Пример #1
def build_dir(target_dir: str) -> Tuple[List[str], BuildManager, Graph]:
    sources = expand_dir(target_dir)
    options = Options()
    options.incremental = True
    options.show_traceback = True
    options.cache_dir = os.devnull
        result = build.build(sources=sources,
    except CompileError as e:
        # TODO: We need a manager and a graph in this case as well
        assert False, str('\n'.join(e.messages))
        return e.messages, None, None
    return result.errors, result.manager, result.graph
Пример #2
    def parse_sources(self, program_text: str,
                      incremental_step: int) -> List[BuildSource]:
        """Return target BuildSources for a test case.

        Normally, the unit tests will check all files included in the test
        case. This differs from how testcheck works by default, as dmypy
        doesn't currently support following imports.

        You can override this behavior and instruct the tests to check
        multiple modules by using a comment like this in the test case

          # cmd: main a.py

        You can also use `# cmdN:` to have a different cmd for incremental
        step N (2, 3, ...).

        m = re.search('# cmd: mypy ([a-zA-Z0-9_./ ]+)$',
        regex = '# cmd{}: mypy ([a-zA-Z0-9_./ ]+)$'.format(incremental_step)
        alt_m = re.search(regex, program_text, flags=re.MULTILINE)
        if alt_m is not None and incremental_step > 1:
            # Optionally return a different command if in a later step
            # of incremental mode, otherwise default to reusing the
            # original cmd.
            m = alt_m

        if m:
            # The test case wants to use a non-default set of files.
            paths = m.group(1).strip().split()
            result = []
            for path in paths:
                path = os.path.join(test_temp_dir, path)
                module = module_from_path(path)
                if module == 'main':
                    module = '__main__'
                result.append(BuildSource(path, module, None))
            return result
            base = BuildSource(os.path.join(test_temp_dir, 'main'), '__main__',
            return [base] + expand_dir(test_temp_dir)
Пример #3
    def parse_sources(self, program_text: str,
                      incremental_step: int,
                      options: Options) -> List[BuildSource]:
        """Return target BuildSources for a test case.

        Normally, the unit tests will check all files included in the test
        case. This differs from how testcheck works by default, as dmypy
        doesn't currently support following imports.

        You can override this behavior and instruct the tests to check
        multiple modules by using a comment like this in the test case

          # cmd: main a.py

        You can also use `# cmdN:` to have a different cmd for incremental
        step N (2, 3, ...).

        m = re.search('# cmd: mypy ([a-zA-Z0-9_./ ]+)$', program_text, flags=re.MULTILINE)
        regex = '# cmd{}: mypy ([a-zA-Z0-9_./ ]+)$'.format(incremental_step)
        alt_m = re.search(regex, program_text, flags=re.MULTILINE)
        if alt_m is not None and incremental_step > 1:
            # Optionally return a different command if in a later step
            # of incremental mode, otherwise default to reusing the
            # original cmd.
            m = alt_m

        if m:
            # The test case wants to use a non-default set of files.
            paths = [os.path.join(test_temp_dir, path) for path in m.group(1).strip().split()]
            return create_source_list(paths, options)
            base = BuildSource(os.path.join(test_temp_dir, 'main'), '__main__', None)
            # Use expand_dir instead of create_source_list to avoid complaints
            # when there aren't any .py files in an increment
            return [base] + expand_dir(test_temp_dir)