bis[block_labels[training_bis] == l]
                nsamples_per_class[il] = N_float = \
                training_nsamples += N_float
                if N_float == 0.0:
                    variances[il] = means[il] = means2[il] = 0.
                    means[il] = np.sum(sums[bis_il], axis=0) / N_float
                    # Not yet normed
                    means2[il] = np.sum(sums2[bis_il], axis=0)

            ## Actually compute the non-0 variances
            non0labels = (nsamples_per_class.squeeze() != 0)
            if np.all(non0labels):
                # For a possible tiny speed up avoiding copying and
                # using (no) slicing
                non0labels = slice(None)

            if params.common_variance:
                variances[:] = \
                    np.sum(means2 - nsamples_per_class*np.square(means),
                           axis=0) \
                    / training_nsamples
                variances[non0labels] = \
                    (means2 - nsamples_per_class*np.square(means))[non0labels] \
                    / nsamples_per_class[non0labels]

            # assign priors
            priors = gnb._get_priors(nlabels, training_nsamples,

            # proceed in a way we have in GNB code with logprob=True,
            # i.e. operating within the exponents -- should lead to some
            # performance advantage
            norm_weight = -0.5 * np.log(2 * np.pi * variances)
            # last added dimension would be for ROIs
            logpriors = np.log(priors[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis])

            if __debug__:
                debug('SLC', "  'Training' is done")

            # Now it is time to "classify" our samples.
            # and for that we first need to compute corresponding
            # probabilities (or may be un
            data = X[split[1].samples[:, 0]]
            targets = labels_numeric[split[1].samples[:, 0]]

            # argument of exponentiation
            scaled_distances = \
                 -0.5 * (((data - means[:, np.newaxis, ...])**2) \
                         / variances[:, np.newaxis, ...])

            # incorporate the normalization from normals
            lprob_csfs = norm_weight[:, np.newaxis, ...] + scaled_distances

            ## First we need to reshape to get class x samples x features
            lprob_csf = lprob_csfs.reshape(lprob_csfs.shape[:2] + (-1, ))

            ## Now we come to naive part which requires looping
            ## through all spheres
            if __debug__:
                debug('SLC', "  Doing 'Searchlight'")
            # resultant logprobs for each class x sample x roi
            lprob_cs_sl = np.zeros(lprob_csfs.shape[:2] + (nroi_fids, ))
            indexsum_fx(lprob_csf, roi_fids, out=lprob_cs_sl)

            lprob_cs_sl += logpriors
            lprob_cs_cp_sl = lprob_cs_sl
            # for each of the ROIs take the class with maximal (log)probability
            predictions = lprob_cs_cp_sl.argmax(axis=0)
            # no need to map back [self.ulabels[c] for c in winners]
            #predictions = winners
            # assess the errors
            if __debug__:
                debug('SLC', "  Assessing accuracies")

            if isinstance(errorfx, MeanMismatchErrorFx):
                results[isplit, :] = \
                    (predictions != targets[:, None]).sum(axis=0) \
                    / float(len(targets))
                # somewhat silly but a way which allows to use pre-crafted
                # error functions without a chance to screw up
                for i, fpredictions in enumerate(predictions.T):
                    results[isplit, i] = errorfx(fpredictions, targets)

        if __debug__:
                'SLC', "GNBSearchlight is done in %.3g sec" %
                (time.time() - time_start))

        return Dataset(results), roi_sizes
Пример #57
def test_labelpermutation_randomsampling():
    ds = Dataset.from_wizard(np.ones((5, 10)),     targets=range(5), chunks=1)
    for i in xrange(1, 5):
        ds.append(Dataset.from_wizard(np.ones((5, 10)) + i,
                                      targets=range(5), chunks=i+1))
    # assign some feature attributes
    ds.fa['roi'] = np.repeat(np.arange(5), 2)
    ds.fa['lucky'] = np.arange(10)%2
    # use subclass for testing if it would survive
    ds.samples = ds.samples.view(myarray)

    ok_(ds.get_nsamples_per_attr('targets') == {0:5, 1:5, 2:5, 3:5, 4:5})
    sample = ds.random_samples(2)
    ok_(sample.get_nsamples_per_attr('targets').values() == [ 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 ])
    ok_((ds.sa['chunks'].unique == range(1, 6)).all())

    # keep the orig labels
    orig_labels = ds.targets.copy()

    # also keep the orig dataset, but SHALLOW copy and leave everything
    # else as a view!
    ods = copy.copy(ds)

    # by default, some permutation of targets should have happened
    assert_false((ds.targets == orig_labels).all())

    # but the original dataset should be unaffected
    assert_array_equal(ods.targets, orig_labels)
    # array subclass survives
    ok_(isinstance(ods.samples, myarray))

    # samples are really shared
    ds.samples[0, 0] = 123456
    assert_array_equal(ds.samples, ods.samples)

    # and other samples attributes too
    ds.chunks[0] = 9876
    assert_array_equal(ds.chunks, ods.chunks)

    # try to permute on custom target
    ds = ods.copy()
    otargets = ods.sa.targets.copy()
    ds.sa['custom'] = ods.sa.targets.copy()
    assert_array_equal(ds.sa.custom, otargets)
    assert_array_equal(ds.sa.targets, otargets)

    # original targets should still match
    assert_array_equal(ds.sa.targets, otargets)
    # but custom should get permuted
    assert_false((ds.sa.custom == otargets).all())

    # Test permutation among features
    assert_raises(KeyError, ds.permute_attr,
                  attr='roi') # wrong collection
    ds = ods.copy()
    ds.permute_attr(attr='lucky', chunks_attr='roi', col='fa')
    # we should have not touched samples attributes
    for sa in ds.sa.keys():
        assert_array_equal(ds.sa[sa].value, ods.sa[sa].value)
    # but we should have changed the roi
    assert_false((ds.fa['lucky'].value == ods.fa['lucky'].value).all())
    assert_array_equal(ds.fa['roi'].value, ods.fa['roi'].value)

    # permute ROI as well without chunking (??? should we make
    # chunks_attr=None by default?)
    ds.permute_attr(attr='roi', chunks_attr=None, col='fa')
    assert_false((ds.fa['roi'].value == ods.fa['roi'].value).all())