def _writeModuleHeader(f, intf, doc): print("module %s (" %, file=f) b = StringIO() for portname in intf.argnames: print(" %s," % portname, file=b) print(b.getvalue()[:-2], file=f) b.close() print(");", file=f) print(doc, file=f) print(file=f) for portname in intf.argnames: s = intf.argdict[portname] if s._name is None: raise ToVerilogError(_error.ShadowingSignal, portname) if s._inList: raise ToVerilogError(_error.PortInList, portname) # make sure signal name is equal to its port name s._name = portname r = _getRangeString(s) p = _getSignString(s) if s._driven: if s._read: warnings.warn("%s: %s" % (_error.OutputPortRead, portname), category=ToVerilogWarning) print("output %s%s%s;" % (p, r, portname), file=f) if s._driven == 'reg': print("reg %s%s%s;" % (p, r, portname), file=f) else: print("wire %s%s%s;" % (p, r, portname), file=f) else: if not s._read: warnings.warn("%s: %s" % (_error.UnusedPort, portname), category=ToVerilogWarning) print("input %s%s%s;" % (p, r, portname), file=f) print(file=f)
def _convertGens(genlist, vfile): blockBuf = StringIO() funcBuf = StringIO() for tree in genlist: if isinstance(tree, _UserVerilogCode): blockBuf.write(str(tree)) continue if tree.kind == _kind.ALWAYS: Visitor = _ConvertAlwaysVisitor elif tree.kind == _kind.INITIAL: Visitor = _ConvertInitialVisitor elif tree.kind == _kind.SIMPLE_ALWAYS_COMB: Visitor = _ConvertSimpleAlwaysCombVisitor elif tree.kind == _kind.ALWAYS_DECO: Visitor = _ConvertAlwaysDecoVisitor elif tree.kind == _kind.ALWAYS_SEQ: Visitor = _ConvertAlwaysSeqVisitor else: # ALWAYS_COMB Visitor = _ConvertAlwaysCombVisitor v = Visitor(tree, blockBuf, funcBuf) v.visit(tree) vfile.write(funcBuf.getvalue()) funcBuf.close() vfile.write(blockBuf.getvalue()) blockBuf.close()
def _dedent(s): """Dedent python code string.""" result = [t[:2] for t in generate_tokens(StringIO(s).readline)] # set initial indent to 0 if any if result[0][0] == INDENT: result[0] = (INDENT, '') return untokenize(result)
def _writeModuleHeader(f, intf, doc): print("module %s (" %, file=f) b = StringIO() for portname in intf.argnames: print(" %s," % portname, file=b) print(b.getvalue()[:-2], file=f) b.close() print(");", file=f) print(doc, file=f) print(file=f) for portname in intf.argnames: s = intf.argdict[portname] if s._name is None: raise ToVerilogError(_error.ShadowingSignal, portname) if s._inList: raise ToVerilogError(_error.PortInList, portname) # make sure signal name is equal to its port name s._name = portname r = _getRangeString(s) p = _getSignString(s) if s._driven: if s._read : if not isinstance(s, _TristateSignal): warnings.warn("%s: %s" % (_error.OutputPortRead, portname), category=ToVerilogWarning ) if isinstance(s, _TristateSignal): print("inout %s%s%s;" % (p, r, portname), file=f) else: print("output %s%s%s;" % (p, r, portname), file=f) if s._driven == 'reg': print("reg %s%s%s;" % (p, r, portname), file=f) else: print("wire %s%s%s;" % (p, r, portname), file=f) else: if not s._read: warnings.warn("%s: %s" % (_error.UnusedPort, portname), category=ToVerilogWarning ) print("input %s%s%s;" % (p, r, portname), file=f) print(file=f)
def _writeTestBench(f, intf, trace=False): print("module tb_%s;" %, file=f) print(file=f) fr = StringIO() to = StringIO() pm = StringIO() for portname in intf.argnames: s = intf.argdict[portname] r = _getRangeString(s) if s._driven: print("wire %s%s;" % (r, portname), file=f) print(" %s," % portname, file=to) else: print("reg %s%s;" % (r, portname), file=f) print(" %s," % portname, file=fr) print(" %s," % portname, file=pm) print(file=f) print("initial begin", file=f) if trace: print(' $dumpfile("%s.vcd");' %, file=f) print(' $dumpvars(0, dut);', file=f) if fr.getvalue(): print(" $from_myhdl(", file=f) print(fr.getvalue()[:-2], file=f) print(" );", file=f) if to.getvalue(): print(" $to_myhdl(", file=f) print(to.getvalue()[:-2], file=f) print(" );", file=f) print("end", file=f) print(file=f) print("%s dut(" %, file=f) print(pm.getvalue()[:-2], file=f) print(");", file=f) print(file=f) print("endmodule", file=f)