Пример #1
def userinfo_claims(access_token, scope_names=None, claims_request=None):
    Creates claims data for OpenID Connect UserInfo endpoint, according:


    Support scope and claims request parameter as described in:


        access_token (AccessToken): Associated access token
        scope_names (list): Optional list of requested scopes
        claims_request (dict): Optional dictionary with a claims request parameter

    Information on the claims request parameter specification:


    Returns dictionary of the claims required by the specification.


    handlers = USERINFO_HANDLERS

    claims = claims_request.get('userinfo', {}) if claims_request else {}

    result = collect(handlers,
    return result
Пример #2
def id_token_claims(access_token, nonce=None, claims_request=None):
    Creates claims data for an OpenID Connect ID Token according to:


        access_token (AccessToken): Associated OAuth2 access token.
        nonce (str): Optional nonce to protect against replay attacks.
        claims_request (dict): Optional dictionary with a claims request parameter.

    Information on the claims request parameter specification:


    Returns dictionary of the claims required by the specification.


    claims = claims_request.get('id_token', {}) if claims_request else {}

    handlers = ID_TOKEN_HANDLERS

    if nonce:
        claims.update({'nonce': {'value': nonce}})

    result = collect(handlers, access_token, claims=claims, inclusive=True)

    return result
Пример #3
def userinfo_claims(access_token, scope_names=None, claims_request=None):
    Creates claims data for OpenID Connect UserInfo endpoint, according:


    Support scope and claims request parameter as described in:


        access_token (AccessToken): Associated access token
        scope_names (list): Optional list of requested scopes
        claims_request (dict): Optional dictionary with a claims request parameter

    Information on the claims request parameter specification:


    Returns dictionary of the claims required by the specification.


    handlers = USERINFO_HANDLERS

    claims = claims_request.get('userinfo', {}) if claims_request else {}

    result = collect(handlers, access_token, scope_names, claims, inclusive=False)
    return result
Пример #4
def id_token_claims(access_token, nonce=None, claims_request=None):
    Creates claims data for an OpenID Connect ID Token according to:


        access_token (AccessToken): Associated OAuth2 access token.
        nonce (str): Optional nonce to protect against replay attacks.
        claims_request (dict): Optional dictionary with a claims request parameter.

    Information on the claims request parameter specification:


    Returns dictionary of the claims required by the specification.


    claims = claims_request.get('id_token', {}) if claims_request else {}

    handlers = ID_TOKEN_HANDLERS

    if nonce:
        claims.update({'nonce': {'value': nonce}})

    result = collect(handlers, access_token, claims=claims, inclusive=True)

    return result
Пример #5
def userinfo(access_token, scope_request=None, claims_request=None):
    Returns data required for an OpenID Connect UserInfo response, according to:


    Supports scope and claims request parameter as described in:

    - http://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#ScopeClaims
    - http://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#ClaimsParameter

    Arguments: access_token (:class:`AccessToken`): Associated access
        token.  scope_request (list): Optional list of requested
        scopes. Only scopes authorized in the `access_token` will be
            considered.  claims_request
        (dict): Optional dictionary with a claims request parameter.

    Information on the claims request parameter specification:

    - http://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#ClaimsParameter

    As a convinience, if neither `scope_request` or user_info claim is
    specified in the `claims_request`, it will return the claims for
    all the scopes in the `access_token`.

    Returns an :class:`IDToken` instance with the scopes from the
    `scope_request` and the corresponding claims. Claims in the
    `claims_request` paramater userinfo section will be included *in
    addition* to the ones corresponding to `scope_request`.


    handlers = HANDLERS['userinfo']

    # Select only the relevant section of the claims request.
    claims_request_section = claims_request.get('userinfo', {}) if claims_request else {}

    # If nothing is requested, return the claims for the scopes in the access token.
    if not scope_request and not claims_request_section:
        scope_request = provider.scope.to_names(access_token.scope)
        scope_request = scope_request

    scopes, claims = collect(

    return IDToken(access_token, scopes, claims)
Пример #6
def userinfo(access_token, scope_request=None, claims_request=None):
    Returns data required for an OpenID Connect UserInfo response, according to:


    Supports scope and claims request parameter as described in:

    - http://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#ScopeClaims
    - http://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#ClaimsParameter

    Arguments: access_token (:class:`AccessToken`): Associated access
        token.  scope_request (list): Optional list of requested
        scopes. Only scopes authorized in the `access_token` will be
            considered.  claims_request
        (dict): Optional dictionary with a claims request parameter.

    Information on the claims request parameter specification:

    - http://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#ClaimsParameter

    As a convinience, if neither `scope_request` or user_info claim is
    specified in the `claims_request`, it will return the claims for
    all the scopes in the `access_token`.

    Returns an :class:`IDToken` instance with the scopes from the
    `scope_request` and the corresponding claims. Claims in the
    `claims_request` paramater userinfo section will be included *in
    addition* to the ones corresponding to `scope_request`.


    handlers = HANDLERS["userinfo"]

    # Select only the relevant section of the claims request.
    claims_request_section = claims_request.get("userinfo", {}) if claims_request else {}

    # If nothing is requested, return the claims for the scopes in the access token.
    if not scope_request and not claims_request_section:
        scope_request = provider.scope.to_names(access_token.scope)
        scope_request = scope_request

    scopes, claims = collect(handlers, access_token, scope_request=scope_request, claims_request=claims_request_section)

    return IDToken(access_token, scopes, claims)
Пример #7
def id_token(access_token, nonce=None, claims_request=None):
    Returns data required for an OpenID Connect ID Token according to:

    - http://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-basic-1_0.html#IDToken

        access_token (:class:`AccessToken`): Associated OAuth2 access token.
        nonce (str): Optional nonce to protect against replay attacks.
        claims_request (dict): Optional dictionary with the claims request parameters.

    Information on the `claims_request` parameter specification:

    - http://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#ClaimsParameter

    Returns an :class:`IDToken` instance with the scopes from the
    access_token and the corresponding claims. Claims in the
    `claims_request` paramater id_token section will be included *in
    addition* to the ones corresponding to the scopes specified in the


    handlers = HANDLERS['id_token']

    # Select only the relevant section of the claims request.
    claims_request_section = claims_request.get('id_token', {}) if claims_request else {}

    scope_request = provider.scope.to_names(access_token.scope)

    if nonce:
        claims_request_section.update({'nonce': {'value': nonce}})

    scopes, claims = collect(

    return IDToken(access_token, scopes, claims)
Пример #8
def id_token(access_token, nonce=None, claims_request=None):
    Returns data required for an OpenID Connect ID Token according to:

    - http://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-basic-1_0.html#IDToken

        access_token (:class:`AccessToken`): Associated OAuth2 access token.
        nonce (str): Optional nonce to protect against replay attacks.
        claims_request (dict): Optional dictionary with the claims request parameters.

    Information on the `claims_request` parameter specification:

    - http://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#ClaimsParameter

    Returns an :class:`IDToken` instance with the scopes from the
    access_token and the corresponding claims. Claims in the
    `claims_request` paramater id_token section will be included *in
    addition* to the ones corresponding to the scopes specified in the


    handlers = HANDLERS["id_token"]

    # Select only the relevant section of the claims request.
    claims_request_section = claims_request.get("id_token", {}) if claims_request else {}

    scope_request = provider.scope.to_names(access_token.scope)

    if nonce:
        claims_request_section.update({"nonce": {"value": nonce}})

    scopes, claims = collect(handlers, access_token, scope_request=scope_request, claims_request=claims_request_section)

    return IDToken(access_token, scopes, claims)