def remove(self, id_equipamento, id_egrupo):
        """Remove a associacao de um grupo de equipamento com um equipamento a partir do seu identificador.

        :param id_egrupo: Identificador do grupo de equipamento.
        :param id_equipamento: Identificador do equipamento.

        :return: None

        :raise EquipamentoNaoExisteError: Equipamento não cadastrado.
        :raise GrupoEquipamentoNaoExisteError: Grupo de equipamento não cadastrado.
        :raise InvalidParameterError: O identificador do grupo é nulo ou inválido.
        :raise DataBaseError: Falha na networkapi ao acessar o banco de dados.
        :raise XMLError: Falha na networkapi ao gerar o XML de resposta.

        if not is_valid_int_param(id_egrupo):
            raise InvalidParameterError(
                u'O identificador do grupo de equipamento é inválido ou não foi informado.')

        if not is_valid_int_param(id_equipamento):
            raise InvalidParameterError(
                u'O identificador do equipamento é inválido ou não foi informado.')

        url = 'egrupo/equipamento/' + \
            str(id_equipamento) + '/egrupo/' + str(id_egrupo) + '/'

        code, xml = self.submit(None, 'GET', url)

        return self.response(code, xml)
    def dissociate(self, id_filter, id_eq_type):
        """Removes relationship between Filter and TipoEquipamento.

        :param id_filter: Identifier of Filter. Integer value and greater than zero.
        :param id_eq_type: Identifier of TipoEquipamento. Integer value, greater than zero.

        :return: None

        :raise FilterNotFoundError: Filter not registered.
        :raise TipoEquipamentoNotFoundError: TipoEquipamento not registered.
        :raise DataBaseError: Networkapi failed to access the database.
        :raise XMLError: Networkapi failed to generate the XML response.

        if not is_valid_int_param(id_filter):
            raise InvalidParameterError(
                u'The identifier of Filter is invalid or was not informed.')

        if not is_valid_int_param(id_eq_type):
            raise InvalidParameterError(
                u'The identifier of TipoEquipamento is invalid or was not informed.')

        url = 'filter/' + \
            str(id_filter) + '/dissociate/' + str(id_eq_type) + '/'

        code, xml = self.submit(None, 'PUT', url)

        return self.response(code, xml)
    def associate(self, et_id, id_filter):
        """Create a relationship between Filter and TipoEquipamento.

        :param et_id: Identifier of TipoEquipamento. Integer value and greater than zero.
        :param id_filter: Identifier of Filter. Integer value and greater than zero.

        :return: Following dictionary:


            {'equiptype_filter_xref': {'id': < id_equiptype_filter_xref >} }

        :raise InvalidParameterError: TipoEquipamento/Filter identifier is null and/or invalid.
        :raise TipoEquipamentoNaoExisteError: TipoEquipamento not registered.
        :raise FilterNotFoundError: Filter not registered.
        :raise FilterEqTypeAssociationError: TipoEquipamento and Filter already associated.
        :raise DataBaseError: Networkapi failed to access the database.
        :raise XMLError: Networkapi failed to generate the XML response.

        if not is_valid_int_param(et_id):
            raise InvalidParameterError(
                u'The identifier of TipoEquipamento is invalid or was not informed.')

        if not is_valid_int_param(id_filter):
            raise InvalidParameterError(
                u'The identifier of Filter is invalid or was not informed.')

        url = 'filter/' + str(id_filter) + '/equiptype/' + str(et_id) + '/'

        code, xml = self.submit(None, 'PUT', url)

        return self.response(code, xml)
Пример #4
    def disassociate(self, id_option_vip, id_environment_vip):
        """Remove a relationship of OptionVip with EnvironmentVip.

        :param id_option_vip: Identifier of the Option VIP. Integer value and greater than zero.
        :param id_environment_vip: Identifier of the Environment VIP. Integer value and greater than zero.

        :return: Nothing

        :raise InvalidParameterError: Option VIP/Environment VIP identifier is null and/or invalid.
        :raise OptionVipNotFoundError: Option VIP not registered.
        :raise EnvironmentVipNotFoundError: Environment VIP not registered.
        :raise OptionVipError: Option vip is not associated with the environment vip
        :raise UserNotAuthorizedError: User does not have authorization to make this association.
        :raise DataBaseError: Networkapi failed to access the database.
        :raise XMLError: Networkapi failed to generate the XML response.

        if not is_valid_int_param(id_option_vip):
            raise InvalidParameterError(
                'The identifier of Option VIP is invalid or was not informed.')

        if not is_valid_int_param(id_environment_vip):
            raise InvalidParameterError(
                'The identifier of Environment VIP is invalid or was not informed.'

        url = 'optionvip/' + \
            str(id_option_vip) + '/environmentvip/' + str(id_environment_vip) + '/'

        code, xml = self.submit(None, 'DELETE', url)

        return self.response(code, xml)
    def remover(self, id_equipment, id_environment):
        """Remove Related Equipment with Environment from by the identifier.

        :param id_equipment: Identifier of the Equipment. Integer value and greater than zero.
        :param id_environment: Identifier of the Environment. Integer value and greater than zero.

        :return: None

        :raise InvalidParameterError:  The identifier of Environment, Equipament is null and invalid.
        :raise EquipamentoNotFoundError: Equipment not registered.
        :raise EquipamentoAmbienteNaoExisteError: Environment not registered.
        :raise VipIpError: IP-related equipment is being used for a request VIP.
        :raise XMLError: Networkapi failed to generate the XML response.
        :raise DataBaseError: Networkapi failed to access the database.

        if not is_valid_int_param(id_equipment):
            raise InvalidParameterError(
                'The identifier of Equipment is invalid or was not informed.')

        if not is_valid_int_param(id_environment):
            raise InvalidParameterError(
                'The identifier of Environment is invalid or was not informed.'

        url = 'equipment/' + \
            str(id_equipment) + '/environment/' + str(id_environment) + '/'

        code, xml = self.submit(None, 'DELETE', url)

        return self.response(code, xml)
    def remove_ipv6(self, id_equip, id_ipv6):
        """Remove an IPv6 to a equipament.

        :param id_equip: Identifier of the equipment. Integer value and greater than zero.
        :param id_ipv6: Identifier of the ip. Integer value and greater than zero.

        :return: None

        :raise EquipamentoNaoExisteError: Equipment is not registered.
        :raise IpNaoExisteError: IP not registered.
        :raise IpError: Dont  IP is already associated with the equipment.
        :raise InvalidParameterError:  Identifier of the equipment and/or IP is null or invalid.
        :raise DataBaseError: Networkapi failed to access the database.
        :raise XMLError: Networkapi failed to generate the XML response.

        if not is_valid_int_param(id_equip):
            raise InvalidParameterError(
                u'The identifier of equipment is invalid or was not informed.')

        if not is_valid_int_param(id_ipv6):
            raise InvalidParameterError(
                u'The identifier of ip is invalid or was not informed.')

        url = 'ipv6/' + str(id_ipv6) + '/equipment/' + \
            str(id_equip) + '/remove/'

        code, xml = self.submit(None, 'DELETE', url)

        return self.response(code, xml)
    def remover(self, id_equipment, id_environment):
        """Remove Related Equipment with Environment from by the identifier.

        :param id_equipment: Identifier of the Equipment. Integer value and greater than zero.
        :param id_environment: Identifier of the Environment. Integer value and greater than zero.

        :return: None

        :raise InvalidParameterError:  The identifier of Environment, Equipament is null and invalid.
        :raise EquipamentoNotFoundError: Equipment not registered.
        :raise EquipamentoAmbienteNaoExisteError: Environment not registered.
        :raise VipIpError: IP-related equipment is being used for a request VIP.
        :raise XMLError: Networkapi failed to generate the XML response.
        :raise DataBaseError: Networkapi failed to access the database.

        if not is_valid_int_param(id_equipment):
            raise InvalidParameterError(u"The identifier of Equipment is invalid or was not informed.")

        if not is_valid_int_param(id_environment):
            raise InvalidParameterError(u"The identifier of Environment is invalid or was not informed.")

        url = "equipment/" + str(id_equipment) + "/environment/" + str(id_environment) + "/"

        code, xml = self.submit(None, "DELETE", url)

        return self.response(code, xml)
    def remove_ipv6(self, id_equip, id_ipv6):
        """Remove an IPv6 to a equipament.

        :param id_equip: Identifier of the equipment. Integer value and greater than zero.
        :param id_ipv6: Identifier of the ip. Integer value and greater than zero.

        :return: None

        :raise EquipamentoNaoExisteError: Equipment is not registered.
        :raise IpNaoExisteError: IP not registered.
        :raise IpError: Dont  IP is already associated with the equipment.
        :raise InvalidParameterError:  Identifier of the equipment and/or IP is null or invalid.
        :raise DataBaseError: Networkapi failed to access the database.
        :raise XMLError: Networkapi failed to generate the XML response.

        if not is_valid_int_param(id_equip):
            raise InvalidParameterError(
                u'The identifier of equipment is invalid or was not informed.')

        if not is_valid_int_param(id_ipv6):
            raise InvalidParameterError(
                u'The identifier of ip is invalid or was not informed.')

        url = 'ipv6/' + str(id_ipv6) + '/equipment/' + \
            str(id_equip) + '/remove/'

        code, xml = self.submit(None, 'DELETE', url)

        return self.response(code, xml)
    def associate(self, environment_id, environment_vip_id):

        """Associate a news Environment on Environment VIP and returns its identifier.

        :param environment_id: Identifier of the Environment. Integer value and greater than zero.
        :param environment_vip_id: Identifier of the Environment VIP. Integer value and greater than zero.

        :return: Following dictionary:


            {'environment_environment_vip': {'id': < id >}}

        :raise InvalidParameterError: The value of environment_id or environment_vip_id is invalid.
        :raise DataBaseError: Networkapi failed to access the database.
        :raise XMLError: Networkapi failed to generate the XML response.
        if not is_valid_int_param(environment_id):
            raise InvalidParameterError(
                u'The identifier of Environment VIP is invalid or was not informed.')

        if not is_valid_int_param(environment_vip_id):
            raise InvalidParameterError(
                u'The identifier of Environment is invalid or was not informed.')

        environment_environment_vip_map = dict()
        environment_environment_vip_map['environment_id'] = environment_id
        environment_environment_vip_map['environment_vip_id'] = environment_vip_id

        url = 'environment/{}/environmentvip/{}/'.format(environment_id, environment_vip_id)

        code, xml = self.submit(None, 'PUT', url)

        return self.response(code, xml)
    def remover_ip(self, id_equipamento, id_ip):
        """Removes association of IP and Equipment.
        If IP has no other association with equipments, IP is also removed.

        :param id_equipamento: Equipment identifier
        :param id_ip: IP identifier.

        :return: None

        :raise VipIpError: Ip can't be removed because there is a created Vip Request.
        :raise IpEquipCantDissociateFromVip: Equipment is the last balancer for created Vip Request.
        :raise IpError: IP not associated with equipment.
        :raise InvalidParameterError: Equipment or IP identifier is none or invalid.
        :raise EquipamentoNaoExisteError: Equipment doesn't exist.
        :raise DataBaseError: Networkapi failed to access database.
        :raise XMLError: Networkapi failed to build response XML.

        if not is_valid_int_param(id_equipamento):
            raise InvalidParameterError(
                u'O identificador do equipamento é inválido ou não foi informado.'

        if not is_valid_int_param(id_ip):
            raise InvalidParameterError(
                u'O identificador do ip é inválido ou não foi informado.')

        url = 'ip/' + str(id_ip) + '/equipamento/' + str(id_equipamento) + '/'

        code, xml = self.submit(None, 'DELETE', url)

        return self.response(code, xml)
    def remove(self, id_equipamento, id_egrupo):
        """Remove a associacao de um grupo de equipamento com um equipamento a partir do seu identificador.

        :param id_egrupo: Identificador do grupo de equipamento.
        :param id_equipamento: Identificador do equipamento.

        :return: None

        :raise EquipamentoNaoExisteError: Equipamento não cadastrado.
        :raise GrupoEquipamentoNaoExisteError: Grupo de equipamento não cadastrado.
        :raise InvalidParameterError: O identificador do grupo é nulo ou inválido.
        :raise DataBaseError: Falha na networkapi ao acessar o banco de dados.
        :raise XMLError: Falha na networkapi ao gerar o XML de resposta.

        if not is_valid_int_param(id_egrupo):
            raise InvalidParameterError(
                'O identificador do grupo de equipamento é inválido ou não foi informado.'

        if not is_valid_int_param(id_equipamento):
            raise InvalidParameterError(
                'O identificador do equipamento é inválido ou não foi informado.'

        url = 'egrupo/equipamento/' + \
            str(id_equipamento) + '/egrupo/' + str(id_egrupo) + '/'

        code, xml = self.submit(None, 'GET', url)

        return self.response(code, xml)
    def associate_ipv6(self, id_equip, id_ipv6):
        """Associates an IPv6 to a equipament.

        :param id_equip: Identifier of the equipment. Integer value and greater than zero.
        :param id_ipv6: Identifier of the ip. Integer value and greater than zero.

        :return: Dictionary with the following structure:
            {'ip_equipamento': {'id': < id_ip_do_equipamento >}}

        :raise EquipamentoNaoExisteError: Equipment is not registered.
        :raise IpNaoExisteError: IP not registered.
        :raise IpError: IP is already associated with the equipment.
        :raise InvalidParameterError:  Identifier of the equipment and/or IP is null or invalid.
        :raise DataBaseError: Networkapi failed to access the database.
        :raise XMLError: Networkapi failed to generate the XML response.

        if not is_valid_int_param(id_equip):
            raise InvalidParameterError(
                u'The identifier of equipment is invalid or was not informed.')

        if not is_valid_int_param(id_ipv6):
            raise InvalidParameterError(
                u'The identifier of ip is invalid or was not informed.')

        url = 'ipv6/' + str(id_ipv6) + '/equipment/' + str(id_equip) + '/'

        code, xml = self.submit(None, 'PUT', url)

        return self.response(code, xml)
    def associar_ip(self, id_equipamento, id_ip):
        """Associa um IP a um equipamento.

        :param id_equipamento: Identificador do equipamento.
        :param id_ip: Identificador do IP.

        :return: Dicionário com a seguinte estrutura:
            {'ip_equipamento': {'id': < id_ip_do_equipamento >}}

        :raise EquipamentoNaoExisteError: Equipamento não cadastrado.
        :raise IpNaoExisteError: IP não cadastrado.
        :raise IpError: IP já está associado ao equipamento.
        :raise InvalidParameterError: O identificador do equipamento e/ou do IP são nulos ou inválidos.
        :raise DataBaseError: Falha na networkapi ao acessar o banco de dados.
        :raise XMLError: Falha na networkapi ao gerar o XML de resposta.

        if not is_valid_int_param(id_equipamento):
            raise InvalidParameterError(
                u'O identificador do equipamento é inválido ou não foi informado.'

        if not is_valid_int_param(id_ip):
            raise InvalidParameterError(
                u'O identificador do ip é inválido ou não foi informado.')

        url = 'ip/' + str(id_ip) + '/equipamento/' + str(id_equipamento) + '/'

        code, xml = self.submit(None, 'PUT', url)

        return self.response(code, xml)
    def associate(self, et_id, id_filter):
        """Create a relationship between Filter and TipoEquipamento.

        :param et_id: Identifier of TipoEquipamento. Integer value and greater than zero.
        :param id_filter: Identifier of Filter. Integer value and greater than zero.

        :return: Following dictionary:


            {'equiptype_filter_xref': {'id': < id_equiptype_filter_xref >} }

        :raise InvalidParameterError: TipoEquipamento/Filter identifier is null and/or invalid.
        :raise TipoEquipamentoNaoExisteError: TipoEquipamento not registered.
        :raise FilterNotFoundError: Filter not registered.
        :raise FilterEqTypeAssociationError: TipoEquipamento and Filter already associated.
        :raise DataBaseError: Networkapi failed to access the database.
        :raise XMLError: Networkapi failed to generate the XML response.

        if not is_valid_int_param(et_id):
            raise InvalidParameterError(
                u'The identifier of TipoEquipamento is invalid or was not informed.'

        if not is_valid_int_param(id_filter):
            raise InvalidParameterError(
                u'The identifier of Filter is invalid or was not informed.')

        url = 'filter/' + str(id_filter) + '/equiptype/' + str(et_id) + '/'

        code, xml = self.submit(None, 'PUT', url)

        return self.response(code, xml)
    def remover_ip(self, id_equipamento, id_ip):
        """Removes association of IP and Equipment.
        If IP has no other association with equipments, IP is also removed.

        :param id_equipamento: Equipment identifier
        :param id_ip: IP identifier.

        :return: None

        :raise VipIpError: Ip can't be removed because there is a created Vip Request.
        :raise IpEquipCantDissociateFromVip: Equipment is the last balancer for created Vip Request.
        :raise IpError: IP not associated with equipment.
        :raise InvalidParameterError: Equipment or IP identifier is none or invalid.
        :raise EquipamentoNaoExisteError: Equipment doesn't exist.
        :raise DataBaseError: Networkapi failed to access database.
        :raise XMLError: Networkapi failed to build response XML.

        if not is_valid_int_param(id_equipamento):
            raise InvalidParameterError(
                u'O identificador do equipamento é inválido ou não foi informado.')

        if not is_valid_int_param(id_ip):
            raise InvalidParameterError(
                u'O identificador do ip é inválido ou não foi informado.')

        url = 'ip/' + str(id_ip) + '/equipamento/' + str(id_equipamento) + '/'

        code, xml = self.submit(None, 'DELETE', url)

        return self.response(code, xml)
    def remover(self, id_equipment, id_script):
        """Remove Related Equipment with Script from by the identifier.

        :param id_equipment: Identifier of the Equipment. Integer value and greater than zero.
        :param id_script: Identifier of the Script. Integer value and greater than zero.

        :return: None

        :raise InvalidParameterError: The identifier of Equipment or Script is null and invalid.
        :raise RoteiroNaoExisteError: Script not registered.
        :raise EquipamentoNaoExisteError: Equipment not registered.
        :raise EquipamentoRoteiroNaoExisteError: Equipment is not associated with the script.
        :raise DataBaseError: Networkapi failed to access the database.
        :raise XMLError: Networkapi failed to generate the XML response
        if not is_valid_int_param(id_equipment):
            raise InvalidParameterError(
                'The identifier of Equipment is invalid or was not informed.')

        if not is_valid_int_param(id_script):
            raise InvalidParameterError(
                'The identifier of Script is invalid or was not informed.')

        url = 'equipmentscript/' + \
            str(id_equipment) + '/' + str(id_script) + '/'

        code, xml = self.submit(None, 'DELETE', url)

        return self.response(code, xml)
Пример #17
    def disassociate_environment_option_pool(self, environment_option_id):
        """Remove a relationship of optionpool with Environment.

        :param id_option_pool: Identifier of the Option Pool. Integer value and greater than zero.
        :param id_environment: Identifier of the Environment Pool. Integer value and greater than zero.

        :return: { 'id': < environment_option_id> }

        :raise InvalidParameterError: Option Pool/Environment Pool identifier is null and/or invalid.
        :raise optionpoolNotFoundError: Option Pool not registered.
        :raise EnvironmentVipNotFoundError: Environment VIP not registered.
        :raise optionpoolError: Option pool is not associated with the environment pool
        :raise UserNotAuthorizedError: User does not have authorization to make this association.
        :raise DataBaseError: Networkapi failed to access the database.
        :raise XMLError: Networkapi failed to generate the XML response.

        if not is_valid_int_param(environment_option_id):
            raise InvalidParameterError(
                u'The identifier of Option Pool is invalid or was not informed.'

        if not is_valid_int_param(environment_option_id):
            raise InvalidParameterError(
                u'The identifier of Environment Pool is invalid or was not informed.'

        url = 'api/pools/environment_options/' + str(
            environment_option_id) + '/'

        return self.delete(url)
    def disassociate(self, id_option_vip, id_environment_vip):
        """Remove a relationship of OptionVip with EnvironmentVip.

        :param id_option_vip: Identifier of the Option VIP. Integer value and greater than zero.
        :param id_environment_vip: Identifier of the Environment VIP. Integer value and greater than zero.

        :return: Nothing

        :raise InvalidParameterError: Option VIP/Environment VIP identifier is null and/or invalid.
        :raise OptionVipNotFoundError: Option VIP not registered.
        :raise EnvironmentVipNotFoundError: Environment VIP not registered.
        :raise OptionVipError: Option vip is not associated with the environment vip
        :raise UserNotAuthorizedError: User does not have authorization to make this association.
        :raise DataBaseError: Networkapi failed to access the database.
        :raise XMLError: Networkapi failed to generate the XML response.

        if not is_valid_int_param(id_option_vip):
            raise InvalidParameterError(u"The identifier of Option VIP is invalid or was not informed.")

        if not is_valid_int_param(id_environment_vip):
            raise InvalidParameterError(u"The identifier of Environment VIP is invalid or was not informed.")

        url = "optionvip/" + str(id_option_vip) + "/environmentvip/" + str(id_environment_vip) + "/"

        code, xml = self.submit(None, "DELETE", url)

        return self.response(code, xml)
    def remover(self, id_tipo_acesso, id_equipamento):
        """Removes relationship between equipment and access type.

        :param id_equipamento: Equipment identifier.
        :param id_tipo_acesso: Access type identifier.

        :return: None

        :raise EquipamentoNaoExisteError: Equipment doesn't exist.
        :raise EquipamentoAcessoNaoExisteError: Relationship between equipment and access type doesn't exist.
        :raise InvalidParameterError: Equipment and/or access type id is/are invalid.
        :raise DataBaseError: Networkapi failed to access the database.
        :raise XMLError: Networkapi failed to generate the XML response.

        if not is_valid_int_param(id_tipo_acesso):
            raise InvalidParameterError(u'Access type id is invalid.')

        if not is_valid_int_param(id_equipamento):
            raise InvalidParameterError(u'Equipment id is invalid.')

        url = 'equipamentoacesso/' + \
            str(id_equipamento) + '/' + str(id_tipo_acesso) + '/'

        code, xml = self.submit(None, 'DELETE', url)

        return self.response(code, xml)
    def associate(self, id_option_vip, id_environment_vip):
        """Create a relationship of OptionVip with EnvironmentVip.

        :param id_option_vip: Identifier of the Option VIP. Integer value and greater than zero.
        :param id_environment_vip: Identifier of the Environment VIP. Integer value and greater than zero.

        :return: Following dictionary


            {'opcoesvip_ambiente_xref': {'id': < id_opcoesvip_ambiente_xref >} }

        :raise InvalidParameterError: Option VIP/Environment VIP identifier is null and/or invalid.
        :raise OptionVipNotFoundError: Option VIP not registered.
        :raise EnvironmentVipNotFoundError: Environment VIP not registered.
        :raise OptionVipError: Option vip is already associated with the environment vip.
        :raise UserNotAuthorizedError: User does not have authorization to make this association.
        :raise DataBaseError: Networkapi failed to access the database.
        :raise XMLError: Networkapi failed to generate the XML response.

        if not is_valid_int_param(id_option_vip):
            raise InvalidParameterError(
                u'The identifier of Option VIP is invalid or was not informed.')

        if not is_valid_int_param(id_environment_vip):
            raise InvalidParameterError(
                u'The identifier of Environment VIP is invalid or was not informed.')

        url = 'optionvip/' + \
            str(id_option_vip) + '/environmentvip/' + str(id_environment_vip) + '/'

        code, xml = self.submit(None, 'PUT', url)

        return self.response(code, xml)
    def disassociate(self, environment_id, environment_vip_id):
        """Remove a relationship of Environment with EnvironmentVip.

        :param environment_id: Identifier of the Environment. Integer value and greater than zero.
        :param environment_vip_id: Identifier of the Environment VIP. Integer value and greater than zero.

        :return: Nothing

        :raise InvalidParameterError: Environment/Environment VIP identifier is null and/or invalid.
        :raise EnvironmentNotFoundError: Environment not registered.
        :raise EnvironmentVipNotFoundError: Environment VIP not registered.
        :raise EnvironmentError: Option vip is not associated with the environment vip
        :raise UserNotAuthorizedError: User does not have authorization to make this association.
        :raise DataBaseError: Networkapi failed to access the database.
        :raise XMLError: Networkapi failed to generate the XML response.

        if not is_valid_int_param(environment_id):
            raise InvalidParameterError(
                u'The identifier of Environment VIP is invalid or was not informed.')

        if not is_valid_int_param(environment_vip_id):
            raise InvalidParameterError(
                u'The identifier of Environment is invalid or was not informed.')

        environment_environment_vip_map = dict()
        environment_environment_vip_map['environment_id'] = environment_id
        environment_environment_vip_map['environment_vip_id'] = environment_vip_id

        url = 'environment/{}/environmentvip/{}/'.format(environment_id, environment_vip_id)

        code, xml = self.submit(None, 'DELETE', url)

        return self.response(code, xml)
    def dissociate(self, id_filter, id_eq_type):
        """Removes relationship between Filter and TipoEquipamento.

        :param id_filter: Identifier of Filter. Integer value and greater than zero.
        :param id_eq_type: Identifier of TipoEquipamento. Integer value, greater than zero.

        :return: None

        :raise FilterNotFoundError: Filter not registered.
        :raise TipoEquipamentoNotFoundError: TipoEquipamento not registered.
        :raise DataBaseError: Networkapi failed to access the database.
        :raise XMLError: Networkapi failed to generate the XML response.

        if not is_valid_int_param(id_filter):
            raise InvalidParameterError(
                u'The identifier of Filter is invalid or was not informed.')

        if not is_valid_int_param(id_eq_type):
            raise InvalidParameterError(
                u'The identifier of TipoEquipamento is invalid or was not informed.'

        url = 'filter/' + \
            str(id_filter) + '/dissociate/' + str(id_eq_type) + '/'

        code, xml = self.submit(None, 'PUT', url)

        return self.response(code, xml)
    def associate_ipv6(self, id_equip, id_ipv6):
        """Associates an IPv6 to a equipament.

        :param id_equip: Identifier of the equipment. Integer value and greater than zero.
        :param id_ipv6: Identifier of the ip. Integer value and greater than zero.

        :return: Dictionary with the following structure:
            {'ip_equipamento': {'id': < id_ip_do_equipamento >}}

        :raise EquipamentoNaoExisteError: Equipment is not registered.
        :raise IpNaoExisteError: IP not registered.
        :raise IpError: IP is already associated with the equipment.
        :raise InvalidParameterError:  Identifier of the equipment and/or IP is null or invalid.
        :raise DataBaseError: Networkapi failed to access the database.
        :raise XMLError: Networkapi failed to generate the XML response.

        if not is_valid_int_param(id_equip):
            raise InvalidParameterError(
                u'The identifier of equipment is invalid or was not informed.')

        if not is_valid_int_param(id_ipv6):
            raise InvalidParameterError(
                u'The identifier of ip is invalid or was not informed.')

        url = 'ipv6/' + str(id_ipv6) + '/equipment/' + str(id_equip) + '/'

        code, xml = self.submit(None, 'PUT', url)

        return self.response(code, xml)
    def remover_grupo(self, id_equipamento, id_grupo):
        """Remove a associação de um equipamento com um grupo de equipamento.

        :param id_equipamento: Identificador do equipamento.
        :param id_grupo: Identificador do grupo de equipamento.

        :return: None

        :raise EquipamentoGrupoNaoExisteError: Associação entre grupo e equipamento não cadastrada.
        :raise EquipamentoNaoExisteError: Equipamento não cadastrado.
        :raise EquipmentDontRemoveError: Failure to remove an association between an equipment and a group because the group is related only to a group.
        :raise InvalidParameterError: O identificador do equipamento e/ou do grupo são nulos ou inválidos.
        :raise DataBaseError: Falha na networkapi ao acessar o banco de dados.
        :raise XMLError: Falha na networkapi ao gerar o XML de resposta.

        if not is_valid_int_param(id_equipamento):
            raise InvalidParameterError(
                u'O identificador do equipamento é inválido ou não foi informado.'

        if not is_valid_int_param(id_grupo):
            raise InvalidParameterError(
                u'O identificador do grupo é inválido ou não foi informado.')

        url = 'equipamentogrupo/equipamento/' + \
            str(id_equipamento) + '/egrupo/' + str(id_grupo) + '/'

        code, xml = self.submit(None, 'DELETE', url)

        return self.response(code, xml)
    def associar_ip(self, id_equipamento, id_ip):
        """Associa um IP a um equipamento.

        :param id_equipamento: Identificador do equipamento.
        :param id_ip: Identificador do IP.

        :return: Dicionário com a seguinte estrutura:
            {'ip_equipamento': {'id': < id_ip_do_equipamento >}}

        :raise EquipamentoNaoExisteError: Equipamento não cadastrado.
        :raise IpNaoExisteError: IP não cadastrado.
        :raise IpError: IP já está associado ao equipamento.
        :raise InvalidParameterError: O identificador do equipamento e/ou do IP são nulos ou inválidos.
        :raise DataBaseError: Falha na networkapi ao acessar o banco de dados.
        :raise XMLError: Falha na networkapi ao gerar o XML de resposta.

        if not is_valid_int_param(id_equipamento):
            raise InvalidParameterError(
                u'O identificador do equipamento é inválido ou não foi informado.')

        if not is_valid_int_param(id_ip):
            raise InvalidParameterError(
                u'O identificador do ip é inválido ou não foi informado.')

        url = 'ip/' + str(id_ip) + '/equipamento/' + str(id_equipamento) + '/'

        code, xml = self.submit(None, 'PUT', url)

        return self.response(code, xml)
    def inserir(self, id_user, id_group):
        """Create a relationship between User and Group.

        :param id_user: Identifier of the User. Integer value and greater than zero.
        :param id_group: Identifier of the Group. Integer value and greater than zero.

        :return: Dictionary with the following structure:

            {'user_group': {'id': < id_user_group >}}

        :raise InvalidParameterError: The identifier of User or Group is null and invalid.
        :raise GrupoUsuarioNaoExisteError: UserGroup not registered.
        :raise UsuarioNaoExisteError: User not registered.
        :raise UsuarioGrupoError: User already registered in the group.
        :raise DataBaseError: Networkapi failed to access the database.
        :raise XMLError: Networkapi failed to generate the XML response.
        if not is_valid_int_param(id_user):
            raise InvalidParameterError(
                u'The identifier of User is invalid or was not informed.')

        if not is_valid_int_param(id_group):
            raise InvalidParameterError(
                u'The identifier of Group is invalid or was not informed.')

        url = 'usergroup/user/' + \
            str(id_user) + '/ugroup/' + str(id_group) + '/associate/'

        code, xml = self.submit(None, 'PUT', url)
    def update(self, id_equipment, id_environment, is_router):
        """Remove Related Equipment with Environment from by the identifier.

        :param id_equipment: Identifier of the Equipment. Integer value and greater than zero.
        :param id_environment: Identifier of the Environment. Integer value and greater than zero.
        :param is_router: Identifier of the Environment. Boolean value.

        :return: None

        :raise InvalidParameterError:  The identifier of Environment, Equipament is null and invalid.
        :raise EquipamentoNotFoundError: Equipment not registered.
        :raise EquipamentoAmbienteNaoExisteError: Environment not registered.
        :raise VipIpError: IP-related equipment is being used for a request VIP.
        :raise XMLError: Networkapi failed to generate the XML response.
        :raise DataBaseError: Networkapi failed to access the database.

        if not is_valid_int_param(id_equipment):
            raise InvalidParameterError(u"The identifier of Equipment is invalid or was not informed.")

        if not is_valid_int_param(id_environment):
            raise InvalidParameterError(u"The identifier of Environment is invalid or was not informed.")

        equipment_environment_map = dict()
        equipment_environment_map["id_equipamento"] = id_equipment
        equipment_environment_map["id_ambiente"] = id_environment
        equipment_environment_map["is_router"] = is_router

        code, xml = self.submit(
            {"equipamento_ambiente": equipment_environment_map}, "PUT", "equipamentoambiente/update/"

        return self.response(code, xml)
    def remover(self, id_user, id_group):
        """Removes relationship between User and Group.

        :param id_user: Identifier of the User. Integer value and greater than zero.
        :param id_group: Identifier of the Group. Integer value and greater than zero.

        :return: None

        :raise UsuarioGrupoNaoExisteError: Association between user and group not registered.
        :raise GrupoUsuarioNaoExisteError: UserGroup not registered.
        :raise UsuarioNaoExisteError: User not registered.
        :raise UsuarioGrupoError: User already registered in the group.
        :raise DataBaseError: Networkapi failed to access the database.
        :raise XMLError: Networkapi failed to generate the XML response.
        if not is_valid_int_param(id_user):
            raise InvalidParameterError(
                u'The identifier of User is invalid or was not informed.')

        if not is_valid_int_param(id_group):
            raise InvalidParameterError(
                u'The identifier of Group is invalid or was not informed.')

        url = 'usergroup/user/' + \
            str(id_user) + '/ugroup/' + str(id_group) + '/dissociate/'

        code, xml = self.submit(None, 'DELETE', url)

        return self.response(code, xml)
    def remover_grupo(self, id_equipamento, id_grupo):
        """Remove a associação de um equipamento com um grupo de equipamento.

        :param id_equipamento: Identificador do equipamento.
        :param id_grupo: Identificador do grupo de equipamento.

        :return: None

        :raise EquipamentoGrupoNaoExisteError: Associação entre grupo e equipamento não cadastrada.
        :raise EquipamentoNaoExisteError: Equipamento não cadastrado.
        :raise EquipmentDontRemoveError: Failure to remove an association between an equipment and a group because the group is related only to a group.
        :raise InvalidParameterError: O identificador do equipamento e/ou do grupo são nulos ou inválidos.
        :raise DataBaseError: Falha na networkapi ao acessar o banco de dados.
        :raise XMLError: Falha na networkapi ao gerar o XML de resposta.

        if not is_valid_int_param(id_equipamento):
            raise InvalidParameterError(
                u'O identificador do equipamento é inválido ou não foi informado.')

        if not is_valid_int_param(id_grupo):
            raise InvalidParameterError(
                u'O identificador do grupo é inválido ou não foi informado.')

        url = 'equipamentogrupo/equipamento/' + \
            str(id_equipamento) + '/egrupo/' + str(id_grupo) + '/'

        code, xml = self.submit(None, 'DELETE', url)

        return self.response(code, xml)
    def remover(self, id_tipo_acesso, id_equipamento):
        """Removes relationship between equipment and access type.

        :param id_equipamento: Equipment identifier.
        :param id_tipo_acesso: Access type identifier.

        :return: None

        :raise EquipamentoNaoExisteError: Equipment doesn't exist.
        :raise EquipamentoAcessoNaoExisteError: Relationship between equipment and access type doesn't exist.
        :raise InvalidParameterError: Equipment and/or access type id is/are invalid.
        :raise DataBaseError: Networkapi failed to access the database.
        :raise XMLError: Networkapi failed to generate the XML response.

        if not is_valid_int_param(id_tipo_acesso):
            raise InvalidParameterError('Access type id is invalid.')

        if not is_valid_int_param(id_equipamento):
            raise InvalidParameterError('Equipment id is invalid.')

        url = 'equipamentoacesso/' + \
            str(id_equipamento) + '/' + str(id_tipo_acesso) + '/'

        code, xml = self.submit(None, 'DELETE', url)

        return self.response(code, xml)
    def remover(self, id_equipment, id_script):
        """Remove Related Equipment with Script from by the identifier.

        :param id_equipment: Identifier of the Equipment. Integer value and greater than zero.
        :param id_script: Identifier of the Script. Integer value and greater than zero.

        :return: None

        :raise InvalidParameterError: The identifier of Equipment or Script is null and invalid.
        :raise RoteiroNaoExisteError: Script not registered.
        :raise EquipamentoNaoExisteError: Equipment not registered.
        :raise EquipamentoRoteiroNaoExisteError: Equipment is not associated with the script.
        :raise DataBaseError: Networkapi failed to access the database.
        :raise XMLError: Networkapi failed to generate the XML response
        if not is_valid_int_param(id_equipment):
            raise InvalidParameterError(
                u'The identifier of Equipment is invalid or was not informed.')

        if not is_valid_int_param(id_script):
            raise InvalidParameterError(
                u'The identifier of Script is invalid or was not informed.')

        url = 'equipmentscript/' + \
            str(id_equipment) + '/' + str(id_script) + '/'

        code, xml = self.submit(None, 'DELETE', url)

        return self.response(code, xml)
    def disassociate_environment_option_pool(self, environment_option_id):
        """Remove a relationship of optionpool with Environment.

        :param id_option_pool: Identifier of the Option Pool. Integer value and greater than zero.
        :param id_environment: Identifier of the Environment Pool. Integer value and greater than zero.

        :return: { 'id': < environment_option_id> }

        :raise InvalidParameterError: Option Pool/Environment Pool identifier is null and/or invalid.
        :raise optionpoolNotFoundError: Option Pool not registered.
        :raise EnvironmentVipNotFoundError: Environment VIP not registered.
        :raise optionpoolError: Option pool is not associated with the environment pool
        :raise UserNotAuthorizedError: User does not have authorization to make this association.
        :raise DataBaseError: Networkapi failed to access the database.
        :raise XMLError: Networkapi failed to generate the XML response.

        if not is_valid_int_param(environment_option_id):
            raise InvalidParameterError(
                u'The identifier of Option Pool is invalid or was not informed.')

        if not is_valid_int_param(environment_option_id):
            raise InvalidParameterError(
                u'The identifier of Environment Pool is invalid or was not informed.')

        url = 'api/pools/environment_options/' + str(environment_option_id) +  '/'

        return self.delete(url)
Пример #33
    def insert_vlan(self, environment_id, name, number, description, acl_file,
                    acl_file_v6, network_ipv4, network_ipv6):
        """Create new VLAN

        :param environment_id: ID for Environment.
        :param name: The name of VLAN.
        :param description: Some description to VLAN.
        :param number: Number of Vlan
        :param acl_file: Acl IPv4 File name to VLAN.
        :param acl_file_v6: Acl IPv6 File name to VLAN.
        :param network_ipv4: responsible for generating a network attribute ipv4 automatically.
        :param network_ipv6: responsible for generating a network attribute ipv6 automatically.

        :return: Following dictionary:


          {'vlan': {'id': < id_vlan >,
          'nome': < nome_vlan >,
          'num_vlan': < num_vlan >,
          'id_ambiente': < id_ambiente >,
          'descricao': < descricao >,
          'acl_file_name': < acl_file_name >,
          'acl_valida': < acl_valida >,
          'ativada': < ativada >
          'acl_file_name_v6': < acl_file_name_v6 >,
          'acl_valida_v6': < acl_valida_v6 >, } }

        :raise VlanError: VLAN name already exists, VLAN name already exists, DC division of the environment invalid or does not exist VLAN number available.
        :raise VlanNaoExisteError: VLAN not found.
        :raise AmbienteNaoExisteError: Environment not registered.
        :raise InvalidParameterError: Name of Vlan and/or the identifier of the Environment is null or invalid.
        :raise DataBaseError: Networkapi failed to access the database.
        :raise XMLError: Networkapi failed to generate the XML response.

        if not is_valid_int_param(environment_id):
            raise InvalidParameterError(u'Environment id is none or invalid.')

        if not is_valid_int_param(number):
            raise InvalidParameterError(u'Vlan number is none or invalid')

        vlan_map = dict()
        vlan_map['environment_id'] = environment_id
        vlan_map['name'] = name
        vlan_map['description'] = description
        vlan_map['acl_file'] = acl_file
        vlan_map['acl_file_v6'] = acl_file_v6
        vlan_map['number'] = number
        vlan_map['network_ipv4'] = network_ipv4
        vlan_map['network_ipv6'] = network_ipv6

        code, xml = self.submit({'vlan': vlan_map}, 'POST', 'vlan/insert/')

        return self.response(code, xml)
Пример #34
    def edit_vlan(
        """Edit a VLAN

        :param id_vlan: ID for Vlan
        :param environment_id: ID for Environment.
        :param name: The name of VLAN.
        :param description: Some description to VLAN.
        :param number: Number of Vlan
        :param acl_file: Acl IPv4 File name to VLAN.
        :param acl_file_v6: Acl IPv6 File name to VLAN.

        :return: None

        :raise VlanError: VLAN name already exists, DC division of the environment invalid or there is no VLAN number available.
        :raise VlanNaoExisteError: VLAN not found.
        :raise AmbienteNaoExisteError: Environment not registered.
        :raise InvalidParameterError: Name of Vlan and/or the identifier of the Environment is null or invalid.
        :raise DataBaseError: Networkapi failed to access the database.
        :raise XMLError: Networkapi failed to generate the XML response.

        if not is_valid_int_param(id_vlan):
            raise InvalidParameterError(
                u'Vlan id is invalid or was not informed.')

        if not is_valid_int_param(environment_id):
            raise InvalidParameterError(u'Environment id is none or invalid.')

        if not is_valid_int_param(number):
            raise InvalidParameterError(u'Vlan number is none or invalid')

        vlan_map = dict()
        vlan_map['vlan_id'] = id_vlan
        vlan_map['environment_id'] = environment_id
        vlan_map['name'] = name
        vlan_map['description'] = description
        vlan_map['acl_file'] = acl_file
        vlan_map['acl_file_v6'] = acl_file_v6
        vlan_map['number'] = number

        code, xml = self.submit({'vlan': vlan_map}, 'POST', 'vlan/edit/')

        return self.response(code, xml)
Пример #35
    def save_ipv6(self, ip6, id_equip, descricao, id_net):
        Save an IP6 and associate with equipment

        :param ip6: An IP6 available to save in format xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx.
        :param id_equip: Equipment identifier. Integer value and greater than zero.
        :param descricao: IPv6 description.
        :param id_net: Network identifier. Integer value and greater than zero.

        :return: Dictionary with the following structure:


            {'ipv6': {'id': < id >,
            'block1': <block1>,
            'block2': <block2>,
            'block3': <block3>,
            'block4': <block4>,
            'block5': <block5>,
            'block6': <block6>,
            'block7': <block7>,
            'block8': <block8>,
            'descricao': < description >,
            'equipamento': [ { all name equipamentos related } ], }}
        if not is_valid_int_param(id_net):
            raise InvalidParameterError(
                u'Network identifier is invalid or was not informed.')

        if not is_valid_int_param(id_equip):
            raise InvalidParameterError(
                u'Equipment identifier is invalid or was not informed.')

        if ip6 is None or ip6 == "":
            raise InvalidParameterError(
                u'IPv6 is invalid or was not informed.')

        ip_map = dict()
        ip_map['id_net'] = id_net
        ip_map['descricao'] = descricao
        ip_map['ip6'] = ip6
        ip_map['id_equip'] = id_equip

        url = "ipv6/save/"

        code, xml = self.submit({'ip_map': ip_map}, 'POST', url)

        return self.response(code, xml)
Пример #36
    def save_ipv6(self, ip6, id_equip, descricao, id_net):
        Save an IP6 and associate with equipment

        :param ip6: An IP6 available to save in format xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx.
        :param id_equip: Equipment identifier. Integer value and greater than zero.
        :param descricao: IPv6 description.
        :param id_net: Network identifier. Integer value and greater than zero.

        :return: Dictionary with the following structure:


            {'ipv6': {'id': < id >,
            'block1': <block1>,
            'block2': <block2>,
            'block3': <block3>,
            'block4': <block4>,
            'block5': <block5>,
            'block6': <block6>,
            'block7': <block7>,
            'block8': <block8>,
            'descricao': < description >,
            'equipamento': [ { all name equipamentos related } ], }}
        if not is_valid_int_param(id_net):
            raise InvalidParameterError(
                u'Network identifier is invalid or was not informed.')

        if not is_valid_int_param(id_equip):
            raise InvalidParameterError(
                u'Equipment identifier is invalid or was not informed.')

        if ip6 is None or ip6 == "":
            raise InvalidParameterError(
                u'IPv6 is invalid or was not informed.')

        ip_map = dict()
        ip_map['id_net'] = id_net
        ip_map['descricao'] = descricao
        ip_map['ip6'] = ip6
        ip_map['id_equip'] = id_equip

        url = "ipv6/save/"

        code, xml = self.submit({'ip_map': ip_map}, 'POST', url)

        return self.response(code, xml)
Пример #37
    def criar(self, id_vlan):
        """Create a VLAN with script 'navlan'.

        :param id_vlan: VLAN identifier.

        :return: Following dictionary:


          {‘sucesso’: {‘codigo’: < codigo >,
          ‘descricao’: {'stdout':< stdout >, 'stderr':< stderr >}}}

        :raise VlanNaoExisteError: VLAN does not exist.
        :raise EquipamentoNaoExisteError: Equipment in list does not exist.
        :raise VlanError: VLAN is active.
        :raise InvalidParameterError: VLAN identifier is none or invalid.
        :raise InvalidParameterError: Equipment list is none or empty.
        :raise DataBaseError: Networkapi failed to access the database.
        :raise XMLError: Networkapi failed to generate the XML response.
        :raise ScriptError: Failed to run the script.

        if not is_valid_int_param(id_vlan):
            raise InvalidParameterError(
                u'Vlan id is invalid or was not informed.')

        url = 'vlan/' + str(id_vlan) + '/criar/'

        code, xml = self.submit({'vlan': None}, 'PUT', url)

        return self.response(code, xml)
    def alterar(self, id_script, id_script_type, script, description):
        """Change Script from by the identifier.

        :param id_script: Identifier of the Script. Integer value and greater than zero.
        :param id_script_type: Identifier of the Script Type. Integer value and greater than zero.
        :param script: Script name. String with a minimum 3 and maximum of 40 characters
        :param description: Script description. String with a minimum 3 and maximum of 100 characters

        :return: None

        :raise InvalidParameterError: The identifier of Script, script Type, script or description is null and invalid.
        :raise RoteiroNaoExisteError: Script not registered.
        :raise TipoRoteiroNaoExisteError: Script Type not registered.
        :raise NomeRoteiroDuplicadoError: Script already registered with informed.
        :raise DataBaseError: Networkapi failed to access the database.
        :raise XMLError: Networkapi failed to generate the XML response.
        if not is_valid_int_param(id_script):
            raise InvalidParameterError(
                u'The identifier of Script is invalid or was not informed.')

        script_map = dict()
        script_map['id_script_type'] = id_script_type
        script_map['script'] = script
        script_map['description'] = description

        url = 'script/' + str(id_script) + '/'

        code, xml = self.submit({'script': script_map}, 'PUT', url)

        return self.response(code, xml)
    def listar_por_equipamento(self, id_equipment):
        """List all Script related Equipment.

        :param id_equipment: Identifier of the Equipment. Integer value and greater than zero.

        :return: Dictionary with the following structure:


            {script': [{‘id’: < id >,
            ‘nome’: < nome >,
            ‘descricao’: < descricao >,
            ‘id_tipo_roteiro’: < id_tipo_roteiro >,
            ‘nome_tipo_roteiro’: < nome_tipo_roteiro >,
            ‘descricao_tipo_roteiro’: < descricao_tipo_roteiro >}, ...more Script...]}

        :raise InvalidParameterError: The identifier of Equipment is null and invalid.
        :raise EquipamentoNaoExisteError: Equipment not registered.
        :raise DataBaseError: Networkapi failed to access the database.
        :raise XMLError: Networkapi failed to generate the XML response.
        if not is_valid_int_param(id_equipment):
            raise InvalidParameterError(
                u'The identifier of Equipment is invalid or was not informed.')

        url = 'script/equipment/' + str(id_equipment) + '/'

        code, map = self.submit(None, 'GET', url)

        key = 'script'
        return get_list_map(self.response(code, map, [key]), key)
    def modify(self, id_option_pool, tipo_opcao, nome_opcao):
        """Change Option Pool from by id.

        :param id_option_pool: Identifier of the Option Pool. Integer value and greater than zero.
        :param tipo_opcao: Type. String with a maximum of 50 characters and respect [a-zA-Z\_-]
        :param nome_opcao_txt: Name Option. String with a maximum of 50 characters and respect [a-zA-Z\_-]

        :return: None

        :raise InvalidParameterError: Option Pool identifier is null or invalid.
        :raise InvalidParameterError: The value of tipo_opcao or nome_opcao_txt is invalid.
        :raise optionpoolNotFoundError: Option pool not registered.
        :raise DataBaseError: Networkapi failed to access the database.
        :raise XMLError: Networkapi failed to generate the XML response.

        if not is_valid_int_param(id_option_pool):
            raise InvalidParameterError(
                u'The identifier of Option Pool is invalid or was not informed.')

        #optionpool_map = dict()
        #optionpool_map['type'] = tipo_opcao
        #optionpool_map['name'] = nome_opcao_txt

        url = 'api/pools/options/' + str(id_option_pool) + '/'

        return self.put(url,{'type': tipo_opcao, "name":nome_opcao } )
Пример #41
    def alterar(self, id_groupl3, name):
        """Change Group L3 from by the identifier.

        :param id_groupl3: Identifier of the Group L3. Integer value and greater than zero.
        :param name: Group L3 name. String with a minimum 2 and maximum of 80 characters

        :return: None

        :raise InvalidParameterError: The identifier of Group L3 or name is null and invalid.
        :raise NomeGrupoL3DuplicadoError: There is already a registered Group L3 with the value of name.
        :raise GrupoL3NaoExisteError: Group L3 not registered.
        :raise DataBaseError: Networkapi failed to access the database.
        :raise XMLError: Networkapi failed to generate the XML response.

        if not is_valid_int_param(id_groupl3):
            raise InvalidParameterError(
                u'The identifier of Group L3 is invalid or was not informed.')

        url = 'groupl3/' + str(id_groupl3) + '/'

        group_l3_map = dict()
        group_l3_map['name'] = name

        code, xml = self.submit({'groupl3': group_l3_map}, 'PUT', url)

        return self.response(code, xml)
    def buscar_healthcheck_por_id(self, id_healthcheck):
        """Get HealthCheck by id.

        :param id_healthcheck: HealthCheck ID.

        :return: Following dictionary:


            {'healthcheck_expect': {'match_list': < match_list >,
             'expect_string': < expect_string >,
             'id': < id >,
             'ambiente': < ambiente >}}

        :raise HealthCheckNaoExisteError:  HealthCheck not registered.
        :raise InvalidParameterError: HealthCheck identifier is null and invalid.
        :raise DataBaseError: Can't connect to networkapi database.
        :raise XMLError: Failed to generate the XML response.
        if not is_valid_int_param(id_healthcheck):
            raise InvalidParameterError(
                'O identificador do healthcheck é inválido ou não foi informado.'

        url = 'healthcheckexpect/get/' + str(id_healthcheck) + '/'

        code, xml = self.submit(None, 'GET', url)

        return self.response(code, xml)
    def remover(self, id_equipamento):
        """Remove um equipamento a partir do seu identificador.

        Além de remover o equipamento, a API também remove:

            - O relacionamento do equipamento com os tipos de acessos.
            - O relacionamento do equipamento com os roteiros.
            - O relacionamento do equipamento com os IPs.
            - As interfaces do equipamento.
            - O relacionamento do equipamento com os ambientes.
            - O relacionamento do equipamento com os grupos.

        :param id_equipamento: Identificador do equipamento.

        :return: None

        :raise EquipamentoNaoExisteError: Equipamento não cadastrado.
        :raise InvalidParameterError: O identificador do equipamento é nulo ou inválido.
        :raise DataBaseError: Falha na networkapi ao acessar o banco de dados.
        :raise XMLError: Falha na networkapi ao gerar o XML de resposta.
        if not is_valid_int_param(id_equipamento):
            raise InvalidParameterError(
                u'O identificador do equipamento é inválido ou não foi informado.'

        url = 'equipamento/' + str(id_equipamento) + '/'

        code, map = self.submit(None, 'DELETE', url)

        return self.response(code, map)
    def alterar(self, id_divisiondc, name):
        """Change Division Dc from by the identifier.

        :param id_divisiondc: Identifier of the Division Dc. Integer value and greater than zero.
        :param name: Division Dc name. String with a minimum 2 and maximum of 80 characters

        :return: None

        :raise InvalidParameterError: The identifier of Division Dc or name is null and invalid.
        :raise NomeDivisaoDcDuplicadoError: There is already a registered Division Dc with the value of name.
        :raise DivisaoDcNaoExisteError: Division Dc not registered.
        :raise DataBaseError: Networkapi failed to access the database.
        :raise XMLError: Networkapi failed to generate the XML response.

        if not is_valid_int_param(id_divisiondc):
            raise InvalidParameterError(
                'The identifier of Division Dc is invalid or was not informed.'

        url = 'divisiondc/' + str(id_divisiondc) + '/'

        division_dc_map = dict()
        division_dc_map['name'] = name

        code, xml = self.submit({'division_dc': division_dc_map}, 'PUT', url)

        return self.response(code, xml)
    def remover(self, id_equipamento):
        """Remove um equipamento a partir do seu identificador.

        Além de remover o equipamento, a API também remove:

            - O relacionamento do equipamento com os tipos de acessos.
            - O relacionamento do equipamento com os roteiros.
            - O relacionamento do equipamento com os IPs.
            - As interfaces do equipamento.
            - O relacionamento do equipamento com os ambientes.
            - O relacionamento do equipamento com os grupos.

        :param id_equipamento: Identificador do equipamento.

        :return: None

        :raise EquipamentoNaoExisteError: Equipamento não cadastrado.
        :raise InvalidParameterError: O identificador do equipamento é nulo ou inválido.
        :raise DataBaseError: Falha na networkapi ao acessar o banco de dados.
        :raise XMLError: Falha na networkapi ao gerar o XML de resposta.
        if not is_valid_int_param(id_equipamento):
            raise InvalidParameterError(
                u'O identificador do equipamento é inválido ou não foi informado.')

        url = 'equipamento/' + str(id_equipamento) + '/'

        code, map = self.submit(None, 'DELETE', url)

        return self.response(code, map)
    def get_option_pool(self, id_option_pool):
        """Search Option Pool by id.

        :param id_option_pool: Identifier of the Option Pool. Integer value and greater than zero.

        :return: Following dictionary:


            {‘id’: < id_option_pool >,
            ‘type’: < tipo_opcao >,
            ‘name’: < nome_opcao_txt >}

        :raise InvalidParameterError: Option Pool identifier is null and invalid.
        :raise optionpoolNotFoundError: Option Pool not registered.
        :raise DataBaseError: Networkapi failed to access the database.
        :raise XMLError: Networkapi failed to generate the XML response.

        if not is_valid_int_param(id_option_pool):
            raise InvalidParameterError(
                u'The identifier of Option Pool is invalid or was not informed.')

        url = 'api/pools/options/' + str(id_option_pool) + '/'

        return self.get(url)
    def search(self, id_egroup):
        """Search Group Equipament from by the identifier.

        :param id_egroup: Identifier of the Group Equipament. Integer value and greater than zero.

        :return: Following dictionary:


            {‘group_equipament’:  {‘id’: < id_egrupo >,
            ‘nome’: < nome >} }

        :raise InvalidParameterError: Group Equipament identifier is null and invalid.
        :raise GrupoEquipamentoNaoExisteError: Group Equipament not registered.
        :raise DataBaseError: Networkapi failed to access the database.
        :raise XMLError: Networkapi failed to generate the XML response.

        if not is_valid_int_param(id_egroup):
            raise InvalidParameterError(
                'The identifier of Group Equipament is invalid or was not informed.'

        url = 'egroup/' + str(id_egroup) + '/'

        code, xml = self.submit(None, 'GET', url)

        return self.response(code, xml)
Пример #48
    def remove(self, id_vlan):
        """Remove a VLAN by your primary key.
        Execute script to remove VLAN

        :param id_vlan: ID for VLAN.

        :return: Following dictionary:


          {‘sucesso’: {‘codigo’: < codigo >,
          ‘descricao’: {'stdout':< stdout >, 'stderr':< stderr >}}}

        :raise InvalidParameterError: Identifier of the VLAN is invalid.
        :raise VlanNaoExisteError: VLAN not found.
        :raise DataBaseError: Networkapi failed to access the database.
        :raise XMLError: Networkapi failed to generate the XML response.

        if not is_valid_int_param(id_vlan):
            raise InvalidParameterError(
                u'Parameter id_vlan is invalid. Value: ' +

        url = 'vlan/' + str(id_vlan) + '/remove/'

        code, xml = self.submit(None, 'DELETE', url)

        return self.response(code, xml)
Пример #49
    def alterar(self, id_model, id_brand, name):
        """Change Model from by the identifier.

        :param id_model: Identifier of the Model. Integer value and greater than zero.
        :param id_brand: Identifier of the Brand. Integer value and greater than zero.
        :param name: Model name. String with a minimum 3 and maximum of 100 characters

        :return: None

        :raise InvalidParameterError: The identifier of Model, Brand or name is null and invalid.
        :raise MarcaNaoExisteError: Brand not registered.
        :raise ModeloEquipamentoNaoExisteError: Model not registered.
        :raise NomeMarcaModeloDuplicadoError: There is already a registered Model with the value of name and brand.
        :raise DataBaseError: Networkapi failed to access the database.
        :raise XMLError: Networkapi failed to generate the XML response

        if not is_valid_int_param(id_model):
            raise InvalidParameterError(
                u'The identifier of Model is invalid or was not informed.')

        model_map = dict()
        model_map['name'] = name
        model_map['id_brand'] = id_brand

        url = 'model/' + str(id_model) + '/'

        code, xml = self.submit({'model': model_map}, 'PUT', url)

        return self.response(code, xml)
    def alter(self, id_environment_vip, finalidade_txt, cliente_txt, ambiente_p44_txt, description):
        """Change Environment VIP from by the identifier.

        :param id_environment_vip: Identifier of the Environment VIP. Integer value and greater than zero.
        :param finalidade_txt: Finality. String with a maximum of 50 characters and respect [a-zA-Z\_-]
        :param cliente_txt: ID  Client. String with a maximum of 50 characters and respect [a-zA-Z\_-]
        :param ambiente_p44_txt: Environment P44. String with a maximum of 50 characters and respect [a-zA-Z\_-]

        :return: None

        :raise InvalidParameterError: Environment VIP identifier is null and invalid.
        :raise InvalidParameterError: The value of finalidade_txt, cliente_txt or ambiente_p44_txt is invalid.
        :raise EnvironmentVipNotFoundError: Environment VIP not registered.
        :raise DataBaseError: Networkapi failed to access the database.
        :raise XMLError: Networkapi failed to generate the XML response.

        if not is_valid_int_param(id_environment_vip):
            raise InvalidParameterError(u"The identifier of Environment VIP is invalid or was not informed.")

        environmentvip_map = dict()
        environmentvip_map["finalidade_txt"] = finalidade_txt
        environmentvip_map["cliente_txt"] = cliente_txt
        environmentvip_map["ambiente_p44_txt"] = ambiente_p44_txt
        environmentvip_map["description"] = description

        url = "environmentvip/" + str(id_environment_vip) + "/"

        code, xml = self.submit({"environment_vip": environmentvip_map}, "PUT", url)

        return self.response(code, xml)
Пример #51
    def listar_por_marca(self, id_brand):
        """List all Model by Brand.

        :param id_brand: Identifier of the Brand. Integer value and greater than zero.

        :return: Dictionary with the following structure:


            {‘model’: [{‘id’: < id >,
            ‘nome’: < nome >,
            ‘id_marca’: < id_marca >}, ... too Model ...]}

        :raise InvalidParameterError: The identifier of Brand is null and invalid.
        :raise MarcaNaoExisteError: Brand not registered.
        :raise DataBaseError: Networkapi failed to access the database.
        :raise XMLError: Networkapi failed to generate the XML response

        if not is_valid_int_param(id_brand):
            raise InvalidParameterError(
                u'The identifier of Brand is invalid or was not informed.')

        url = 'model/brand/' + str(id_brand) + '/'

        code, map = self.submit(None, 'GET', url)

        key = 'model'
        return get_list_map(self.response(code, map, [key]), key)
    def listar_healthcheck_expect(self, id_ambiente):
        """Lista os healthcheck_expect´s de um ambiente.

        :param id_ambiente: Identificador do ambiente.

        :return: Dicionário com a seguinte estrutura:


            {'healthcheck_expect': [{'id': < id_healthcheck_expect >,
             'expect_string': < expect_string >,
             'match_list': < match_list >,
             'id_ambiente': < id_ambiente >},
             ... demais healthcheck_expects ...]}

        :raise InvalidParameterError: O identificador do ambiente é nulo ou inválido.
        :raise DataBaseError: Falha na networkapi ao acessar o banco de dados.
        :raise XMLError: Falha na networkapi ao gerar o XML de resposta.

        if not is_valid_int_param(id_ambiente):
            raise InvalidParameterError(
                'O identificador do ambiente é inválido ou não foi informado.')

        url = 'healthcheckexpect/ambiente/' + str(id_ambiente) + '/'

        code, xml = self.submit(None, 'GET', url)

        key = 'healthcheck_expect'
        return get_list_map(self.response(code, xml, [key]), key)
    def listar_por_tipo(self, id_script_type):
        """List all Script by Script Type.

        :param id_script_type: Identifier of the Script Type. Integer value and greater than zero.

        :return: Dictionary with the following structure:


            {‘script’: [{‘id’: < id >,
            ‘tipo_roteiro': < id_tipo_roteiro >,
            ‘nome': < nome >,
            ‘descricao’: < descricao >}, ...more Script...]}

        :raise InvalidParameterError: The identifier of Script Type is null and invalid.
        :raise TipoRoteiroNaoExisteError: Script Type not registered.
        :raise DataBaseError: Networkapi failed to access the database.
        :raise XMLError: Networkapi failed to generate the XML response.
        if not is_valid_int_param(id_script_type):
            raise InvalidParameterError(
                u'The identifier of Script Type is invalid or was not informed.')

        url = 'script/scripttype/' + str(id_script_type) + '/'

        code, map = self.submit(None, 'GET', url)

        key = 'script'
        return get_list_map(self.response(code, map, [key]), key)
    def search(self, id_perm):
        """Search Administrative Permission from by the identifier.

        :param id_perm: Identifier of the Administrative Permission. Integer value and greater than zero.

        :return: Following dictionary:


            {'perm': {'ugrupo': < ugrupo_id >,
            'permission': < permission_id >, 'id': < id >,
            'escrita': < escrita >, 'leitura': < leitura >}}

        :raise InvalidParameterError: Group User identifier is null and invalid.
        :raise PermissaoAdministrativaNaoExisteError: Administrative Permission not registered.
        :raise DataBaseError: Networkapi failed to access the database.
        :raise XMLError: Networkapi failed to generate the XML response.

        if not is_valid_int_param(id_perm):
            raise InvalidParameterError(
                'The identifier of Administrative Permission is invalid or was not informed.'

        url = 'aperms/get/' + str(id_perm) + '/'

        code, xml = self.submit(None, 'GET', url)

        return self.response(code, xml)
    def alterar(self, id_egrupo, nome):
        """Altera os dados de um grupo de equipamento a partir do seu identificador.

        :param id_egrupo: Identificador do grupo de equipamento.
        :param nome: Nome do grupo de equipamento.

        :return: None

        :raise InvalidParameterError: O identificador e/ou o nome do grupo são nulos ou inválidos.
        :raise GrupoEquipamentoNaoExisteError: Grupo de equipamento não cadastrado.
        :raise NomeGrupoEquipamentoDuplicadoError: Nome do grupo de equipamento duplicado.
        :raise DataBaseError: Falha na networkapi ao acessar o banco de dados.
        :raise XMLError: Falha na networkapi ao ler o XML de requisição ou gerar o XML de resposta.
        if not is_valid_int_param(id_egrupo):
            raise InvalidParameterError(
                'O identificador do grupo de equipamento é inválido ou não foi informado.'

        url = 'egrupo/' + str(id_egrupo) + '/'

        egrupo_map = dict()
        egrupo_map['nome'] = nome

        code, xml = self.submit({'grupo': egrupo_map}, 'PUT', url)

        return self.response(code, xml)