Пример #1
 def getNatlinkIni(self):
     """return the path of the natlink.ini file
     path = loader.config_locations()[0]
     if not os.path.isfile(path):
         raise OSError(f'getNatlinkIni: not a valid file: "{path}"')
     return path
Пример #2
def test_config_locations():
    """tests the lists of possible config_locations and of valid_locations
    locations = loader.config_locations()
    assert len(locations) == 2
    valid_locations = loader.valid_config_locations()
    assert len(valid_locations) > 0
    assert os.path.isfile(valid_locations[0])
Пример #3
    def get_check_config_locations(self):
        """check the location/locations as given by the loader
        config_path, fallback_path = loader.config_locations()

        if not isfile(config_path):
            config_dir = Path(config_path).parent
            if not config_dir.is_dir():
            shutil.copyfile(fallback_path, config_path)
        return config_path
Пример #4
    from natlink import loader
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    print('Natlink is not enabled, module natlink and/or natlink.loader cannot be found\n\texit natlinkstatus.py...')
from natlink import config
from natlink import singleton
import natlink

## setup a natlinkmain instance, for getting properties from the loader:
## note, when loading the natlink module via Dragon, you can call simply:
# # # natlinkmain = loader.NatlinkMain()

## setting up Logger and Config is needed, when running this for test:
Logger = logging.getLogger('natlink')
Config = config.NatlinkConfig.from_first_found_file(loader.config_locations())
natlinkmain = loader.NatlinkMain(Logger, Config)

# the possible languages (for get_language), now in loader

shiftKeyDict = {"nld": "Shift",
                "enx": 'shift',
                "fra": "maj",
                "deu": "umschalt",
                "ita": "maiusc",
                "esp": "may\xfas"}

thisDir, thisFile = os.path.split(__file__)

class NatlinkStatus(metaclass=singleton.Singleton):
    """this class holds the Natlink status functions.