Пример #1
def prctile(x, p = (0.0, 25.0, 50.0, 75.0, 100.0)):
    Return the percentiles of x.  p can either be a sequence of
    percentil values or a scalar.  If p is a sequence the i-th element
    of the return sequence is the p(i)-th percentile of x
    x = sort(ravel(x))
    Nx = len(x)

    if not iterable(p):
        return x[int(p*Nx/100.0)]

    p = multiply(array(p), Nx/100.0)
    ind = p.astype(Int)
    ind = where(ind>=Nx, Nx-1, ind)        
    return take(x, ind)
Пример #2
def prctile(x, p=(0.0, 25.0, 50.0, 75.0, 100.0)):
    Return the percentiles of x.  p can either be a sequence of
    percentil values or a scalar.  If p is a sequence the i-th element
    of the return sequence is the p(i)-th percentile of x
    x = sort(ravel(x))
    Nx = len(x)

    if not iterable(p):
        return x[int(p * Nx / 100.0)]

    p = multiply(array(p), Nx / 100.0)
    ind = p.astype(Int)
    ind = where(ind >= Nx, Nx - 1, ind)
    return take(x, ind)