Пример #1
class DragonRule(MappingRule):
    mapping = {
        "(go-to-sleep | snore | mic-sleep)":
        Function(lambda: natlink.setMicState("sleeping")),
        Function(lambda: natlink.setMicState("off")),
        "german profile":
            lambda: natlink.saveUser() + natlink.openUser("Codebold german")),
        "englisches Profil":
        Function(lambda: natlink.saveUser() + natlink.openUser("Codebold")),
        "reload grammar[s]":
        Function(lambda: updateAllGrammars()),
        "reload <grammar>":
        Function(lambda: natlink.recognitionMimic(
            ["switch", "to", "command", "mode"])),
            lambda: natlink.recognitionMimic(["start", "dictation", "mode"])),
        Function(lambda: natlink.recognitionMimic(["normal", "mode", "on"])),
        Function(lambda: natlink.recognitionMimic(["go", "to", "sleep"])),
            lambda: natlink.recognitionMimic(["show", "dictation", "box"])),
        Function(lambda: natlink.recognitionMimic(["normal", "mode", "on"])) +
            lambda: natlink.recognitionMimic(["show", "dictation", "box"])),
        Function(lambda: natlink.recognitionMimic(["click", "transfer"])) +
        Function(lambda: natlink.recognitionMimic(["command", "mode", "on"])),
        "blitz NatLink":
        "show NatLink":
    extras = [chc_base.grammar]
Пример #2
def doTraining(fileSpecs,userName='',baseModel='',baseTopic=''):
    if not userName:
        userName = '******'

    # Expand the file specification list into a list of files without
    # extensions

    allFiles = []
    if type(fileSpecs) == type(''):
        allFiles = expandFiles(fileSpecs)
        for fileSpec in fileSpecs:
            allFiles = allFiles + expandFiles(fileSpec)

    if not len(allFiles):
        print "No files found which match fileSpec:"
        print "  ",fileSpecs
        raise TrainingError,'no files'

    # Create a new user.  Make sure the new user is active.


    # Read the LST files from disk into Python arrays.  As we read the LST
    # files, we need to convert the format of words from underscores (using
    # tilde as an escape character) into spaces.
    # We build up a master array which contains one entry per input file.
    # Each file entry is an array with one entry per utterance.  Each
    # utterance entry is an array of strings representing the words
    # recognized.

    allWords = []
    for fileName in allFiles:

    # The NIST wave files have to converted into NatSpeak result objects.
    # The easiest way to do this is to build a dictation grammar and recognize
    # all of the utterances in the NIST wave files.

    allResults = []
    for fileName in allFiles:

    # Produce a single array which contains tuples representing the results
    # object and the transcript.  Skip over any results which have blank
    # transcripts.  Print an error if the two arrays sizes do not match

    combinedResults = []
    fileCount = len(allFiles)
    for fileNum in range(fileCount):
        lstSize = len(allWords[fileNum])
        nwvSize = len(allResults[fileNum])
        if lstSize != nwvSize:
            print 'The number of utterances in',
            print allFiles[fileNum]+'.nwv','('+str(nwvSize)+')',
            print 'does not match',
            print 'the number of lines in',
            print allFiles[fileNum]+'.lst','('+str(lstSize)+')'
        for resNum in range(lstSize):
            words = allWords[fileNum][resNum]
            resObj = allResults[fileNum][resNum]
            if len(words) and resObj:

    # Perform calibration on the first N utterances (20 maximum)


    # Perform batch adaptation on the entire set of utterances.


    # Perform training on the entire set of utterances.


    # Save the user.

    print 'Saving the user...'
    print 'All done.'
Пример #3
def saveUser():
    """Saves the current user"""
    sr_user_needs_saving = 0
Пример #4
def doTraining(fileSpecs, userName='', baseModel='', baseTopic=''):
    if not userName:
        userName = '******'

    # Expand the file specification list into a list of files without
    # extensions

    allFiles = []
    if type(fileSpecs) == type(''):
        allFiles = expandFiles(fileSpecs)
        for fileSpec in fileSpecs:
            allFiles = allFiles + expandFiles(fileSpec)

    if not len(allFiles):
        print "No files found which match fileSpec:"
        print "  ", fileSpecs
        raise TrainingError, 'no files'

    # Create a new user.  Make sure the new user is active.

    createNewUser(userName, baseModel, baseTopic)

    # Read the LST files from disk into Python arrays.  As we read the LST
    # files, we need to convert the format of words from underscores (using
    # tilde as an escape character) into spaces.
    # We build up a master array which contains one entry per input file.
    # Each file entry is an array with one entry per utterance.  Each
    # utterance entry is an array of strings representing the words
    # recognized.

    allWords = []
    for fileName in allFiles:

    # The NIST wave files have to converted into NatSpeak result objects.
    # The easiest way to do this is to build a dictation grammar and recognize
    # all of the utterances in the NIST wave files.

    allResults = []
    for fileName in allFiles:

    # Produce a single array which contains tuples representing the results
    # object and the transcript.  Skip over any results which have blank
    # transcripts.  Print an error if the two arrays sizes do not match

    combinedResults = []
    fileCount = len(allFiles)
    for fileNum in range(fileCount):
        lstSize = len(allWords[fileNum])
        nwvSize = len(allResults[fileNum])
        if lstSize != nwvSize:
            print 'The number of utterances in',
            print allFiles[fileNum] + '.nwv', '(' + str(nwvSize) + ')',
            print 'does not match',
            print 'the number of lines in',
            print allFiles[fileNum] + '.lst', '(' + str(lstSize) + ')'
        for resNum in range(lstSize):
            words = allWords[fileNum][resNum]
            resObj = allResults[fileNum][resNum]
            if len(words) and resObj:
                combinedResults.append((words, resObj))

    # Perform calibration on the first N utterances (20 maximum)

    trainingPass(combinedResults[:20], 'calibrate')

    # Perform batch adaptation on the entire set of utterances.

    trainingPass(combinedResults, 'longtrain')

    # Perform training on the entire set of utterances.

    trainingPass(combinedResults, 'batchadapt')

    # Save the user.

    print 'Saving the user...'
    print 'All done.'
Пример #5
def saveUser():
    """Saves the current user"""
    sr_user_needs_saving = 0