Пример #1
 def test_get_photos_with_taxa(self):
     """Test the get_photos_with_taxa() method."""
     with db.session_scope(META_FILE) as (session, metadata):
         q = db.get_photos_with_taxa(session, metadata)
         ret = q.all()
         self.assertEqual(len(ret), len(self.expected_taxa))
         for photo, genus, section, species in ret:
             class_ = [genus, section, species]
             self.assertEqual(class_, self.expected_taxa[photo.md5sum])
Пример #2
    def k_fold_xval_stratified(self, k=3, autoskip=False):
        """Perform stratified K-folds cross validation.

        The number of folds `k` must be at least 2. The minimum number of
        members for any class cannot be less than `k`, or an AssertionError is
        raised. If `autoskip` is set to True, only the members for classes with
        at least `k` members are used for the cross validation.
        session, metadata = db.get_session_or_error()

        # Will hold the score of each folds.
        scores = {}

        # Get a list of all the photo IDs in the database.
        samples = db.get_photos_with_taxa(session, metadata)
        photo_ids, classes, photo_count_min = self.__get_photo_ids(
            samples, k, autoskip)
        train_data, trainer, tester = self.__set_trainer_and_tester(

        # Obtain cross validation folds.
        folds = cross_validation.StratifiedKFold(classes, k)
        result_dir = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, 'results')
        for i, (train_idx, test_idx) in enumerate(folds):
            self.__make_data_directories(result_dir, i)
            # Make train and test data for this fold.
            self.__make_data_subset(photo_ids, train_idx, train_data, 'train')
            self.__make_data_subset(photo_ids, test_idx, train_data, 'test')
            # Train neural networks on training data.
            trainer.batch_train(data_dir=self.train_dir, output_dir=self.ann_dir)
            scores = self.__get_scores(tester, scores)
        return scores
Пример #3
    def k_fold_xval_stratified(self, k=3, autoskip=False):
        """Perform stratified K-folds cross validation.

        The number of folds `k` must be at least 2. The minimum number of
        members for any class cannot be less than `k`, or an AssertionError is
        raised. If `autoskip` is set to True, only the members for classes with
        at least `k` members are used for the cross validation.
        session, metadata = db.get_session_or_error()

        # Will hold the score of each folds.
        scores = {}

        # Get a list of all the photo IDs in the database.
        samples = db.get_photos_with_taxa(session, metadata)

        # Get a list of the photo IDs and a list of the classes. The classes
        # are needed for the stratified cross validation.
        photo_ids = []
        classes = []
        for x in samples:
            tmp = np.array(x[1:]).astype(str)

        # Numpy features are needed for these.
        photo_ids = np.array(photo_ids)
        classes = np.array(classes)

        # Count the number of each class.
        class_counts = Counter(classes)

        if autoskip:
            # Create a mask for the classes that have enough members and remove
            # the photo IDs that don't have enough members.
            mask = []
            for i, c in enumerate(classes):
                if class_counts[c] >= k:

            photo_ids = photo_ids[mask]
            classes = classes[mask]
            for label, count in class_counts.items():
                assert count >= k, "Class {0} has only {1} members, which " \
                    "is too few. The minimum number of labels for any " \
                    "class cannot be less than k={2}. Use --autoskip to skip " \
                    "classes with too few members.".format(label, count, k)

        if autoskip:
            photo_count_min = k
            photo_count_min = 0

        # Train data exporter.
        train_data = BatchMakeTrainData(self.config, self.cache_dir)

        # Set the trainer.
        trainer = BatchMakeAnn(self.config)
        if self.aivolver_config_path:
            trainer.set_training_method('aivolver', self.aivolver_config_path)

        # Set the ANN tester.
        tester = TestAnn(self.config)

        # Obtain cross validation folds.
        folds = cross_validation.StratifiedKFold(classes, k)
        result_dir = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, 'results')
        for i, (train_idx, test_idx) in enumerate(folds):
            # Make data directories.
            train_dir = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, 'train', str(i))
            test_dir = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, 'test', str(i))
            ann_dir = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, 'ann', str(i))
            test_result = os.path.join(result_dir, '{0}.tsv'.format(i))

            for path in (train_dir,test_dir,ann_dir,result_dir):
                if not os.path.isdir(path):

            # Make train data for this fold.
            train_samples = photo_ids[train_idx]

            # Make test data for this fold.
            test_samples = photo_ids[test_idx]
            train_data.batch_export(test_dir, train_dir)

            # Train neural networks on training data.
            trainer.batch_train(data_dir=train_dir, output_dir=ann_dir)

            # Calculate the score for this fold.
            tester.test_with_hierarchy(test_dir, ann_dir)

            # List all level combinations.
                class_hr = self.config.classification.hierarchy
                hr = [level.name for level in class_hr]
                raise ConfigurationError("classification hierarchy not set")
            level_filters = []
            ranks = []
            for i in range(len(hr)):
            level_filters = tuple(level_filters)

            for filter_ in level_filters:
                correct, total = tester.get_correct_count(filter_)
                score = float(correct) / total

                filter_s = "/".join(filter_)
                if filter_s not in scores:
                    scores[filter_s] = []

        return scores
Пример #4
    def k_fold_xval_stratified(self, k=3, autoskip=False):
        """Perform stratified K-folds cross validation.

        The number of folds `k` must be at least 2. The minimum number of
        members for any class cannot be less than `k`, or an AssertionError is
        raised. If `autoskip` is set to True, only the members for classes with
        at least `k` members are used for the cross validation.
        session, metadata = db.get_session_or_error()

        # Will hold the score of each folds.
        scores = {}

        # Get a list of all the photo IDs in the database.
        samples = db.get_photos_with_taxa(session, metadata)

        # Get a list of the photo IDs and a list of the classes. The classes
        # are needed for the stratified cross validation.
        photo_ids = []
        classes = []
        for x in samples:
            tmp = np.array(x[1:]).astype(str)

        # Numpy features are needed for these.
        photo_ids = np.array(photo_ids)
        classes = np.array(classes)

        # Count the number of each class.
        class_counts = Counter(classes)

        if autoskip:
            # Create a mask for the classes that have enough members and remove
            # the photo IDs that don't have enough members.
            mask = []
            for i, c in enumerate(classes):
                if class_counts[c] >= k:

            photo_ids = photo_ids[mask]
            classes = classes[mask]
            for label, count in class_counts.items():
                assert count >= k, "Class {0} has only {1} members, which " \
                    "is too few. The minimum number of labels for any " \
                    "class cannot be less than k={2}. Use --autoskip to skip " \
                    "classes with too few members.".format(label, count, k)

        if autoskip:
            photo_count_min = k
            photo_count_min = 0

        # Train data exporter.
        train_data = BatchMakeTrainData(self.config, self.cache_dir)

        # Set the trainer.
        trainer = BatchMakeAnn(self.config)
        if self.aivolver_config_path:
            trainer.set_training_method('aivolver', self.aivolver_config_path)

        # Set the ANN tester.
        tester = TestAnn(self.config)

        # Obtain cross validation folds.
        folds = cross_validation.StratifiedKFold(classes, k)
        result_dir = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, 'results')
        for i, (train_idx, test_idx) in enumerate(folds):
            # Make data directories.
            train_dir = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, 'train', str(i))
            test_dir = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, 'test', str(i))
            ann_dir = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, 'ann', str(i))
            test_result = os.path.join(result_dir, '{0}.tsv'.format(i))

            for path in (train_dir, test_dir, ann_dir, result_dir):
                if not os.path.isdir(path):

            # Make train data for this fold.
            train_samples = photo_ids[train_idx]

            # Make test data for this fold.
            test_samples = photo_ids[test_idx]
            train_data.batch_export(test_dir, train_dir)

            # Train neural networks on training data.
            trainer.batch_train(data_dir=train_dir, output_dir=ann_dir)

            # Calculate the score for this fold.
            tester.test_with_hierarchy(test_dir, ann_dir)

            # List all level combinations.
                class_hr = self.config.classification.hierarchy
                hr = [level.name for level in class_hr]
                raise ConfigurationError("classification hierarchy not set")
            level_filters = []
            ranks = []
            for i in range(len(hr)):
            level_filters = tuple(level_filters)

            for filter_ in level_filters:
                correct, total = tester.get_correct_count(filter_)
                score = float(correct) / total

                filter_s = "/".join(filter_)
                if filter_s not in scores:
                    scores[filter_s] = []

        return scores