Пример #1
def loc_auto_corr_down(self, ftimes, other_spatial, other_ftimes, **kwargs):
    Calculate auto correlation after downsampling.

    Calculates the two-dimensional correlation of firing map which is the
    map of the firing rate of the animal with respect to its location

      ftimes : ndarray
        Timestamps of the spiking activity of a unit
    other_spatial : NSpatial
        The spatial data to downsample to.
    other_ftimes : list or ndarray
        The firing times of the cell in other spatial.
        Keyword arguments

        Graphical data of the analysis

    graph_data = {}

    minPixel = kwargs.get('minPixel', 20)
    pixel = kwargs.get('pixel', 3)

    if 'update' in kwargs.keys():
        del kwargs['update']
    placeData = self.downsample_place(
        ftimes, other_spatial, other_ftimes, update=False, **kwargs)

    fmap = placeData['smoothMap']
    fmap[np.isnan(fmap)] = 0
    leny, lenx = fmap.shape

    xshift = np.arange(-(lenx - 1), lenx)
    yshift = np.arange(-(leny - 1), leny)

    corrMap = np.zeros((yshift.size, xshift.size))

    for J, ysh in enumerate(yshift):
        for I, xsh in enumerate(xshift):
            if ysh >= 0:
                map1YInd = np.arange(ysh, leny)
                map2YInd = np.arange(leny - ysh)
            elif ysh < 0:
                map1YInd = np.arange(leny + ysh)
                map2YInd = np.arange(-ysh, leny)

            if xsh >= 0:
                map1XInd = np.arange(xsh, lenx)
                map2XInd = np.arange(lenx - xsh)
            elif xsh < 0:
                map1XInd = np.arange(lenx + xsh)
                map2XInd = np.arange(-xsh, lenx)
            map1 = fmap[tuple(np.meshgrid(map1YInd, map1XInd))]
            map2 = fmap[tuple(np.meshgrid(map2YInd, map2XInd))]
            if map1.size < minPixel:
                corrMap[J, I] = -1
                corrMap[J, I] = corr_coeff(map1, map2)

    graph_data['corrMap'] = corrMap
    graph_data['xshift'] = xshift * pixel
    graph_data['yshift'] = yshift * pixel

    return graph_data
Пример #2
def grid_down(self, ftimes, other_spatial, other_ftimes, **kwargs):
    Perform grid cell analysis after downsampling.

    Analysis of Grid cells characterised by formation of grid-like pattern
    of high activity in the firing-rate map        

    ftimes : ndarray
        Timestamps of the spiking activity of a unit
    other_spatial : NSpatial
        The spatial data to downsample to.
    other_ftimes : list or ndarray
        The firing times of the cell in other spatial.
        Keyword arguments

        Graphical data of the analysis

    _results = oDict()
    tol = kwargs.get('angtol', 2)
    binsize = kwargs.get('binsize', 3)
    bins = np.arange(0, 360, binsize)

    graph_data = self.loc_auto_corr_down(
        ftimes, other_spatial, other_ftimes, update=False, **kwargs)
    corrMap = graph_data['corrMap']
    corrMap[np.isnan(corrMap)] = 0
    xshift = graph_data['xshift']
    yshift = graph_data['yshift']

    pixel = np.int(np.diff(xshift).mean())

    ny, nx = corrMap.shape
    rpeaks = np.zeros(corrMap.shape, dtype=bool)
    cpeaks = np.zeros(corrMap.shape, dtype=bool)
    for j in np.arange(ny):
        rpeaks[j, extrema(corrMap[j, :])[1]] = True
    for i in np.arange(nx):
        cpeaks[extrema(corrMap[:, i])[1], i] = True
    ymax, xmax = find2d(np.logical_and(rpeaks, cpeaks))

    peakDist = np.sqrt((ymax - find(yshift == 0))**2 +
                       (xmax - find(xshift == 0))**2)
    sortInd = np.argsort(peakDist)
    ymax, xmax, peakDist = ymax[sortInd], xmax[sortInd], peakDist[sortInd]

    ymax, xmax, peakDist = (
        ymax[1:7], xmax[1:7], peakDist[1:7]) if ymax.size >= 7 else ([], [], [])
    theta = np.arctan2(yshift[ymax], xshift[xmax]) * 180 / np.pi
    theta[theta < 0] += 360
    sortInd = np.argsort(theta)
    ymax, xmax, peakDist, theta = (
        ymax[sortInd], xmax[sortInd], peakDist[sortInd], theta[sortInd])

    graph_data['ymax'] = yshift[ymax]
    graph_data['xmax'] = xshift[xmax]

    meanDist = peakDist.mean()
    X, Y = np.meshgrid(xshift, yshift)
    distMat = np.sqrt(X**2 + Y**2) / pixel

    maskInd = np.logical_and(
        distMat > 0.5 * meanDist, distMat < 1.5 * meanDist)
    rotCorr = np.array([corr_coeff(rot_2d(corrMap, theta)[
                        maskInd], corrMap[maskInd]) for k, theta in enumerate(bins)])
    ramax, rimax, ramin, rimin = extrema(rotCorr)
    mThetaPk, mThetaTr = (np.diff(bins[rimax]).mean(), np.diff(
        bins[rimin]).mean()) if rimax.size and rimin.size else (None, None)
    graph_data['rimax'] = rimax
    graph_data['rimin'] = rimin
    graph_data['anglemax'] = bins[rimax]
    graph_data['anglemin'] = bins[rimin]
    graph_data['rotAngle'] = bins
    graph_data['rotCorr'] = rotCorr

    if mThetaPk is not None and mThetaTr is not None:
        isGrid = True if 60 - tol < mThetaPk < 60 + \
            tol and 60 - tol < mThetaTr < 60 + tol else False
        isGrid = False

    meanAlpha = np.diff(theta).mean()
    psi = theta[np.array([2, 3, 4, 5, 0, 1])] - theta
    psi[psi < 0] += 360
    meanPsi = psi.mean()

    _results["First Check"] = (len(ymax) == np.logical_and(
        peakDist > 0.75 * meanDist, peakDist < 1.25 * meanDist).sum())
    _results['Is Grid'] = isGrid and 120 - tol < meanPsi < 120 + \
        tol and 60 - tol < meanAlpha < 60 + tol
    _results['Grid Mean Alpha'] = meanAlpha
    _results['Grid Mean Psi'] = meanPsi
    _results['Grid Spacing'] = meanDist * pixel
    # Difference between highest Pearson R at peaks and lowest at troughs
    _results['Grid Score'] = rotCorr[rimax].max() - \
    _results['Grid Orientation'] = theta[0]

    return graph_data
def always_grid(self, ftimes, **kwargs):
    This outputs grid cell statistics even if the cell is clearly not grid.

    Recommended to use NeuroChaTs method, this was to test the values
    in non grid situations.
    Analysis of Grid cells characterised by formation of grid-like pattern
    of high activity in the firing-rate map.

    ftimes : ndarray
        Timestamps of the spiking activity of a unit
        Keyword arguments

        Graphical data of the analysis

    _results = oDict()
    tol = kwargs.get("angtol", 2)
    binsize = kwargs.get("binsize", 3)
    bins = np.arange(0, 360, binsize)

    graph_data = self.loc_auto_corr(ftimes, update=False, **kwargs)
    corrMap = graph_data["corrMap"]
    corrMap[np.isnan(corrMap)] = 0
    xshift = graph_data["xshift"]
    yshift = graph_data["yshift"]

    pixel = np.int(np.diff(xshift).mean())

    ny, nx = corrMap.shape
    rpeaks = np.zeros(corrMap.shape, dtype=bool)
    cpeaks = np.zeros(corrMap.shape, dtype=bool)
    for j in np.arange(ny):
        rpeaks[j, extrema(corrMap[j, :])[1]] = True
    for i in np.arange(nx):
        cpeaks[extrema(corrMap[:, i])[1], i] = True
    ymax, xmax = find2d(np.logical_and(rpeaks, cpeaks))

    peakDist = np.sqrt((ymax - find(yshift == 0))**2 +
                       (xmax - find(xshift == 0))**2)
    sortInd = np.argsort(peakDist)
    ymax, xmax, peakDist = ymax[sortInd], xmax[sortInd], peakDist[sortInd]

    ymax, xmax, peakDist = ((ymax[1:7], xmax[1:7],
                             peakDist[1:7]) if ymax.size >= 7 else
                            ([], [], []))
    theta = np.arctan2(yshift[ymax], xshift[xmax]) * 180 / np.pi
    theta[theta < 0] += 360
    sortInd = np.argsort(theta)
    ymax, xmax, peakDist, theta = (

    graph_data["ymax"] = yshift[ymax]
    graph_data["xmax"] = xshift[xmax]

    meanDist = peakDist.mean()
    X, Y = np.meshgrid(xshift, yshift)
    distMat = np.sqrt(X**2 + Y**2) / pixel

    _results["First Check"] = (len(ymax) == np.logical_and(
        peakDist > 0.75 * meanDist, peakDist < 1.25 * meanDist).sum())
    maskInd = np.logical_and(distMat > 0.5 * meanDist,
                             distMat < 1.5 * meanDist)
    rotCorr = np.array([
        corr_coeff(rot_2d(corrMap, theta)[maskInd], corrMap[maskInd])
        for k, theta in enumerate(bins)
    ramax, rimax, ramin, rimin = extrema(rotCorr)
    mThetaPk, mThetaTr = ((np.diff(bins[rimax]).mean(), np.diff(
        bins[rimin]).mean()) if rimax.size and rimin.size else (None, None))
    graph_data["rimax"] = rimax
    graph_data["rimin"] = rimin
    graph_data["anglemax"] = bins[rimax]
    graph_data["anglemin"] = bins[rimin]
    graph_data["rotAngle"] = bins
    graph_data["rotCorr"] = rotCorr

    if mThetaPk is not None and mThetaTr is not None:
        isGrid = (True if 60 - tol < mThetaPk < 60 + tol
                  and 60 - tol < mThetaTr < 60 + tol else False)
        isGrid = False

    meanAlpha = np.diff(theta).mean()
    psi = theta[np.array([2, 3, 4, 5, 0, 1])] - theta
    psi[psi < 0] += 360
    meanPsi = psi.mean()

    _results["Is Grid"] = (isGrid and 120 - tol < meanPsi < 120 + tol
                           and 60 - tol < meanAlpha < 60 + tol)
    _results["Grid Mean Alpha"] = meanAlpha
    _results["Grid Mean Psi"] = meanPsi
    _results["Grid Spacing"] = meanDist * pixel
    # Difference between highest Pearson R at peaks and lowest at troughs
    _results["Grid Score"] = rotCorr[rimax].max() - rotCorr[rimin].min()
    _results["Grid Orientation"] = theta[0]

    return graph_data