Пример #1
def infer_passtype(f_range):
    """Given frequency definition of a filter, infer the passtype.

    f_range : tuple of (float, float)
        Cutoff frequency(ies) used for filter, specified as f_lo & f_hi.

    pass_type : str
        Which kind of filter pass_type is consistent with the frequency definition provided.

    Assumes that a definition with two frequencies is a 'bandpass' (not 'bandstop').

    if f_range[0] is None:
        pass_type = 'lowpass'
    elif f_range[1] is None:
        pass_type = 'highpass'
        pass_type = 'bandpass'

    # Check the inferred passtype & frequency definition is valid
    _ = check_filter_definition(pass_type, f_range)

    return pass_type
Пример #2
def compute_pass_band(fs, pass_type, f_range):
    """Compute the pass bandwidth of a filter.

    fs : float
        Sampling rate, in Hz.
    pass_type : {'bandpass', 'bandstop', 'lowpass', 'highpass'}
        Which kind of filter to apply:

        * 'bandpass': apply a bandpass filter
        * 'bandstop': apply a bandstop (notch) filter
        * 'lowpass': apply a lowpass filter
        * 'highpass' : apply a highpass filter
    f_range : tuple of (float, float) or float
        Cutoff frequency(ies) used for filter, specified as f_lo & f_hi.
        For 'bandpass' & 'bandstop', must be a tuple.
        For 'lowpass' or 'highpass', can be a float that specifies pass frequency, or can be
        a tuple and is assumed to be (None, f_hi) for 'lowpass', and (f_lo, None) for 'highpass'.

    pass_bw : float
        The pass bandwidth of the filter.

    f_lo, f_hi = check_filter_definition(pass_type, f_range)
    if pass_type in ['bandpass', 'bandstop']:
        pass_bw = f_hi - f_lo
    elif pass_type == 'highpass':
        pass_bw = compute_nyquist(fs) - f_lo
    elif pass_type == 'lowpass':
        pass_bw = f_hi

    return pass_bw
Пример #3
def design_fir_filter(sig_length,
    """Design an FIR filter.

    sig_length : int
        The length of the signal to be filtered.
    fs : float
        Sampling rate, in Hz.
    pass_type : {'bandpass', 'bandstop', 'lowpass', 'highpass'}
        Which kind of filter to apply:

        * 'bandpass': apply a bandpass filter
        * 'bandstop': apply a bandstop (notch) filter
        * 'lowpass': apply a lowpass filter
        * 'highpass' : apply a highpass filter
    f_range : tuple of (float, float) or float
        Cutoff frequency(ies) used for filter, specified as f_lo & f_hi.
        For 'bandpass' & 'bandstop', must be a tuple.
        For 'lowpass' or 'highpass', can be a float that specifies pass frequency, or can be
        a tuple and is assumed to be (None, f_hi) for 'lowpass', and (f_lo, None) for 'highpass'.
    n_cycles : float, optional, default: 3
        Length of filter, in number of cycles, defined at the 'f_lo' frequency.
        This parameter is overwritten by `n_seconds`, if provided.
    n_seconds : float, optional
        Length of filter, in seconds. This parameter overwrites `n_cycles`.

    filter_coefs : 1d array
        The filter coefficients for an FIR filter.

    # Check filter definition
    f_lo, f_hi = check_filter_definition(pass_type, f_range)
    filt_len = compute_filt_len(sig_length, fs, pass_type, f_lo, f_hi,
                                n_cycles, n_seconds)

    f_nyq = compute_nyquist(fs)
    if pass_type == 'bandpass':
        filter_coefs = firwin(filt_len, (f_lo, f_hi),
    elif pass_type == 'bandstop':
        filter_coefs = firwin(filt_len, (f_lo, f_hi), nyq=f_nyq)
    elif pass_type == 'highpass':
        filter_coefs = firwin(filt_len, f_lo, pass_zero=False, nyq=f_nyq)
    elif pass_type == 'lowpass':
        filter_coefs = firwin(filt_len, f_hi, nyq=f_nyq)

    return filter_coefs
Пример #4
def design_iir_filter(fs, pass_type, f_range, butterworth_order):
    """Design an IIR filter.

    fs : float
        Sampling rate, in Hz.
    pass_type : {'bandpass', 'bandstop', 'lowpass', 'highpass'}
        Which kind of filter to apply:

        * 'bandpass': apply a bandpass filter
        * 'bandstop': apply a bandstop (notch) filter
        * 'lowpass': apply a lowpass filter
        * 'highpass' : apply a highpass filter
    f_range : tuple of (float, float) or float
        Cutoff frequency(ies) used for filter, specified as f_lo & f_hi.
        For 'bandpass' & 'bandstop', must be a tuple.
        For 'lowpass' or 'highpass', can be a float that specifies pass frequency, or can be
        a tuple and is assumed to be (None, f_hi) for 'lowpass', and (f_lo, None) for 'highpass'.
    butterworth_order : int
        Order of the butterworth filter, if using an IIR filter.
        See input 'N' in scipy.signal.butter.

    sos : 2d array
        Second order series coefficients for an IIR filter. Has shape of (n_sections, 6).

    Compute coefficients for a bandstop IIR filter:

    >>> sos = design_iir_filter(fs=500, pass_type='bandstop',
    ...                         f_range=(55, 65), butterworth_order=7)

    # Check filter definition
    f_lo, f_hi = check_filter_definition(pass_type, f_range)

    f_nyq = compute_nyquist(fs)
    if pass_type in ('bandpass', 'bandstop'):
        win = (f_lo / f_nyq, f_hi / f_nyq)
    elif pass_type == 'highpass':
        win = f_lo / f_nyq
    elif pass_type == 'lowpass':
        win = f_hi / f_nyq

    # Design filter
    sos = butter(butterworth_order, win, pass_type, output='sos')

    return sos
Пример #5
def design_iir_filter(fs, pass_type, f_range, butterworth_order):
    """Design an IIR filter.

    fs : float
        Sampling rate, in Hz.
    pass_type : {'bandpass', 'bandstop', 'lowpass', 'highpass'}
        Which kind of filter to apply:

        * 'bandpass': apply a bandpass filter
        * 'bandstop': apply a bandstop (notch) filter
        * 'lowpass': apply a lowpass filter
        * 'highpass' : apply a highpass filter
    f_range : tuple of (float, float) or float
        Cutoff frequency(ies) used for filter, specified as f_lo & f_hi.
        For 'bandpass' & 'bandstop', must be a tuple.
        For 'lowpass' or 'highpass', can be a float that specifies pass frequency, or can be
        a tuple and is assumed to be (None, f_hi) for 'lowpass', and (f_lo, None) for 'highpass'.
    butterworth_order : int
        Order of the butterworth filter, if using an IIR filter.
        See input 'N' in scipy.signal.butter.

    b_vals : 1d array
        B value filter coefficients for an IIR filter.
    a_vals : 1d array
        A value filter coefficients for an IIR filter.

    # Warn about only recommending IIR for bandstop
    if pass_type != 'bandstop':
        warn('IIR filters are not recommended other than for notch filters.')

    # Check filter definition
    f_lo, f_hi = check_filter_definition(pass_type, f_range)

    f_nyq = compute_nyquist(fs)
    if pass_type in ('bandpass', 'bandstop'):
        win = (f_lo / f_nyq, f_hi / f_nyq)
    elif pass_type == 'highpass':
        win = f_lo / f_nyq
    elif pass_type == 'lowpass':
        win = f_hi / f_nyq

    # Design filter
    b_vals, a_vals = butter(butterworth_order, win, pass_type)

    return b_vals, a_vals
Пример #6
def sim_powerlaw(n_seconds, fs, exponent=-2.0, f_range=None, **filter_kwargs):
    """Simulate a power law time series, with a specified exponent.

    n_seconds : float
        Simulation time, in seconds.
    fs : float
        Sampling rate of simulated signal, in Hz.
    exponent : float, optional, default: -2
        Desired power-law exponent, of the form P(f)=f^exponent.
    f_range : list of [float, float] or None, optional
        Frequency range to filter simulated data, as [f_lo, f_hi], in Hz.
    **filter_kwargs : kwargs, optional
        Keyword arguments to pass to `filter_signal`.

    sig: 1d array
        Time-series with the desired power law exponent.

    # Get the number of samples to simulate for the signal
    #   If filter is to be filtered, with FIR, add extra to compensate for edges
    if f_range and filter_kwargs.get('filter_type', None) != 'iir':

        pass_type = infer_passtype(f_range)
        filt_len = compute_filter_length(fs, pass_type,
                                         *check_filter_definition(pass_type, f_range),
                                         n_seconds=filter_kwargs.get('n_seconds', None),
                                         n_cycles=filter_kwargs.get('n_cycles', 3))

        n_samples = int(n_seconds * fs) + filt_len + 1

        n_samples = int(n_seconds * fs)

    sig = _create_powerlaw(n_samples, fs, exponent)

    if f_range is not None:
        sig = filter_signal(sig, fs, infer_passtype(f_range), f_range,
                            remove_edges=True, **filter_kwargs)
        # Drop the edges, that were compensated for, if not using IIR (using FIR)
        if not filter_kwargs.get('filter_type', None) == 'iir':
            sig, _ = remove_nans(sig)

    return sig
Пример #7
def sim_powerlaw(n_seconds, fs, exponent=-2.0, f_range=None, **filter_kwargs):
    """Simulate a power law time series, with a specified exponent.

    n_seconds : float
        Simulation time, in seconds.
    fs : float
        Sampling rate of simulated signal, in Hz.
    exponent : float, optional, default: -2
        Desired power-law exponent, of the form P(f)=f^exponent.
    f_range : list of [float, float] or None, optional
        Frequency range to filter simulated data, as [f_lo, f_hi], in Hz.
    **filter_kwargs : kwargs, optional
        Keyword arguments to pass to `filter_signal`.

    sig : 1d array
        Time-series with the desired power law exponent.

    - Powerlaw data with exponents is created by spectrally rotating white noise [1]_.

    .. [1] Timmer, J., & Konig, M. (1995). On Generating Power Law Noise.
           Astronomy and Astrophysics, 300, 707–710.

    Simulate a power law signal, with an exponent of -2 (brown noise):

    >>> sig = sim_powerlaw(n_seconds=1, fs=500, exponent=-2.0)

    Simulate a power law signal, with a highpass filter applied at 2 Hz:

    >>> sig = sim_powerlaw(n_seconds=1, fs=500, exponent=-1.5, f_range=(2, None))

    # Compute the number of samples for the simulated time series
    n_samples = compute_nsamples(n_seconds, fs)

    # Get the number of samples to simulate for the signal
    #   If signal is to be filtered, with FIR, add extra to compensate for edges
    if f_range and filter_kwargs.get('filter_type', None) != 'iir':

        pass_type = infer_passtype(f_range)
        filt_len = compute_filter_length(
            *check_filter_definition(pass_type, f_range),
            n_seconds=filter_kwargs.get('n_seconds', None),
            n_cycles=filter_kwargs.get('n_cycles', 3))

        n_samples += filt_len + 1

    # Simulate the powerlaw data
    sig = _create_powerlaw(n_samples, fs, exponent)

    if f_range is not None:
        sig = filter_signal(sig,
        # Drop the edges, that were compensated for, if not using FIR filter
        if not filter_kwargs.get('filter_type', None) == 'iir':
            sig, _ = remove_nans(sig)

    return sig