Пример #1
def _get_max_true_block_length(up_down):
    Calculate the maximum length of True blocks in an array.

    The True blocks in the array are defined by up/down changes from False
    to True and vice-versa.


    * up_down (tuple of numpy.arrays):
        information about the up/down changes


        numpy.array of same dimension of up_down[0] holding the number
        of maximum of the True block lengths in the array
    out_shape = up_down[0].shape[:-1]
    ret = ma.zeros(out_shape) - 1
    ret.fill_value = -1
    ret.mask = True
    for index in np.ndindex(out_shape):
        if not up_down[0][index].mask.any():
            start_idxs = ma.where(up_down[0][index])
            stop_idxs = ma.where(up_down[1][index])
                ret[index] = np.max(stop_idxs[-1] - start_idxs[-1] + 1)
            except ValueError:
                ret[index] = 0
    return ret
Пример #2
    def __getitem__(self, index):
        data = self.arguments[0] if is_constant(
            self.arguments[0]) else self.arguments[0][index]

        above_val = self.keywords['above']
        below_val = self.keywords['below']
        if above_val is None and below_val is None:
            return data

        above_str = ''
        if above_val is not None:
            above_ind = where(data > above_val)
            if len(above_ind) > 0:
                data[above_ind] = above_val
                above_str = ', above={}'.format(above_val)

        below_str = ''
        if below_val is not None:
            below_ind = where(data < below_val)
            if len(below_ind) > 0:
                data[below_ind] = below_val
                below_str = ', below={}'.format(below_val)

        new_name = 'limit({}{}{})'.format(data.name, above_str, below_str)
        return PhysArray(data, name=new_name)
Пример #3
def _get_len_true_block_length(up_down, length):
    Calculate the len of True blocks in an array that succeed the given length.

    The True blocks in the array are defined by up/down changes from False
    to True and vice-versa.


    * up_down (tuple of numpy.arrays):
        information about the up/down changes

    * length (int or float):
        threshold for the length of blocks to be accounted for


        numpy.array of same dimension of up_down[0] holding the number
        of block lengths succeeding the given length
    out_shape = up_down[0].shape[:-1]
    ret = ma.zeros(out_shape) - 1
    ret.fill_value = -1
    ret.mask = True
    for index in np.ndindex(out_shape):
        if not up_down[0][index].mask.any():
            start_idxs = ma.where(up_down[0][index])
            stop_idxs = ma.where(up_down[1][index])
                dry_blocks = stop_idxs[-1] - start_idxs[-1] + 1
                ret[index] = np.where(dry_blocks > length)[0].shape[0]
            except ValueError:
                ret[index] = 0
    return ret
 def main_loop_lag_an(j, corr_matrix, area, clims, lat2):
     print j
     for i in range(nx):
         corr_m = corr_matrix[j, i, :, :] / np.max(corr_matrix[j, i, :, :])
         if np.max(corr_m):
             if clims[j, i] == 1:
                 jinds0 = []
                 while len(jinds0) < 9:
                     jinds0, iinds0 = ma.where(
                         corr_m * abs(corr_m) >= clims[j, i])
                     clims[j, i] = clims[j, i] - 0.01
                     if clims[j, i] < 0.5:
                 jinds0, iinds0 = ma.where(
                     corr_m * abs(corr_m) >= clims[j, i])
             #if len(jinds0)==0:
             #   jinds0=jinds1; iinds0=iinds1
             ind0 = ma.where(corr_matrix2[j, i, jinds0, iinds0] > 0)[0]
             jinds0 = jinds0[ind0]
             iinds0 = iinds0[ind0]
             #sum over all the grid cells
             area[j, i] = np.sum(
                 (6371E3 * 0.25 * np.pi / 180.) *
                 (6371E3 * np.cos(lat2[jinds0, iinds0] * np.pi / 180.) *
                  0.25 * np.pi / 180.))
Пример #5
def _get_max_true_block_length(up_down):
    Calculate the maximum length of True blocks in an array.

    The True blocks in the array are defined by up/down changes from False
    to True and vice-versa.


    * up_down (tuple of numpy.arrays):
        information about the up/down changes


        numpy.array of same dimension of up_down[0] holding the number
        of maximum of the True block lengths in the array
    out_shape = up_down[0].shape[:-1]
    ret = ma.zeros(out_shape) - 1
    ret.fill_value = -1
    ret.mask = True
    for index in np.ndindex(out_shape):
        if not up_down[0][index].mask.any():
            start_idxs = ma.where(up_down[0][index])
            stop_idxs = ma.where(up_down[1][index])
                ret[index] = np.max(stop_idxs[-1] - start_idxs[-1] + 1)
            except ValueError:
                ret[index] = 0
    return ret
Пример #6
def _get_len_true_block_length(up_down, length):
    Calculate the len of True blocks in an array that succeed the given length.

    The True blocks in the array are defined by up/down changes from False
    to True and vice-versa.


    * up_down (tuple of numpy.arrays):
        information about the up/down changes

    * length (int or float):
        threshold for the length of blocks to be accounted for


        numpy.array of same dimension of up_down[0] holding the number
        of block lengths succeeding the given length
    out_shape = up_down[0].shape[:-1]
    ret = ma.zeros(out_shape) - 1
    ret.fill_value = -1
    ret.mask = True
    for index in np.ndindex(out_shape):
        if not up_down[0][index].mask.any():
            start_idxs = ma.where(up_down[0][index])
            stop_idxs = ma.where(up_down[1][index])
                dry_blocks = stop_idxs[-1] - start_idxs[-1] + 1
                ret[index] = np.where(dry_blocks > length)[0].shape[0]
            except ValueError:
                ret[index] = 0
    return ret
Пример #7
def check_mask_vs_fitorder(firstNan, order):
    checks what columns can be fitted with what order of polynomial
    # needs to be list as they could have different lengths
    fitColumnIndex = []
    # 3D mask that contains mask for each highest order possible
    mask = np.ones((order + 1, firstNan.shape[0]), dtype=np.int8)
    # make firstNan masked array so we can disregard used ones
    firstNan = ma.array(firstNan, mask=np.zeros(firstNan.shape))
    # are there any series where number of data points is
    # not sufficient for order of polynom?
    for i in range(order, 0, -1):
        # can do full order
        tmp = np.int32(ma.where(firstNan > i)[0])
        # mask the used values
        firstNan.mask[tmp] = 1
        # for the overall mask we want 0 for the values we can use
        # for this order
        mask[order - i, tmp] = 0
    # remaining columns have one or less data points
    tmp = np.int32(ma.where(firstNan <= i)[0])
    # for the overall mask we want 0 for the values we can use
    # for this order
    mask[-1, tmp] = 0

    return fitColumnIndex, mask
Пример #8
def generic_interp_pres(p, pres, field):
    Generic interpolation routine

    p : number, numpy array
        Pressure (hPa) of the level for which the field variable is desired
    pres : numpy array
        The array of pressure
    field : numpy array
        The variable which is being interpolated
    log : bool
        Flag to determine whether the 'field' variable is in log10 space

    Value of the 'field' variable at the given pressure : number, numpy array

    if field.count() == 0 or pres.count() == 0:
        return ma.masked
    if ma.isMaskedArray(pres):
        not_masked1 = ~pres.mask * np.ones(pres.shape, dtype=bool)
        not_masked1 = np.ones(pres.shape, dtype=bool)
        not_masked1[:] = True
    if ma.isMaskedArray(field):
        not_masked2 = ~field.mask * np.ones(pres.shape, dtype=bool)
        not_masked2 = np.ones(field.shape, dtype=bool)
        not_masked2[:] = True
    not_masked = not_masked1 * not_masked2

    field_intrp = np.interp(p,

    if hasattr(p, 'shape') and p.shape == tuple():
        p = p[()]

    if type(p) != type(ma.masked) and np.all(~np.isnan(p)):
        # Bug fix for Numpy v1.10: returns nan on the boundary.
        field_intrp = ma.where(np.isclose(p, pres[not_masked][0]),
                               field[not_masked][0], field_intrp)
        field_intrp = ma.where(np.isclose(p, pres[not_masked][-1]),
                               field[not_masked][-1], field_intrp)

    # Another bug fix: np.interp() returns masked values as nan. We want ma.masked, dangit!
    field_intrp = ma.where(np.isnan(field_intrp), ma.masked, field_intrp)

    # ma.where() returns a 0-d array when the arguments are floats, which confuses subsequent code.
    if hasattr(field_intrp, 'shape') and field_intrp.shape == tuple():
        field_intrp = field_intrp[()]

    return field_intrp
Пример #9
def log_linear_vinterp(T,P,levs):
    # Author Charles Doutriaux
    # Version 1.1
    # Expect 2D field here so there''s no reorder which I suspect to do a memory leak
    # email: [email protected]
    # Converts a field from sigma levels to pressure levels
    # Log linear interpolation

    # Input
    # T :    temperature on sigma levels
    # P :    pressure field from TOP (level 0) to BOTTOM (last level)
    # levs : pressure levels to interplate to (same units as P)

    # Output
    # t :    temperature on pressure levels (levs)

    # External: Numeric'''
    import numpy.ma as MA
##     from numpy.oldnumeric.ma import ones,Float,greater,less,logical_and,where,equal,log,asarray,Float16
    nsigma=sh[0] # Number of sigma levels
        nlev=len(levs)  # Number of pressure levels
        nlev=1  # if only one level len(levs) would breaks
    for ilv in range(nlev): # loop through pressure levels
            lev=levs[ilv] # get value for the level
            lev=levs  # only 1 level passed
#       print '          ......... level:',lev
        Tabv=-Pabv # Temperature on sigma level Above
        Tbel=-Pabv # Temperature on sigma level Below
        Pbel=-Pabv # Pressure on sigma level Below
        Pabv=-Pabv # Pressure on sigma level Above
        for isg in range(1,nsigma): # loop from second sigma level to last one
##             print 'Sigma level #',isg
            a = MA.greater(P[isg],  lev) # Where is the pressure greater than lev
            b = MA.less(P[isg-1],lev)    # Where is the pressure less than lev

            # Now looks if the pressure level is in between the 2 sigma levels
            # If yes, sets Pabv, Pbel and Tabv, Tbel
            Pabv=MA.where(MA.logical_and(a,b),P[isg],Pabv) # Pressure on sigma level Above
            Tabv=MA.where(MA.logical_and(a,b),T[isg],Tabv) # Temperature on sigma level Above
            Pbel=MA.where(MA.logical_and(a,b),P[isg-1],Pbel) # Pressure on sigma level Below
            Tbel=MA.where(MA.logical_and(a,b),T[isg-1],Tbel) # Temperature on sigma level Below
        # end of for isg in range(1,nsigma)
#       val=where(equal(Pbel,-1.),Pbel.missing_value,lev) # set to missing value if no data below lev if there is
        tl=MA.masked_where(MA.equal(Pbel,-1.),MA.log(lev/MA.absolute(Pbel))/MA.log(Pabv/Pbel)*(Tabv-Tbel)+Tbel) # Interpolation
        t.append(tl) # add a level to the output
    # end of for ilv in range(nlev)
    return asMA(t).astype(Numeric.Float32) # convert t to an array
Пример #10
def get_month_concSN(datapath,
    """ Get monthly ice concentration from the NSIDC"""
    if (alg == 0):
        team = 'NASA_TEAM'
        team_s = 'nt'
        header = 300
        datatype = 'uint8'
        scale_factor = 250.
    if (alg == 1):
        team = 'BOOTSTRAP'
        team_s = 'bt'
        header = 0
        datatype = '<i2'
        scale_factor = 1000.

    if (pole == 'AA'):
        poleStr = 'ANTARCTIC'
        rows = 332
        cols = 316

    if (pole == 'A'):
        poleStr = 'ARCTIC'
        rows = 448
        cols = 304

    month_str = '%02d' % (month + 1)
    year_str = str(year)
    files = glob(datapath + '/ICE_CONC/' + team + '/' + poleStr + '/monthly/' +
                 team_s + '_' + year_str + month_str + '*.bin')
    fd = open(files[-1], 'r')
    data = fromfile(file=fd, dtype=datatype)
    data = data[header:]
    ice_conc = reshape(data, [rows, cols])
    #divide by 250 to express in concentration
    ice_conc = ma.masked_where(ice_conc > 250., ice_conc)
    ice_conc = ice_conc / scale_factor
    #GREATER THAN 250 is mask/land etc
    if (mask == 1):
        ice_conc = ma.masked_where(ice_conc > 1., ice_conc)

    if (maxConc == 1):
        ice_conc = ma.where(ice_conc > 1., 0, ice_conc)

    if (lowerConc == 1):
        ice_conc = ma.where(ice_conc < 0.15, 0, ice_conc)

    return ice_conc
Пример #11
def getdata(imgname, chans=[], zeromask=False):
    """Return all good data from a CASA image as a masked numpy array.

       The tb.open() access method, although faster, didn't seem to carry
       the mask (or at least in an easy way).  ma.masked_invalid(data)
       still returned all pixels ok.

       NOTE:  since this routine grabs all data in a single numpy
       array, this routine should only be used for 2D images
       or small 3D cubes, things with little impact on memory

       imagename : str 
           The (absolute) CASA image filename 

           data in a masked numpy array
    if len(chans) == 0:
        d = taskinit.ia.getchunk(blc=[0, 0, 0, 0],
                                 trc=[-1, -1, -1, 0],
        m = taskinit.ia.getchunk(blc=[0, 0, 0, 0],
                                 trc=[-1, -1, -1, 0],
        d = taskinit.ia.getchunk(blc=[0, 0, chans[0], 0],
                                 trc=[-1, -1, chans[1], 0],
        m = taskinit.ia.getchunk(blc=[0, 0, chans[0], 0],
                                 trc=[-1, -1, chans[1], 0],
    # note CASA and MA have their mask logic reversed
    # casa: true means a good point
    #   ma: true means a masked/bad point
    if zeromask:
        shape = d.shape
        ndim = len(d.shape)
        if ndim == 2:
            (x, y) = ma.where(~m)
            d[x, y] = 0.0
        elif ndim == 3:
            (x, y, z) = ma.where(~m)
            d[x, y, z] = 0.0
            raise Exception, "getdata: cannot handle data of dimension %d" % ndim
    dm = ma.masked_array(d, mask=~m)
    return dm
Пример #12
 def test_testMinMax2(self):
     # Test of minimum, maximum.
     assert_(eq(minimum([1, 2, 3], [4, 0, 9]), [1, 0, 3]))
     assert_(eq(maximum([1, 2, 3], [4, 0, 9]), [4, 2, 9]))
     x = arange(5)
     y = arange(5) - 2
     x[3] = masked
     y[0] = masked
     assert_(eq(minimum(x, y), where(less(x, y), x, y)))
     assert_(eq(maximum(x, y), where(greater(x, y), x, y)))
     assert_(minimum.reduce(x) == 0)
     assert_(maximum.reduce(x) == 4)
Пример #13
def getExtentAreaFromConc(iceConcMon):
    iceConcMon = ma.masked_where(iceConcMon <= 0.15, iceConcMon)
    iceConcMon = ma.masked_where(ice_flag >= 1.5, iceConcMon)

    concHole = ma.mean(iceConcMon[(lats > pmask - 0.5) & (lats < pmask)])

    iceConcMonP = ma.where((lats >= pmask), 1., iceConcMon)
    iceConcMonA = ma.where((lats >= pmask), concHole, iceConcMon)

    iceExtent = ma.sum(ma.where((iceConcMonP > 0.15), 1, 0) * areaF)
    iceArea = ma.sum(iceConcMonA * areaF)
    return iceExtent, iceArea
Пример #14
 def test_testMinMax2(self):
     # Test of minimum, maximum.
     assert_(eq(minimum([1, 2, 3], [4, 0, 9]), [1, 0, 3]))
     assert_(eq(maximum([1, 2, 3], [4, 0, 9]), [4, 2, 9]))
     x = arange(5)
     y = arange(5) - 2
     x[3] = masked
     y[0] = masked
     assert_(eq(minimum(x, y), where(less(x, y), x, y)))
     assert_(eq(maximum(x, y), where(greater(x, y), x, y)))
     assert_(minimum.reduce(x) == 0)
     assert_(maximum.reduce(x) == 4)
Пример #15
 def _h_arrows(self, length):
     """ length is in arrow width units """
     # It might be possible to streamline the code
     # and speed it up a bit by using complex (x,y)
     # instead of separate arrays; but any gain would be slight.
     minsh = self.minshaft * self.headlength
     N = len(length)
     length = length.reshape(N, 1)
     # x, y: normal horizontal arrow
     x = np.array([0, -self.headaxislength, -self.headlength, 0],
     x = x + np.array([0, 1, 1, 1]) * length
     y = 0.5 * np.array([1, 1, self.headwidth, 0], np.float64)
     y = np.repeat(y[np.newaxis, :], N, axis=0)
     # x0, y0: arrow without shaft, for short vectors
     x0 = np.array(
         [0, minsh - self.headaxislength, minsh - self.headlength, minsh],
     y0 = 0.5 * np.array([1, 1, self.headwidth, 0], np.float64)
     ii = [0, 1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 0]
     X = x.take(ii, 1)
     Y = y.take(ii, 1)
     Y[:, 3:] *= -1
     X0 = x0.take(ii)
     Y0 = y0.take(ii)
     Y0[3:] *= -1
     shrink = length / minsh
     X0 = shrink * X0[np.newaxis, :]
     Y0 = shrink * Y0[np.newaxis, :]
     short = np.repeat(length < minsh, 7, axis=1)
     #print 'short', length < minsh
     # Now select X0, Y0 if short, otherwise X, Y
     X = ma.where(short, X0, X)
     Y = ma.where(short, Y0, Y)
     if self.pivot[:3] == 'mid':
         X -= 0.5 * X[:, 3, np.newaxis]
     elif self.pivot[:3] == 'tip':
         X = X - X[:, 3, np.newaxis]  #numpy bug? using -= does not
         # work here unless we multiply
         # by a float first, as with 'mid'.
     tooshort = length < self.minlength
     if tooshort.any():
         # Use a heptagonal dot:
         th = np.arange(0, 7, 1, np.float64) * (np.pi / 3.0)
         x1 = np.cos(th) * self.minlength * 0.5
         y1 = np.sin(th) * self.minlength * 0.5
         X1 = np.repeat(x1[np.newaxis, :], N, axis=0)
         Y1 = np.repeat(y1[np.newaxis, :], N, axis=0)
         tooshort = ma.repeat(tooshort, 7, 1)
         X = ma.where(tooshort, X1, X)
         Y = ma.where(tooshort, Y1, Y)
     return X, Y
Пример #16
def generic_interp_pres(p, pres, field):
    Generic interpolation routine

    p : number, numpy array
        Pressure (hPa) of the level for which the field variable is desired
    pres : numpy array
        The array of pressure
    field : numpy array
        The variable which is being interpolated
    log : bool
        Flag to determine whether the 'field' variable is in log10 space

    Value of the 'field' variable at the given pressure

    if ma.isMaskedArray(pres):
        not_masked1 = ~pres.mask
        not_masked1 = np.ones(pres.shape, dtype=bool)
        not_masked1[:] = True
    if ma.isMaskedArray(field):
        not_masked2 = ~field.mask
        not_masked2 = np.ones(field.shape, dtype=bool)
        not_masked2[:] = True
    not_masked = not_masked1 * not_masked2

    field_intrp = np.interp(p, pres[not_masked], field[not_masked], left=ma.masked,

    if hasattr(p, 'shape') and p.shape == tuple():
        p = p[()]

    if type(p) != type(ma.masked):
        # Bug fix for Numpy v1.10: returns nan on the boundary.
        field_intrp = ma.where(np.isclose(p, pres[not_masked][0]), field[not_masked][0], field_intrp)
        field_intrp = ma.where(np.isclose(p, pres[not_masked][-1]), field[not_masked][-1], field_intrp)

    # Another bug fix: np.interp() returns masked values as nan. We want ma.masked, dangit!
    field_intrp = ma.where(np.isnan(field_intrp), ma.masked, field_intrp)

    # ma.where() returns a 0-d array when the arguments are floats, which confuses subsequent code.
    if hasattr(field_intrp, 'shape') and field_intrp.shape == tuple():
        field_intrp = field_intrp[()]

    return field_intrp
Пример #17
 def _h_arrows(self, length):
     """ length is in arrow width units """
     # It might be possible to streamline the code
     # and speed it up a bit by using complex (x,y)
     # instead of separate arrays; but any gain would be slight.
     minsh = self.minshaft * self.headlength
     N = len(length)
     length = length.reshape(N, 1)
     # x, y: normal horizontal arrow
     x = np.array([0, -self.headaxislength,
                     -self.headlength, 0], np.float64)
     x = x + np.array([0,1,1,1]) * length
     y = 0.5 * np.array([1, 1, self.headwidth, 0], np.float64)
     y = np.repeat(y[np.newaxis,:], N, axis=0)
     # x0, y0: arrow without shaft, for short vectors
     x0 = np.array([0, minsh-self.headaxislength,
                     minsh-self.headlength, minsh], np.float64)
     y0 = 0.5 * np.array([1, 1, self.headwidth, 0], np.float64)
     ii = [0,1,2,3,2,1,0]
     X = x.take(ii, 1)
     Y = y.take(ii, 1)
     Y[:, 3:] *= -1
     X0 = x0.take(ii)
     Y0 = y0.take(ii)
     Y0[3:] *= -1
     shrink = length/minsh
     X0 = shrink * X0[np.newaxis,:]
     Y0 = shrink * Y0[np.newaxis,:]
     short = np.repeat(length < minsh, 7, axis=1)
     #print 'short', length < minsh
     # Now select X0, Y0 if short, otherwise X, Y
     X = ma.where(short, X0, X)
     Y = ma.where(short, Y0, Y)
     if self.pivot[:3] == 'mid':
         X -= 0.5 * X[:,3, np.newaxis]
     elif self.pivot[:3] == 'tip':
         X = X - X[:,3, np.newaxis]   #numpy bug? using -= does not
                                      # work here unless we multiply
                                      # by a float first, as with 'mid'.
     tooshort = length < self.minlength
     if tooshort.any():
         # Use a heptagonal dot:
         th = np.arange(0,7,1, np.float64) * (np.pi/3.0)
         x1 = np.cos(th) * self.minlength * 0.5
         y1 = np.sin(th) * self.minlength * 0.5
         X1 = np.repeat(x1[np.newaxis, :], N, axis=0)
         Y1 = np.repeat(y1[np.newaxis, :], N, axis=0)
         tooshort = ma.repeat(tooshort, 7, 1)
         X = ma.where(tooshort, X1, X)
         Y = ma.where(tooshort, Y1, Y)
     return X, Y
Пример #18
def generic_interp_pres(p, pres, field):
    Generic interpolation routine

    p : number, numpy array
        Pressure (hPa) of the level for which the field variable is desired
    pres : numpy array
        The array of pressure
    field : numpy array
        The variable which is being interpolated
    log : bool
        Flag to determine whether the 'field' variable is in log10 space

    Value of the 'field' variable at the given pressure

    if ma.isMaskedArray(pres):
        not_masked1 = ~pres.mask
        not_masked1 = np.ones(pres.shape, dtype=bool)
        not_masked1[:] = True
    if ma.isMaskedArray(field):
        not_masked2 = ~field.mask
        not_masked2 = np.ones(field.shape, dtype=bool)
        not_masked2[:] = True
    not_masked = not_masked1 * not_masked2

    field_intrp = np.interp(p,

    if type(p) != type(ma.masked):
        # Bug fix for Numpy v1.10: returns nan on the boundary.
        field_intrp = ma.where(np.isclose(p, pres[not_masked][0]),
                               field[not_masked][0], field_intrp)
        field_intrp = ma.where(np.isclose(p, pres[not_masked][-1]),
                               field[not_masked][-1], field_intrp)

    # Another bug fix: np.interp() returns masked values as nan. We want ma.masked, dangit!
    field_intrp = ma.where(np.isnan(field_intrp), ma.masked, field_intrp)

    return field_intrp
Пример #19
    def __fillMissingScenarios(self):
        nv, nt, _, _ = self.data.shape

        for i in range(nv):
            for j in range(nt):
                badscens = where(self.data[i, j].mask.all(axis=1))[0]
                goodscens = where(~self.data[i, j].mask.all(axis=1))[0]

                if goodscens.size:
                    for k in range(len(badscens)):
                        idx = where(goodscens <= badscens[k])[0]
                        idx = idx[-1] if idx.size else 0
                        self.data[i, j,
                                  badscens[k]] = self.data[i, j,
Пример #20
    def sort_points(self, event):
        Sort points starting from first point by least distance to previous point.

        event : A :py:class:`traits.observation.events.TraitChangeEvent` instance
            The trait change handler for sort_points_button.
        if len(self.points) > 0:
            points = [val if val else ArrayClass() for val in self.points]
            distances = np.zeros((len(points), len(points)))
            for i, point1 in enumerate(points):
                for j, point2 in enumerate(points):
                              j] = np.linalg.norm(point1.value - point2.value)

            point_order = [0]
            while len(point_order) < len(points):
                masked = ma.array(distances[point_order[-1], :])
                masked[point_order] = ma.masked
                point_order.extend(ma.where(masked == masked.min())[0])

            tmp_points = [points[i] for i in point_order]

            self.points = tmp_points
Пример #21
def create_mask(flag_file):
    flag_file = np.int64(flag_file)
    flag_mask = ma.zeros(flag_file.shape)
    flag_mask[ma.where((flag_file & INVALID)\
  | (flag_file & LAND)\
  | (flag_file & CLOUD)\
  | (flag_file & CLOUD_AMBIGUOUS)\
  | (flag_file & CLOUD_MARGIN)\
  | (flag_file & SNOW_ICE)\
  | (flag_file & SUSPECT)\
#		| (flag_file & HISOLZEN)\
  | (flag_file & SATURATED)\
  | (flag_file & HIGHGLINT)\
  | (flag_file & WHITECAPS)\
  | (flag_file & AC_FAIL)\
		# | (flag_file & RWNEG_O2)\
		# | (flag_file & RWNEG_O3)\
		# | (flag_file & RWNEG_O4)\
		# | (flag_file & RWNEG_O5)\
		# | (flag_file & RWNEG_O6)\
		# | (flag_file & RWNEG_O7)\
		# | (flag_file & RWNEG_O8)\
    flag_mask = np.int64(flag_mask)
    return flag_mask
Пример #22
def get_pixels_sorted_by_distance(data, mask, dtype, tdef, tol):

    # get pixel positions of peak of the clump
    peak = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(data, axis=None), data.shape)

    # get positions of pixels in the clump
    clump_pixel = ma.where(mask)

    num_pixels = np.shape(clump_pixel)[1]

    if data[peak[0], peak[1]] < 0:
        data[peak[0], peak[1]] = tdef

    idx = 0
    position_and_distance = []
    for i in range(num_pixels):
        x, y = (clump_pixel[0][i], clump_pixel[1][i])
        dx = peak[0] - x
        dy = peak[1] - y

        d = np.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy)
        if d < tol:

        position_and_distance.append((x, y, d))
        idx += 1

    pd_arr = np.array(position_and_distance, dtype)
    return np.sort(pd_arr, order='dist')
Пример #23
    def areas(self, var, agg, lats, weights = None, calcarea = False, mask = None):
        nt, nlats, nlons = var.shape

        if weights is None: # weights
            weights = ones((nt, nlats, nlons))
        elif len(weights.shape) == 2:
            weights = ma.resize(weights, (nt, nlats, nlons))

        if calcarea: # area
            area = self.area(lats, nlats, nlons)
            area = ones((nlats, nlons))

        aggvals = self.__uniquevals(agg)
        sz = len(aggvals)

        varmask = logical_not(var.mask) if ma.isMaskedArray(var) else ones(var.shape) # use variable mask
        if not mask is None: varmask = logical_and(varmask, mask) # additional mask

        areas  = ma.masked_array(zeros((sz, nt)), mask = ones((sz, nt)))
        vartmp = zeros((nt, nlats, nlons))
        for i in range(len(aggvals)):
            warea = weights * area * (agg == aggvals[i])
            tidx, latidx, lonidx = ma.where(warea)

            vartmp[:] = 0
            vartmp[tidx, latidx, lonidx] = warea[tidx, latidx, lonidx] * \
                                           varmask[tidx, latidx, lonidx]
            areas[i] = vartmp.sum(axis = 2).sum(axis = 1)

        areas = ma.masked_where(areas == 0, areas)
        areas.mask = resize(areas.mask, areas.shape) # ensure mask is same size as data

        return areas
Пример #24
def correct_liquid_top(obs: ClassData,
                       liquid: dict,
                       is_freezing: np.ndarray,
                       limit: float = 200) -> np.ndarray:
    """Corrects lidar detected liquid cloud top using radar data.

        obs: The :class:`ClassData` instance.
        liquid: Dictionary about liquid clouds including `tops` and `presence`.
        is_freezing: 2-D boolean array of sub-zero temperature, derived from the model
            temperature and melting layer based on radar data.
        limit: The maximum correction distance (m) above liquid cloud top.

        Corrected liquid cloud array.

        Hogan R. and O'Connor E., 2004, https://bit.ly/2Yjz9DZ.

    is_liquid_corrected = np.copy(liquid["presence"])
    top_above = utils.n_elements(obs.height, limit)
    for prof, top in zip(*np.where(liquid["tops"])):
        ind = _find_ind_above_top(is_freezing[prof, top:], top_above)
        rad = obs.z[prof, top:top + ind + 1]
        if not (rad.mask.all() or ~rad.mask.any()):
            first_masked = ma.where(rad.mask)[0][0]
            is_liquid_corrected[prof, top:top + first_masked] = True
    return is_liquid_corrected
Пример #25
def main():
    if len(sys.argv) != 3:
        print("Usage: %s <scenario> <directory>" %
    title = 'Biodiversity Projection'
    oname = "%s.mp4" % sys.argv[1]
    files = sorted(
        filter(lambda x: re.match(r'%s-\d{4}.tif$' % sys.argv[1], x),
    years = map(lambda x: re.sub(r'%s-(\d{4,4}).tif' % sys.argv[1], '\\1', x),
    ds = rasterio.open(os.path.join(sys.argv[2], files[0]))
    data = np.empty((len(files), ds.shape[0], ds.shape[1]))
    for idx, f in enumerate(files):
        ds = rasterio.open(os.path.join(sys.argv[2], files[idx]))
        dd = ds.read(1, masked=True)
        data[idx] = np.exp(ma.where(np.isnan(dd), 1, dd))
    db = 10 * np.log(data / (data[0] + 0.01))
    cnorm = colors.Normalize(vmin=-3, vmax=3)

    for idx, img, text in to_mp4(title,
Пример #26
def stats(op, infiles, band, log, area_weighted):
    whats, years = get_domain(infiles)
    df = pd.DataFrame(columns=whats, index=sorted(years))
    for arg in infiles:
        with rasterio.open(arg) as src:
            data = src.read(band, masked=True)
            if log:
                data = ma.exp(data)
            if area_weighted:
                data *= rcs(data.shape[0], src.res, *src.bounds)
            data.mask = np.logical_or(data.mask,
                                      ma.where(np.isnan(data), True, False))
            if op == 'sum':
                op = 'total'
            res = eval("%s(data)" % op)
            if re.search(r'-hpd-(\d){4}.tif', arg):
                print('%s: %8.4f %8.4f' %
                      (os.path.basename(arg), res, np.log(res + 1) / 10.02083))
                print('%s: %8.4f' % (os.path.basename(arg), res))
            scenario, what, year = os.path.splitext(arg)[0].split('-')
            df.ix[int(year), what] = res

Пример #27
def do_block(win, mask, index):
    xres, yres = mask.res
    affine = mask.window_transform(win)
    mask_data = mask.read(1, masked=True, window=win)
    out = ma.empty(mask_data.shape, dtype=np.float32)
    out.mask = mask_data.mask.copy()
    height, width = out.shape
    startx, starty = affine * (win[1][0] - xres / 2.0, win[0][0] - yres / 2.0)
    endx, endy = affine * (win[1][1] - xres / 2.0, win[0][1] - yres / 2.0)
    click.echo("block %d:%d" % (win[0][0], win[0][1]))
    lats = np.linspace(starty, endy, height)
    lons = np.linspace(startx, endx, width)
    for y in range(height):
        if y > 10:
        click.echo("block %d" % (y + win[0][0]))
        lat = lats[y]
        lat_min = lat - yres / 2.0
        lat_max = lat + yres / 2.0
        for lon in lons[ma.where(mask_data.mask[y, :] != True)]:
            bbox = (lon - xres / 2.0, lat_min, lon + xres / 2.0, lat_max)
            length = 0
            for obj in index.intersection(bbox, objects='raw'):
                length += do_intersect(bbox, obj)
            # end x for loop
            #out[y, x] = length
    return out
Пример #28
def correct_liquid_top(obs, liquid, is_freezing, limit=200):
    """Corrects lidar detected liquid cloud top using radar data.

        obs (ClassData): The :class:`ClassData` instance.
        liquid (dict): Dictionary about liquid clouds including `tops` and
        is_freezing (ndarray): 2-D boolean array of sub-zero temperature,
            derived from the model temperature and melting layer based
            on radar data.
        limit (float): The maximum correction distance (m) above liquid cloud top.

        ndarray: Corrected liquid cloud array.

    is_liquid_corrected = np.copy(liquid['presence'])
    top_above = utils.n_elements(obs.height, limit)
    for prof, top in zip(*np.where(liquid['tops'])):
        ind = _find_ind_above_top(is_freezing[prof, top:], top_above)
        rad = obs.z[prof, top:top + ind + 1]
        if not (rad.mask.all() or ~rad.mask.any()):
            first_masked = ma.where(rad.mask)[0][0]
            is_liquid_corrected[prof, top:top + first_masked] = True
    return is_liquid_corrected
def load_files(filepath, fnames):
    #load files given filepath and list of filenames#
    dataout = {}
    for e, filename in enumerate(fnames):
        #print filename
        datain = np.load(filepath + filename)
        if e == 0:
            variables = datain.keys()
            lmask = np.zeros(datain['V_global'].shape)
            lmask[ma.where(datain['V_global'][:] == 0)] = 1
        for var in variables:
            if var in [
                    'Kx_global', 'Ky_global', 'R_global', 'U_global',
                if e == 0:
                    exec('dataout["' + var + '"]=ma.masked_array(datain["' +
                         var + '"][:],mask=lmask)')
                elif e > 0:
                    exec('dataout["' + var + '"]=ma.concatenate([dataout["' +
                         var + '"],ma.masked_array(datain["' + var +
                if e == 0:
                    exec('dataout["' + var + '"]=datain["' + var + '"][:]')
                elif e > 0:
                    exec('dataout["' + var + '"]=ma.concatenate([dataout["' +
                         var + '"],datain["' + var + '"][:]],axis=0)')
    return dataout
Пример #30
def draw_bar(ax, show_first_operation, x, y, time, init_time, draw_color):
    assert ax is not None
    if y is None:
        if show_first_operation is True:
            mask_time = ma.where(time >= init_time)
            mask_init_time = ma.where(init_time >= time)
            ax.bar(x, init_time, width=bar_width, color=first_operation_color)
            ax.bar(x, time, width=bar_width, color=draw_color)
        if show_first_operation is True:
            mask_time = ma.where(time >= init_time)
            mask_init_time = ma.where(init_time >= time)
            ax.bar(x[mask_time], (time - init_time)[mask_time],
            ax.bar(x[mask_init_time], (init_time - time)[mask_init_time],
            ax.bar(x, time, y, zdir='y', width=bar_width, color=draw_color)
Пример #31
    def getchanindex(self, chan):

        if ma.max(self._chans) >= chan >= ma.min(self._chans):
            return ma.where(self._chans == int(chan))[0][0]
            return -1
Пример #32
 def transform_non_affine(self, a):
     sign = np.sign(a)
     masked = ma.masked_inside(a, -self.invlinthresh, self.invlinthresh, copy=False)
     exp = sign * self.linthresh * (ma.power(self.base, (sign * (masked / self.linthresh)) - self._linscale_adj))
     if masked.mask.any():
         return ma.where(masked.mask, a / self._linscale_adj, exp)
         return exp
Пример #33
 def transform_non_affine(self, a):
     sign = np.sign(a)
     masked = ma.masked_inside(a, -self.linthresh, self.linthresh, copy=False)
     log = sign * self.linthresh * (self._linscale_adj + ma.log(np.abs(masked) / self.linthresh) / self._log_base)
     if masked.mask.any():
         return ma.where(masked.mask, a * self._linscale_adj, log)
         return log
Пример #34
 def transform(self, a):
     sign = np.sign(np.asarray(a))
     masked = ma.masked_inside(a, -self.linthresh, self.linthresh, copy=False)
     log = sign * ma.log(np.abs(masked)) / self._log_base
     if masked.mask.any():
         return np.asarray(ma.where(masked.mask, a * self._linadjust, log))
         return np.asarray(log)
Пример #35
 def transform(self, a):
     sign = np.sign(a)
     masked = ma.masked_inside(a, -self.linthresh, self.linthresh, copy=False)
     log = sign * self.linthresh * (1 + ma.log(np.abs(masked) / self.linthresh))
     if masked.mask.any():
         return ma.where(masked.mask, a, log)
         return log
Пример #36
    def getchanindex(self, chan):

        if ma.max(self._chans) >= chan >= ma.min(self._chans):
            return ma.where(self._chans == int(chan))[0][0]
            return -1
Пример #37
 def transform(self, a):
     sign = np.sign(a)
     masked = ma.masked_inside(a, -self.linthresh, self.linthresh, copy=False)
     exp = sign * self.linthresh * ma.exp(sign * masked / self.linthresh - 1)
     if masked.mask.any():
         return ma.where(masked.mask, a, exp)
         return exp
Пример #38
def getdata(imgname, chans=[], zeromask=False):
    """Return all good data from a CASA image as a masked numpy array.

       The tb.open() access method, although faster, didn't seem to carry
       the mask (or at least in an easy way).  ma.masked_invalid(data)
       still returned all pixels ok.

       NOTE:  since this routine grabs all data in a single numpy
       array, this routine should only be used for 2D images
       or small 3D cubes, things with little impact on memory

       imagename : str 
           The (absolute) CASA image filename 

           data in a masked numpy array
    if len(chans) == 0:
        d = taskinit.ia.getchunk(blc=[0,0,0,0],trc=[-1,-1,-1,0],getmask=False).squeeze()
        m = taskinit.ia.getchunk(blc=[0,0,0,0],trc=[-1,-1,-1,0],getmask=True).squeeze()
        d = taskinit.ia.getchunk(blc=[0,0,chans[0],0],trc=[-1,-1,chans[1],0],getmask=False).squeeze()
        m = taskinit.ia.getchunk(blc=[0,0,chans[0],0],trc=[-1,-1,chans[1],0],getmask=True).squeeze()
    # note CASA and MA have their mask logic reversed
    # casa: true means a good point
    #   ma: true means a masked/bad point
    if zeromask:
        shape = d.shape
        ndim = len(d.shape)
        if ndim == 2:
            (x,y) = ma.where(~m)
            d[x,y] = 0.0
        elif ndim == 3:
            (x,y,z) = ma.where(~m)
            d[x,y,z] = 0.0
            raise Exception,"getdata: cannot handle data of dimension %d" % ndim
    dm = ma.masked_array(d,mask=~m)
    return dm
Пример #39
def get_eval_stats(outputs, labels):
    silence_out = ma.array(outputs,
                               map(lambda e: True
                                   if e == 1 else False, labels)))
    voice_out = ma.array(outputs,
                             map(lambda e: True if e == 0 else False, labels)))
    # labels are 0 on voiceless intervals
    hits_s = ma.where(silence_out < err_threshold)[0].size
    misses_s = ma.where(silence_out > err_threshold)[0].size
    score_s = hits_s / misses_s
    # labels are exactly 1 on voice intervals
    hits_v = ma.where(voice_out > err_threshold)[0].size
    misses_v = ma.where(voice_out < err_threshold)[0].size
    score_v = hits_v / misses_v
    return EvalStats(silence_out.count(), voice_out.count(), hits_s, misses_s,
                     score_s, hits_v, misses_v, score_v)
Пример #40
def generic_interp_hght(h, hght, field, log=False):
    Generic interpolation routine

    h : number, numpy array
        Height (m) of the level for which pressure is desired
    hght : numpy array
        The array of heights
    field : numpy array
        The variable which is being interpolated
    log : bool
        Flag to determine whether the 'field' variable is in log10 space

    Value of the 'field' variable at the given height : number, numpy array

    if field.count() == 0 or hght.count() == 0:
        return ma.masked_where(ma.ones(np.shape(h)), h)  # JTS

    if ma.isMaskedArray(hght):
        # Multiplying by ones ensures that the result is an array, not a single value ... which
        # happens sometimes ... >.<
        not_masked1 = ~hght.mask * np.ones(hght.shape, dtype=bool)
        not_masked1 = np.ones(hght.shape)

    if ma.isMaskedArray(field):
        not_masked2 = ~field.mask * np.ones(field.shape, dtype=bool)
        not_masked2 = np.ones(field.shape)

    not_masked = not_masked1 * not_masked2

    field_intrp = np.interp(h,

    if hasattr(h, 'shape') and h.shape == tuple():
        h = h[()]

    # Another bug fix: np.interp() returns masked values as nan. We want ma.masked, dangit!
    field_intrp = ma.where(np.isnan(field_intrp), ma.masked, field_intrp)

    # ma.where() returns a 0-d array when the arguments are floats, which confuses subsequent code.
    if hasattr(field_intrp, 'shape') and field_intrp.shape == tuple():
        field_intrp = field_intrp[()]

    if log:
        return 10**field_intrp
        return field_intrp
Пример #41
 def transform(self, a):
     a = np.asarray(a)
     sign = np.sign(a)
     masked = ma.masked_inside(a, -self.linthresh, self.linthresh, copy=False)
     if masked.mask.any():
         log = sign * (ma.log(np.abs(masked)) / self._log_base + self._linadjust)
         return np.asarray(ma.where(masked.mask, a * self._linscale, log))
         return sign * (np.log(np.abs(a)) / self._log_base + self._linadjust)
Пример #42
def comp_g_old(
):  # cross-comp of g in 2x2 kernels, between derts in ma.stack dert__

    g__, dy__, dx__ = dert__[[3, 4, 5]]  # g, dy, dx -> local i, idy, idx
        g__ == 0
    )] = 1  # replace 0 values with 1 to avoid error, not needed in high-g blobs?

    g0__, dy0__, dx0__ = g__[:-1, :-1], dy__[:-1, :-1], dx__[:-1, :
                                                             -1]  # top left
    g1__, dy1__, dx1__ = g__[:-1, 1:], dy__[:-1, 1:], dx__[:-1,
                                                           1:]  # top right
    g2__, dy2__, dx2__ = g__[1:, 1:], dy__[1:, 1:], dx__[1:,
                                                         1:]  # bottom right
    g3__, dy3__, dx3__ = g__[1:, :-1], dy__[1:, :-1], dx__[1:, :
                                                           -1]  # bottom left

    sin0__ = dy0__ / g0__
    cos0__ = dx0__ / g0__
    sin1__ = dy1__ / g1__
    cos1__ = dx1__ / g1__
    sin2__ = dy2__ / g2__
    cos2__ = dx2__ / g2__
    sin3__ = dy3__ / g3__
    cos3__ = dx3__ / g3__
    cosine of difference between diagonally opposite angles, in vector representation
    print(cos_da1__.shape, type(cos_da1__))
    cos_da0__ = (cos2__ * cos0__) + (sin2__ * sin0__
                                     )  # top left to bottom right
    cos_da1__ = (cos3__ * cos1__) + (sin3__ * sin1__
                                     )  # top right to bottom left

    dgy__ = ((g3__ + g2__) - (g0__ * cos_da0__ + g1__ * cos_da1__))
    # y-decomposed cosine difference between gs
    dgx__ = ((g1__ + g2__) - (g0__ * cos_da0__ + g3__ * cos_da1__))
    # x-decomposed cosine difference between gs

    gg__ = np.hypot(dgy__, dgx__)  # gradient of gradient

    mg0__ = np.minimum(g0__, g2__) * cos_da0__  # g match = min(g, _g) *cos(da)
    mg1__ = np.minimum(g1__, g3__) * cos_da1__
    mg__ = mg0__ + mg1__

    g__ = g__[:-1, :
              -1]  # remove last row and column to align with derived params
    dy__ = dy__[:-1, :-1]
    dx__ = dx__[:-1, :-1]  # -> idy, idx to compute cos for comp rg

    # no longer needed: g__.mask = dy__.mask = dx__.mask = gg__.mask?
    next comp_rg will use g, dy, dx     
    next comp_gg will use gg, dgy, dgx  
    return ma.stack((g__, dy__, dx__, gg__, dgy__, dgx__, mg__))
Пример #43
def generic_interp_hght(h, hght, field, log=False):
    Generic interpolation routine

    h : number, numpy array
        Height (m) of the level for which pressure is desired
    hght : numpy array
        The array of heights
    field : numpy array
        The variable which is being interpolated
    log : bool
        Flag to determine whether the 'field' variable is in log10 space

    Value of the 'field' variable at the given height

    if ma.isMaskedArray(hght):
        not_masked1 = ~hght.mask
        not_masked1 = np.ones(hght.shape)
    if ma.isMaskedArray(field):
        not_masked2 = ~field.mask
        not_masked2 = np.ones(field.shape)
    not_masked = not_masked1 * not_masked2

    field_intrp = np.interp(h,

    if hasattr(h, 'shape') and h.shape == tuple():
        h = h[()]

    if type(h) != type(ma.masked):
        # Bug fix for Numpy v1.10: returns nan on the boundary.
        field_intrp = np.where(np.isclose(h, hght[not_masked][0]),
                               field[not_masked][0], field_intrp)
        field_intrp = np.where(np.isclose(h, hght[not_masked][-1]),
                               field[not_masked][-1], field_intrp)

    # Another bug fix: np.interp() returns masked values as nan. We want ma.masked, dangit!
    field_intrp = ma.where(np.isnan(field_intrp), ma.masked, field_intrp)

    # ma.where() returns a 0-d array when the arguments are floats, which confuses subsequent code.
    if hasattr(field_intrp, 'shape') and field_intrp.shape == tuple():
        field_intrp = field_intrp[()]

    if log:
        return 10**field_intrp
        return field_intrp
Пример #44
 def transform(self, a):
     sign = np.sign(a)
     masked = ma.masked_inside(a, -self.invlinthresh, self.invlinthresh, copy=False)
     exp = sign * self.linthresh * (
         ma.power(self.base, (sign * (masked / self.linthresh))
         - self._linscale_adj))
     if masked.mask.any():
         return ma.where(masked.mask, a / self._linscale_adj, exp)
         return exp
Пример #45
 def transform(self, a):
     sign = np.sign(a)
     masked = ma.masked_inside(a, -self.linthresh, self.linthresh, copy=False)
     log = sign * self.linthresh * (
         self._linscale_adj +
         ma.log(np.abs(masked) / self.linthresh) / self._log_base)
     if masked.mask.any():
         return ma.where(masked.mask, a * self._linscale_adj, log)
         return log
Пример #46
    def format_and_clean_data_main(self):
        Main function to format and clean data based on choices by the user.
        # Check if over missing_bound percent or missing_bound number of values are missing
        too_many_missing = self.has_too_many_missing(self.init_perc_remove)
        if ma.any(too_many_missing):
            idx, = ma.where(too_many_missing)
            self.xs[idx] = ma.mask_rows(self.xs[idx])

        # Check array to see if it is filled with values or empty
        if ma.all(self.check_for_all()):
            return self.xs

        # Clean outliers

        # Take average of neighbor values to fill up to a given missing value gap length
        if ma.all(ma.count_masked(self.xs[:, :-self.keep_n_values], axis=1)[np.newaxis,:] == 0):
            return self.xs # if no masked values remain in values before recent ones

        # Remove values if they start the array and are then followed by too many masked values
        start_idx = self.find_new_starting_value()

        # If there are over x% blank values left in the original data after above changes,
        # check to see if x% of the blanks fall after the new start year
        too_many_missing = self.has_too_many_missing(self.second_perc_remove) # boolean array
        if ma.any(too_many_missing):
            n_masked = np.array([ma.count_masked(self.xs[i,s_idx:])
                                 for i, s_idx in enumerate(start_idx)]) / self.N > self.perc_remove_after_start_idx
            if ma.any(n_masked):
                idx, = ma.where(n_masked)
                self.xs[idx] = ma.mask_rows(self.xs[idx])

        # To fill in remaining values, run linear regression on non-zero values

        # If linear regression left negative or zero values, then use linear space to fill in middle gaps
        if ma.any(ma.masked_less_equal(self.xs, 0.)):
Пример #47
def write_tile_to_nc(nc_variable, tiles_array, variable, zoom, _min=0, _max=4,
    # print len(tiles_array)
    for row_number in range(len(tiles_array)):
        tile_row = tiles_array[row_number]
        for col_number in range(len(tile_row)):
            m = tile_row[col_number]
            m = ma.where(m <= _min, _min + 0.0001, m)
            m = ma.where(m >= _max, _max, m)

            # 0-254 , 255 for mask
            m = (m-_min)/float(_max-_min) * (2**8-2)

            m = np.where(m.mask, (2**8-1), m)
            m = np.uint8(m)
            # m = np.ma.masked_where(m == 255, m)
            if polarization is None:
                nc_variable[variable, zoom, row_number, col_number, :] = m[:]
                nc_variable[variable, polarization, zoom,
                            row_number, col_number, :] = m[:]
Пример #48
def draw_bar(ax, show_first_operation, x, y, time, init_time, draw_color):
    assert ax is not None
    if y is None:
        if show_first_operation is True:
            mask_time = ma.where(time>=init_time)
            mask_init_time = ma.where(init_time>=time)
            ax.bar(x[mask_time], time[mask_time], width=bar_width, color=draw_color)
            ax.bar(x, init_time, width=bar_width, color=first_operation_color)
            ax.bar(x[mask_init_time], time[mask_init_time], width=bar_width, color=draw_color)
            ax.bar(x, time, width=bar_width, color=draw_color)
        if show_first_operation is True:
            mask_time = ma.where(time>=init_time)
            mask_init_time = ma.where(init_time>=time)
            ax.bar(x[mask_time], (time - init_time)[mask_time], y[mask_time], bottom=init_time[mask_time], zdir='y', width=bar_width, color=draw_color)
            ax.bar(x[mask_init_time], (init_time - time)[mask_init_time], y[mask_init_time], bottom=time[mask_init_time], zdir='y', width=bar_width, color=first_operation_color)
            ax.bar(x[mask_init_time], time[mask_init_time], y[mask_init_time], zdir='y', width=bar_width, color=draw_color)
            ax.bar(x[mask_time], init_time[mask_time], y[mask_time], zdir='y', width=bar_width, color=first_operation_color)
            ax.bar(x, time, y, zdir='y', width=bar_width, color=draw_color)
Пример #49
def _pfromz_MA(z, lapse_rate, P_bott, T_bott, z_bott):
    """Pressure given altitude in a constant lapse rate layer.

    The dry gas constant is used in calculations requiring the gas
    constant.  See the docstring for press2alt for references.

    Input Arguments:
    * z:  Geopotential altitude [m].
    * lapse_rate:  -dT/dz [K/m] over the layer.
    * P_bott:  Pressure [hPa] at the base of the layer.
    * T_bott:  Temperature [K] at the base of the layer.
    * z_bott:  Geopotential altitude [m] of the base of the layer.

    * Pressure [hPa] for each element given in the input arguments.

    All input arguments can be either a scalar or an MA array.  All 
    arguments that are MA arrays, however, are of the same size and 
    shape.  If every input argument is a scalar, the output is a scalar.  
    If any of the input arguments is an MA array, the output is an MA 
    array of the same size and shape.
    #jfp was import Numeric as N
    import numpy as N
    #jfp was import MA
    import numpy.ma as MA
    from atmconst import AtmConst

    const = AtmConst()

    if MA.size(lapse_rate) == 1:
        #jfp was if MA.array(lapse_rate)[0] == 0.0:
        if MA.array(lapse_rate) == 0.0:
            return P_bott * \
                   MA.exp( -const.g / (const.R_d*T_bott) * (z-z_bott) )
            exponent = const.g / (const.R_d * lapse_rate)
            return P_bott * \
                   ( (1.0 - (lapse_rate * (z-z_bott) / T_bott))**exponent )
        exponent = const.g / (const.R_d * lapse_rate)
        P = P_bott * \
            ( (1.0 - (lapse_rate * (z-z_bott) / T_bott))**exponent )
        P_at_0 = P_bott * \
                 MA.exp( -const.g / (const.R_d*T_bott) * (z-z_bott) )

        zero_lapse_mask = MA.filled(MA.where(lapse_rate == 0., 1, 0), 0)
        zero_lapse_mask_indices_flat = N.nonzero(N.ravel(zero_lapse_mask))
        P_flat = MA.ravel(P)
        MA.put( P_flat, zero_lapse_mask_indices_flat \
              , MA.take(MA.ravel(P_at_0), zero_lapse_mask_indices_flat) )
        return MA.reshape(P_flat, P.shape)
Пример #50
def generic_interp_hght(h, hght, field, log=False):
    Generic interpolation routine

    h : number, numpy array
        Height (m) of the level for which pressure is desired
    hght : numpy array
        The array of heights
    field : numpy array
        The variable which is being interpolated
    log : bool
        Flag to determine whether the 'field' variable is in log10 space

    Value of the 'field' variable at the given height

    if ma.isMaskedArray(hght):
        not_masked1 = ~hght.mask
        not_masked1 = np.ones(hght.shape)
    if ma.isMaskedArray(field):
        not_masked2 = ~field.mask
        not_masked2 = np.ones(field.shape)
    not_masked = not_masked1 * not_masked2

    field_intrp = np.interp(h, hght[not_masked], field[not_masked],
                         left=ma.masked, right=ma.masked)
    if hasattr(h, 'shape') and h.shape == tuple():
        h = h[()]

    if type(h) != type(ma.masked):
        # Bug fix for Numpy v1.10: returns nan on the boundary.
        field_intrp = np.where(np.isclose(h, hght[not_masked][0]), field[not_masked][0], field_intrp)
        field_intrp = np.where(np.isclose(h, hght[not_masked][-1]), field[not_masked][-1], field_intrp)

    # Another bug fix: np.interp() returns masked values as nan. We want ma.masked, dangit!
    field_intrp = ma.where(np.isnan(field_intrp), ma.masked, field_intrp)

    # ma.where() returns a 0-d array when the arguments are floats, which confuses subsequent code.
    if hasattr(field_intrp, 'shape') and field_intrp.shape == tuple():
        field_intrp = field_intrp[()]

    if log:
        return 10 ** field_intrp
        return field_intrp
Пример #51
def estimate_cell_edges(x):
    """Convert one-dimensional vector x of size n into n + 1, where the input
    describes the centres of the cells, and the output is an estimate of the
    edges of the cell"""
    # centres (with extra centres padded at the ends by linear interpolation)
    dx = ma.diff(x)
    x_c = ma.hstack((x[0] - atleast_1d(dx[0]), x,
                     x[-1] + atleast_1d(dx[-1])))
    # _f is notation from MITgcm (implies faces)
    x_f = (x_c[1:] + x_c[:-1])/2
    dx_c = np.diff(x_c)

    # Catch nan or masked values and estimate edge using dx from previous or
    # next cell
    nan_before = ma.where(
        ma.logical_and(nan_or_masked(x_f[:-1]), ~nan_or_masked(x_f[1:])))[0]
    nan_after = ma.where(
        ma.logical_and(~nan_or_masked(x_f[:-1]), nan_or_masked(x_f[1:])))[0]

    x_f[nan_before] = x_f[nan_before + 1] - dx_c[nan_before + 1]
    x_f[nan_after + 1] = x_f[nan_after] + dx_c[nan_after]

    return x_f
Пример #52
def _zfromp_MA(P, lapse_rate, P_bott, T_bott, z_bott):
    """Altitude given pressure in a constant lapse rate layer.

    The dry gas constant is used in calculations requiring the gas
    constant.  See the docstring for press2alt for references.

    Input Arguments:
    * P:  Pressure [hPa].
    * lapse_rate:  -dT/dz [K/m] over the layer.
    * P_bott:  Pressure [hPa] at the base of the layer.
    * T_bott:  Temperature [K] at the base of the layer.
    * z_bott:  Geopotential altitude [m] of the base of the layer.

    * Altitude [m] for each element given in the input arguments.

    All input arguments can be either a scalar or an MA array.  All 
    arguments that are MA arrays, however, are of the same size and 
    shape.  If every input argument is a scalar, the output is a scalar.
    If any of the input arguments is an MA array, the output is an MA 
    array of the same size and shape.
    import numpy as N
    #jfp was import Numeric as N
    import numpy.ma as MA
    #jfp was import MA
    from atmconst import AtmConst

    const = AtmConst()

    if MA.size(lapse_rate) == 1:
        if MA.array(lapse_rate)[0] == 0.0:
            return ( (-const.R_d * T_bott / const.g) * MA.log(P/P_bott) ) + \
            exponent = (const.R_d * lapse_rate) / const.g
            return ((T_bott / lapse_rate) * (1. - (P/P_bott)**exponent)) + \
        exponent = (const.R_d * lapse_rate) / const.g
        z = ((T_bott / lapse_rate) * (1. - (P/P_bott)**exponent)) + z_bott
        z_at_0 = ( (-const.R_d * T_bott / const.g) * MA.log(P/P_bott) ) + \

        zero_lapse_mask = MA.filled(MA.where(lapse_rate == 0., 1, 0), 0)
        zero_lapse_mask_indices_flat = N.nonzero(N.ravel(zero_lapse_mask))
        z_flat = MA.ravel(z)
        MA.put( z_flat, zero_lapse_mask_indices_flat \
              , MA.take(MA.ravel(z_at_0), zero_lapse_mask_indices_flat) )
        return MA.reshape(z_flat, z.shape)
Пример #53
 def __fillMissing(self):
     scens = range(self.missing.shape[1])
     scens = roll(scens, len(scens) - 1) # make 00 last
     vidx, sidx, tidx = where(self.missing)
     for i in range(len(vidx)):
         v, s, t = vidx[i], sidx[i], tidx[i]
         filled = False
         for tnew, snew in product([t, max(t - 1, 0), max(t - 2, 0)], scens):
             if not self.missing[v, snew, tnew]:
                 self.data[v, s, t] = self.data[v, snew, tnew]
                 filled = True
         if not filled:
             raise Exception('Failed to fill')
Пример #54
    def __init__(self, file, lat, lon, vars = None):
        with nc(file) as f:
            if vars is None:
                vars = setdiff1d(f.variables, ['lat', 'lon', 'time'])

            lats, lons = f.variables['lat'][:], f.variables['lon'][:]

            if isMaskedArray(f.variables[vars[0]][0]):
                mask = f.variables[vars[0]][0].mask # pull mask from first variable, first time
                mask = zeros((len(lats), len(lons)))

            latd = resize(lats, (len(lons), len(lats))).T - lat
            lond = resize(lons, (len(lats), len(lons))) - lon
            latd = masked_where(mask, latd)
            lond = masked_where(mask, lond)
            totd = latd ** 2 + lond ** 2
            idx = where(totd == totd.min())
            latidx, lonidx = idx[0][0], idx[1][0]

            self.time = f.variables['time'][:]

            tunits = f.variables['time'].units
            ts = tunits.split('months since ')[1].split(' ')
            yr0, mth0, day0 = [int(t) for t in ts[0].split('-')[0 : 3]]
            if len(ts) > 1:
                hr0, min0, sec0 = [int(t) for t in ts[1].split(':')[0 : 3]]
                hr0 = min0 = sec0 = 0
            self.reftime = datetime(yr0, mth0, day0, hr0, min0, sec0)

            nv, nt = len(vars), len(self.time)
            self.data  = zeros((nv, nt))
            self.units = zeros(nv, dtype = '|S32')
            for i in range(nv):
                if vars[i] in f.variables:
                    var = f.variables[vars[i]]
                    vidx = foundVar(f.variables.keys(), vars[i])
                    var  = f.variables[f.variables.keys()[vidx]]
                self.data[i]  = var[:, latidx, lonidx]
                self.units[i] = var.units

            self.vars = vars # store variable names

            self.pridx = foundVar(vars, 'pr') # variable indices
            self.maidx = foundVar(vars, 'tmax')
            self.miidx = foundVar(vars, 'tmin')
Пример #55
    def clean_gaps_w_lin_regress(self, start_idx):
        Function to clean gaps in the data with a linear regression.

        start_idx : integer
            First non-masked value of array.
        non_zero_idx = np.transpose(self.xs.nonzero())
        for i in xrange(self.rows_N):
            idx = non_zero_idx[np.where(non_zero_idx[:, 0] == i)][:, 1]
            if idx.any():
                slope, intercept, r, p, se = mstats.linregress(self.yrs[idx], self.xs[i,idx])
                missing_xs = ma.where(self.xs[i, start_idx[i]:-self.keep_n_values].mask)[0] + start_idx[i]
                if np.any(missing_xs):
                    self.xs[i, missing_xs] = (self.min_year + missing_xs) * slope + intercept
Пример #56
 def aggrade_front(self, grid, tstep, source_cells_Qs, elev, SL): #ensure Qs and tstep units match!
     self.total_sed_supplied_in_tstep = source_cells_Qs*tstep
     self.Qs_sort_order = np.argsort(source_cells_Qs)[::-1] #descending order
     self.Qs_sort_order = self.Qs_sort_order[:np.count_nonzero(self.Qs_sort_order>0)]
     for i in self.Qs_sort_order:
         subaerial_nodes = elev>=SL
         subsurface_elev_array = ma.array(elev, subaerial_nodes)
         xy_tuple = (grid.node_x[i], grid.node_y[i])
         distance_map = grid.get_distances_of_nodes_to_point(xy_tuple)
         loop_number = 0
         closest_node_list = ma.argsort(ma.masked_array(distance_map, mask=subsurface_elev_array.mask))
         smooth_cone_elev_from_apex = subsurface_elev_array[i]-distance_map*self.tan_repose_angle
         while 1:
             filled_all_cells_flag = 0
             accom_space_at_controlling_node = SL - subsurface_elev_array[closest_node_list[loop_number]]
             new_max_cone_surface_elev = smooth_cone_elev_from_apex + accom_space_at_controlling_node
             subsurface_elev_array.mask = (elev>=SL or new_max_cone_surface_elev<elev)
             depth_of_accom_space = new_max_cone_surface_elev - subsurface_elev_array
             accom_depth_order = ma.argsort(depth_of_accom_space)[::-1]
             #Vectorised method to calc fill volumes:
             area_to_fill = ma.cumsum(grid.cellarea[accom_depth_order])
             differential_depths = ma.empty_like(depth_of_accom_space)
             differential_depths[:-1] = depth_of_accom_space[accom_depth_order[:-1]] - depth_of_accom_space[accom_depth_order[1:]]
             differential_depths[-1] = depth_of_accom_space[accom_depth_order[-1]]
             incremental_volumes = ma.cumsum(differential_depths*area_to_fill)
             match_position_of_Qs_in = ma.searchsorted(incremental_volumes, self.total_sed_supplied_in_tstep[i])
                 depths_to_add = depth_of_accom_space-depth_of_accom_space[match_position_of_Qs_in]
                 depths_to_add = depth_of_accom_space-depth_of_accom_space[match_position_of_Qs_in-1]
                 filled_all_cells_flag = 1
             depths_to_add = depths_to_add[ma.where(depths_to_add>=0)]
             if not filled_all_cells_flag:
                 depths_to_add += (self.total_sed_supplied_in_tstep[i] - incremental_volumes[match_position_of_Qs_in-1])/area_to_fill[match_position_of_Qs_in-1]
                 subsurface_elev_array[accom_depth_order[len(depths_to_add)]] = depths_to_add
                 self.total_sed_supplied_in_tstep[i] = 0
                 subsurface_elev_array[accom_depth_order] = depths_to_add
                 self.total_sed_supplied_in_tstep[i] -= incremental_volumes[-1]
                 loop_number += 1
     return elev
Пример #57
copyfile(springfile, outputfile)

with nc(springfile) as f:
    planting1 = f.variables['planting'][:]
    anthesis1 = f.variables['anthesis'][:]
    maturity1 = f.variables['maturity'][:]

with nc(winterfile) as f:
    planting2 = f.variables['planting'][:]
    anthesis2 = f.variables['anthesis'][:]
    maturity2 = f.variables['maturity'][:]

with nc(maskfile) as f:
    mask = f.variables['variety'][:]

latidx, lonidx = where(mask == 2)

plantingf = planting1.copy()
anthesisf = anthesis1.copy()
maturityf = maturity1.copy()

plantingf[:, latidx, lonidx, :] = planting2[:, latidx, lonidx, :]
anthesisf[:, latidx, lonidx, :] = anthesis2[:, latidx, lonidx, :]
maturityf[:, latidx, lonidx, :] = maturity2[:, latidx, lonidx, :]

with nc(outputfile, 'a') as f:
    p = f.variables['planting']
    p[:] = plantingf
    a = f.variables['anthesis']
    a[:] = anthesisf
    m = f.variables['maturity']
Пример #58
    def test_testOddFeatures(self):
        # Test of other odd features
        x = arange(20)
        x = x.reshape(4, 5)
        x.flat[5] = 12
        assert_(x[1, 0] == 12)
        z = x + 10j * x
        assert_(eq(z.real, x))
        assert_(eq(z.imag, 10 * x))
        assert_(eq((z * conjugate(z)).real, 101 * x * x))
        z.imag[...] = 0.0

        x = arange(10)
        x[3] = masked
        assert_(str(x[3]) == str(masked))
        c = x >= 8
        assert_(count(where(c, masked, masked)) == 0)
        assert_(shape(where(c, masked, masked)) == c.shape)
        z = where(c, x, masked)
        assert_(z.dtype is x.dtype)
        assert_(z[3] is masked)
        assert_(z[4] is masked)
        assert_(z[7] is masked)
        assert_(z[8] is not masked)
        assert_(z[9] is not masked)
        assert_(eq(x, z))
        z = where(c, masked, x)
        assert_(z.dtype is x.dtype)
        assert_(z[3] is masked)
        assert_(z[4] is not masked)
        assert_(z[7] is not masked)
        assert_(z[8] is masked)
        assert_(z[9] is masked)
        z = masked_where(c, x)
        assert_(z.dtype is x.dtype)
        assert_(z[3] is masked)
        assert_(z[4] is not masked)
        assert_(z[7] is not masked)
        assert_(z[8] is masked)
        assert_(z[9] is masked)
        assert_(eq(x, z))
        x = array([1., 2., 3., 4., 5.])
        c = array([1, 1, 1, 0, 0])
        x[2] = masked
        z = where(c, x, -x)
        assert_(eq(z, [1., 2., 0., -4., -5]))
        c[0] = masked
        z = where(c, x, -x)
        assert_(eq(z, [1., 2., 0., -4., -5]))
        assert_(z[0] is masked)
        assert_(z[1] is not masked)
        assert_(z[2] is masked)
        assert_(eq(masked_where(greater(x, 2), x), masked_greater(x, 2)))
        assert_(eq(masked_where(greater_equal(x, 2), x),
                   masked_greater_equal(x, 2)))
        assert_(eq(masked_where(less(x, 2), x), masked_less(x, 2)))
        assert_(eq(masked_where(less_equal(x, 2), x), masked_less_equal(x, 2)))
        assert_(eq(masked_where(not_equal(x, 2), x), masked_not_equal(x, 2)))
        assert_(eq(masked_where(equal(x, 2), x), masked_equal(x, 2)))
        assert_(eq(masked_where(not_equal(x, 2), x), masked_not_equal(x, 2)))
        assert_(eq(masked_inside(list(range(5)), 1, 3), [0, 199, 199, 199, 4]))
        assert_(eq(masked_outside(list(range(5)), 1, 3), [199, 1, 2, 3, 199]))
                                       mask=[1, 0, 0, 0, 0]), 1, 3).mask,
                   [1, 1, 1, 1, 0]))
                                        mask=[0, 1, 0, 0, 0]), 1, 3).mask,
                   [1, 1, 0, 0, 1]))
                                      mask=[1, 0, 0, 0, 0]), 2).mask,
                   [1, 0, 1, 0, 0]))
        assert_(eq(masked_not_equal(array([2, 2, 1, 2, 1],
                                          mask=[1, 0, 0, 0, 0]), 2).mask,
                   [1, 0, 1, 0, 1]))
        assert_(eq(masked_where([1, 1, 0, 0, 0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]),
                   [99, 99, 3, 4, 5]))
        atest = ones((10, 10, 10), dtype=np.float32)
        btest = zeros(atest.shape, MaskType)
        ctest = masked_where(btest, atest)
        assert_(eq(atest, ctest))
        z = choose(c, (-x, x))
        assert_(eq(z, [1., 2., 0., -4., -5]))
        assert_(z[0] is masked)
        assert_(z[1] is not masked)
        assert_(z[2] is masked)
        x = arange(6)
        x[5] = masked
        y = arange(6) * 10
        y[2] = masked
        c = array([1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0], mask=[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
        cm = c.filled(1)
        z = where(c, x, y)
        zm = where(cm, x, y)
        assert_(eq(z, zm))
        assert_(getmask(zm) is nomask)
        assert_(eq(zm, [0, 1, 2, 30, 40, 50]))
        z = where(c, masked, 1)
        assert_(eq(z, [99, 99, 99, 1, 1, 1]))
        z = where(c, 1, masked)
        assert_(eq(z, [99, 1, 1, 99, 99, 99]))
Пример #59
    yld1      = f.variables['yield'][:]
    area1     = f.variables['area'][:]
    marea1    = f.variables['area_mirca'][:]

with nc(winterfile) as f:
    yld2   = f.variables['yield'][:]
    area2  = f.variables['area'][:]
    marea2 = f.variables['area_mirca'][:]

a1 = area1[20 : 31, :, :, 2].mean(axis = 0) # sum, averaged from 2000-2010
a2 = area2[20 : 31, :, :, 2].mean(axis = 0)

latd = resize(lat, (len(lon), len(lat))).T
latd = masked_where(a1.mask, latd)

latidx, lonidx = where(logical_and(a2 > a1, latd <= 49)) # replace with winter wheat if area is greater AND lat <= 49

yldf   = yld1.copy()
areaf  = area1.copy()
mareaf = marea1.copy()

yldf[:, latidx, lonidx, :]   = yld2[:, latidx, lonidx, :]
areaf[:, latidx, lonidx, :]  = area2[:, latidx, lonidx, :]
mareaf[:, latidx, lonidx, :] = marea2[:, latidx, lonidx, :]

dvar = a1.copy()
dvar[:] = 1
dvar[logical_and(a1 < a2, latd <= 49)] = 2
dvar = masked_where(a1.mask, dvar)

with nc(outputfile, 'w') as f:
    def showSlices(self):
        """ Data loading from files, processing and displaying in window.

            Data are loaded by nibabel functions, and processed by numpy functions. All files in self.volList must contain same volume size.

            For each file (number i), full volume is loaded. Then indifined values (nan) are suppressed, and voxels are normalized by minimum and maximum values for visibility.
            Three views are extracted from volume:
                - slice in (x,y) plan -> set by self.posz
                - slice in (y,z) plan -> set by self.posx
                - slice in (x,z) plan -> set by self.posy
            Slices coordinates (self.posz, self.posy, self.posz) are initially set to the center of the volume (when self.posx value is -1). Later these coordinates may change (see setViews method).            
            The slices are set in 3D-matrixes self.ImXY, self.ImYZ and self.XZ, in (:,:,i).
            Then, method imSumShow is called to create and show figure.

            Note that each time this method is called (window initialization, change of view coordinates by method setViews) complete files are loaded again and previous figure is lost.

                - vol           content of a file, loaded by bibabel fonction load
                - self.volList  files names list, created by function checkFiles
                - self.data     voxels values of volume in first file
                - self.posx, self.posy, self.posz
                                slices coordinates for plans (y,z), (x,z) and (x,y) respectively
                - self.ImXY, self.ImYZ, self.ImXZ
                                3D-matrixes, containing slices of each file, one matrix per slice plan
                                dimensions 1 and 2: size of slices in plans (y,z), (x,z) and (x,y) respectively
                                dimension 3: file number
                - data          voxels values of volume vol
                - mindata       for volume vol, gives lower voxel value
                - maxdata       for volume vol, gives higher voxel value
                - dataNorm      volume vol normalized by mindata and maxdata

        # images dimensions
        vol = nib.load(self.volList[0])
        self.data = vol.get_data()

        # first reference ccordinates
        if self.posx.get() == -1:
            self.posx.set(self.data.shape[0] / 2)
            self.posy.set(self.data.shape[1] / 2)
            self.posz.set(self.data.shape[2] / 2)

        # matrixes initialization
        self.ImXY = zeros((self.data.shape[0], self.data.shape[1], self.nb))
        self.ImYZ = zeros((self.data.shape[1], self.data.shape[2], self.nb))
        self.ImXZ = zeros((self.data.shape[0], self.data.shape[2], self.nb))

        # normalized slices
        for i, v in enumerate(self.volList):

            # volume loading
            vol = nib.load(v)
            data = vol.get_data()

            # nan are suppressed
            data = ma.where(~isnan(data), data, array(zeros(data.shape)))

            # volume normalization
            mindata = data.min()
            dataNorm = data - mindata
            maxdata = dataNorm.max()
            dataNorm = dataNorm / maxdata
            mindata = dataNorm.min()
            maxdata = dataNorm.max()

            # slices extraction from volume
            self.ImXY[:, :, i] = dataNorm[:, :, self.posz.get()]
            self.ImYZ[:, :, i] = dataNorm[self.posx.get(), :, :]  ##???
            self.ImXZ[:, :, i] = dataNorm[:, self.posy.get(), :]

        # show images