Пример #1
def test_tty_fmt_url_relative_over() -> None:
    report = create_storage_progress(make_root(False, True, False), True)
    assert isinstance(report, TTYProgress)
    url = URL("storage:folder1/folder2/folder3/folder4/folder5")
    assert (click.unstyle(
        report.fmt_url(url, FileStatusType.FILE,
                       half=True)) == "'storage:.../folder3/folder4/folder5'")
Пример #2
def test_quiet_stream_progress(capsys: Any) -> None:
    report = create_storage_progress(make_root(False, False, False), False)
    src = URL("file:///abc")
    dst = URL("storage:xyz")

    report.begin(src, dst)
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    assert captured.out == f""

    report.enter(StorageProgressEnterDir(src, dst))
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    assert captured.out == f""

    report.start(StorageProgressStart(src, dst, 600))
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    assert captured.out == f""

    report.step(StorageProgressStep(src, dst, 300, 600))
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    assert captured.out == ""

    report.step(StorageProgressStep(src, dst, 400, 600))
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    assert captured.out == ""

    report.complete(StorageProgressComplete(src, dst, 600))
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    assert captured.out == f""

    report.leave(StorageProgressLeaveDir(src, dst))
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    assert captured.out == f""
Пример #3
def test_tty_fmt_url_relative_over_single_segment() -> None:
    report = create_storage_progress(make_root(False, True, False), True)
    assert isinstance(report, TTYProgress)
    url = URL("storage:" + "a" * 35)
    assert (click.unstyle(report.fmt_url(
        url, FileStatusType.FILE,
        half=True)) == "'storage:aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa'")
Пример #4
def test_tty_fmt_url_over_half_long_segment() -> None:
    report = create_storage_progress(make_root(False, True, False), True)
    assert isinstance(report, TTYProgress)
    url = URL("file:///andrew/" + "a" * 30)
    assert (click.unstyle(report.fmt_url(
        url, FileStatusType.FILE,
        half=True)) == "'file:///.../aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa'")
Пример #5
def test_tty_fmt_file_url_over_half() -> None:
    report = create_storage_progress(make_root(False, True, False), True)
    assert isinstance(report, TTYProgress)
    url = URL("file:///andrew/folder0/folder1/file.txt")
    assert (click.unstyle(
        report.fmt_url(url, FileStatusType.FILE,
                       half=True)) == "'file:///.../folder1/file.txt'")
Пример #6
def test_stream_progress(capsys: Any) -> None:
    report = create_storage_progress(make_root(False, False, True), False)
    src = URL("file:///abc")
    src_str = "/abc" if not sys.platform == "win32" else "\\abc"
    dst = URL("storage:xyz")
    dst_str = "storage:xyz"

    report.begin(src, dst)
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    assert captured.out == f"Copy '{src_str}' -> '{dst_str}'\n"

    report.enter(StorageProgressEnterDir(src, dst))
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    assert captured.out == f"'{src_str}' -> '{dst_str}'\n"

    report.start(StorageProgressStart(src, dst, 600))
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    assert captured.out == f""

    report.step(StorageProgressStep(src, dst, 300, 600))
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    assert captured.out == ""

    report.step(StorageProgressStep(src, dst, 400, 600))
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    assert captured.out == ""

    report.complete(StorageProgressComplete(src, dst, 600))
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    assert captured.out == f"'{src_str}' -> '{dst_str}'\n"

    report.leave(StorageProgressLeaveDir(src, dst))
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    assert captured.out == f""
Пример #7
def test_tty_fmt_storage_url_over_full() -> None:
    report = create_storage_progress(make_root(False, True, False), True)
    assert isinstance(report, TTYProgress)
    url = URL("storage://andrew/" + "/".join("folder" + str(i)
                                             for i in range(5)) + "/file.txt")
    assert (click.unstyle(report.fmt_url(url, FileStatusType.FILE, half=False))
            == "'storage://andrew/.../folder2/folder3/folder4/file.txt'")
Пример #8
def test_fail_tty(capsys: Any) -> None:
    report = create_storage_progress(make_root(False, True, False), True)
    src = URL("file:///abc")
    dst = URL("storage:xyz")

    report.fail(StorageProgressFail(src, dst, "error"))
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    assert captured.err == f"Failure: 'file:///abc' -> 'storage:xyz' [error]\n"
Пример #9
def test_tty_verbose(capsys: Any) -> None:
    report = create_storage_progress(make_root(False, True, True), True)
    src = URL("file:///abc")
    dst = URL("storage:xyz")

    report.begin(src, dst)
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    assert captured.out == f"Copy\n'file:///abc'\n=>\n'storage:xyz'\n"
Пример #10
def test_stream_fail2(capsys: Any) -> None:
    report = create_storage_progress(make_root(False, True, False), False)
    src = URL("file:///abc")
    src_str = "/abc" if not sys.platform == "win32" else "\\abc"
    dst = URL("storage:xyz")

    report.fail(StorageProgressFail(src, dst, "error"))
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    assert captured.err == f"Failure: '{src_str}' -> 'storage:xyz' [error]\n"
Пример #11
def test_tty_append_second_dir() -> None:
    with mock.patch.object(TTYProgress, "HEIGHT", 3):
        report = create_storage_progress(make_root(False, True, False), True)
        assert isinstance(report, TTYProgress)
        mock.patch.object(report, "HEIGHT", 3)
        assert report.lines == []
        report.append(URL("a"), "a", is_dir=True)
        assert report.lines == [(URL("a"), True, "a")]
        report.append(URL("b"), "b")
        assert report.lines == [(URL("a"), True, "a"), (URL("b"), False, "b")]
        report.append(URL("c"), "c", is_dir=True)
        assert report.lines == [
            (URL("a"), True, "a"),
            (URL("b"), False, "b"),
            (URL("c"), True, "c"),
        report.append(URL("d"), "d")
        assert report.lines == [
            (URL("a"), True, "a"),
            (URL("c"), True, "c"),
            (URL("d"), False, "d"),
Пример #12
def test_tty_progress(capsys: Any) -> None:
    report = create_storage_progress(make_root(False, True, False), True)
    src = URL("file:///abc")
    dst = URL("storage:xyz")
    src_f = URL("file:///abc/file.txt")
    dst_f = URL("storage:xyz/file.txt")

    report.begin(src, dst)
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    assert captured.out == f"Copy 'file:///abc' => 'storage:xyz'\n"

    report.enter(StorageProgressEnterDir(src, dst))
    assert unstyle(report) == ["'file:///abc' ..."]

    report.start(StorageProgressStart(src_f, dst_f, 600))
    assert unstyle(report) == [
        "'file:///abc' ...", "'file.txt' [0.00%] 0B of 600B"

    report.step(StorageProgressStep(src_f, dst_f, 300, 600))
    assert unstyle(report) == [
        "'file:///abc' ...", "'file.txt' [50.00%] 300B of 600B"

    report.step(StorageProgressStep(src_f, dst_f, 400, 600))
    assert unstyle(report) == [
        "'file:///abc' ...", "'file.txt' [66.67%] 400B of 600B"

    report.complete(StorageProgressComplete(src_f, dst_f, 600))
    assert unstyle(report) == ["'file:///abc' ...", "'file.txt' 600B"]

    report.leave(StorageProgressLeaveDir(src, dst))
    assert unstyle(report) == [
        "'file:///abc' ...",
        "'file.txt' 600B",
        "'file:///abc' DONE",
Пример #13
def test_progress_factory_percent() -> None:
    progress = create_storage_progress(make_root(False, False, False), True)
    assert isinstance(progress, TTYProgress)
Пример #14
def test_progress_factory_verbose() -> None:
    progress = create_storage_progress(make_root(False, False, False), False)
    assert isinstance(progress, StreamProgress)
Пример #15
def test_tty_nested() -> None:
    report = create_storage_progress(make_root(False, True, False), True)
    src = URL("file:///abc")
    dst = URL("storage:xyz")
    src_f = URL("file:///abc/file.txt")
    dst_f = URL("storage:xyz/file.txt")
    src2 = URL("file:///abc/cde")
    dst2 = URL("storage:xyz/cde")
    src2_f = URL("file:///abc/cde/file.txt")
    dst2_f = URL("storage:xyz/cde/file.txt")

    report.enter(StorageProgressEnterDir(src, dst))
    assert unstyle(report) == ["'file:///abc' ..."]

    report.start(StorageProgressStart(src_f, dst_f, 600))
    assert unstyle(report) == [
        "'file:///abc' ...", "'file.txt' [0.00%] 0B of 600B"

    report.step(StorageProgressStep(src_f, dst_f, 300, 600))
    assert unstyle(report) == [
        "'file:///abc' ...", "'file.txt' [50.00%] 300B of 600B"

    report.step(StorageProgressStep(src_f, dst_f, 400, 600))
    assert unstyle(report) == [
        "'file:///abc' ...", "'file.txt' [66.67%] 400B of 600B"

    report.complete(StorageProgressComplete(src_f, dst_f, 600))
    assert unstyle(report) == ["'file:///abc' ...", "'file.txt' 600B"]

    report.enter(StorageProgressEnterDir(src2, dst2))
    assert unstyle(report) == [
        "'file:///abc' ...",
        "'file.txt' 600B",
        "'file:///abc/cde' ...",

    report.start(StorageProgressStart(src2_f, dst2_f, 800))
    assert unstyle(report) == [
        "'file:///abc' ...",
        "'file.txt' 600B",
        "'file:///abc/cde' ...",
        "'file.txt' [0.00%] 0B of 800B",

    report.step(StorageProgressStep(src2_f, dst2_f, 300, 800))
    assert unstyle(report) == [
        "'file:///abc' ...",
        "'file.txt' 600B",
        "'file:///abc/cde' ...",
        "'file.txt' [37.50%] 300B of 800B",

    report.complete(StorageProgressComplete(src2_f, dst_f, 800))
    assert unstyle(report) == [
        "'file:///abc' ...",
        "'file.txt' 600B",
        "'file:///abc/cde' ...",
        "'file.txt' 800B",

    report.leave(StorageProgressLeaveDir(src2, dst2))
    assert unstyle(report) == [
        "'file:///abc' ...",
        "'file.txt' 600B",
        "'file:///abc/cde' ...",
        "'file.txt' 800B",
        "'file:///abc/cde' DONE",

    report.leave(StorageProgressLeaveDir(src, dst))
    assert unstyle(report) == [
        "'file:///abc' ...",
        "'file.txt' 600B",
        "'file:///abc/cde' ...",
        "'file.txt' 800B",
        "'file:///abc/cde' DONE",
        "'file:///abc' DONE",