Пример #1
def testCoreTree_ToCFile(monkeypatch, mockGUI, mockItems, tmpDir):
    """Test writing the ToC.txt file.
    theProject = NWProject(mockGUI)
    theTree = NWTree(theProject)

    for tHandle, pHandle, nwItem in mockItems:
        theTree.append(tHandle, pHandle, nwItem)

    assert len(theTree) == len(mockItems)

    def mockIsFile(fileName):
        """Return True for items that are files in novelWriter and
        should thus also be files in the project folder structure.
        dItem = theTree[fileName[8:21]]
        assert dItem is not None
        return dItem.itemType == nwItemType.FILE

    monkeypatch.setattr("os.path.isfile", mockIsFile)

    theProject.projContent = "content"
    theProject.projPath = None
    assert not theTree.writeToCFile()

    theProject.projPath = tmpDir
    assert theTree.writeToCFile()

    pathA = os.path.join("content", "c000000000001.nwd")
    pathB = os.path.join("content", "c000000000002.nwd")
    pathC = os.path.join("content", "b000000000002.nwd")

    assert readFile(os.path.join(tmpDir, nwFiles.TOC_TXT)) == (
        "Table of Contents\n"
        "File Name                  Class      Layout    Document Label\n"
        f"{pathA}  NOVEL      DOCUMENT  Chapter One\n"
        f"{pathB}  NOVEL      DOCUMENT  Scene One\n"
        f"{pathC}  CHARACTER  NOTE      Jane Doe\n")
Пример #2
def testCoreProject_LockFile(monkeypatch, fncDir, mockGUI):
    """Test lock file functions for the project folder.
    theProject = NWProject(mockGUI)

    lockFile = os.path.join(fncDir, nwFiles.PROJ_LOCK)

    # No project
    assert theProject._writeLockFile() is False
    assert theProject._readLockFile() == ["ERROR"]
    assert theProject._clearLockFile() is False

    theProject.projPath = fncDir
    theProject.mainConf.hostName = "TestHost"
    theProject.mainConf.osType = "TestOS"
    theProject.mainConf.kernelVer = "1.0"

    # Block open
    with monkeypatch.context() as mp:
        mp.setattr("builtins.open", causeOSError)
        assert theProject._writeLockFile() is False

    # Write lock file
    with monkeypatch.context() as mp:
        mp.setattr("novelwriter.core.project.time", lambda: 123.4)
        assert theProject._writeLockFile() is True
    assert readFile(lockFile) == "TestHost\nTestOS\n1.0\n123\n"

    # Block open
    with monkeypatch.context() as mp:
        mp.setattr("builtins.open", causeOSError)
        assert theProject._readLockFile() == ["ERROR"]

    # Read lock file
    assert theProject._readLockFile() == ["TestHost", "TestOS", "1.0", "123"]

    # Block unlink
    with monkeypatch.context() as mp:
        mp.setattr("os.unlink", causeOSError)
        assert os.path.isfile(lockFile)
        assert theProject._clearLockFile() is False
        assert os.path.isfile(lockFile)

    # Clear file
    assert os.path.isfile(lockFile)
    assert theProject._clearLockFile() is True
    assert not os.path.isfile(lockFile)

    # Read again, no file
    assert theProject._readLockFile() == []

    # Read an invalid lock file
    writeFile(lockFile, "A\nB")
    assert theProject._readLockFile() == ["ERROR"]
    assert theProject._clearLockFile() is True
Пример #3
def testCoreProject_Helpers(monkeypatch, fncDir, mockGUI):
    """Test helper functions for the project folder.
    theProject = NWProject(mockGUI)

    # No path
    assert theProject.ensureFolderStructure() is False

    # Set the correct dir
    theProject.projPath = fncDir

    # Block user's home folder
    with monkeypatch.context() as mp:
        mp.setattr("os.path.expanduser", lambda *a, **k: fncDir)
        assert theProject.ensureFolderStructure() is False

    # Create a file to block meta folder
    metaDir = os.path.join(fncDir, "meta")
    writeFile(metaDir, "stuff")
    assert theProject.ensureFolderStructure() is False

    # Create a file to block cache folder
    cacheDir = os.path.join(fncDir, "cache")
    writeFile(cacheDir, "stuff")
    assert theProject.ensureFolderStructure() is False

    # Create a file to block content folder
    contentDir = os.path.join(fncDir, "content")
    writeFile(contentDir, "stuff")
    assert theProject.ensureFolderStructure() is False

    # Now, do it right
    assert theProject.ensureFolderStructure() is True
    assert os.path.isdir(metaDir)
    assert os.path.isdir(cacheDir)
    assert os.path.isdir(contentDir)