Пример #1
def test_time_resampling(od, timeFreq, sampMethod):
    # Warning due to tiset(['1, 20'])me_midp
    with pytest.warns(UserWarning):
        new_od = od.subsample.cutout(timeFreq=timeFreq, sampMethod=sampMethod)
    if timeFreq == '12H':
        assert (len(new_od.dataset['time']) == np.ceil(
            len(od.dataset['time']) / 2))
    elif timeFreq == '6H':
        assert (len(new_od.dataset['time']) == len(od.dataset['time']))
    elif timeFreq == '1D' and sampMethod == 'mean':
        with pytest.warns(RuntimeWarning):
            # Test time only
            new_ds = new_od.dataset
            new_ds = new_ds.drop('time_midp')
            new_od = OceanDataset(new_ds)
            new_od.subsample.cutout(timeFreq='2D', sampMethod=sampMethod)
Пример #2
# Directory
Datadir = './oceanspy/tests/Data/'

# Test oceandataset
MITgcm_curv_nc = open_oceandataset.from_netcdf('{}MITgcm_curv_nc.nc'
MITgcm_rect_bin = open_oceandataset.from_netcdf('{}MITgcm_rect_bin.nc'
MITgcm_rect_nc = open_oceandataset.from_netcdf('{}MITgcm_rect_nc.nc'

# =======
# =======
od = MITgcm_curv_nc
moor_od = OceanDataset(od.dataset.expand_dims('mooring'))
Ywarn = od.dataset['YG'].min() - 1
Xwarn = od.dataset['XG'].min() - 1
Zwarn = od.dataset['Zp1'].min() - 1
Twarn = od.dataset['time'].min() - 1
YRange = [od.dataset['YG'].min(), od.dataset['YG'].max()]
XRange = [od.dataset['XG'].min(), od.dataset['XG'].max()]
ZRange = [od.dataset['Zp1'].min(), od.dataset['Zp1'].max()]
timeRange = [od.dataset['time'].values[0], od.dataset['time'].values[-1]]
dropAxes = ['Y', 'X', 'Z', 'time']
dropwarn = 'mooring'

@pytest.mark.parametrize("od, YRange, XRange, ZRange, timeRange, dropAxes",
                         [(od, YRange, XRange, ZRange, timeRange, dropwarn),
                          (od, Ywarn, XRange, ZRange, timeRange, ['time']),