Пример #1
def lusubs(lower, upper, bvector, permlist):
    Back substitution for LU decomposition. 
    NB. bvector and permlist are just lists, not matrix type vectors. 

    # Check input matrices and vectors/lists for inconsistencies
    ndiml = squaredim(lower, 'lusubs')
    ndimu = squaredim(upper, 'lusubs')

    errortext1 = "lower and upper have different dimensions in lusubs!"
    assert ndimu == ndiml, errortext1
    nb    = len(bvector)
    errortext2 = "inconsistent dimensions in matrices and vector in lusubs!"
    assert nb == ndiml, errortext2

    errortext3 = "inconsistent length of permutation list in lusubs!"
    assert len(permlist) == nb, errortext3
    cvector = reorder(bvector, permlist)

    # First do forward substitution with lower matrix to 
    # create intermediate vector (yvector)
    yvector = array('d', nb*[0.0])
    divisor = float(lower[0][0])
    if abs(divisor) < TINY: divisor = fsign(divisor)*TINY
    yvector[0] = cvector[0] / divisor
    for i in range(1, nb):
        summ = 0.0
        for j in range(0, i):  summ += lower[i][j]*yvector[j]
        divisor = float(lower[i][i])
        if abs(divisor) < TINY: divisor = fsign(divisor)*TINY
        yvector[i] = (cvector[i]-summ) / divisor

    # Then do backward substitution using upper matrix and intermediate 
    # vector to acheive final result
    xvector = array('d', nb*[0.0])
    nbm1 = nb - 1
    divisor = float(upper[nbm1][nbm1])
    if abs(divisor) < TINY: divisor = fsign(divisor)*TINY
    xvector[nbm1] = yvector[nbm1] / divisor
    nbm2 = nbm1 - 1
    for i in range(nbm2, -1, -1):
        summ = 0.0
        ip1  = i + 1
        for j in range(ip1, nb):  summ += upper[i][j]*xvector[j]
        divisor = float(upper[i][i])
        if abs(divisor) < TINY: divisor = fsign(divisor)*TINY
        xvector[i] = (yvector[i]-summ) / divisor

    return xvector
Пример #2
def lusubs(lower, upper, bvector, permlist):
    Back substitution for LU decomposition. 
    NB. bvector and permlist are just lists, not matrix type vectors. 

    # Check input matrices and vectors/lists for inconsistencies
    ndiml = squaredim(lower, 'lusubs')
    ndimu = squaredim(upper, 'lusubs')

    errortext1 = "lower and upper have different dimensions in lusubs!"
    assert ndimu == ndiml, errortext1
    nb = len(bvector)
    errortext2 = "inconsistent dimensions in matrices and vector in lusubs!"
    assert nb == ndiml, errortext2

    errortext3 = "inconsistent length of permutation list in lusubs!"
    assert len(permlist) == nb, errortext3
    cvector = reorder(bvector, permlist)

    # First do forward substitution with lower matrix to
    # create intermediate vector (yvector)
    yvector = array('d', nb * [0.0])
    divisor = float(lower[0][0])
    if abs(divisor) < TINY: divisor = fsign(divisor) * TINY
    yvector[0] = cvector[0] / divisor
    for i in range(1, nb):
        summ = 0.0
        for j in range(0, i):
            summ += lower[i][j] * yvector[j]
        divisor = float(lower[i][i])
        if abs(divisor) < TINY: divisor = fsign(divisor) * TINY
        yvector[i] = (cvector[i] - summ) / divisor

    # Then do backward substitution using upper matrix and intermediate
    # vector to acheive final result
    xvector = array('d', nb * [0.0])
    nbm1 = nb - 1
    divisor = float(upper[nbm1][nbm1])
    if abs(divisor) < TINY: divisor = fsign(divisor) * TINY
    xvector[nbm1] = yvector[nbm1] / divisor
    nbm2 = nbm1 - 1
    for i in range(nbm2, -1, -1):
        summ = 0.0
        ip1 = i + 1
        for j in range(ip1, nb):
            summ += upper[i][j] * xvector[j]
        divisor = float(upper[i][i])
        if abs(divisor) < TINY: divisor = fsign(divisor) * TINY
        xvector[i] = (yvector[i] - summ) / divisor

    return xvector
Пример #3
    def crossed(self, t, tnext):
        The method used for actually finding a (possible) crossing point between
        the present time t and proposed/scheduled next time point tnext. It does
        not require that the present time point be the tnext of the previous 
        step - it is possible to let t > previous tnext (by a small amount, 
        naturally) to allow for "tiptoeing" around discontinuities. It is also 
        possible to let t < previous tnext (by a small amount) in order to come 
        as close as possible to a discontinuity before passing it. 
        NB1. mode = 'any' allows for multiple crossings, whereas 'pos' and 
        'neg' allows for one crossing only - possible future crossings are not 
        registered for 'pos' and 'neg'. 
        NB2. A warning will be issued if the solver fails to converge for the 
        tolerances and maximum number of iterations input at the initiation of 
        the instance object, but a result is always returned.

        NB3. tcrosslo will always be output >=t and tcrosshi will always be 
        output <= tnext.

        assert tnext >= t, \
               "There is something strange with the times input to crossed!"

        # No more crossings
        if self.__has_crossed and self.__mode != 'any': return False

        # Check to see whether the present time has already caused a crossing
        # (in which case it should have been taken care of):
        diff = self.__diffunc(t)
        if (self.__mode == 'any' and fsign(diff) != fsign(self.__diffprev)) \
        or (self.__mode == 'pos' and diff >= 0.0) \
        or (self.__mode == 'neg' and diff <= 0.0):
            self.__has_crossed = True
            return False

        diff = self.__diffunc(tnext)
        if (self.__mode == 'any' and fsign(diff) != fsign(self.__diffprev)) \
        or (self.__mode == 'pos' and diff >= 0.0) \
        or (self.__mode == 'neg' and diff <= 0.0):
            self.__diffprev = diff
            tcross = self.__solver(self.__diffunc, t, tnext, 'crossed', \
                                 self.__tolf, self.__tola, self.__maxniter)
            eps = self.__tolf * abs(tcross) + self.__tola
            tcrosslo = max(t, tcross - eps)
            tcrosshi = min(tcross + eps, tnext)
            return tcrosslo, tcross, tcrosshi

            self.__diffprev = diff
            return False
Пример #4
    def crossed(self, t, tnext):
        The method used for actually finding a (possible) crossing point between
        the present time t and proposed/scheduled next time point tnext. It does
        not require that the present time point be the tnext of the previous 
        step - it is possible to let t > previous tnext (by a small amount, 
        naturally) to allow for "tiptoeing" around discontinuities. It is also 
        possible to let t < previous tnext (by a small amount) in order to come 
        as close as possible to a discontinuity before passing it. 
        NB1. mode = 'any' allows for multiple crossings, whereas 'pos' and 
        'neg' allows for one crossing only - possible future crossings are not 
        registered for 'pos' and 'neg'. 
        NB2. A warning will be issued if the solver fails to converge for the 
        tolerances and maximum number of iterations input at the initiation of 
        the instance object, but a result is always returned.

        NB3. tcrosslo will always be output >=t and tcrosshi will always be 
        output <= tnext.

        assert tnext >= t, \
               "There is something strange with the times input to crossed!"

        # No more crossings
        if self.__has_crossed and self.__mode != 'any': return False

        # Check to see whether the present time has already caused a crossing
        # (in which case it should have been taken care of):
        diff = self.__diffunc(t)
        if (self.__mode == 'any' and fsign(diff) != fsign(self.__diffprev)) \
        or (self.__mode == 'pos' and diff >= 0.0) \
        or (self.__mode == 'neg' and diff <= 0.0):
            self.__has_crossed = True
            return False

        diff = self.__diffunc(tnext)
        if (self.__mode == 'any' and fsign(diff) != fsign(self.__diffprev)) \
        or (self.__mode == 'pos' and diff >= 0.0) \
        or (self.__mode == 'neg' and diff <= 0.0):
            self.__diffprev = diff
            tcross = self.__solver(self.__diffunc, t, tnext, 'crossed', \
                                 self.__tolf, self.__tola, self.__maxniter)
            eps    = self.__tolf*abs(tcross) + self.__tola
            tcrosslo = max(t, tcross-eps)
            tcrosshi = min(tcross+eps, tnext)
            return tcrosslo, tcross, tcrosshi

            self.__diffprev = diff
            return False
Пример #5
def z2nddeg_real(a, b, c):
    Finds and returns the real roots of the quadratic equation 
    a*x^2 + b*x + c = 0, are there any.

    Seems to handle the problems in Forsythe-Malcolm-Moler 
    in a  l e s s  reliable manner than does z2nddeg_complex!

    x1, x2    The two roots of the second degree equation
              (returns None, None if roots are complex)       

    assert a != 0.0, "x^2 coefficient must not be zero in z2nddeg_real!"

    undersquareroot = b**2 - 4.0 * a * c

    if undersquareroot >= 0.0:
        x1 = -b + fsign(b) * math.sqrt(undersquareroot)
        x1 = 0.5 * x1 / a
        x2 = c / (a * x1)
        return x1, x2
        return None, None
Пример #6
def cexppower(loc, scale, alpha, x, lngam1oalpha=False, tolf=FOURMACHEPS, itmax=128):
    The exponential power distribution 
    f  =  (a/s) * exp(-abs([x-l]/s)**a) / [2*gamma(1/a)]
    F  =  1/2 * [1 + sgn(x-l) * Fgamma(1/a, abs([x-l]/s)**a)],   x in R
    s, a > 0
    where Fgamma is the gamma distribution cdf.

    NB It is possible to gain efficiency by providing the value of the 
    natural logarithm of the complete gamma function ln(gamma(1.0/alpha)) 
    as a pre-computed input (may be computed using numlib.specfunc.lngamma) 
    instead of the default 'False'.

    tolf and itmax are the numerical control parameters of cgamma.

    assert scale > 0.0, "scale parameter must be a positive float in cexppower!"
    assert alpha > 0.0, "shape parameter alpha must be a positive float in cexppower!"

    if alpha == 1.0:
        return claplace(loc, scale, x)

    ainv = 1.0 / alpha
    xml = x - loc

    if not lngam1oalpha:
        lng1oa = lngamma(ainv)
        lng1oa = lngam1oalpha
    cg = cgamma(ainv, 1.0, abs(xml / scale) ** alpha, lng1oa, tolf, itmax)
    cdf = 0.5 * (fsign(xml) * cg + 1.0)

    cdf = kept_within(0.0, cdf, 1.0)

    return cdf
Пример #7
def cexppower(loc, scale, alpha, x, lngam1oalpha=False, \
                                    tolf=FOURMACHEPS, itmax=128):
    The exponential power distribution 
    f  =  (a/s) * exp(-abs([x-l]/s)**a) / [2*gamma(1/a)]
    F  =  1/2 * [1 + sgn(x-l) * Fgamma(1/a, abs([x-l]/s)**a)],   x in R
    s, a > 0
    where Fgamma is the gamma distribution cdf.

    NB It is possible to gain efficiency by providing the value of the 
    natural logarithm of the complete gamma function ln(gamma(1.0/alpha)) 
    as a pre-computed input (may be computed using numlib.specfunc.lngamma) 
    instead of the default 'False'.

    tolf and itmax are the numerical control parameters of cgamma.

    assert scale > 0.0, \
               "scale parameter must be a positive float in cexppower!"
    assert alpha > 0.0, \
            "shape parameter alpha must be a positive float in cexppower!"

    if alpha == 1.0: return claplace(loc, scale, x)

    ainv = 1.0 / alpha
    xml = x - loc

    if not lngam1oalpha: lng1oa = lngamma(ainv)
    else: lng1oa = lngam1oalpha
    cg = cgamma(ainv, 1.0, abs(xml / scale)**alpha, lng1oa, tolf, itmax)
    cdf = 0.5 * (fsign(xml) * cg + 1.0)

    cdf = kept_within(0.0, cdf, 1.0)

    return cdf
Пример #8
def z2nddeg_real(a, b, c):
    Finds and returns the real roots of the quadratic equation 
    a*x^2 + b*x + c = 0, are there any.

    Seems to handle the problems in Forsythe-Malcolm-Moler 
    in a  l e s s  reliable manner than does z2nddeg_complex!

    x1, x2    The two roots of the second degree equation
              (returns None, None if roots are complex)       

    assert a != 0.0, "x^2 coefficient must not be zero in z2nddeg_real!"

    undersquareroot  =  b**2 - 4.0*a*c

    if undersquareroot >= 0.0:
        x1  =  -b + fsign(b)*math.sqrt(undersquareroot)
        x1  =  0.5 * x1 / a
        x2  =  c / (a*x1)
        return x1, x2
        return None, None
Пример #9
def _dstable_sym_small(alpha, x, tolr):
    A series expansion for small x due to Bergstrom. 
    Converges for x < 1.0 and in practice also for 
    somewhat larger x. 
    The function uses the Kahan summation procedure 
    (cf. Dahlquist, Bjorck & Anderson). 

    summ   =  0.0
    c      =  0.0
    fact   = -1.0
    xx     =  x*x
    xpart  =  1.0
    k      =   0
    zero2  =  zero1  =  False
    while True:
        k       +=  1
        summo    =  summ
        twokm1   =  2*k - 1
        twokm1oa =  float(twokm1)/alpha
        r        =  lngamma(twokm1oa) - lnfactorial(twokm1)
        term     =  twokm1 * exp(r) * xpart
        fact     = - fact
        term    *=  fact
        y        =  term + c
        t        =  summ + y
        if fsign(y) == fsign(summ):
            f = (0.46*t-t) + t
            c = ((summ-f)-(t-f)) + y
            c = (summ-t) + y
        summ     =  t
        if abs(summ-summo) < tolr*abs(summ) and abs(term) < tolr and zero2:
        xpart *=  xx
        if abs(term) < tolr:
            if zero1: zero2 = True
            else:     zero1 = True
    summ +=  c
    pdf   =  summ / (PI*alpha)

    pdf   =  kept_within(0.0, pdf)
    return pdf
Пример #10
def _dstable_sym_small(alpha, x, tolr):
    A series expansion for small x due to Bergstrom. 
    Converges for x < 1.0 and in practice also for 
    somewhat larger x. 
    The function uses the Kahan summation procedure 
    (cf. Dahlquist, Bjorck & Anderson). 

    summ = 0.0
    c = 0.0
    fact = -1.0
    xx = x * x
    xpart = 1.0
    k = 0
    zero2 = zero1 = False
    while True:
        k += 1
        summo = summ
        twokm1 = 2 * k - 1
        twokm1oa = float(twokm1) / alpha
        r = lngamma(twokm1oa) - lnfactorial(twokm1)
        term = twokm1 * exp(r) * xpart
        fact = -fact
        term *= fact
        y = term + c
        t = summ + y
        if fsign(y) == fsign(summ):
            f = (0.46 * t - t) + t
            c = ((summ - f) - (t - f)) + y
            c = (summ - t) + y
        summ = t
        if abs(summ - summo) < tolr * abs(summ) and abs(term) < tolr and zero2:
        xpart *= xx
        if abs(term) < tolr:
            if zero1: zero2 = True
            else: zero1 = True
    summ += c
    pdf = summ / (PI * alpha)

    pdf = kept_within(0.0, pdf)
    return pdf
Пример #11
def _dstable_sym_big(alpha, x, tolr):
    A series expansion for large x due to Bergstrom. 
    Converges for x > 1.0
    The function uses the Kahan summation procedure 
    (cf. Dahlquist, Bjorck & Anderson). 

    summ  = 0.0
    c     = 0.0
    fact  = 1.0
    k     =  0
    zero2 = zero1 = False
    while True:
        k     +=  1
        summo  =  summ
        ak     =  alpha * k
        akh    =  0.5 * ak
        r      =  lngamma(ak) - lnfactorial(k)
        term   = - ak * exp(r) * sin(PIHALF*ak) / pow(x, ak+1)
        fact   = - fact
        term  *=  fact
        y      =  term + c
        t      =  summ + y
        if fsign(y) == fsign(summ):
            f = (0.46*t-t) + t
            c = ((summ-f)-(t-f)) + y
            c = (summ-t) + y
        summ   =  t
        if abs(summ-summo) < tolr*abs(summ) and abs(term) < tolr and zero2:
        if abs(term) < tolr:
            if zero1: zero2 = True
            else:     zero1 = True
    summ +=  c
    #pdf   =  summ / PI
    pdf   =  PIINV * summ

    pdf   =  kept_within(0.0, pdf)
    return pdf
Пример #12
def _dstable_sym_big(alpha, x, tolr):
    A series expansion for large x due to Bergstrom. 
    Converges for x > 1.0
    The function uses the Kahan summation procedure 
    (cf. Dahlquist, Bjorck & Anderson). 

    summ = 0.0
    c = 0.0
    fact = 1.0
    k = 0
    zero2 = zero1 = False
    while True:
        k += 1
        summo = summ
        ak = alpha * k
        akh = 0.5 * ak
        r = lngamma(ak) - lnfactorial(k)
        term = -ak * exp(r) * sin(PIHALF * ak) / pow(x, ak + 1)
        fact = -fact
        term *= fact
        y = term + c
        t = summ + y
        if fsign(y) == fsign(summ):
            f = (0.46 * t - t) + t
            c = ((summ - f) - (t - f)) + y
            c = (summ - t) + y
        summ = t
        if abs(summ - summo) < tolr * abs(summ) and abs(term) < tolr and zero2:
        if abs(term) < tolr:
            if zero1: zero2 = True
            else: zero1 = True
    summ += c
    #pdf   =  summ / PI
    pdf = PIINV * summ

    pdf = kept_within(0.0, pdf)
    return pdf
Пример #13
def bracketzero(func,
                maxniter=32):  # GOLDPHI1 is approx. 1.6
    Bracket a root by expanding from the input "guesses" x1, x2. 
    NB. It is not required that x2 > x1.
    Designed for use prior to any of the one-variable equation solvers. 
    The function carries out a maximum of 'maxniter' iterations, 
    each one expanding the original span by a factor of 'factor', 
    until a span is reached in which there is a zero crossing.

    assert factor > 1.0, "Expansion factor must be > 1.0 in bracketzero!"
    assert is_posinteger(maxniter), \
       "Maximum number of iterations must be a positive integer in bracketzero!"

    lo = min(x1, x2)
    up = max(x1, x2)

    flo = func(lo)
    fup = func(up)

    for k in range(0, maxniter):

        if fsign(flo) != fsign(fup): return lo, up

        if abs(flo) < abs(fup):
            lo += factor * (lo - up)
            flo = func(lo)
            up += factor * (up - lo)
            fup = func(up)

    errtxt1 = "Root bracketing failed after " + str(maxniter)
    errtxt2 = " iterations in bracketzero " + "(called from " + caller + ")"
    raise Error(errtxt1 + errtxt2)
Пример #14
def ludcmp_crout(matrix):
    Decomposes/factorizes square input matrix into a lower and an 
    upper matrix using Crout's algorithm WITHOUT pivoting. 
    NB. It only works for square matrices!!! 

    ndim = squaredim(matrix, 'ludcmp_crout')

    # Copy object instance to new matrix in order for the original instance 
    # not to be destroyed.
    # Create two new square matrices of the same sized as the input matrix:
    # one unity matrix (to be the lower matrix), one zero matrix (to be 
    # the upper matrix)
    copymx   = deepcopy(matrix)
    lower    = Matrix()
    upper    = Matrix()
    upper.zero(ndim, ndim)
    permlist = list(range(0, ndim))

    # Perform the necessary manipulations:
    for j in range(0, ndim):
        iu = 0
        while iu <= j:
            k    = 0
            summ = 0.0
            while k < iu:
                summ += lower[iu][k]*upper[k][j]
                k   = k + 1
            upper[iu][j] = copymx[iu][j] - summ
            iu = iu + 1
        il = j + 1
        while il < ndim:
            k    = 0
            summ = 0.0
            while k < j:
                summ += lower[il][k]*upper[k][j]
                k = k + 1
            divisor = float(upper[j][j])
            if abs(divisor) < TINY: divisor = fsign(divisor)*TINY
            lower[il][j] = (copymx[il][j]-summ) / divisor
            il = il + 1

    parity = 1.0

    return lower, upper, permlist, parity
Пример #15
def bracketzero(func, x1, x2, caller='caller', 
                factor=GOLDPHI1, maxniter=32):  # GOLDPHI1 is approx. 1.6
    Bracket a root by expanding from the input "guesses" x1, x2. 
    NB. It is not required that x2 > x1.
    Designed for use prior to any of the one-variable equation solvers. 
    The function carries out a maximum of 'maxniter' iterations, 
    each one expanding the original span by a factor of 'factor', 
    until a span is reached in which there is a zero crossing.

    assert factor > 1.0, "Expansion factor must be > 1.0 in bracketzero!"
    assert is_posinteger(maxniter), \
       "Maximum number of iterations must be a positive integer in bracketzero!"

    lo = min(x1, x2)
    up = max(x1, x2)

    flo = func(lo)
    fup = func(up)

    for k in range(0, maxniter):

        if fsign(flo) != fsign(fup): return lo, up

        if abs(flo) < abs(fup):
            lo += factor*(lo-up)
            flo = func(lo)
            up += factor*(up-lo)
            fup = func(up)

    errtxt1 = "Root bracketing failed after " + str(maxniter)
    errtxt2 = " iterations in bracketzero " + "(called from " + caller + ")"
    raise Error(errtxt1 + errtxt2)
Пример #16
def ludcmp_crout(matrix):
    Decomposes/factorizes square input matrix into a lower and an 
    upper matrix using Crout's algorithm WITHOUT pivoting. 
    NB. It only works for square matrices!!! 

    ndim = squaredim(matrix, 'ludcmp_crout')

    # Copy object instance to new matrix in order for the original instance
    # not to be destroyed.
    # Create two new square matrices of the same sized as the input matrix:
    # one unity matrix (to be the lower matrix), one zero matrix (to be
    # the upper matrix)
    copymx = deepcopy(matrix)
    lower = Matrix()
    upper = Matrix()
    upper.zero(ndim, ndim)
    permlist = list(range(0, ndim))

    # Perform the necessary manipulations:
    for j in range(0, ndim):
        iu = 0
        while iu <= j:
            k = 0
            summ = 0.0
            while k < iu:
                summ += lower[iu][k] * upper[k][j]
                k = k + 1
            upper[iu][j] = copymx[iu][j] - summ
            iu = iu + 1
        il = j + 1
        while il < ndim:
            k = 0
            summ = 0.0
            while k < j:
                summ += lower[il][k] * upper[k][j]
                k = k + 1
            divisor = float(upper[j][j])
            if abs(divisor) < TINY: divisor = fsign(divisor) * TINY
            lower[il][j] = (copymx[il][j] - summ) / divisor
            il = il + 1

    parity = 1.0

    return lower, upper, permlist, parity
Пример #17
def icauchy(prob, location=0.0, scale=1.0):
    The inverse of a Cauchy distribution: f = 1 / [s*pi*(1 + [(x-l)/s]**2)]
                                          F = (1/pi)*arctan((x-l)/s) + 1/2
    (also known as the Lorentzian or Lorentz distribution)
    scale must be >= 0 

    _assertprob(prob, 'icauchy')
    # ---
    assert scale >= 0.0, "scale parameter must not be negative in icauchy!"

    x  =  prob - 0.5

        r  =  tan(PI*x)
        r  =  scale*r + location

    except OverflowError:
        r  =  fsign(x) * float('inf')

    return r
Пример #18
def lngamma(alpha):
    The natural logarithm of the gamma function for real, positive argument.
    Maximum fractional error can be estimated to < 1.e-13
    For alpha < 20.0 lngamma uses Laczos expansion with coefficients taken from 
    http://home.att.net/~numericana/answer/info/godfrey.htm where fractional 
    error of the gamma function using these specific coefficients is claimed 
    to be < 1.e-13
    For alpha >= 20.0 the Euler-McLaurin series expansion for ln(gamma) is used 
    (see for instance Dahlquist, Bjorck & Anderson). For EulerMcLaurin the 
    fractional  t r u n c a t i o n  error is less than 2.4e-14 (and always 

    assert alpha > 0.0, "Argument must be real and positive in lngamma!"

    if alpha < 20.0:
        # The Laczos expansion with coefficients taken from
        # http://home.att.net/~numericana/answer/info/godfrey.htm
        # where fractional error of the gamma function using these
        # particular coefficients is claimed to be < 1.e-13:

        coeff = ( \
                 1.000000000000000174663,  5716.400188274341379136,        \
            -14815.30426768413909044,     14291.49277657478554025,         \
             -6348.160217641458813289,     1301.608286058321874105,        \
              -108.1767053514369634679,       2.605696505611755827729,     \
                -0.7423452510201416151527e-2, 0.5384136432509564062961e-7, \
                -0.4023533141268236372067e-8 )
        lm1 = len(coeff) - 1

        g = 9.0
        arg1 = alpha + 0.5
        arg2 = arg1 + g
        summ = 0.0
        c = 0.0
        a = alpha + 11.0
        for k in range(lm1, 0, -1):  # The Kahan summation procedure is used
            a -= 1.0
            term = coeff[k] / a
            y = term + c
            t = summ + y
            if fsign(y) == fsign(summ):
                f = (0.46 * t - t) + t
                c = ((summ - f) - (t - f)) + y
                c = (summ - t) + y
            summ = t
        summ += c
        summ += coeff[0]
        summ *= SQRTTWOPI

        lngam = arg1 * log(arg2) - arg2 + log(summ / alpha)

        # The Euler-McLaurin series expansion for ln(gamma)
        # (see for instance Dahlquist, Bjorck & Anderson).
        # For alpha >= 20.0 the fractional t_r_u_n_c_a_t_i_o_n
        # error is less than 2.4e-14 (and always positive):

        alfa = alpha - 1.0

        #const    =  0.9189385332046727417803296      #  0.5*log(2.0*pi)
        #coeff0   = -1.0
        #coeff1   =  0.0833333333333333333333333333   #  1.0/12.0
        #coeff2   = -0.0027777777777777777777777778   # -1.0/360.0
        #coeff3   =  0.0007936507936507936507936508   #  1.0/1260.0
        #coeff4   = -0.0005952380952380952380952381   # -1.0/1680.0
        #coeff5   =  0.0008417508417508417184175084   #  1.0/1188.0

        oneoa2 = 1.0 / alfa**2
        summ   = -1.0 + oneoa2*\
                  ( 0.0833333333333333333333333333 + oneoa2*\
                  (-0.0027777777777777777777777778 + oneoa2*\
                  ( 0.0007936507936507936507936508 + oneoa2*\
        # coeff5 is not used
        summ *= alfa

        lngam = 0.9189385332046727417803296 + (alfa + 0.5) * log(alfa) + summ
        #print coeff5 / (alfa**7 * lngam)   # Fractional truncation error -
        # coeff5 used here

    return lngam
Пример #19
def cstable_sym(alpha, location, scale, x):
    Cumulative distribution of a SYMMETRICAL stable distribution where alpha is 
    the tail exponent. For numerical reasons alpha is restricted to [0.25, 0.9] 
    and [1.125, 1.9] - but alpha = 1.0 (the Cauchy) and alpha = 2.0 (scaled 
    normal) are also allowed!

    Numerics are somewhat crude but the fractional error is mostly < 0.001 - 
    sometimes much less - and the absolute error is almost always < 0.001 - 
    sometimes much less... 

    NB This function is slow, particularly for small alpha !!!!!

    # NB Do not change the numerical parameters - they are matched - they
    # are also matched with the parameters in the corresponding pdf function
    # dstable_sym on which this function is partly based! Changes in dstable_sym
    # are likely to require changes in this function!

    assert 0.25 <= alpha and alpha <= 2.0,  \
                               "alpha must be in [0.25, 2.0] in cstable_sym!"
    if alpha < 1.0:        assert alpha <= 0.9,    \
                    "alpha <= 1.0 must be <= 0.9 in cstable_sym!"
    if alpha > 1.0:        assert alpha >= 1.125,  \
                   "alpha > 1.0 must be >= 1.125 in cstable_sym!"
    if alpha > 1.9:        assert alpha == 2.0,    \
                      "alpha > 1.9 must be = 2.0 in cstable_sym!"
    assert scale > 0.0, "scale must be a positive float in cstable_sym!"

    if alpha == 1.0: return ccauchy(location, scale, x)
    if alpha == 2.0: return cnormal(location, SQRT2 * scale, x)

    x = (x - location) / float(scale)
    s = fsign(x)
    x = abs(x)

    if x == 0.0: return 0.5

    if alpha < 1.0:
        if x <= 1.0:
            tolromb = 0.5**12 / (alpha * alpha)
            cdf = _stable_sym_int(alpha, x, tolromb, 10)
            cdf = _cstable_sym_big(alpha, x, MACHEPS)

    elif alpha > 1.0:
        y1 = -2.212502985 + alpha * (3.03077875081 - alpha * 0.742811132)
        dy = 0.130 * sqrt((alpha - 1.0))
        y2 = y1 + dy
        y1 = y1 - dy
        y1 = pow(10.0, y1)
        y2 = pow(10.0, y2)
        if x <= y1:
            cdf = _cstable_sym_small(alpha, x, MACHEPS)
        elif x <= y2:
            c1 = (x - y1) / (y2 - y1)
            c2 = 1.0 - c1
            cdf = c2*_cstable_sym_small(alpha, x, MACHEPS) + \
                  c1*_stable_sym_tail(alpha, x)
            cdf = _stable_sym_tail(alpha, x)

    if s < 0.0: cdf = 1.0 - cdf
    cdf = kept_within(0.0, cdf, 1.0)
    return cdf
Пример #20
def cstable_sym(alpha, location, scale, x):
    Cumulative distribution of a SYMMETRICAL stable distribution where alpha is 
    the tail exponent. For numerical reasons alpha is restricted to [0.25, 0.9] 
    and [1.125, 1.9] - but alpha = 1.0 (the Cauchy) and alpha = 2.0 (scaled 
    normal) are also allowed!

    Numerics are somewhat crude but the fractional error is mostly < 0.001 - 
    sometimes much less - and the absolute error is almost always < 0.001 - 
    sometimes much less... 

    NB This function is slow, particularly for small alpha !!!!!

    # NB Do not change the numerical parameters - they are matched - they
    # are also matched with the parameters in the corresponding pdf function
    # dstable_sym on which this function is partly based! Changes in dstable_sym
    # are likely to require changes in this function!

    assert 0.25 <= alpha and alpha <= 2.0, "alpha must be in [0.25, 2.0] in cstable_sym!"
    if alpha < 1.0:
        assert alpha <= 0.9, "alpha <= 1.0 must be <= 0.9 in cstable_sym!"
    if alpha > 1.0:
        assert alpha >= 1.125, "alpha > 1.0 must be >= 1.125 in cstable_sym!"
    if alpha > 1.9:
        assert alpha == 2.0, "alpha > 1.9 must be = 2.0 in cstable_sym!"
    assert scale > 0.0, "scale must be a positive float in cstable_sym!"

    if alpha == 1.0:
        return ccauchy(location, scale, x)
    if alpha == 2.0:
        return cnormal(location, SQRT2 * scale, x)

    x = (x - location) / float(scale)
    s = fsign(x)
    x = abs(x)

    if x == 0.0:
        return 0.5

    if alpha < 1.0:
        if x <= 1.0:
            tolromb = 0.5 ** 12 / (alpha * alpha)
            cdf = _stable_sym_int(alpha, x, tolromb, 10)
            cdf = _cstable_sym_big(alpha, x, MACHEPS)

    elif alpha > 1.0:
        y1 = -2.212502985 + alpha * (3.03077875081 - alpha * 0.742811132)
        dy = 0.130 * sqrt((alpha - 1.0))
        y2 = y1 + dy
        y1 = y1 - dy
        y1 = pow(10.0, y1)
        y2 = pow(10.0, y2)
        if x <= y1:
            cdf = _cstable_sym_small(alpha, x, MACHEPS)
        elif x <= y2:
            c1 = (x - y1) / (y2 - y1)
            c2 = 1.0 - c1
            cdf = c2 * _cstable_sym_small(alpha, x, MACHEPS) + c1 * _stable_sym_tail(alpha, x)
            cdf = _stable_sym_tail(alpha, x)

    if s < 0.0:
        cdf = 1.0 - cdf
    cdf = kept_within(0.0, cdf, 1.0)
    return cdf
Пример #21
def lngamma(alpha):
    The natural logarithm of the gamma function for real, positive argument.
    Maximum fractional error can be estimated to < 1.e-13
    For alpha < 20.0 lngamma uses Laczos expansion with coefficients taken from 
    http://home.att.net/~numericana/answer/info/godfrey.htm where fractional 
    error of the gamma function using these specific coefficients is claimed 
    to be < 1.e-13
    For alpha >= 20.0 the Euler-McLaurin series expansion for ln(gamma) is used 
    (see for instance Dahlquist, Bjorck & Anderson). For EulerMcLaurin the 
    fractional  t r u n c a t i o n  error is less than 2.4e-14 (and always 

    assert alpha > 0.0, "Argument must be real and positive in lngamma!"

    if alpha < 20.0:
        # The Laczos expansion with coefficients taken from 
        # http://home.att.net/~numericana/answer/info/godfrey.htm 
        # where fractional error of the gamma function using these
        # particular coefficients is claimed to be < 1.e-13:

        coeff = ( \
                 1.000000000000000174663,  5716.400188274341379136,        \
            -14815.30426768413909044,     14291.49277657478554025,         \
             -6348.160217641458813289,     1301.608286058321874105,        \
              -108.1767053514369634679,       2.605696505611755827729,     \
                -0.7423452510201416151527e-2, 0.5384136432509564062961e-7, \
                -0.4023533141268236372067e-8 ) ;  lm1 = len(coeff) - 1

        g     = 9.0
        arg1  = alpha + 0.5
        arg2  = arg1 + g
        summ  = 0.0
        c     = 0.0
        a     = alpha + 11.0
        for k in range(lm1, 0, -1):  # The Kahan summation procedure is used
            a    -= 1.0
            term  = coeff[k]/a
            y     = term + c
            t     = summ + y
            if fsign(y) == fsign(summ):
                f = (0.46*t-t) + t
                c = ((summ-f)-(t-f)) + y
                c = (summ-t) + y
            summ  =  t
        summ += c
        summ += coeff[0]
        summ *= SQRTTWOPI

        lngam  =  arg1*log(arg2) - arg2 + log(summ/alpha)

        # The Euler-McLaurin series expansion for ln(gamma) 
        # (see for instance Dahlquist, Bjorck & Anderson).
        # For alpha >= 20.0 the fractional t_r_u_n_c_a_t_i_o_n 
        # error is less than 2.4e-14 (and always positive):

        alfa     = alpha - 1.0

        #const    =  0.9189385332046727417803296      #  0.5*log(2.0*pi)
        #coeff0   = -1.0
        #coeff1   =  0.0833333333333333333333333333   #  1.0/12.0
        #coeff2   = -0.0027777777777777777777777778   # -1.0/360.0
        #coeff3   =  0.0007936507936507936507936508   #  1.0/1260.0
        #coeff4   = -0.0005952380952380952380952381   # -1.0/1680.0
        #coeff5   =  0.0008417508417508417184175084   #  1.0/1188.0

        oneoa2 =  1.0 / alfa**2
        summ   = -1.0 + oneoa2*\
                  ( 0.0833333333333333333333333333 + oneoa2*\
                  (-0.0027777777777777777777777778 + oneoa2*\
                  ( 0.0007936507936507936507936508 + oneoa2*\
                                               # coeff5 is not used
        summ  *=  alfa

        lngam  =  0.9189385332046727417803296 + (alfa+0.5)*log(alfa) + summ
        #print coeff5 / (alfa**7 * lngam)   # Fractional truncation error - 
                                            # coeff5 used here

    return lngam
Пример #22
def erfc1(x, tol=_EIGHTMACHEPS):
    Computation of the complementary error function for real argument.
    Fractional error is estimated to < 50*machine epsilon for abs(x) <= 1.5
    and < 1.e-8 elsewhere (erfc2 is called for abs(x) > 1.5 for numeric reasons).
    The function uses a power series expansion for arguments between -1.5 
    and +1.5 (cf. Abramowitz & Stegun) and continued fractions for all other 
    arguments (cf. A. Cuyt et al., "Continued Fractions for Special Functions: 
    Handbook and Software", Universiteit Antwerpen, where a slightly faster 
    converging expression than that of Abramowitz & Stegun's CF is presented. 
    Cuyt's "ER.20" is used here).

    if tol < _EIGHTMACHEPS:
        tol = _EIGHTMACHEPS
        txt1 = "No use using tolerance < 8.0*machine epsilon in erfc1."
        txt2 = " 8.0*machine epsilon is used"

    ax  = abs(x)
    xx  = x*x

    if ax <= _ERFC21:
        # Power series expansion (cf. Abramowitz & Stegun)
        k     = 0.0
        sign  = 1.0
        xpart = 1.0
        den1  = 1.0
        #den2  = 1.0
        #term  = sign*xpart/(den1*den2)
        #summ  = term
        summ   = 1.0
        c      = 0.0
        while True: # The Kahan summation proc. (cf. Dahlquist, Bjorck & Anderson)
            k     += 1.0
            summo  = summ
            sign   = -sign
            xpart *= xx
            den1  *= k
            den2   = 2.0*k + 1.0
            term   = sign*xpart/(den1*den2)
            y      = term + c
            t      = summ + y
            if fsign(y) == fsign(summ):
                f = (0.46*t-t) + t
                c = ((summ-f)-(t-f)) + y
                c = (summ-t) + y
            summ  = t
            if abs(summ-summo) < tol*abs(summ):
                summ += c
        #r = 1.0 - (2.0*ax/SQRTPI)*summ
        r = 1.0 - (2.0*SQRTPIINV*ax)*summ

    else: return erfc2(x)
        # Compute continued fractions:
        # Q = b0 + a1/(b1 + a2/(b2 + a3/(b3 + ......... where ak   
        # are numerator terms and where bk are denominator terms 
        # (and where a0 is always 0).
        # Here:
        # b0 = 0.0
        # a1 = 1.0
        # a2 = 0.5
        # a3 = 1.5
        # a4 = 2.0
        # b1 = b3 etc = x*x
        # b2 = b4 etx = 1.0
        # (cf. Cuyt et al.)

        #k   = 0.0
        bk  = 0.0
        Am1 = 1.0
        Bm1 = 0.0
        A0  = bk
        B0  = 1.0

        k   = 1.0
        bk  = xx
        ak  = 1.0
        Ap1 = bk*A0 + ak*Am1
        Bp1 = bk*B0 + ak*Bm1
        Q   = Ap1/Bp1
        Am1 = A0
        Bm1 = B0
        A0  = Ap1
        B0  = Bp1

        while True:
            k   += 1.0
            Qold = Q
            if is_eveninteger(k): bk = 1.0
            else:                 bk = xx
            ak   = 0.5 * (k-1.0)
            Ap1  = bk*A0 + ak*Am1
            Bp1  = bk*B0 + ak*Bm1
            Q    = Ap1/Bp1
            if abs(Q-Qold) < abs(Q)*tol:
            Am1  = A0
            Bm1  = B0
            A0   = Ap1
            B0   = Bp1

        p  = exp(-xx)
        if p == 0.0: # Take a chance...
            #r = exp(-xx + log(ax*Q/SQRTPI))
            r = exp(-xx + log(SQRTPIINV*ax*Q))
            #r = ax * p * Q / SQRTPI
            r = SQRTPIINV * ax * p * Q"""

    if x < 0.0: r = 2.0 - r
    r = kept_within(0.0, r, 2.0)
    return r
Пример #23
def ludcmp_crout_piv(matrix):
    Decomposes/factorizes square input matrix into a lower 
    and an upper matrix using Crout's algorithm WITH pivoting. 
    NB. It only works on square matrices!!! 

    ndim     = squaredim(matrix, 'ludcmp_crout_piv')
    ndm1     = ndim - 1
    vv       = array('d', ndim*[0.0])
    permlist = list(range(0, ndim))
    parity   = 1.0
    imax     = 0

    # Copy to matrix to be processed (maintains the original matrix intact)
    compactlu = deepcopy(matrix)

    for i in range(0, ndim):   # Copy and do some other stuff
        big = 0.0
        for j in range(0, ndim):
            temp = abs(compactlu[i][j])
            if temp > big: big = temp
        assert big > 0.0
        vv[i] = 1.0/big

    # Perform the necessary manipulations:
    for j in range(0, ndim):
        for i in range(0, j):
            sum = compactlu[i][j]
            for k in range(0, i): sum -= compactlu[i][k] * compactlu[k][j]
            compactlu[i][j] = sum
        big = 0.0
        for i in range(j, ndim):
            sum = compactlu[i][j]
            for k in range(0, j): sum -= compactlu[i][k] * compactlu[k][j]
            compactlu[i][j] = sum
            dum = vv[i] * abs(sum)
            if dum > big:
                big  = dum
                imax = i
        if j != imax:
            # Substitute row imax and row j
            imaxdum        = permlist[imax]   # NB in !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
            jdum           = permlist[j]      # NB in !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
            permlist[j]    = imaxdum          # NB in !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
            permlist[imax] = jdum             # NB in !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
            for k in range(0, ndim):
                dum                = compactlu[imax][k]
                compactlu[imax][k] = compactlu[j][k]
                compactlu[j][k]    = dum
            parity   = - parity
            vv[imax] = vv[j]
        #permlist[j] = imax   # NB out !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        divisor = float(compactlu[j][j])
        if abs(divisor) < TINY: divisor = fsign(divisor)*TINY
        dum = 1.0 / divisor
        if j != ndm1:
            jp1 = j + 1
            for i in range(jp1, ndim): compactlu[i][j] *= dum

    lower = Matrix()
    lower.zero(ndim, ndim)
    upper = Matrix()
    upper.zero(ndim, ndim)

    for i in range(0, ndim):
        for j in range(i, ndim): lower[j][i] = compactlu[j][i]
    for i in range(0, ndim):
        lower[i][i] = 1.0

    for i in range(0, ndim):
        for j in range(i, ndim): upper[i][j] = compactlu[i][j]

    del compactlu

    return lower, upper, permlist, parity
Пример #24
def zbisect(func, x1, x2, caller='caller', tolf=FOURMACHEPS, \
                          tola=SQRTTINY, maxniter=256, bracket=False):
    Solves the equation func(x) = 0 on [x1, x2] using a bisection algorithm. 
    zbisect converges slower than zbrent in most cases, but it might be faster 
    in some cases!
    NB. The function always returns a value but a warning is printed to stdout 
    if the iteration procedure has not converged! Cf. comment below regarding 

    func      Function having the proposed root as its argument
    x1        Lower search limit (root must be known to be >= x1 unless 
              prior bracketing is used)
    x2        Upper search limit (root must be known to be <= x2 unless 
              prior bracketing is used)
    tolf      Desired fractional accuracy of root (a combination of fractional 
              and absolute will actually be used: tolf*abs(root) + tola)

    tola      Desired absolute accuracy of root (a combination of fractional 
              and absolute will actually be used: tolf*abs(root) + tola)
              desired max absolute difference of func(root) from zero

    maxniter  Maximum number of iterations

    bracket   If True, x1 and x2 are used in an initial bracketing before 

    Final value of root
    This algorithm needs on the average log2((b-a)/tol) function evaluations to 
    reach convergence. For instance: b-a = 1.0 and tol = 1.8e-12 will on the 
    average provide convergence in about 40 iterations. Bisection is "dead 
    certain" and will always converge if there is a root. It is likely to pass 
    the tolerances with no extra margin. If there is no root, it will converge 
    to a singularity if there is one...

    if tolf < MACHEPS:
        tolf = MACHEPS
        wtxt1 = "Fractional tolerance less than machine epsilon is not a "
        wtxt2 = "good idea in zbisect. Machine epsilon will be used instead!"
        warn(wtxt1 + wtxt2)

    if tola < 0.0:
        tola = 0.0
        wtxt1 = "Negative absolute tolerance is not a good idea "
        wtxt2 = "in zbisect. 0.0 (zero) will be used instead!"
        warn(wtxt1 + wtxt2)

    assert is_posinteger(maxniter), \
          "Maximum number of iterations must be a positive integer in zbisect!"

    if bracket: x1, x2 = bracketzero(func, x1, x2, caller, maxniter)

    assert x2 > x1, \
                  "Bounds must be given with the lower bound first in zbisect!"

    fmid = func(x2)
    if fmid == 0.0: return x2
    f = func(x1)
    if f == 0.0: return x1
    if fsign(fmid) == fsign(f):
        x1, x2 = bracketzero(func, x1, x2, caller, maxniter)
        wtxt1 = "Starting points must be on opposite sides of the root in "
        wtxt2 = "zbisect. Bracketing will be used to find an appropriate span!"
        warn(wtxt1 + wtxt2)

    if f < 0.0:
        root = x1
        h = x2 - x1
        root = x2
        h = x1 - x2

    niter = 0
    while niter <= maxniter:
        niter += 1
        h = 0.5 * h
        xmid = root + h
        fmid = func(xmid)
        if abs(fmid) < tola: return xmid
        if fmid <= 0.0: root = xmid
        absh = abs(h)
        if absh < tolf * abs(root) + tola: return root

        wtxt1 = str(maxniter) + " it'ns not sufficient in zbisect called by "
        wtxt2 = caller + ".\nfunc(x) = " + str(fmid) + " for x = " + str(root)
        warn(wtxt1 + wtxt2)
        return root
Пример #25
def zbrent(func, x1, x2, caller='caller', tolf=FOURMACHEPS, \
                         tola=SQRTTINY, maxniter=128, bracket=False):
    Solves the equation func(x) = 0 on [x1, x2] using a variant of Richard 
    Brent's algorithm (more like the "ZEROIN" of Forsythe-Malcolm-Moler). 
    NB. The function always returns a value but a warning is printed to stdout 
    if the iteration procedure has not converged! Cf. comment below regarding 
    func      Function having the proposed root as its argument

    x1        Lower search limit (root must be known to be >= x1 unless 
              prior bracketing is used)
    x2        Upper search limit (root must be known to be <= x2 unless 
              prior bracketing is used)

    tolf      Desired fractional accuracy of root (a combination of fractional 
              and absolute will actually be used: tolf*abs(root) + tola). tolf 
              should not be < 4.0*machine epsilon since this may inhibit 

    tola      Desired absolute accuracy of root (a combination of fractional 
              and absolute will actually be used: tolf*abs(root) + tola)

    maxniter  Maximum number of iterations

    bracket   If True, x1 and x2 are used in an initial bracketing before 

    Final value of root

    This algorithm is claimed to guarantee convergence within about 
    (log2((b-a)/tol))**2 function evaluations, which is more demanding 
    than bisection. For instance: b-a = 1.0 and tol = 1.8e-12 is guaranteed 
    to converge with about 1,500 evaluations. It normally converges with 
    fewer ITERATIONS, however, and for reasonably "smooth and well-behaved" 
    functions it will be on the average more efficient and accurate than 
    bisection. For details on the algorithm see Forsythe-Malcolm-Moler, 
    as well as Brent, R.P.; "An algorithm with guaranteed convergence 
    for finding a zero of a function", The Computer Journal 14(4), 
    pp. 422-425, 1971.

    if tolf < FOURMACHEPS:
        tolf = FOURMACHEPS
        wtxt1 = "Fractional tol. less than 4.0*machine epsilon may prevent "
        wtxt2 = "convergence in zbrent. 4.0*macheps will be used instead!"
        warn(wtxt1 + wtxt2)

    if tola < 0.0:
        tola = 0.0
        wtxt1 = "Negative absolute tolerance is not a good idea "
        wtxt2 = "in zbrent. 0.0 (zero) will be used instead!"
        warn(wtxt1 + wtxt2)

    assert is_posinteger(maxniter), \
            "Maximum number of iterations must be a positive integer in zbrent!"

    if bracket: x1, x2 = bracketzero(func, x1, x2, caller, maxniter)

    assert x2 > x1, "Bounds must be given with the lower bound first in zbrent!"

    a = x1
    b = x2
    c = x2  ###############################  NOT IN REFERENCES !!!!!
    fa = func(x1)
    if fa == 0.0: return x1
    fb = func(x2)
    if fb == 0.0: return x2
    if fsign(fa) == fsign(fb):
        x1, x2 = bracketzero(func, x1, x2, caller, maxniter)
        wtxt1 = "Starting points must be on opposite sides of the root in "
        wtxt2 = "zbrent. Bracketing will be used to find an appropriate span!"
        warn(wtxt1 + wtxt2)
    fc = fb

    niter = 0
    while niter <= maxniter:
        niter += 1

        if fsign(fb) == fsign(fc):
            c = a
            fc = fa
            d = b - a
            e = d

        if abs(fc) < abs(fb):
            a = b
            b = c
            c = a
            fa = fb
            fb = fc
            fc = fa

        tol = tolf * abs(b) + tola
        tol1 = 0.5 * tol
        xm = 0.5 * (c - b)

        if abs(xm) <= tol1 or fb == 0.0: return b

        if abs(e) >= tol1 and abs(fa) > abs(fb):
            s = fb / fa
            if a == c:
                p = 2.0 * xm * s
                q = 1.0 - s
                q = fa / fc
                r = fb / fc
                p = s * (2.0 * xm * q * (q - r) - (b - a) * (r - 1.0))
                q = (q - 1.0) * (r - 1.0) * (s - 1.0)

            if p > 0.0: q = -q
            p = abs(p)
            if 2.0 * p < min(3.0 * xm * q - abs(tol1 * q), abs(e * q)):
                e = d
                d = p / q
                d = xm
                e = d

            d = xm
            e = d

        a = b
        fa = fb

        if abs(d) > tol1:
            b = b + d
            #b = b + sign(tol1, xm)
            if xm < 0.0: b = b - tol1
            elif xm > 0.0: b = b + tol1
            else: b = b

        fb = func(b)

        numb = int(math.log((x2 - x1) / tol, 2)**2 + 0.5)
        wtxt1 = str(
            maxniter) + " iterations not sufficient in zbrent called by"
        wtxt2 = " " + caller + ". func(x) = " + str(fb) + " for x = " + str(b)
        warn(wtxt1 + wtxt2)
        return b
Пример #26
def ludcmp_crout_piv(matrix):
    Decomposes/factorizes square input matrix into a lower 
    and an upper matrix using Crout's algorithm WITH pivoting. 
    NB. It only works on square matrices!!! 

    ndim = squaredim(matrix, 'ludcmp_crout_piv')
    ndm1 = ndim - 1
    vv = array('d', ndim * [0.0])
    permlist = list(range(0, ndim))
    parity = 1.0
    imax = 0

    # Copy to matrix to be processed (maintains the original matrix intact)
    compactlu = deepcopy(matrix)

    for i in range(0, ndim):  # Copy and do some other stuff
        big = 0.0
        for j in range(0, ndim):
            temp = abs(compactlu[i][j])
            if temp > big: big = temp
        assert big > 0.0
        vv[i] = 1.0 / big

    # Perform the necessary manipulations:
    for j in range(0, ndim):
        for i in range(0, j):
            sum = compactlu[i][j]
            for k in range(0, i):
                sum -= compactlu[i][k] * compactlu[k][j]
            compactlu[i][j] = sum
        big = 0.0
        for i in range(j, ndim):
            sum = compactlu[i][j]
            for k in range(0, j):
                sum -= compactlu[i][k] * compactlu[k][j]
            compactlu[i][j] = sum
            dum = vv[i] * abs(sum)
            if dum > big:
                big = dum
                imax = i
        if j != imax:
            # Substitute row imax and row j
            imaxdum = permlist[imax]  # NB in !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
            jdum = permlist[j]  # NB in !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
            permlist[j] = imaxdum  # NB in !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
            permlist[imax] = jdum  # NB in !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
            for k in range(0, ndim):
                dum = compactlu[imax][k]
                compactlu[imax][k] = compactlu[j][k]
                compactlu[j][k] = dum
            parity = -parity
            vv[imax] = vv[j]
        #permlist[j] = imax   # NB out !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        divisor = float(compactlu[j][j])
        if abs(divisor) < TINY: divisor = fsign(divisor) * TINY
        dum = 1.0 / divisor
        if j != ndm1:
            jp1 = j + 1
            for i in range(jp1, ndim):
                compactlu[i][j] *= dum

    lower = Matrix()
    lower.zero(ndim, ndim)
    upper = Matrix()
    upper.zero(ndim, ndim)

    for i in range(0, ndim):
        for j in range(i, ndim):
            lower[j][i] = compactlu[j][i]
    for i in range(0, ndim):
        lower[i][i] = 1.0

    for i in range(0, ndim):
        for j in range(i, ndim):
            upper[i][j] = compactlu[i][j]

    del compactlu

    return lower, upper, permlist, parity
Пример #27
def zbrent(func, x1, x2, caller='caller', tolf=FOURMACHEPS, \
                         tola=SQRTTINY, maxniter=128, bracket=False):
    Solves the equation func(x) = 0 on [x1, x2] using a variant of Richard 
    Brent's algorithm (more like the "ZEROIN" of Forsythe-Malcolm-Moler). 
    NB. The function always returns a value but a warning is printed to stdout 
    if the iteration procedure has not converged! Cf. comment below regarding 
    func      Function having the proposed root as its argument

    x1        Lower search limit (root must be known to be >= x1 unless 
              prior bracketing is used)
    x2        Upper search limit (root must be known to be <= x2 unless 
              prior bracketing is used)

    tolf      Desired fractional accuracy of root (a combination of fractional 
              and absolute will actually be used: tolf*abs(root) + tola). tolf 
              should not be < 4.0*machine epsilon since this may inhibit 

    tola      Desired absolute accuracy of root (a combination of fractional 
              and absolute will actually be used: tolf*abs(root) + tola)

    maxniter  Maximum number of iterations

    bracket   If True, x1 and x2 are used in an initial bracketing before 

    Final value of root

    This algorithm is claimed to guarantee convergence within about 
    (log2((b-a)/tol))**2 function evaluations, which is more demanding 
    than bisection. For instance: b-a = 1.0 and tol = 1.8e-12 is guaranteed 
    to converge with about 1,500 evaluations. It normally converges with 
    fewer ITERATIONS, however, and for reasonably "smooth and well-behaved" 
    functions it will be on the average more efficient and accurate than 
    bisection. For details on the algorithm see Forsythe-Malcolm-Moler, 
    as well as Brent, R.P.; "An algorithm with guaranteed convergence 
    for finding a zero of a function", The Computer Journal 14(4), 
    pp. 422-425, 1971.

    if tolf < FOURMACHEPS:
        tolf  = FOURMACHEPS
        wtxt1 = "Fractional tol. less than 4.0*machine epsilon may prevent "
        wtxt2 = "convergence in zbrent. 4.0*macheps will be used instead!"

    if tola < 0.0:
        tola  = 0.0
        wtxt1 = "Negative absolute tolerance is not a good idea "
        wtxt2 = "in zbrent. 0.0 (zero) will be used instead!"

    assert is_posinteger(maxniter), \
            "Maximum number of iterations must be a positive integer in zbrent!"

    if bracket: x1, x2 = bracketzero(func, x1, x2, caller, maxniter)

    assert x2 > x1, "Bounds must be given with the lower bound first in zbrent!"

    a       = x1
    b       = x2
    c       = x2 ###############################  NOT IN REFERENCES !!!!!
    fa      = func(x1)
    if fa == 0.0: return x1
    fb      = func(x2)
    if fb == 0.0: return x2
    if fsign(fa) == fsign(fb):
        x1, x2 = bracketzero(func, x1, x2, caller, maxniter)
        wtxt1 = "Starting points must be on opposite sides of the root in "
        wtxt2 = "zbrent. Bracketing will be used to find an appropriate span!"
    fc      = fb

    niter = 0
    while niter <= maxniter:
        niter += 1

        if fsign(fb) == fsign(fc):
            c  = a
            fc = fa
            d  = b - a
            e  = d

        if abs(fc) < abs(fb):
            a  = b
            b  = c
            c  = a
            fa = fb
            fb = fc
            fc = fa

        tol  = tolf*abs(b) + tola
        tol1 = 0.5 * tol
        xm   = 0.5 * (c-b)

        if abs(xm) <= tol1 or fb == 0.0: return b

        if abs(e) >= tol1 and abs(fa) > abs(fb):
            s = fb / fa
            if a == c:
                p = 2.0 * xm * s
                q = 1.0 - s
                q = fa / fc
                r = fb / fc
                p = s * (2.0*xm*q*(q-r)-(b-a)*(r-1.0))
                q = (q-1.0) * (r-1.0) * (s-1.0)

            if p > 0.0: q = -q
            p = abs(p)
            if 2.0*p < min(3.0*xm*q-abs(tol1*q), abs(e*q)):
                e = d
                d = p / q
                d = xm
                e = d

            d = xm
            e = d

        a  = b
        fa = fb

        if abs(d) > tol1:
            b = b + d
            #b = b + sign(tol1, xm)
            if   xm < 0.0: b = b - tol1
            elif xm > 0.0: b = b + tol1
            else:          b = b

        fb = func(b)

        numb  = int(math.log((x2-x1)/tol, 2)**2 + 0.5)
        wtxt1 = str(maxniter) + " iterations not sufficient in zbrent called by"
        wtxt2 = " " + caller + ". func(x) = " + str(fb) + " for x = " + str(b)
        return b
Пример #28
def zbisect(func, x1, x2, caller='caller', tolf=FOURMACHEPS, \
                          tola=SQRTTINY, maxniter=256, bracket=False):
    Solves the equation func(x) = 0 on [x1, x2] using a bisection algorithm. 
    zbisect converges slower than zbrent in most cases, but it might be faster 
    in some cases!
    NB. The function always returns a value but a warning is printed to stdout 
    if the iteration procedure has not converged! Cf. comment below regarding 

    func      Function having the proposed root as its argument
    x1        Lower search limit (root must be known to be >= x1 unless 
              prior bracketing is used)
    x2        Upper search limit (root must be known to be <= x2 unless 
              prior bracketing is used)
    tolf      Desired fractional accuracy of root (a combination of fractional 
              and absolute will actually be used: tolf*abs(root) + tola)

    tola      Desired absolute accuracy of root (a combination of fractional 
              and absolute will actually be used: tolf*abs(root) + tola)
              desired max absolute difference of func(root) from zero

    maxniter  Maximum number of iterations

    bracket   If True, x1 and x2 are used in an initial bracketing before 

    Final value of root
    This algorithm needs on the average log2((b-a)/tol) function evaluations to 
    reach convergence. For instance: b-a = 1.0 and tol = 1.8e-12 will on the 
    average provide convergence in about 40 iterations. Bisection is "dead 
    certain" and will always converge if there is a root. It is likely to pass 
    the tolerances with no extra margin. If there is no root, it will converge 
    to a singularity if there is one...

    if tolf < MACHEPS:
        tolf  = MACHEPS
        wtxt1 = "Fractional tolerance less than machine epsilon is not a "
        wtxt2 = "good idea in zbisect. Machine epsilon will be used instead!"

    if tola < 0.0:
        tola  = 0.0
        wtxt1 = "Negative absolute tolerance is not a good idea "
        wtxt2 = "in zbisect. 0.0 (zero) will be used instead!"

    assert is_posinteger(maxniter), \
          "Maximum number of iterations must be a positive integer in zbisect!"

    if bracket: x1, x2 = bracketzero(func, x1, x2, caller, maxniter)

    assert x2 > x1, \
                  "Bounds must be given with the lower bound first in zbisect!"

    fmid = func(x2)
    if fmid == 0.0: return x2
    f    = func(x1)
    if f   ==  0.0: return x1
    if fsign(fmid) == fsign(f):
        x1, x2 = bracketzero(func, x1, x2, caller, maxniter)
        wtxt1 = "Starting points must be on opposite sides of the root in "
        wtxt2 = "zbisect. Bracketing will be used to find an appropriate span!"

    if f < 0.0:
        root = x1
        h    = x2 - x1
        root = x2
        h    = x1 - x2
    niter = 0
    while niter <= maxniter:
        niter += 1
        h      = 0.5 * h
        xmid   = root + h
        fmid   = func(xmid)
        if abs(fmid) < tola: return xmid
        if fmid <= 0.0: root = xmid
        absh = abs(h)
        if absh < tolf*abs(root) + tola: return root
        wtxt1 = str(maxniter) + " it'ns not sufficient in zbisect called by "
        wtxt2 = caller + ".\nfunc(x) = " + str(fmid) + " for x = " + str(root)
        return root
Пример #29
def inormal(prob, mu=0.0, sigma=1.0):
    Returns the inverse of the cumulative normal distribution function.
    Reference: Boris Moro "The Full Monte", Risk Magazine, 8(2) (February): 
    57-58, 1995, where Moro improves on the Beasley-Springer algorithm 
    (J. D. Beasley and S. G. Springer, Applied Statistics, vol. 26, 1977, 
    pp. 118-121). This is further refined by Shaw, c. f. below. 
    Max relative error is claimed to be less than 2.6e-9 

    _assertprob(prob, 'inormal')

    assert sigma >= 0.0, "sigma must not be negative in inormal!"

    #a = ( 2.50662823884, -18.61500062529,  \
    #     41.39119773534, -25.44106049637)   # Moro

    #b = (-8.47351093090,  23.08336743743, \
    #    -21.06224101826,   3.13082909833)   # Moro

    # The a and b below are claimed to be better by William Shaw in a 
    # Mathematica working report: "Refinement of the Normal Quantile - 
    # A benchmark Normal quantile based on recursion, and an appraisal 
    # of the Beasley-Springer-Moro, Acklam, and Wichura (AS241) methods" 
    # (William Shaw, Financial Mathematics Group, King's College, London;  
    # [email protected]).
    # Max RELATIVE error is claimed to be reduced from 1.4e-8 to 2.6e-9
    # over the central region

    a = ( 2.5066282682076065359, -18.515898959450185753, \
         40.864622120467790785,  -24.820209533706798850)      # Moro/Shaw

    b = ( -8.4339736056039657294, 22.831834928541562628, \
         -20.641301545177201274,   3.0154847661978822127)     # Moro/Shaw

    c = (0.3374754822726147, 0.9761690190917186, 0.1607979714918209, \
         0.0276438810333863, 0.0038405729373609, 0.0003951896511919, \
         0.0000321767881768, 0.0000002888167364, 0.0000003960315187)     # Moro

    x = prob - 0.5

    if abs(x) < 0.42:   # A rational approximation for the central region...
        r  =  x * x
        r  =  x * (((a[3]*r+a[2])*r+a[1])*r+a[0]) / ((((b[3]*r+b[2])*r+\
        r  =  sigma*r + mu

    else:               # ...and a polynomial for the tails
        r = prob
        if x > 0.0: r = 1.0 - prob
            r  =  safelog(-safelog(r))
            r  =  c[0] + r*(c[1] + r*(c[2] + r*(c[3] + r*(c[4] + r*(c[5] +\
                                   r*(c[6] + r*(c[7] + r*c[8])))))))
            if x < 0.0: r = -r
            r  =  sigma*r + mu
        except ValueError:
            r  =  fsign(x) * float('inf')

    return r
Пример #30
def erfc1(x, tol=_EIGHTMACHEPS):
    Computation of the complementary error function for real argument.
    Fractional error is estimated to < 50*machine epsilon for abs(x) <= 1.5
    and < 1.e-8 elsewhere (erfc2 is called for abs(x) > 1.5 for numeric reasons).
    The function uses a power series expansion for arguments between -1.5 
    and +1.5 (cf. Abramowitz & Stegun) and continued fractions for all other 
    arguments (cf. A. Cuyt et al., "Continued Fractions for Special Functions: 
    Handbook and Software", Universiteit Antwerpen, where a slightly faster 
    converging expression than that of Abramowitz & Stegun's CF is presented. 
    Cuyt's "ER.20" is used here).

    if tol < _EIGHTMACHEPS:
        tol = _EIGHTMACHEPS
        txt1 = "No use using tolerance < 8.0*machine epsilon in erfc1."
        txt2 = " 8.0*machine epsilon is used"

    ax = abs(x)
    xx = x * x

    if ax <= _ERFC21:
        # Power series expansion (cf. Abramowitz & Stegun)
        k = 0.0
        sign = 1.0
        xpart = 1.0
        den1 = 1.0
        #den2  = 1.0
        #term  = sign*xpart/(den1*den2)
        #summ  = term
        summ = 1.0
        c = 0.0
        while True:  # The Kahan summation proc. (cf. Dahlquist, Bjorck & Anderson)
            k += 1.0
            summo = summ
            sign = -sign
            xpart *= xx
            den1 *= k
            den2 = 2.0 * k + 1.0
            term = sign * xpart / (den1 * den2)
            y = term + c
            t = summ + y
            if fsign(y) == fsign(summ):
                f = (0.46 * t - t) + t
                c = ((summ - f) - (t - f)) + y
                c = (summ - t) + y
            summ = t
            if abs(summ - summo) < tol * abs(summ):
                summ += c
        #r = 1.0 - (2.0*ax/SQRTPI)*summ
        r = 1.0 - (2.0 * SQRTPIINV * ax) * summ

        return erfc2(x)
        # Compute continued fractions:
        # Q = b0 + a1/(b1 + a2/(b2 + a3/(b3 + ......... where ak   
        # are numerator terms and where bk are denominator terms 
        # (and where a0 is always 0).
        # Here:
        # b0 = 0.0
        # a1 = 1.0
        # a2 = 0.5
        # a3 = 1.5
        # a4 = 2.0
        # b1 = b3 etc = x*x
        # b2 = b4 etx = 1.0
        # (cf. Cuyt et al.)

        #k   = 0.0
        bk  = 0.0
        Am1 = 1.0
        Bm1 = 0.0
        A0  = bk
        B0  = 1.0

        k   = 1.0
        bk  = xx
        ak  = 1.0
        Ap1 = bk*A0 + ak*Am1
        Bp1 = bk*B0 + ak*Bm1
        Q   = Ap1/Bp1
        Am1 = A0
        Bm1 = B0
        A0  = Ap1
        B0  = Bp1

        while True:
            k   += 1.0
            Qold = Q
            if is_eveninteger(k): bk = 1.0
            else:                 bk = xx
            ak   = 0.5 * (k-1.0)
            Ap1  = bk*A0 + ak*Am1
            Bp1  = bk*B0 + ak*Bm1
            Q    = Ap1/Bp1
            if abs(Q-Qold) < abs(Q)*tol:
            Am1  = A0
            Bm1  = B0
            A0   = Ap1
            B0   = Bp1

        p  = exp(-xx)
        if p == 0.0: # Take a chance...
            #r = exp(-xx + log(ax*Q/SQRTPI))
            r = exp(-xx + log(SQRTPIINV*ax*Q))
            #r = ax * p * Q / SQRTPI
            r = SQRTPIINV * ax * p * Q"""

    if x < 0.0: r = 2.0 - r
    r = kept_within(0.0, r, 2.0)
    return r