Пример #1
  def __call__(self, x, h, c):

    concat = np.concatenate((x, h), axis=1)
    hidden = np.matmul(concat, self.W_full)+self.bias

    i, g, f, o = np.split(hidden, 4, axis=1)

    i = sigmoid(i)
    g = np.tanh(g)
    f = sigmoid(f+self.forget_bias)
    o = sigmoid(o)

    if self.train_mode:
      mask = np.array(np.random.rand(self.hidden_size) < self.dropout_keep_prob).astype(np.int)
      d_g = np.multiply(mask, g)
      d_g = self.dropout_keep_prob * g
    new_c = np.multiply(c, f) + np.multiply(d_g, i)
    new_h = np.multiply(np.tanh(new_c), o)

    return new_h, new_c
Пример #2
 def forward_all(self, x, z):
     assert x.ndim == 3
     assert z.ndim == 2
     xz = T.concatenate([x, z.dimshuffle((0, 1, "x"))], axis=2)
     h0 = T.zeros((1, x.shape[1], self.n_hidden),
     h = self.rlayer.forward_all(xz)
     h_prev = T.concatenate([h0, h[:-1]], axis=0)
     assert h.ndim == 3
     assert h_prev.ndim == 3
     pz = sigmoid(T.dot(x, self.w1) + T.dot(h_prev, self.w2) + self.bias)
     assert pz.ndim == 2
     return pz
Пример #3
    def forward(self, x_t, z_t, h_tm1, pz_tm1):

        print "z_t", z_t.ndim

        pz_t = sigmoid(
            T.dot(x_t, self.w1) + T.dot(h_tm1[:, -self.n_hidden:], self.w2) +

        xz_t = T.concatenate([x_t, z_t.reshape((-1, 1))], axis=1)
        h_t = self.rlayer.forward(xz_t, h_tm1)

        # batch
        return h_t, pz_t
Пример #4
    def forward(self, x_t, z_t, h_tm1, pz_tm1):

        print "z_t", z_t.ndim

        pz_t = sigmoid(
                    T.dot(x_t, self.w1) +
                    T.dot(h_tm1[:,-self.n_hidden:], self.w2) +

        xz_t =  T.concatenate([x_t, z_t.reshape((-1,1))], axis=1)
        h_t = self.rlayer.forward(xz_t, h_tm1)

        # batch
        return h_t, pz_t
Пример #5
 def task(self):
     iScale = 10
     iExtent = 5
     iMin = -iScale * iExtent
     iMax = iScale * iExtent
     listDblX = [float(i) / float(iScale) for i in xrange(iMin, iMax)]
     listDblSigmoid = [nn.sigmoid(dblX) for dblX in listDblX]
     listPairData = zip(listDblX, listDblSigmoid)
     return {
         "chart": {"defaultSeriesType": "line"},
         "title": {"text": "Sigmoid Function"},
         "xAxis": {"title": {"text": "Perceptron Input"}, "min": -iExtent, "max": iExtent},
         "yAxis": {"title": {"text": "Activation"}, "min": 0.0, "max": 1.0},
         "series": [{"name": "Activation", "data": listPairData}],
Пример #6
 def task(self):
     iScale = 10
     iExtent = 5
     iMin = -iScale*iExtent
     iMax = iScale*iExtent
     listDblX = [float(i)/float(iScale) for i in xrange(iMin,iMax)]
     listDblSigmoid = [nn.sigmoid(dblX) for dblX in listDblX]
     listPairData = zip(listDblX,listDblSigmoid)
     return {"chart": {"defaultSeriesType": "line"},
             "title": {"text": "Sigmoid Function"},
             "xAxis": {"title":{"text": "Perceptron Input"},
                       "min": -iExtent, "max": iExtent},
             "yAxis": {"title":{"text":"Activation"}, "min":0.0,
                       "max": 1.0},
             "series": [{"name":"Activation", "data": listPairData}]}
Пример #7
 def forward_all(self, x, z):
     assert x.ndim == 3
     assert z.ndim == 2
     xz = T.concatenate([x, z.dimshuffle((0,1,"x"))], axis=2)
     h0 = T.zeros((1, x.shape[1], self.n_hidden), dtype=theano.config.floatX)
     h = self.rlayer.forward_all(xz)
     h_prev = T.concatenate([h0, h[:-1]], axis=0)
     assert h.ndim == 3
     assert h_prev.ndim == 3
     pz = sigmoid(
             T.dot(x, self.w1) +
             T.dot(h_prev, self.w2) +
     assert pz.ndim == 2
     return pz
 def train(self):
     for epoch in range(10):
         for it, (x, y) in enumerate(self.data_loader):
             x = torch.bernoulli(x)
             if cuda:
                 x = x.cuda()
             x = Variable(x.view(-1, 1, 28, 28))
             out = nn_.sigmoid(self.mdl((x, 0))[0]).permute(0, 3, 1, 2)
             loss = utils.bceloss(out, x).sum(1).sum(1).sum(1).mean()
             if ((it + 1) % 100) == 0:
                 print 'Epoch: [%2d] [%4d/%4d] loss: %.8f' % \
                     (epoch+1, it+1,
                      self.data_loader.dataset.__len__() // 32,
Пример #9
    def sample(self, x_t, z_tm1, h_tm1):

        print "z_tm1", z_tm1.ndim, type(z_tm1)

        pz_t = sigmoid(
            T.dot(x_t, self.w1) + T.dot(h_tm1[:, -self.n_hidden:], self.w2) +

        # batch
        pz_t = pz_t.ravel()
        z_t = T.cast(self.MRG_rng.binomial(size=pz_t.shape, p=pz_t),

        xz_t = T.concatenate([x_t, z_t.reshape((-1, 1))], axis=1)
        h_t = self.rlayer.forward(xz_t, h_tm1)

        return z_t, h_t
Пример #10
    def sample(self, x_t, z_tm1, h_tm1):

        print "z_tm1", z_tm1.ndim, type(z_tm1)

        pz_t = sigmoid(
                    T.dot(x_t, self.w1) +
                    T.dot(h_tm1[:,-self.n_hidden:], self.w2) +

        # batch
        pz_t = pz_t.ravel()
        z_t = T.cast(self.MRG_rng.binomial(size=pz_t.shape,
                                        p=pz_t), "int8")

        xz_t = T.concatenate([x_t, z_t.reshape((-1,1))], axis=1)
        h_t = self.rlayer.forward(xz_t, h_tm1)

        return z_t, h_t
Пример #11
 def train(self):
     for epoch in range(10):
         for it, (x, y) in enumerate(self.data_loader):
             x = torch.bernoulli(x)
             x = Variable(x.view(-1, 784))
             out = nn_.sigmoid(self.mdl(x)[:,:,0])
             loss = utils.bceloss(out, x).sum(1).mean()
             if ((it + 1) % 10) == 0:
                 print 'Epoch: [%2d] [%4d/%4d] loss: %.8f' % \
                     (epoch+1, it+1, 
                      self.data_loader.dataset.__len__() // 32,
Пример #12
import os
import sys

x = np.random.randint(0,3,(1,5,5))
y = np.where(x>0,0,1)
y = y.reshape([25])
#  Architecture
conv1 = nn.convolve3d(shape=(10,1,3,3), mode='same')
add1  = nn.add()
relu1 = nn.relu()
conv2 = nn.convolve3d(shape=(1,10,3,3), mode='same')
add2 = nn.add()
lin = nn.linear((25,25 ))
sigmoid = nn.sigmoid()
mse = nn.mse()
print('Architecture loaded')

# weigths init

layer = [conv1, add1, relu1, conv2, add2, lin, sigmoid, mse]

#compute  graph
def model(x,y, update = True):
    x = conv1.forward(x)
    x = add1.forward(x)
    x = conv2.forward(x)
    x = add2.forward(x)
    #x = x.reshape([25])
Пример #13
def weights():
    data = np.full((3,3), 2)
    s = nn.sigmoid(data)
    weights = nn.init_weights(data.shape[1], data.shape[1])
Пример #14
 def test_sigmoid(self):
     dblP = random.random()
     self.assertAlmostEqual(dblP, nn.sigmoid(logit(dblP)))
Пример #15
    # Skip blanks and comments
    if (re.match("^\s*$", line) or re.match("^\s*#", line)):
    if len(line) > nn.__MAXSTRING__:
            "ERROR - input line too long, max length of {} characters".format(

    input_bits = np.zeros((1, nn.__MAXSTRING__ * 8))
    input_bits[0] = nn.word_to_bits(line)

    # Calculate outputs based on input and network weights
    l1 = nn.sigmoid(np.dot(input_bits, w1))
    l2 = nn.sigmoid(np.dot(l1, w2))

    (rows, columns) = np.shape(l2)
    #print("\nOutput learned values (rounded to T/F)")
    #for row in range(rows):
    #    for column in range(columns):
    #        formatstring="{:.0f} "
    #        print(formatstring.format(l2[row][column]),end='')
    #    print()
    #print("\nString format:")

    # Convert binary back to characters
    index = 0
Пример #16
# and see how close it is to the desired output.  How far off it is from the output is the error and we
# adjust the weights by that derivative of that amount (so a small adjust).  And then repeat for 10,000 times.

# We will log our learning findings at each step.  Write column headers of the CSV.
file_results = open("results.csv", "w+")

for iter in range(100000):

    # forward propagation, multiply input matrix by weights matrix to get new value.
    input_weighted = (np.dot(input_dataset, w1))
    # Apply a sigmoid function to these weighted values to get them into the 0..1 range since our output_dataset is 0 or 1.  Basically False or True.
    l1 = nn.sigmoid(input_weighted)

    # Figure out how far off from the expected output we were.
    l1_error = output_dataset - l1

    # Figure out how much we will change our weights by.  Too little here and it will take a ton
    # of iterations to converge.  Too much change and we lack resolution and may miss the target
    # by too much and then next time we could end up adjusting back by the same amount, thus just oscilating.
    # Note that l1 is 0..1 so derivative(l1) will be 0 to .5, a nice smooth curve like an upside down bowl.  So our multiplication
    # (used later) will be biggest if our value is around .5 (midpoint) but will be very small the closer we get to 0 or 1 meaning that
    # we will make larger updates as we are in the middle (could be true or false, 0 or 1), but will make very small changes as we get
    # closer to 0 or 1.
    # Really the core of this machine learning is searching the solution space looking for better and better answers.
    l1_delta = l1_error * nn.derivative(l1)

    # update weights
Пример #17

input_bits = np.zeros((1,32))

output_bits = np.zeros((1,32))

# Network of weights.  32 to match the input, 32 to match the output
w1 = 2*np.random.random((32,32))-1

for iter in range(1000):
    l1 = nn.sigmoid(np.dot(input_bits,w1))
    l1_error = output_bits - l1
    l1_delta = l1_error * nn.derivative(l1)

    w1 += np.dot(input_bits.T,l1_delta)

print("\n\nOutput learned values (actual)")
for row in l1:
    for column in row:
        print("{:05.5f}  ".format(column),end='')

print("\nOutput learned values (rounded to T/F)")
for row in l1:
    for column in row:
Пример #18
 def forward(self, params, x):
     W1, b1 = params
     # the [0] is to make sure we return a scalar.
     return nn.sigmoid(np.matmul(W1, x) + b1[0])

mdl = model()

n = 16
spl = utils.varify(np.random.randn(n, 1, 28, 28).astype('float32'))
spl.volative = True
mdl.mdl = mdl.mdl.eval()

for i in range(0, 28):
    for j in range(28):

        out, _ = mdl.mdl((spl, 0))
        out = out.permute(0, 3, 1, 2)
        proba = nn_.sigmoid(out[:, 0, i, j])
        spl.data[:, 0, i, j] = torch.bernoulli(proba).data
        #unif = torch.zeros_like(proba)
        #spl[:,0,i,j] = torch.ge(proba,unif).float()

#plt.imshow(nn_.sigmoid(out[3,0]).data.numpy().reshape(28,28), cmap='gray')

path = './temp_results'
if not os.path.exists(path):

for i in range(n):
    scipy.misc.imsave(path + '/{}.png'.format(i),
                      nn_.sigmoid(out[i, 0]).data.numpy().reshape(28, 28))
Пример #20
 def forward(self, params, x):
     W1, b1, W2, b2 = params
     # the [0] is to make sure we return a scalar.
     h1 = np.tanh(np.matmul(W1, x) + b1)
     return nn.sigmoid(np.matmul(W2, h1) + b2[0])
Пример #21
 def test_sigmoid(self):
     dblP = random.random()
     self.assertAlmostEqual(dblP, nn.sigmoid(logit(dblP)))
Пример #22
# So the idea of the work is that we take the input_dataset, adjust it by the synapse0 weights (multiply)
# and see how close it is to the desired output.  How far off it is from the output is the error and we
# adjust the weights by that derivative of that amount (so a small adjust).  And then repeat for 10,000 times.

# We will log our learning findings at each step.  Write column headers of the CSV.
#file_results = open("results.csv","w+")

for iter in range(10000):

    # Feed forward through layer1 and layer2 based on weights
    l1 = nn.sigmoid(np.dot(input_dataset, w1))
    l2 = nn.sigmoid(np.dot(l1, w2))

    # Figure out how much we missed on layer2
    l2_error = output_dataset - l2
    l2_delta = l2_error * nn.derivative(l2)

    # Figure out how much we will change our weights by.  Too little here and it will take a ton
    # of iterations to converge.  Too much change and we lack resolution and may miss the target
    # by too much and then next time we could end up adjusting back by the same amount, thus just oscilating.
    # Note that l1 is 0..1 so derivative(l1) will be 0 to .5, a nice smooth curve like an upside down bowl.  So our multiplication
    # (used later) will be biggest if our value is around .5 (midpoint) but will be very small the closer we get to 0 or 1 meaning that
    # we will make larger updates as we are in the middle (could be true or false, 0 or 1), but will make very small changes as we get
    # closer to 0 or 1.
    # Really the core of this machine learning is searching the solution space looking for better and better answers.
Пример #23
                if ((it + 1) % 10) == 0:
                    print 'Epoch: [%2d] [%4d/%4d] loss: %.8f' % \
                        (epoch+1, it+1, 
                         self.data_loader.dataset.__len__() // 32,

mdl = model()

spl = utils.varify(np.random.randn(64,784).astype('float32'))

ranks = (mdl.mdl.rx)
ind = np.argsort(ranks)
for i in range(784):
    out = mdl.mdl(spl)
    spl[:,ind[i]] = torch.bernoulli(nn_.sigmoid(out[:,ind[i]]))

plt.imshow(nn_.sigmoid(out[56]).data.numpy().reshape(28,28), cmap='gray')