Пример #1
    def to_python(self, value):
        _uid = RequestUID(value=value, converter=self)
        env = api.Environment(request.cr, _uid, request.context)

        record_id = None
        field = getattr(request.registry[self.model], "_seo_url_field", None)
        if field and field in request.registry[self.model]._fields:
            cur_lang = (request.context or {}).get("lang", "en_US")
            langs = [cur_lang] + [
                lang for lang, _ in env["res.lang"].sudo().get_installed()
                if lang != cur_lang
            for lang in langs:
                res = (env[self.model].with_context(lang=lang).sudo().search([
                    (field, "=", value)
                if res:
                    record_id = res[0].id

        if record_id:
            return env[self.model].browse(record_id)

        # fallback to original implementation
        self.regex = _UNSLUG_RE.pattern
        return super().to_python(value)
Пример #2
 def to_python(self, value):
     matching = re.match(self.regex, value)
     _uid = RequestUID(value=value, match=matching, converter=self)
     record_id = int(matching.group(2))
     env = api.Environment(request.cr, _uid, request.context)
     if record_id < 0:
         # limited support for negative IDs due to our slug pattern, assume abs() if not found
         if not env[self.model].browse(record_id).exists():
             record_id = abs(record_id)
     return env[self.model].browse(record_id)