Пример #1
    def test_binning(self):
        Changing the binning shouldn't affect the position
        binning x2 => same position (so shift in pixel / 2)
        # At pos 0, 0
        im0 = self.camera.data.get()

        # Move a little bit in X,Y => should have a different image shifted by the same amount
        self.camera.updateMetadata({model.MD_POS: (10e-6, 20e-6)})
        im_move1 = self.camera.data.get()

        # Change to binning 2
        self.camera.binning.value = (2, 2)
        self.camera.updateMetadata({model.MD_PIXEL_SIZE: (2e-6, 2e-6)
                                    })  # Normally updated by the mdupdater

        im_move2 = self.camera.data.get()
        assert_tuple_almost_equal((0, 0),
                                  MeasureShift(im_move1[::2, ::2], im_move2,
        assert_tuple_almost_equal((5, -10),
                                  MeasureShift(im0[::2, ::2], im_move2, 10),
Пример #2
    def test_different_precisions(self):
        Tests for image drifted by random drift value using different precisions.
        drift = MeasureShift(self.data[0], self.data_random_drifted, 1)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(drift, (self.deltac, self.deltar), 0)

        drift = MeasureShift(self.data[0], self.data_random_drifted, 10)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(drift, (self.deltac, self.deltar), 1)

        drift = MeasureShift(self.data[0], self.data_random_drifted, 100)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(drift, (self.deltac, self.deltar), 2)

        drift = MeasureShift(self.data[0], self.data_random_drifted, 1000)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(drift, (self.deltac, self.deltar), 3)
Пример #3
 def test_small_random_drift_noisy(self):
     Tests for image drifted by random drift value after noise is added.
     drift = MeasureShift(self.small_data,
                          self.small_data_random_drifted_noisy, 10)
         drift, (self.small_deltac, self.small_deltar), 0)
Пример #4
    def estimate(self):
        Estimate the additional drift since previous acquisition+estimation.
        Note: It should be only called once after every acquisition.
        To read the value again, use .drift.
        To read the total drift since the first acquisition, use .tot_drift
        return (float, float): estimated extra drift in X/Y SEM px since last
        # Calculate the drift between the last two frames and
        # between the last and first frame
        if len(self.raw) > 1:
            # Note: prev_drift and drift, don't represent exactly the same
            # value as the previous image also had drifted. So we need to
            # include also the drift of the previous image.
            # Also, MeasureShift return the shift in image pixels, which is
            # different (usually bigger) from the SEM px.
            prev_drift = MeasureShift(self.raw[-2], self.raw[-1], 10)
            prev_drift = (prev_drift[0] * self._scale[0] + self.drift[0],
                          prev_drift[1] * self._scale[1] + self.drift[1])

            orig_drift = MeasureShift(self.raw[0], self.raw[-1], 10)
            self.drift = (orig_drift[0] * self._scale[0],
                          orig_drift[1] * self._scale[1])

            logging.debug("Current drift: %s", self.drift)
            logging.debug("Previous frame diff: %s", prev_drift)
            if (abs(self.drift[0] - prev_drift[0]) > 5 * self._scale[0] or
                abs(self.drift[1] - prev_drift[1]) > 5 * self._scale[1]):
                # TODO: in such case, add the previous and current image to .raw
                logging.warning("Drift cannot be measured precisely, "
                                "hesitating between %s and %s px",
                                self.drift, prev_drift)

            # Update drift since the original position
            self.tot_drift = (self.tot_drift[0] + self.drift[0],
                              self.tot_drift[1] + self.drift[1])

            # Update maximum drift
            if math.hypot(*self.tot_drift) > math.hypot(*self.max_drift):
                self.max_drift = self.tot_drift

        return self.drift
Пример #5
    def test_move_around(self):
        Test that moving the "stage" moves the image
        # At pos 0, 0
        im0 = self.camera.data.get()
        self.assertEqual(self.camera.resolution.value[::-1], im0.shape[:2])
        im1 = self.camera.data.get()
        assert_tuple_almost_equal((0, 0),
                                  MeasureShift(im0, im1, 10),

        # Move a little bit in X,Y => should have a different image shifted by the same amount
        self.camera.updateMetadata({model.MD_POS: (10e-6, 20e-6)})
        im_move1 = self.camera.data.get()
        # Y is opposite direction in pixels, compared to physical
        assert_tuple_almost_equal((10, -20),
                                  MeasureShift(im0, im_move1, 10),

        # Move a little bit => should have a different image
        self.camera.updateMetadata({model.MD_POS: (100e-6, 200e-6)})
        im_move1 = self.camera.data.get()
        # Note: images are always different, due to synthetic noise
        test.assert_array_not_equal(im0, im_move1)

        # Move the opposite direction
        self.camera.updateMetadata({model.MD_POS: (-100e-6, -200e-6)})
        im_move2 = self.camera.data.get()
        test.assert_array_not_equal(im0, im_move2)
        test.assert_array_not_equal(im_move1, im_move2)

        # Move far => should "block" on the border
        self.camera.updateMetadata({model.MD_POS: (-1000e-6, -2000e-6)})
        im_move_f1 = self.camera.data.get()
        #         test.assert_array_not_equal(im0, im_move_f1)

        # Move even further => no change
        self.camera.updateMetadata({model.MD_POS: (-10000e-6, -20000e-6)})
        im_move_f2 = self.camera.data.get()
Пример #6
def measure_shift(da, db, use_md=True):
    use_md (bool): if False, will not use metadata and assume the 2 images are
      of the same area
    return (float, float): shift of the second image compared to the first one,
     in pixels of the first image.
    da_res = da.shape[1], da.shape[0] # X/Y are inverted
    db_res = db.shape[1], db.shape[0]
    if any(sa < sb for sa, sb in zip(da_res, db_res)):
        logging.warning("Comparing a large image %s to a small image %s, you should do the opposite", db_res, da_res)

    # if db FoV is smaller than da, crop da
    if use_md:
        dafov = [pxs * s for pxs, s in zip(da.metadata[model.MD_PIXEL_SIZE], da_res)]
        dbfov = [pxs * s for pxs, s in zip(db.metadata[model.MD_PIXEL_SIZE], db_res)]
        fov_ratio = [fa / fb for fa, fb in zip(dafov, dbfov)]
        fov_ratio = (1, 1)
    if any(r < 1 for r in fov_ratio):
        logging.warning("Cannot compare an image with a large FoV %g to a small FoV %g",
                        dbfov, dafov)
        shift_px = measure_shift(db, da)
        return [-s for s in shift_px]

    crop_res = [int(s / r) for s, r in zip(da_res, fov_ratio)]
    logging.debug("Cropping da to %s", crop_res)
    da_ctr = [s // 2 for s in da_res]
    da_lt = [int(c - r // 2) for c, r in zip(da_ctr, crop_res)]
    da_crop = da[da_lt[1]: da_lt[1] + crop_res[1],
                 da_lt[0]: da_lt[0] + crop_res[0]]

    scale = [sa / sb for sa, sb in zip(da_crop.shape, db.shape)]
    if scale[0] != scale[1]:
        raise ValueError("Comparing images with different zooms levels %s on each axis is not supported" % (scale,))

    # Resample the smaller image to fit the resolution of the larger image
    if scale[0] < 1:
        # The "big" image has actually less pixels than the small FoV image
        # => zoom the big image, and compensate later for the shift
        logging.info("Rescaling large FoV image by scale %f", 1 / scale[0])
        da_crop = zoom(da_crop, 1 / scale[0])
        db_big = db
        shift_ratio = scale[0]
        logging.info("Rescaling small FoV image by scale %f", scale[0])
        db_big = zoom(db, scale[0])
        shift_ratio = 1
    # Apply phase correlation
    shift_px = MeasureShift(da_crop, db_big, 10)

    return shift_px[0] * shift_ratio, shift_px[1] * shift_ratio
Пример #7
 def test_small_identical_inputs_noisy(self):
     Tests for input of identical images after noise is added.
     drift = MeasureShift(self.small_data, self.small_data_noisy, 1)
     numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(drift, (0, 0), 0)
Пример #8
 def test_small_identical_inputs(self):
     Tests for input of identical images.
     drift = MeasureShift(self.small_data, self.small_data, 1)
     numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(drift, (0, 0), 0)
Пример #9
 def test_known_drift_noisy(self):
     Tests for image drifted by known drift value after noise is added.
     drift = MeasureShift(self.data[0], self.data_drifted_noisy, 1)
     numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(drift, (-3, 5), 1)
Пример #10
 def test_random_drift(self):
     Tests for image drifted by random drift value.
     drift = MeasureShift(self.data[0], self.data_random_drifted, 10)
     numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(drift, (self.deltac, self.deltar), 1)
Пример #11
 def test_known_drift(self):
     Tests for image drifted by known drift value.
     drift = MeasureShift(self.data[0], self.data_drifted[0], 1)
     numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(drift, (-3, 5), 1)
Пример #12
def read_timelapse(infn, emfn, fmfn):
    infn (str): pattern for input filename
    emfn: sem output filename
    fmfn: fluorescence output filename

    infiles = sorted(glob.glob(infn))

    if not infiles:
        raise ValueError("No file fitting '%s'" % (infn, ))

    emdata = {}  # timestamp -> tuple of info (X/Y, overlay X/Y)
    fmdata = {}  # timestamp -> tuple of info (X/Y)
    emda_prev = emda0 = fmda_prev = fmda0 = None
    for i, infl in enumerate(infiles):
        logging.info("Processing %s (%d/%d)", infl, i + 1, len(infiles))

            # Read the file
            reader = dataio.find_fittest_converter(infl)
            das = reader.read_data(infl)

            # Read the metadata (we expect one fluo image and one SEM image)
            fmpos = empos = emda = fmda = fmfoc = emfoc = None
            for da in das:
                if model.MD_IN_WL in da.metadata:  # Fluo image
                    fmpos = da.metadata[
                        MD_POS]  # this one has the overlay translation included
                    fmdate = da.metadata[model.MD_ACQ_DATE]
                    fmda = da
                    fmpxs = da.metadata[model.MD_PIXEL_SIZE]
                    fmfoc = autofocus.MeasureOpticalFocus(da)
                else:  # SEM
                    empos = da.metadata[model.MD_POS]
                    emdate = da.metadata[model.MD_ACQ_DATE]
                    emda = da
                    empxs = da.metadata[model.MD_PIXEL_SIZE]
                    emfoc = autofocus.MeasureSEMFocus(da)

            # Overlay translation
            ovlpos = fmpos[0] - empos[0], fmpos[1] - empos[1]

            # Compute drift from first image and previous image
            if i == 0:
                emda0 = emda
                fmda0 = fmda
                emdriftm = 0, 0
                empdriftm = 0, 0
                fmdriftm = 0, 0
                fmpdriftm = 0, 0
                emdrift = MeasureShift(emda0, emda, 10)  # in pixels
                emdriftm = emdrift[0] * empxs[0], emdrift[1] * empxs[1]
                logging.info("Computed total EM drift of %s px = %s m",
                             emdrift, emdriftm)

                empdrift = MeasureShift(emda_prev, emda, 10)  # in pixels
                empdriftm = empdrift[0] * empxs[0], empdrift[1] * empxs[1]
                logging.info("Computed previous EM drift of %s px = %s m",
                             empdrift, empdriftm)

                fmdrift = MeasureShift(fmda0, fmda, 10)  # in pixels
                fmdriftm = fmdrift[0] * fmpxs[0], fmdrift[1] * fmpxs[1]
                logging.info("Computed total FM drift of %s px = %s m",
                             fmdrift, fmdriftm)

                fmpdrift = MeasureShift(fmda_prev, fmda, 10)  # in pixels
                fmpdriftm = fmpdrift[0] * fmpxs[0], fmpdrift[1] * fmpxs[1]
                logging.info("Computed previous FM drift of %s px = %s m",
                             fmpdrift, fmpdriftm)

            emdata[emdate] = (empos[0], empos[1], ovlpos[0], ovlpos[1],
                              emdriftm[0], emdriftm[1], empdriftm[0],
                              empdriftm[1], emfoc)
            fmdata[fmdate] = (fmpos[0], fmpos[1], fmdriftm[0], fmdriftm[1],
                              fmpdriftm[0], fmpdriftm[1], fmfoc)

            emda_prev = emda
            fmda_prev = fmda
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            logging.info("Closing after only %d images processed", i)
        except Exception:
            logging.exception("Failed to read %s", infl)

    # export the data
    logging.info("Exporting the data...")
        emdata, emfn,
        "timestamp, posx, posy, overlay x, overlay y, total drift x, total drift y, prev drift x, prev drift y, focus level\n"
        fmdata, fmfn,
        "timestamp, posx, posy, total drift x, total drift y, prev drift x, prev drift y, focus level\n"

    return 0