Пример #1
def mcmc(max_iter=50000):
    logger = Logger().getLogger()
    # Generate a random light curve.
    #We don't need to generate time since we know the sampling rate is
    #very regular (yes, TAOS II).
    random = np.random
    flux = random.random(50)

    # Remember that, for a real light curve, we have to match the length
    #of the light curve with the database light curves.

    # Connect DB
    start = time.time()
    conn = psycopg2.connect(database='taos-ii', user='******')
    cur = conn.cursor()
    end = time.time()
    db_conneting_time = end - start

    # Search the DB.
    logger.info('Start MCMC DB searching..')
    start = time.time()
    chi2_map = np.zeros((max_iter, 6))
    # Search grid.
    b = np.arange(41)
    t = np.arange(11)
    d = np.arange(84)
    size = np.arange(52)

    starting_point = [int(len(b)/2), int(len(t)/2), int(len(d)/2),
    starting_row = get_row(cur, starting_point)
    pre_val_a, pre_p_a = chisquare(flux, starting_row[4])
    pre_val_b, pre_p_b = chisquare(flux, starting_row[5])
    pre_val_c, pre_p_c = chisquare(flux, starting_row[6])
    pre_val = np.log10(pre_val_a) + np.log10(pre_val_b) + np.log10(pre_val_c)
    pre_p = pre_p_a * pre_p_b * pre_p_c

    chi2_map[0][0:4] = starting_row[0:4]
    chi2_map[0][4] = pre_val
    chi2_map[0][5] = pre_p

    pre_index = starting_point
    steps = 1
    rejected = 0
    total_query = 0
    while steps < max_iter:
        total_query += 1
        cur_b = get_next_index(b, pre_index[0])
        cur_t = get_next_index(t, pre_index[1])
        cur_d = get_next_index(d, pre_index[2])
        cur_size = get_next_index(size, pre_index[3])

        cur_index = [cur_b, cur_t, cur_d, cur_size]
        #print cur_index
        cur_row = get_row(cur, cur_index)
        cur_val_a, cur_p_a = chisquare(flux, cur_row[4])
        cur_val_b, cur_p_b = chisquare(flux, cur_row[5])
        cur_val_c, cur_p_c = chisquare(flux, cur_row[6])
        cur_val = np.log10(cur_val_a) + np.log10(cur_val_b) + np.log10(cur_val_c)
        cur_p = cur_p_a * cur_p_b * cur_p_c

        #if cur_val > pre_val: # reject
        if cur_p < pre_p: # reject
            rejected += 1
            # accept
            criterion = np.random.random()
            #if cur_val / pre_val <= criterion:
            if cur_p / pre_p >= criterion:
                #print cur_val, pre_val, criterion, cur_index, pre_index
                pre_index = cur_index
                prev_val = cur_val

                # Set parameters
                chi2_map[steps][0:4] = cur_row[0:4]
                chi2_map[steps][4] = cur_val
                chi2_map[steps][5] = cur_p

                steps += 1
                # reject
                #print cur_val, pre_val, cur_val / pre_val, criterion
                rejected += 1
    #print chi2_map
    logger.info('MCMC estimating is done.')
    acceptance_rate = float(steps) / (steps + rejected)
    #chi2_map[::,4] = np.log10(chi2_map[::,4])

    end = time.time()
    querying_time = end - start

    fig = corner.corner(chi2_map[::,:6], labels=[r'$\Omega$', r'$\Delta t$', 'D', 'Size',
        r'$\log(\chi^2)$', 'p-value'], show_titles=True)
    fig.suptitle(('The number of sources in the contour: %d\n' +
        '# The nubmer of total queries: %d\n\n' +
        '# DB connecting runtime: %.3f seconds\n' +
        '# Total runtime: %.3f seconds\n' +
        '# Acceptance rate: %.3f') %
        (max_iter, total_query, db_conneting_time, querying_time, acceptance_rate),
    pl.savefig('corner_random_mcmc_%d.pdf' % (max_iter))

Пример #2
def brute_force():
    logger = Logger().getLogger()
    # Generate a random light curve.
    #We don't need to generate time since we know the sampling rate is
    #very regular (yes, TAOS II).
    random = np.random
    flux = random.random(50)

    # Remember that, for a real light curve, we have to match the length
    #of the light curve with the database light curves.

    # Connect DB
    start = time.time()
    conn = psycopg2.connect(database='taos-ii', user='******')
    cur = conn.cursor()
    end = time.time()
    db_conneting_time = end - start

    # Search the DB.
    logger.info('Start DB searching..')
    start = time.time()
    cur.execute('''select b_real, t_real, d_real, size_real,
            flux_a, flux_b, flux_c from test
            where width > 0.2 and width < 0.5 and
            depth > 0.2 and depth < 0.5 and
            height > 0.2 and height < 0.5''')
    rows = cur.fetchall()
    end = time.time()
    querying_time = end - start
    logger.info('The number of rows: %d' % (len(rows)))

    # Calculating chi^2
    logger.info('Deriving Chi^2 Map..')
    # Initialize the map
    start = time.time()
    chi2_map = np.zeros((len(rows), 12))
    for i in range(len(rows)):
        # Set parameters
        chi2_map[i][0:4] = rows[i][0:4]

        # Calculate chi^2
        #We assume that the light curves are all normalized.
        len_lc = len(rows[i][4])
        half_len_lc = len_lc / 2
        c_flux = flux[len(flux)/2 - half_len_lc:len(flux)/2 - half_len_lc + len_lc]
        chi2_map[i][4], chi2_map[i][5] = chisquare(c_flux, rows[i][4])

        len_lc = len(rows[i][5])
        half_len_lc = len_lc / 2
        c_flux = flux[len(flux)/2 - half_len_lc:len(flux)/2 - half_len_lc + len_lc]
        chi2_map[i][6], chi2_map[i][7] = chisquare(c_flux, rows[i][5])

        len_lc = len(rows[i][6])
        half_len_lc = len_lc / 2
        c_flux = flux[len(flux)/2 - half_len_lc:len(flux)/2 - half_len_lc + len_lc]
        chi2_map[i][8], chi2_map[i][9] = chisquare(c_flux, rows[i][6])

    #print chi2_map
    chi2_map[::,4] = np.log10(chi2_map[::,4])
    chi2_map[::,6] = np.log10(chi2_map[::,6])
    chi2_map[::,8] = np.log10(chi2_map[::,8])
    chi2_map[::,10] = chi2_map[::,4] + chi2_map[::,6] + chi2_map[::,8]
    chi2_map[::,11] = chi2_map[::,5] * chi2_map[::,7] * chi2_map[::,9]
    #print chi2_map
    end = time.time()
    estimating_time = end - start

    fig = corner.corner(chi2_map[::,(0,1,2,3,10,11)],
        labels=[r'$\Omega$', r'$\Delta t$', 'D', 'Size',
        r'$\log(\chi^2)$', 'p-value'], show_titles=True)
    fig.suptitle(('The number of sources in the contour: %d\n\n' +
        '# DB connecting runtime: %.3f seconds\n' +
        '# Querying runtime: %.3f seconds\n' +
        '# Estimating runtime: %.3f seconds') %
            (len(rows), db_conneting_time, querying_time, estimating_time),

        a_chi, a_p = chisquare(short_a, long_a)
        b_chi, b_p = chisquare(short_b, long_b)
        c_chi, c_p = chisquare(short_c, long_c)

        chi2_map[i][4] = a_chi + b_chi + c_chi
        chi2_map[i][5] = np.log10(a_p) + np.log10(b_p) + np.log10(c_p)

    #print chi2_map
    #chi2_map[::,4] = np.log10(chi2_map[::,4])
    #print chi2_map

    return chi2_map, ids

if __name__ == '__main__':
    logger = Logger().getLogger()

    # Connect to DB
    conn = psycopg2.connect(database='taos-ii', user='******')

    # loop for different SNRs.
    SNRs = [np.inf, 30, 10, 5, 3]
    for m in range(len(SNRs)):
        logger.info('%s SNRs..' % (str(SNRs[m])))

        # set the same seed for each SNR,
        #so that the same sources are used.

        true_id = []
        pred_id = []
Пример #4

import os
import sys
import glob
import psycopg2
import pylab as pl
import numpy as np

from occultation.utils.logger import Logger
from occultation.tape.tape3 import EEP

logger = Logger().getLogger()
logger.info('Connet to DB..')
conn = psycopg2.connect(host='localhost', port='5432', database='taos-ii',
cur = conn.cursor()

# Drop the table if exists.
logger.info('Drop the existing table..')
cur.execute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS synthetic2')

# Create the table.
cur.execute('''CREATE TABLE synthetic2 (id serial PRIMARY KEY,
    b_index integer, t_index integer, a_index integer, d_index integer,
    b float, t float, a float, d float,
    width_a float, depth_a float, height_a float,
    width_b float, depth_b float, height_b float,
    width_c float, depth_c float, height_c float,
    flux_a float[], flux_b float[], flux_c float[]);''')
Пример #5
def mcmc(conn, flux_a, flux_b, flux_c, max_iter=100):
    logger = Logger().getLogger()

    # Connect DB
    cur = conn.cursor()

    # Search the DB.
    logger.info('Start MCMC DB searching..')
    start = time.time()
    chi2_map = np.zeros((max_iter, 6))
    # Search grid.
    b = np.linspace(-0.6, 0.6, 41)
    t = np.linspace(-0.02, 0.025, 10)
    a = [27.0, 28.0, 29.0, 30.0, 31.0, 32.0, 33.0, 34.0, 35.0, 36.0,
              37.0, 38.0, 39.0, 40.0, 41.0, 42.0, 43.0, 44.0, 45.0, 46.0,
            47.0, 48.0, 49.0, 50.0, 52.5, 55.0, 57.5, 60.0, 62.5, 65.0, 67.5,
              70.0, 72.5, 75.0, 77.5, 80.0, 82.5, 85.0, 87.5, 90.0,
              92.5, 95.0, 97.5,100.0,110.0,120.0,130.0,140.0, 150.0,
    d = [0.5,  0.6,  0.7,  0.8,  0.9,  1.0,  1.1,  1.2,
              1.3,  1.4,  1.5,  1.6,  1.7,  1.8,  1.9,  2.0,
            2.5,  3.0,  3.5,  4.0,  4.5,  5.0,  5.5,  6.0,  6.5,
              7.0,  7.5,  8.0,  8.5,  9.0,  9.5, 10.0,
            11.0, 12.0, 13.0, 14.0, 15.0, 16.0, 17.0, 18.0, 19.0,
              20.0, 21.0, 22.0, 23.0, 24.0, 25.0, 26.0,
                27.0, 28.0, 29.0, 30.0]

    #b = np.linspace(-0.6, 0.6, 41)
    #t = np.linspace(-0.025, 0.025, 11)
    #a = [30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 65, 75, 85, 95,
    #    100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 800, 1000]
    #d = [0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0, 4.5, 6.0, 7.5, 9.0,
    #    12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30]

    b = np.arange(len(b))
    t = np.arange(len(t))
    a = np.arange(len(a))
    d = np.arange(len(d))

    starting_point = [int(len(b)/2), int(len(t)/2), int(len(a)/2),
    starting_row = get_row(cur, starting_point)

    len_lc = len(starting_row[4])
    half_len_lc = len_lc / 2
    flux_dummy = flux_a[len(flux_a)/2 - half_len_lc:len(flux_a)/2 - half_len_lc + len_lc]
    a_pre_val, a_pre_p = chisquare(flux_dummy, starting_row[4])

    len_lc = len(starting_row[5])
    half_len_lc = len_lc / 2
    flux_dummy = flux_b[len(flux_b)/2 - half_len_lc:len(flux_b)/2 - half_len_lc + len_lc]
    b_pre_val, b_pre_p = chisquare(flux_dummy, starting_row[5])

    len_lc = len(starting_row[6])
    half_len_lc = len_lc / 2
    flux_dummy = flux_c[len(flux_c)/2 - half_len_lc:len(flux_c)/2 - half_len_lc + len_lc]
    c_pre_val, c_pre_p = chisquare(flux_dummy, starting_row[6])
    pre_p = a_pre_p * b_pre_p * c_pre_p
    chi2_map[0][0:4] = starting_row[0:4]

    chi2_map[0][4] = a_pre_val + b_pre_val + c_pre_val
    chi2_map[0][5] = pre_p

    #chi2_map[0][4] = b_pre_val
    #chi2_map[0][5] = b_pre_p

    pre_index = starting_point
    steps = 1
    rejected = 0
    total_query = 0
    while steps < max_iter:
        total_query += 1
        cur_b = get_next_index(b, pre_index[0])
        cur_t = get_next_index(t, pre_index[1])
        cur_a = get_next_index(a, pre_index[2])
        cur_d = get_next_index(d, pre_index[3])

        cur_index = [cur_b, cur_t, cur_a, cur_d]
        #print cur_index
        cur_row = get_row(cur, cur_index)

        len_lc = len(cur_row[4])
        half_len_lc = len_lc / 2
        flux_dummy = flux_a[len(flux_a)/2 - half_len_lc:len(flux_a)/2 - half_len_lc + len_lc]
        a_cur_val, a_cur_p = chisquare(flux_dummy, cur_row[4])

        len_lc = len(cur_row[5])
        half_len_lc = len_lc / 2
        flux_dummy = flux_b[len(flux_b)/2 - half_len_lc:len(flux_b)/2 - half_len_lc + len_lc]
        b_cur_val, b_cur_p = chisquare(flux_dummy, cur_row[5])

        len_lc = len(cur_row[6])
        half_len_lc = len_lc / 2
        flux_dummy = flux_c[len(flux_c)/2 - half_len_lc:len(flux_c)/2 - half_len_lc + len_lc]
        c_cur_val, c_cur_p = chisquare(flux_dummy, cur_row[6])

        cur_val = a_cur_val + b_cur_val + c_cur_val
        cur_p = a_cur_p * b_cur_p * c_cur_p

        #cur_val = a_cur_val + b_cur_val + c_cur_val
        #cur_p = b_cur_p

        #if cur_val > pre_val: # reject
        if cur_p < pre_p: # reject
            rejected += 1
            # accept
            criterion = np.random.random()
            #if cur_val / pre_val <= criterion:
            if cur_p / pre_p >= criterion:
                #print cur_val, pre_val, criterion, cur_index, pre_index
                pre_index = cur_index
                prev_val = cur_val

                # Set parameters
                chi2_map[steps][0:4] = cur_row[0:4]
                chi2_map[steps][4] = cur_val
                chi2_map[steps][5] = cur_p

                steps += 1
                # reject
                #print cur_val, pre_val, cur_val / pre_val, criterion
                rejected += 1
    #print chi2_map
    logger.info('MCMC estimating is done.')
    acceptance_rate = float(steps) / (steps + rejected)
    chi2_map[::,4] = np.log10(chi2_map[::,4])


    return chi2_map
Пример #6
    # Apply the offset.
    offset %= window_size
    arranged_x = x[offset:]

    # Reshape based on the size of the window.
    arranged_x = arranged_x[:(arranged_x.size // window_size) *
                            window_size].reshape(-1, window_size)

    # Derive mean values of each bin.
    down_x = arranged_x.mean(axis=1)

    # Return down-sampled (binned) results.
    return down_x

logger = Logger().getLogger()
logger.info('Connect to DB')
conn = psycopg2.connect(host='localhost', port='5432', database='taos-ii',
cur = conn.cursor()

base_sampling = 120
sampling = [10, 20, 30, 40]
obss = ['width', 'depth', 'height']
tels = [1, 2, 3]

# Drop the table if exists.
logger.info('Drop the existing table')
cur.execute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS synthetic4')
Пример #7
                # Failure code -2.
                return np.nan, -2, 0

        n_iter += 1
    #print time.time() - start
    #print s_range, n_rows

    chi2_map, ids = construct_chi2_map(results,
                                       rows, base_sampling, curr_sampling)

    return chi2_map, ids, n_rows

if __name__ == '__main__':
    logger = Logger().getLogger()

    # Connect to DB
    conn = psycopg2.connect(database='taos-ii', user='******')

    # Basic information.
    base_sampling = 120
    obss = ['width', 'depth', 'height']
    tels = [1, 2, 3]

    # Sampling rates.
    curr_samplings = [40, 30, 20, 10]
    curr_samplings = [10]

    # For different SNRs.
    SNRs = [np.inf, 30, 10, 5, 3]
Пример #8
import os
import sys
import psycopg2
import psycopg2.extras
import numpy as np
import pylab as pl
import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec

from occultation.utils.logger import Logger

logger = Logger().getLogger()
logger.info('Connect to DB')
conn = psycopg2.connect(host='localhost', port='5432',
                        database='taos-ii', user='******')

logger.info('Select from DB')
cur = conn.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor)

base_sampling = 120
sampling = [20] # one of [10, 20, 30, 40]. ONLY ONE.
obss = ['width', 'depth', 'height']
tels = [1, 2, 3]

# Generate column names.
obs_string = []
for i in range(len(sampling)):
    b_bin_steps = base_sampling / sampling[i]
    for j in range(b_bin_steps):
        for tel in tels:
            for obs in obss:
        len_lc = len(rows[i][6])
        half_len_lc = len_lc / 2
        c_flux = flux[len(flux)/2 - half_len_lc:len(flux)/2 - half_len_lc + len_lc]
        chi2_map[i][4], chi2_map[i][5] = chisquare(c_flux, rows[i][6])

        #pl.step(c_flux, 'kx')
        #pl.step(rows[i][4], 'bx')
    #print chi2_map
    #chi2_map[::,4] = np.log10(chi2_map[::,4])
    #print chi2_map

    return chi2_map, ids

if __name__ == '__main__':
    logger = Logger().getLogger()

    # Connect to DB
    conn = psycopg2.connect(database='taos-ii', user='******')

    true_id = []
    pred_id = []
    true = []
    predicted = []
    for i in range(1000):
        logger.info('%dth search..' % (i + 1))
        # Select one random event (three light curves).
        results, c_id = select_random(conn)