Пример #1
    def get_solver(self, func):
        Returns the solver method from odespy package.

            func: function
            function with ODE system.

        Returns: an instance of odeSolver


        if self.solverMethod is solverMethod.LSODA:
            solver = odespy.Lsoda(func)
        elif self.solverMethod is solverMethod.LSODAR:
            solver = odespy.Lsodar(func)
        elif self.solverMethod is solverMethod.LSODE:
            solver = odespy.Lsode(func)
        elif self.solverMethod is solverMethod.HEUN:
            solver = odespy.Heun(func)
        elif self.solverMethod is solverMethod.EULER:
            solver = odespy.Euler(func)
        elif self.solverMethod is solverMethod.RK4:
            solver = odespy.RK4(func)
        elif self.solverMethod is solverMethod.DORMAN_PRINCE:
            solver = odespy.DormandPrince(func)
        elif self.solverMethod is solverMethod.RKFehlberg:
            solver = odespy.RKFehlberg(func)
        elif self.solverMethod is solverMethod.Dopri5:
            solver = odespy.Dopri5(func)
        elif self.solverMethod is solverMethod.Dop853:
            solver = odespy.Dop853(func)
        elif self.solverMethod is solverMethod.Vode:
            solver = odespy.Vode(func)
        elif self.solverMethod is solverMethod.AdamsBashforth2:
            solver = odespy.AdamsBashforth2(func, method='bdf')
        elif self.solverMethod is solverMethod.Radau5:
            solver = odespy.Radau5(func)
        elif self.solverMethod is solverMethod.AdamsBashMoulton2:
            solver = odespy.AdamsBashMoulton2(func)

        # update default parameters
        solver.nsteps = SolverConfigurations.N_STEPS
        solver.atol = SolverConfigurations.ABSOLUTE_TOL
        solver.rtol = SolverConfigurations.RELATIVE_TOL

        return solver
Пример #2
        w_F=2 * np.pi)  # qualitatively wrong FE, almost ok BE, smaller T
#f = RHS(b=0.4, A_F=20, w_F=0.5*np.pi)  # cool, FE almost there, BE good

# Define different sets of experiments
solvers_theta = [
    # Implicit methods must use Newton solver to converge
    odespy.BackwardEuler(f, nonlinear_solver='Newton'),
    odespy.CrankNicolson(f, nonlinear_solver='Newton'),

solvers_RK = [odespy.RK2(f), odespy.RK4(f)]
solvers_accurate = [
    odespy.CrankNicolson(f, nonlinear_solver='Newton'),
    odespy.DormandPrince(f, atol=0.001, rtol=0.02)
solvers_CN = [odespy.CrankNicolson(f, nonlinear_solver='Newton')]

if __name__ == '__main__':
    timesteps_per_period = 20
    solver_collection = 'theta'
    num_periods = 1
        # Example: python vib_odespy.py 30 accurate 50
        timesteps_per_period = int(sys.argv[1])
        solver_collection = sys.argv[2]
        num_periods = int(sys.argv[3])
    except IndexError:
        pass  # default values are ok
    solvers = eval('solvers_' + solver_collection)  # list of solvers
Пример #3
import scitools.std as plt

def f(u, t):
    return -a * u

def exact_solution(t):
    return I * np.exp(-a * t)

I = 1
a = 2
T = 5
tol = float(sys.argv[1])
solver = odespy.DormandPrince(f, atol=tol, rtol=0.1 * tol)

N = 1  # just one step - let the scheme find its intermediate points
t_mesh = np.linspace(0, T, N + 1)
t_fine = np.linspace(0, T, 10001)

u, t = solver.solve(t_mesh)

# u and t will only consist of [I, u^N] and [0,T]
# solver.u_all and solver.t_all contains all computed points
plt.plot(solver.t_all, solver.u_all, 'ko')
plt.plot(t_fine, exact_solution(t_fine), 'b-')
plt.legend(['tol=%.0E' % tol, 'exact'])