Пример #1
def _c2_padding(c2_op, in_NHWC, kernel_HWIO, stride_NHWC):
    pad_num = [val.i for val in c2_op.arg if val.name == 'legacy_pad']
    pad_dict = {0: 'NOTSET', 1: 'VALID', 2: 'SAME', 3: 'CAFFE_LEGACY_POOLING'}
    if not pad_num:
        pad_num = 0
    elif len(pad_num) != 1:
        raise ValueError(c2_op.type + " uses multiple paddings")
        pad_num = pad_num[0]

    if pad_num >= 0 and pad_num <= 3:
        pad_type = pad_dict[pad_num]
        raise ValueError(c2_op.type + " uses unknown padding")

    if 'NOTSET' == pad_type:
        padding = np.mod(
            np.array(in_NHWC) - np.array([1] + kernel_HWIO[:-1]),
        if not np.array_equal(padding, [0] * len(padding)):
            raise NotImplementedError(c2_op.type +
                                      " padding type is not defined.")
        padding = common_conv2d_pool_padding(input_NHWC=in_NHWC,
    return padding
Пример #2
    def args_filter(args):
        Filter currently not supported case (only symmetric padding allowed).

            True if args shall be kept.
        C, D, H, W, N, J, T, R, S, strides, padding = args
        pad_t, pad_b, pad_l, pad_r = common_conv2d_pool_padding(
            (N, H, W, C), (R, S, C, C), strides, padding)
        return pad_t == pad_b and pad_l == pad_r
Пример #3
    def MaxPool(self, tf_node, inputs):
        Performs the max pooling on the input.

            tf_node: NodeDef object, the tensorflow node to convert.
            inputs: List of ngraph Ops as inputs to this node.

            A ngraph Op corresponding to the tensorflow node.

        Inputs to tf_node:

        TODO: assume default tensorflow layout NHWC, RSCK,
              need to support NCHW as well
              need to clean up / merge with conv2d

                      Tensorflow          Ngraph
            in       (N, H, W, C)     (C, D, H, W, N)
            out      (N, P, Q, K)     (K, M, P, Q, N)

        Notes on output shape:
        image = inputs[0]

        # TODO: currently NHWC only
        assert tf_node.attr['data_format'].s.decode("ascii") == "NHWC"

        # new axes
        C, D, H, W, K, M, P, Q = [ng.make_axis() for _ in range(8)]
        N = ng.make_axis(name='N')
        D.length, M.length = 1, 1  # only supports 2D conv for now

        # tf's input axes
        ax_i_tf = ng.make_axes([N, H, W, C])

        # ksize params
        tf_ksize = [int(s) for s in list(tf_node.attr['ksize'].list.i)]
        if len(tf_ksize) != 4:
            raise ValueError("Length of ksize my be 4.")
        if tf_ksize[0] != 1:
            raise NotImplementedError('Ksize on batch axis (N) must be 1.')
        if tf_ksize[3] != 1:
            raise NotImplementedError('Ksize on channel axis (C) must be 1.'
                                      'Cross map pooling to be implemented.')
        R_length, S_length = tf_ksize[1:3]
        T_length = J_length = 1

        # strides params
        tf_strides = [int(s) for s in list(tf_node.attr['strides'].list.i)]
        if len(tf_strides) != 4:
            raise ValueError("Length of strides my be 4.")
        if tf_strides[0] != 1:
            raise NotImplementedError('Strides on batch axis (N) must be 1.')
        if tf_strides[3] != 1:
            raise NotImplementedError('Strides on channel axis (C) must be 1.')
        str_h, str_w = tf_strides[1], tf_strides[2]

        # padding params
        padding = tf_node.attr['padding'].s.decode("ascii")
        pad_t, pad_b, pad_l, pad_r = common_conv2d_pool_padding(
            image.axes.lengths, (R_length, S_length, C.length, C.length),
            tf_strides, padding)
        if pad_t != pad_b or pad_l != pad_r:
            raise NotImplementedError("Requires symmetric padding in ngraph:"
                                      "pad_t(%s) == pad_b(%s) and"
                                      "pad_l(%s) == pad_r(%s)" %
                                      (pad_t, pad_b, pad_l, pad_r))
        # pooling params
        params = dict(op='max',
                      pad_d=0, pad_h=pad_t, pad_w=pad_l, pad_c=0,
                      str_d=1, str_h=str_h, str_w=str_w, str_c=1,
                      J=J_length, T=T_length, R=R_length, S=S_length)

        # tf's output axes
        ax_o_tf = ng.make_axes([N, P, Q, K])
                                                          (R_length, S_length,
                                                           C.length, C.length),
                                                          tf_strides, padding))

        # ngraph's i, f, o axes
        ax_i = ng.make_axes([C, D, H, W, N])
        ax_o = ng.make_axes([K, M, P, Q, N])

        # image NHWC -> CDHWN
        image = ng.cast_axes(image, ng.make_axes([N, H, W, C]))
        image = ng.expand_dims(image, D, 1)  # NHWC -> NDHWC
        image = ng.axes_with_order(image, ax_i)  # NDHWC -> CDHWN

        # pooling
        output = ng.pooling(params, image, axes=ax_o)

        # output KMPQN -> NPQK
        # KMPQN -> NMPQK
        output = ng.axes_with_order(output, ng.make_axes(
            [N, M, P, Q, K]))
        # NMPQK -> NPQK
        output = ng.tensor_slice(output, [slice(None), 0, slice(None),
                                          slice(None), slice(None)])

        return output
Пример #4
    def Conv2D(self, tf_node, inputs):
        Computes a 2-D convolution given 4D input and filter tensors.

            tf_node: NodeDef object, the tensorflow node to convert.
            inputs: List of ngraph Ops as inputs to this node.

            A ngraph Op corresponding to the tensorflow node.

        Inputs to tf_node:
            input, filter

        TODO: assume default tensorflow layout NHWC, RSCK,
              need to support NCHW as well
              need to clean up / merge with maxpool

                      Tensorflow          Ngraph
            in       (N, H, W, C)     (C, D, H, W, N)
            filter   (R, S, C, K)     (C, T, R, S, K)
            out      (N, P, Q, K)     (K, M, P, Q, N)

        Notes on output shape:
        image, weight = inputs

        # TODO: currently NHWC only
        if tf_node.attr['data_format'].s.decode("ascii") != "NHWC":
            raise NotImplementedError("Only supports NHWC import for now.")

        # check in_C == f_C
        if image.axes.lengths[3] != weight.axes.lengths[2]:
            raise ValueError("Image's C dimension (%s) must be equal to "
                             "filter's C dimension (%s)."
                             % (image.axes.lengths[3], weight.axes.lengths[2]))

        # strides params
        tf_strides = [int(s) for s in list(tf_node.attr['strides'].list.i)]
        if len(tf_strides) != 4:
            raise ValueError("Length of strides my be 4.")
        if tf_strides[0] != 1:
            raise NotImplementedError('Strides on batch axis (N) must be 1.')
        if tf_strides[3] != 1:
            raise NotImplementedError('Strides on channel axis (C) must be 1.')
        str_h, str_w = tf_strides[1], tf_strides[2]

        # padding params
        padding = tf_node.attr['padding'].s.decode("ascii")
        pad_t, pad_b, pad_l, pad_r = common_conv2d_pool_padding(
            image.axes.lengths, weight.axes.lengths, tf_strides, padding)
        if pad_t != pad_b or pad_l != pad_r:
            raise NotImplementedError("Requires symmetric padding in ngraph:"
                                      "pad_t(%s) == pad_b(%s) and"
                                      "pad_l(%s) == pad_r(%s)" %
                                      (pad_t, pad_b, pad_l, pad_r))

        # conv params
        params = dict(pad_d=0, pad_h=pad_t, pad_w=pad_l,
                      str_d=1, str_h=str_h, str_w=str_w,
                      dil_d=1, dil_h=1, dil_w=1)

        # new axes
        C, D, H, W, T, R, S, K, M, P, Q = [ng.make_axis() for _ in range(11)]
        N = ng.make_axis(name='N')
        D.length, T.length, M.length = 1, 1, 1  # only supports 2D conv for now

        # tf's i, f, o axes
        ax_i_tf = ng.make_axes([N, H, W, C])
        ax_f_tf = ng.make_axes([R, S, C, K])
        ax_o_tf = ng.make_axes([N, P, Q, K])
                                                          tf_strides, padding))

        # ngraph's i, f, o axes
        ax_i = ng.make_axes([C, D, H, W, N])
        ax_f = ng.make_axes([C, T, R, S, K])
        ax_o = ng.make_axes([K, M, P, Q, N])

        # image NHWC -> CDHWN
        image = ng.cast_axes(image, ng.make_axes([N, H, W, C]))
        image = ng.expand_dims(image, D, 1)  # NHWC -> NDHWC
        image = ng.axes_with_order(image, ax_i)  # NDHWC -> CDHWN

        # weights RSCK -> CTRSK
        weight = ng.cast_axes(weight, ng.make_axes([R, S, C, K]))
        weight = ng.expand_dims(weight, T, 0)  # RSCK -> TRSCK
        weight = ng.axes_with_order(weight, ax_f)  # TRSCK -> CTRSK

        # convolution
        output = ng.convolution(params, image, weight, axes=ax_o)

        # output KMPQN -> NPQK
        # KMPQN -> NMPQK
        output = ng.axes_with_order(output, ng.make_axes([N, M, P, Q, K]))
        # NMPQK -> NPQK
        output = ng.tensor_slice(output, [slice(None), 0, slice(None),
                                          slice(None), slice(None)])

        return output